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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9503565 No.9503565 [Reply] [Original]

What's on your mind /jp/? You can tell me.

>> No.9503571

I wish I had a jet plane. With DLC textures from The Idol Master or something.

>> No.9503573

Some random guy added me after I Played some tf2. I had to strain myself just to think of things to say to not sound like a jerk.

Hold me /jp/

>> No.9503579

Anime Pussy

>> No.9503587

>Summer hw that i've procrastinated on
>school coming up
>whether or not god exists
>if i can be more socially successful next year

>> No.9503591

Just say hello or something, or ask him if he'd like to play.

>> No.9503592

I'm scared of my family trip. It means I have to leave the house.

>> No.9503599 [DELETED] 


I'm really bad at conversating, but I have to give it a try.

>> No.9503598

College fees health issues and what I am going to do with my life.

Also I was gifted a Russian copy of Stalker which is funny but it also upsets me.

>> No.9503602


I'm terrible at conversation, but I must give it a try.

>> No.9503603

>if i can be more socially successful next year
Honestly, why are you even here?

>> No.9503606

I'm worried that I'm boring my friend. When we met, I think he might have gotten the wrong idea and thought I was better than I really am. I just want to make him happy, but I think I've just become a huge disappointment to him. I don't know what to do anymore.

>> No.9503609

I have been friends with someone on the internet for quite some time. We're both little girls so even if I fall for her, I think it'll be okay.

>> No.9503612

That's how I met a person who ended up being someone very very special to me. I later fucked it up though. I don't know if the same thing will happen to you, but you never know.

>> No.9503614
File: 270 KB, 739x734, homulegs1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I might want to have sex with a real 3d woman, OP.

The problem is, I'm a 22 year old virgin and I don't know any girls, let alone any girls that would touch my peepee. I also can't afford sophisticated sexdolls. What do I do to satisfy myself? I crave the touch of another human being on my genitals.

Also, Dune is a shitty book.

>> No.9503621

It's my birthday tomorrow. I'll be 22. That's another year closer to 30, where I will reevaluate my life and kill myself if I judge it lacking.

Just 8 more years. It was so far away, back when I was 17.

>> No.9503623


Uh, thanks anon. That really cheered me up. I'll make sure to give it my all.

>> No.9503624

You sure are dark and edgy

>> No.9503628

If you don't like your life go and change it.
If you can't there is nobody to blame but yourself.
Honestly, the thing you desire is not that hard.
Look at all these people who go to clubs and have kids.
If they can manipulate women into having sex with them ANYONE can with some efford

>> No.9503625

Suck my cock, jolly chap.

>> No.9503633

Oh also, get the fuck out

>> No.9503639
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But that's a bunch of work and I don't wanna do work I just wanna bang a pussy/butthole and maybe cuddle a bit.

>> No.9503635

Here's the thing. I might be going insane.

Recently, I finished playing every single game that I've wanted to play and watched every single thing I've wanted to watch. The past few months have been me asking people what other things might interest me, but I always end up empty-handed. It's like I'm looking for something that isn't there. And yet, I know that tomorrow, I will keep looking for new media to entertain me the whole day, and that I will probably fail again.

Thankfully, new stuff comes out sometimes, so that helps for a day or two. Otherwise, I think I might start taking walks outside for fun.

>> No.9503646

Though luck, turbonerd.
There are ways to get sex for pathetic people like you but if you are too stupid to figure them out by yourself you truly don't deserve to breath

>> No.9503651

Try new things out even if you think you might be not interested in them.

>> No.9503657

I would do more of these if I had the money. I just have a body and a computer. Those are my limits.

>> No.9503658

Well currently I'm feeling a little down because I'm tired and I don't know what to do right now. I won't go to bed because I'll just toss and turn.

I'm also a little worried about college starting up in the Fall and I can just imagine all the things that could go wrong for me on my first day of class. At least most of my classes are online I suppose.

>> No.9503662

How much Japanese would be required for me to play, understand and enjoy a game like Trails in the Sky Second Chapter.

>> No.9503664

Try visiting a libary and read some books, that's usually really cheap.
Or pirate books on the internet

>> No.9503665

Boo fucking hoo, welcome to the real world where you have to work for a living.

Why not evaluate yourself off this board you whiny bitch?

>> No.9503673

That was uncalled for.

>> No.9503677

You don't though.

I can just sponge off of taxpayers like yourself, and life in my far better artifical reality.

Keep up the good work!

>> No.9503678

I don't like reading books unless they have pretty pictures, and I've "read`` all the ones that I would like.

Please stop bullying.

>> No.9503683

I clipped my fingernails too closely and managed to cut myself pretty bad today, I can see the little ends of some capillaries underneath my nail since I stopped the bleeding and cleaned it up.

>> No.9503688

Unless you are a Canadian Baconer then you aren't getting a penny of my money

>> No.9503693

> Boo fucking hoo

I hate when people do this. All he did is state his circumstances. It's not as though he felt sorry for himself.

>> No.9503690


whatr the HELL


i just fall of my chair kuz i couldnt and i CANT stop laugh

>> No.9503709

>implying it's not difficult as FUCK to get a job

to be in good company

>> No.9503712

Try /soc/

>> No.9503715


>> No.9503717

but i like the anime aspect of /jp/

>> No.9503720

/jp/ doesn't likes your social aspect though

>> No.9503726
File: 87 KB, 720x540, 1341184407369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to be president and deport all people who aren't white.

>> No.9503729
File: 8 KB, 111x189, 1320559208613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9503733

you don't like the fact that i'm going to try to make friends next year?

>> No.9503735

I'm brooding over whether to eat an ice cream cone or not. It's one of the harder decisions I've had to make.

>> No.9503741

Don't do it, trust me.

>> No.9503743

Thank god you post with a trip.

>> No.9503745

But my mother's ice cream gallon is thawing on the cabinet. If I get one now it'll be nice, soft, and easy to scoop out...

>> No.9503753

My dad is an fucking asshole. Lying scamming bastard who takes my money.

>> No.9503759


>> No.9503765

・Why are there so many new trippers?
・I'm having trouble getting into ``The Moon is a Harsh Mistress."
・I wonder if I'll only ever be good at the PC-98 games....
・I think I might be hungry
・None of these doujin games I downloaded are any fun...
・I want to read/watch/play something mindfuck-y but I get scared easily...
・Why are the people who translate LNs so bad at English? I'm not talking about the translations, just the awkward phrasing and their piss-poor grammar.
・I hope my unemployment extension went through; I could really use that money.
・Why is /jp/ so shitty lately, and why are there no active chans other than 4chan?
・I could make a pizza...aw fuck I already took my meds; I'll be asleep by the time it's done goddamnit.

>> No.9503775

How do I get money from finnish welfare? Mol.fi keeps talking about scary things like work and education, which I'd like to avoid.

>> No.9503778

I didn't eat it.

>> No.9503781



I imagine you just go to the welfare office and tell them you don't wanna work because it makes you sad and they'll give you a free house and all the food you want, judging from so many other European welfare systems around you.

>> No.9503782

I'm moving into my own apartment soon and that horrifies me so totally I'm not sure how I'll do it.

Plus I have a friend rooming with me that I used to like and I might still have feelings for but I don't know if I do and I'm afraid it will be even more awkward then normal.

>> No.9503786

Never leave your room.
Nothing bad will happen.

>> No.9503787

is tripping looked down upon in /jp/?

>> No.9503791

Only if you are full of shit

>> No.9503793

Yes, you moron.
Last time I checked, it was frowned upon on pretty much every board, but /jp/ is like my house in that I never leave it.

>> No.9503796

Which is most of the time.

>> No.9503800

Thinking about how much I would fuck a younger version of me if time travel was real. But I don't think I would go through with it if time travel WAS real...

>> No.9503802

But all my food is outside in the fridge, what do I do?

I'm seriously worried about this.

>> No.9503806

i try not to be

>> No.9503807

I have about 8 days left of my medicine, and no insurance to get another prescription to get more.
I'm a little scared but it at least will give me a reason to off myself soon.

>> No.9503808

get a mini-fridge, order all food from Amazon.

>> No.9503811

He will still have to leave his room to pick up the order!

>> No.9503813

It is because it draw's unnecessary attention. Sometimes it can be useful, if perhaps you have some project going on and want to update it proves who you are. Seeing as that's not the case, it's better to remain Anonymous.

>> No.9503814

hey, man, tumblr's over that-a-way -->

>> No.9503815

Not that guy, but I've considered ordering food online. But from what I can see, it looks like it'd be much more expensive.

>> No.9503823

yeah, but it's minimal and he can prepare to only have to do it once a month.

Amazon offers that prime shit where you get free 2-day shipping for $80 a year. I looked into doing this, but I don't feel like I order enough for it to be worth it. IDK, it would sure beat having to go to the grocery store ever....

>> No.9503829

Ordering is to expensive, but I never thought about a mini-fridge! I'll have to do that!

Avoiding him in the toilet will be hard, I think, to, with a single bathroom.

What if I leave my room to "do business" and we make eye contact?

>> No.9503835

Just mumble a noise and act hungover.
If he's a nice person he'll leave you alone.

>> No.9503836

I need to get my own apartment, but can't find the motivation to start searching.

>> No.9503857

I havent worked on a course im doing right now in over a week, and im probably going to miss deadlines

I was supposed to send in my transcript for university applications by august 1st, and did on july 29, so far they havent confirmed my acceptance, i dont know if I'm going to even be in school in september

I've been injured and haven't lifted in 11 weeks

even though I applied before the residency guarantee to my school, I havent got a room offer yet, so even I get final acceptance I dont know if im going to have a place to stay

I havent practiced drawing in over a week due to pathetic apathy

I've been meaning to order some things online but I just havent for some reason

my graphics card drivers on my computer keep crashing, but I dontknowhow to fix them

I'm going to be incredibly sad when the olympics are over, because I've really been liking them.

My interest in anime, and video games is wavering I think which saddens me

my problems really arent that much I guess,but If I slip into neetdom ill probably become horribly depressed.

>> No.9503859

Unfortunately, it seems I'll have to get a job soon. Should I become a detective or a librarian? I can't decide.

>> No.9503863

Sure is normal in here.

>> No.9503866

A detective contributes to upholding the broken judicial system. Become a librarian. You'd also be able to visit /jp/ while at work.

>> No.9503869

Doesn't that take a fancy degree? And I don't think there's a big demand for librarians. But if anyone could correct me that'd be nice. I used to want to be one when I was younger.

>> No.9503875

you can probably google these kinds of things

>> No.9503880

bachelor's in library sciences.
good luck finding a university that still does that.

>> No.9503885

You can major in Libraries.

>> No.9503889

Yeah, I figured being a librarian would allow me to take it easy significantly more than being a detective would. I just considered becoming one because it was my dream as a child. ;_;

You should give it a try too if you'd like. There's something called "library science" (which many people say isn't actually science, but anyway). As for demand, I think it depends on where you live.

>> No.9503896

I wish I had the power to delete threads.

This would be the first one I delete.

>> No.9503900

This one, really? It may be offtopic and all but there are plenty of worse threads on /jp/ right now.

>> No.9503905

Oh this one gets canned, but you'd leave that 3DPD worship thread going?
Well, fuck you.

>> No.9503914


>> No.9503921

fake liek ur dick amirite?

>> No.9503933

During the /jp/ calm I feel I am in the core of /jp/.
In that moment I temporarily become one with /jp/.
I breathe through /jp/, it becomes my lifeblood.
Every post on /jp/ becomes my post, and all my posts become /jp/'s.
During these few minutes I feel drunk, invincible and frail.

Then someone posts 3DPD /soc/ shit and the dream is over.

>> No.9503938

I love Marisa.

>> No.9503941

I am all too familiar with that feel, sir.

>> No.9503942

Yuri/lesbians do nothing for me. Am I homo?

>> No.9503949

idk do dicks do it for you?

>> No.9503958

Yes, the act has to involve a penis but also has to feature a female.

>> No.9503961

I don't think you're more homo than most straight guys, then. Don't worry so much about it.

>> No.9503979



>> No.9503986

how nice of you to post a link for yourself so you don't get lost~~

>> No.9503989

Still it is a strange feeling to go through 10 pages of /u/ and leave without a boner.

Everything over there feels staged and unnatural. Yet I've picked up far more unnatural fetishes over the years I've spent on 4chan.

>> No.9503992

I don't get off to yuri, either. Perhaps it isn't "exciting" enough for you?

>> No.9504021

Use 4chanX to hide that word, i fucking hate "waifu" too.

>> No.9504053

Whether or not real computation is possible and if it isn't due to the holographic principle and the bekenstein bound that we're probably living in a simulation and free will is an illusion.

>> No.9504076

I've learned to overlook 3D Idol stuff on /jp/. Those threads are mostly image dumps anyways.

What I meant are the threads where individual posters try to break distance and bring the real world to /jp/ through methods such as tripcodes despite there already being an infinite number of better venues for such social behavior.

The coziness of /jp/ is attributed to the distance kept between posters. The whole "pretending" culture enforces this.
Pretending to be little girls.
Pretending to be pedophiles.
Pretending NEETdom is desirable.
Pretending we have written off the 3D realm.

In fact, the word "3DPD" and 2D worship is just an extension of this pretension seeing as 2D art is nothing but interpretation of 3D shapes in 2D form. Every brush stroke aims to bring extra dimension to 2D.
For an image to be truly 2D it cannot have light or shadow to implicate form. Every shadow fold of an 2D garment mimics it's 3D counterpart.

If we can keep pretending we will never truly break distance. And distance is comforting.

>> No.9504091


According to the holographic principle all reality is just a 3D projection of a 2D layer.

We're all living in 2D we just don't realize it. We are the anime.

>> No.9504171
File: 24 KB, 500x400, 418246_333413293413557_1828593064_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the hell am i still awake?

>> No.9504224

>In fact, the word "3DPD" and 2D worship is just an extension of this pretension seeing as 2D art is nothing but interpretation of 3D shapes in 2D form. Every brush stroke aims to bring extra dimension to 2D.
For an image to be truly 2D it cannot have light or shadow to implicate form. Every shadow fold of an 2D garment mimics it's 3D counterpart.

fuck, thank you for articulating this. everytime i've tried to explain this whenever I venture to /a/ all I get is "normalfag" and blah blah am I cool yet guys comments. Fucking /a/

>> No.9504246


Techniaclly that's wrong. Our eyes perceive in 2D, our brain just gives us an illusion of 3D by interpolating the two images and calculating depth using some trigonometry.

An image is 3D if it can't be accurately represented on a flat surface. A photo from a camera and a drawing are 2D, just like a flat circle is.

A "real" 3D image would be a hologram. Images as we know them are just shadows, of slice representations of 3 dimensional fields.

>> No.9504247

i made a facebook and now i feel awful. it is like i am departing from who i really am, a person who lives in his imagination.

>> No.9504252

>Pretending to be pedophiles.


>> No.9504256

moving into my off-campus house and how i'm going to feed myself and get to class

it's 1 mile from campus and i don't have a car

at least it's not the dorms

>> No.9504257

I just realised that i missed the deadline for re-enrollment at my university.

>> No.9504260

Hey guys.

If you masturbate to loli you are a pedophile. This is a fact, don't bother trying to argue.

>> No.9504272

Whey there is a lack of good MMOs to play with /jp/ lately.

There's iRO but the threads die out too fast.

On the other hand Lime Odyssey is coming out. Soon.

>> No.9504275

agreed, but I dont agree with 2D pedo porn being immoral

>> No.9504282

Jacking off to 3D pedo porn isn't immoral either. How does it hurt the girl if you cum to her picture?

>> No.9504298

she's being prostituted to make the picture, so the consumption of it is immoral and exploitative.

>> No.9504305

I'm trying to change myself. I need ambition.

>> No.9504306

>she's being prostituted to make the picture
[citation needed]

Most of the time it's a close family friend and she enjoys it. Besides, the act is going to happen whether I view the picture or not.

>> No.9504308

That's the hardest part.

>> No.9504314

I can't find a game to play. I want to play an MMO, but I'm too poor to pay.

>> No.9504320

you're perpetuating the culture of it by participating.

and she is being posting on the internet naked. she will probably enjoy it until she is 20 and realises she's naked on the internet at age 6

this has all been said a million times and you fail to consider that what you are doing can be incredibly harmful.

furthermore, if she didn't want to do it, who can she appeal to? the parents are the protectors and can persuade or force her into it.

>> No.9504332

>Most of the time it's a close family friend and she enjoys it.
[citation needed]

>> No.9504350

>you're perpetuating the culture

Whatever you say, nerd. The act that you clearly resent happens whether I view the picture or not, me looking at an image changes nothing. Going after people who look at CP online is pointless, they aren't hurting anyone.

>> No.9504357

If you were familiar with the material you would understand what I'm talking about, pleb.

My previous post was meant to be a response to the person above you, by the way, if that wasn't clear.

>> No.9504447

After failing my last year of college due to spending too much time on the internet, I'm fully going back to real life, I'm quitting the dream since I couldn't into autism bucks and my parents are getting old.

I'll just make up some stories about alcoholism and try to get into church, hopefully they will be kind to me. I know they will all be fake though.

I wish I didn't have to choose between my hobbies and normalcy. At least I'll always have the boorus.

I feel really bad for what the Finnish shitposters did to you, /jp/. This board didn't deserve it, they should've spammed /a/ instead.

>> No.9504454

Move to an immigrant's welfare paradise like Finland or Sweden and you'll be able to shitpost all day without a worry in the world like any true finn.

>> No.9504461

The finnish at least can have ladyboys.

>> No.9504472

I've never missed being a NEET as much as I do now. I've been studying Japanese in an official setting for normalfag recognition, but I'm struggling just to keep up. I have a midterm tomorrow and I'm probably going to fail it. I want to return, but being slightly educated, I know the welfare state is fucked and so I have start planning to infiltrate the normalfags... Why is life so difficult? There's no way to win, just a series of bad choices...

>> No.9504482

Dude, it's not like welfare will disappear completely in the first world. And you aren't "infiltrating" the normals, you ARE a normal. What I'm trying to say is... get out, and don't come back please.

>> No.9504485
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If you're going to get philosophical about being /jp/, then don't forget your fate...

>> No.9504489
File: 1.14 MB, 1792x1412, eagle american flag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you fucking deadbeats burn in hell. Stop leeching off my hard earned tax dollars, worthless bags of shit.

My grandparents didn't come to America so they could pay to support someone else who is 300 pounds and jacks off to chinese drawings.

>> No.9504490

Hey you know you can just switch to sfw anime and fap away.
Police can't jail you and your morals won't get into the way.

>> No.9504491

Stop bullying him.

>> No.9504494

But I'm finnish, dear Angry Man of the Eagle.

>> No.9504495

If we take these guys out we need to take out the queens of welfare as well, the military. I'm so fucking sick of those fucks taking my money. NEETs barely use any resources compared to those fucks.

>> No.9504496
File: 13 KB, 500x333, bald_eagle_bird_MG0813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I completely agree with you, brother. Sometimes I really regret that America isn't like Sparta.

>> No.9504498

This kind of shit only makes NEETs proud, you're doing it wrong.

>> No.9504505
File: 51 KB, 375x500, USA eagle-san11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> the military
You should fucking pray to the US Marine Emblem for keeping you safe, you ungrateful sack of shit. My brothers die on the front lines, while you jack off to some silly gook cartoons.

>> No.9504511

In a way, you're right. I won't be true to my home until I return. However, I do hope you recognize that you're in a precarious situation. The split between social democrats and neoliberals is swiftly switching to a split between neoliberals and right-wing nationalists. If the transition completes itself, NEET will no longer be category: those who cannot work will simply be thrown into the wilderness, and your status will oscillate between being a victim dependent upon humanitarian aid and being terrorist who can be disposed of without question. While it is unnecessary to reject who you are, please learn some self-consciousness. Interest times are coming, and you'll desperately need it.

>> No.9504508

That's a cute chicken.

>> No.9504515

You useless fucks are lucky to at least have a welfare. My country doesn't offer any at all.

>> No.9504524

Sorry, but there's only one thing I hate more than liberals and that's the welfare queens we call the military.

Go back to eating your vegetables and tofu.

>> No.9504526 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9504527

Neither does mine.
There are still great life lessons to be taken from /jp/ though, such as have cheap hobbies, try to hold on to a schedule even if you're doing nothing with your life and creative hobbies are the best type of hobbies, don't take everything so seriously and don't lose your mind to trolls, and difficult videogames offer the best experiences even if they don't have the best graphics, there's no shame in forfeiting sex in favor of masturbation in fact masturbating can feel heaps better if you know what you're doing.

Also MIDI songs can be awesome if they are well composed enough. And stay dry.

It's about the small joys, not the huge accomplishments. I wish more philosophies had taught me that.

>> No.9504528

btw im a girl

>> No.9504530

I'm too afraid of being banned again after saying that.

>> No.9504535

yea, being banned is so scary! it isn't like you could take 3 seconds to reset ur ip or anything either D:

>> No.9504543

Some asshole lives next to my region got rangebanned, I have to reset my ip a couple times until I get a working one.

Otherwise it's just a red message saying ``posting from your country has been blocked due to abuse, click here for more info" and it redirects me to the FAQ.

Faggot quotes just for you.

>> No.9504584

I'm gonna work the lats, biceps and back tomorrow, some cardio and stuff, you should do the same /jp/, your waifu likes healthy guys, come on.

>> No.9504587

I think I fucked up my knee, so even if I did work out, I would rather not.

>> No.9504594

Not sure if trolling but losing weight really does improve your ejaculation.

>> No.9504596


Yeah, my knee hurts sometime too, but you can do other exercises, anyway, if you don't want to, don't do it, this isn't /fit/ after all. Bye, take care bro, please don't die, thanks.

>> No.9504598

What the fuck did you just say to me, you little bitch? I'll have you know that I defended over 400 AMERICAN flags from anti-american scum like you, and graduated the top of my class in America school.

>> No.9504599
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I woke up very early today /jp/.

How are all of you today?

>> No.9504602


i don't really know, but doing exercise is great, you have more stamina and improve almost everything.

>> No.9504614

Well, I just woke up and I'm pretty tired and might go back to sleep. I logged into silkroad and this item I had my eye on disappeared so I guess someone bought it and now I have to wait until I can find a good deal like that again so I'm a bit upset about that. I'm feeling a bit lonely so I might go and grab my cat and cuddle with him for a bit.

>> No.9504626

I need to find a woman who can pose as the main developer of a game I'm developing. I'm basically just interested in capitalizing off of kickstarter and stupid, white-knighting consumers.

My plan is to make a kickstarter for the game for "funds to hire artists", and then use that money to hire friends of mine who will pool their "earnings", which will then be split evenly among the people participating. I believe this would work better if the face for the project was a cute female and not some manly guy, especially because I plan on skimping out on a lot of the details in the game just so developing it will be easier for me. I think people would be more forgiving of shoddy development if they thought the lead programmer was a cute girl.

I don't think that I'll be able to find a female willing to conspire with us, especially considering the effort they would have to put forward in order to sell the lie that she's the lead developer. Worse yet, I don't think there's any female alive who meets the criteria I(we) require - being attractive yet believably "nerdy", understanding technical terminology, willing and able to lie believably, which entails maintaining an intricate facade which conceals immoral activity behind their own, real identity. Worse yet, she would be in a position to black-mail us, and I have never met a woman I trusted enough for this.

I'll probably have to do this legit, which is a damn shame because the scheme has potential to net the entire group thousands of dollars each, and that's not including the money I'd receive for the game selling, a fraction of which I would distribute among the participants of the project.

The game could get such good, free advertising from the scheme, too. It's a shame.

>> No.9504634

Does it have to be a cute girl, I could get my mum to help? ;_;

>> No.9504645

That's kind-of the key part of it, so yeah. Otherwise she wouldn't exploit men with more money than brains.

My experiences with these type of people have taught me that a female needn't be a 10/10, or even an 8/10. In fact, 7/10 is what I'd say the max is, beyond which the woman begins to seem "beyond their reach" and is only belittled. Obvious flaws permit sympathy after all.

>> No.9504655

She's a strong independent black women, does that count for anything on the internet?

>> No.9504682

That counts for less than I do.

>> No.9504720

O-oh ;_;

>> No.9505147

I have a shit job, working at a restaurant. The chief always complains that I have to work harder. I do my ultimate best, yet it's no good. Today I got called to work but had to cancel for some reason (other story), my boss didn't bought it, and now everyone hates me there, they already did anyway ( 'cause I was one time busted using my phone to text a friend)
Also , I got hired at the pizzeria, on the same day that I was applying to the job. It's really fun there.
But the thought that I have to work at the restaurant a few more times makes me miserable... ;__;

>> No.9505219

My thighs are too fat but my waste is too skinny, so finding a pair of trousers that doesnt cling to my thighs is hard.

>> No.9505299

Want to move out of our house and live a life of my own. Want it so freaking bad my eyelids hurt.

>> No.9505332

I've got 6 months before I can apply for the marines and I'm supposed to get a normal job in the meantime but it's so fucking hard to get motivated to even find basic minimum wage borefest which I'm barely even qualified for.

I hate running too and I'm supposed to be unrealistically fit before I join but I'm just to lazy to get any miles in.

Why is life so hard?

>> No.9505351

Just take it easy for 6 months.

>> No.9505352

Why is it that most people are satisfied working their life away for corporations which are only interested in profits and no one will shed a tear if they disappear? I mean, it might have some honor in working if it was for a greater good like medical research or space exploration or something. Why arent more people self employed? At least then there is some meaning in working. Likely related, but why are people so interested in acquiring more and more shit. Is it that bad to live minimally and enjoy hobbies, recreational activities, pursue love, take naps, and watch clouds and think about shit? Why cant people just take it easy and enjoy idle time?

>> No.9505404

Try cycling? A stationary exercise bike perhaps.

Going there completely out of shape sounds like a bad idea.

>> No.9505415

If you hate running then joining the marines is a massive, huge, collosal mistake.

>> No.9505528

Mol.fi only tells you about unemployment benefit, which directly deducts what you are looking for here. You don't want that.
What you want to do, is apply for income support at your local social welfare office. In there you have to explain your current situation. Insist that you 'are not ready for work or education'.

This is just a longer version of >>9503781

How come you did not know about this?

>> No.9505551

>it might have some honor in working if it was for a greater good like medical research or space exploration or something

I wish I thought about this before I went to university. I have a masters degree in mathematics (in particular probability+some statistics), which doesn't qualify me for anything particularly rewarding.

>> No.9505564

lmao #firstworldproblems

>> No.9505566


You could make the switch to theoretical Physics.
There are cases of mathematicians contributing to Physics but rarely does it go the other way.

>> No.9505593

Doing office work for a big corporation is sort of like being on autismbux. You don't really need to do put any effort in, you don't contribute much of anything to society through it, you can't get fired, and you get a paycheck regardless of what you spend your time doing. It's just that paycheck is much larger and you need to be able to pretend to fit in.

I think everyone would prefer to work for themselves, since you can have a lot more pride in doing that, but it would require you to be very skilled in your trade as well as managing a business and dealing with other people. You also need to have confidence in all those abilities before you start because you are staking your ability to survive on it. I pretty much think about starting a business every day until the voice in my head tells me "No, you're too much of a retard" and then I accept it and go back to pretending to work.

>> No.9505598

>medical research
>greater good

Every new medical advancement allows a new batch of diseased and crippled to continue their faulty legacy onto the next generation, lowering the general quality of the gene pool.

Back in the day, the faulty were allowed to die, leaving only the healthy to propagate.

>> No.9505610

I don't really think on any notable level any more.
I can remember when I was younger always thinking about things, not necessarily important or 'deep' things, but things nonetheless.
Now I can stare at walls for extended periods with a blank mind, it's strange.
I wonder whether capacity for thought atrophies earlier in life than is commonly accepted, is a thirty year old duller than his twenty year old former self?

>> No.9505635

I thought about that but what I'd like to do is create something. Theoretical physics can be just as mentally masturbatory as pure math.

I'll probably end up doing software development like all the other mathematicians who didn't want to become academics or corporate whores of the finance sector.

Honestly I don't want to deal with the sky high autism levels of math/physics/CS departments. Stuff like genetic engineering and computational neuroscience seem kind of fun. Working with plants would be cute.

>> No.9505637

Many great philosophers wrote their most revered works at much later ages, so I don't think there's anything physically wrong with your brain unless you've been sniffing glue vigorously.

>> No.9505644


If you think those things will be fulfilling, then by all means do them.
Also note that with some extra training you could get work with an actuarial firm, work for 10 years and retire with enough to support a frugal NEET for the rest of his days.

>> No.9505657


What sort?

>> No.9505655

Considering whether to buy a keyboard

>> No.9505682

you think any of us are in america? proud amerifat huh

>> No.9505702

I was thinking of keyboards earlier. I have an old, cheap Dell one (I've had much better experiences with cheap keyboards than fancy ones), but it's starting to show its age. Many of the keys won't move because of all the crumbs, and most of the crumbs have somehow become embedded in the plastic.

Unfortunately, the only place in the UK that is licensed to sell good keyboards is The Keyboard Company, and they're in London and expensive as HELL, so I'm worried about buying a keyboard then not liking it. Should I risk it anyway? And should I go for tactile, click, or linear?

>> No.9505707

I don't know it's a lot of information and confusing

>> No.9505734

For the next two years I'll be in graduate school doing more math in Japan because I wanted to move country and delay starting working a bit longer. Of course I would have liked to try something new but I had to apply according to my strengths to get funding. Such is reality that one can't just go and become something completely different so easily... ;_;

Other people I know in my graduating year ended up working 12 hour days in investment banks, I feel sorry for them. Even if they lived frugally for 10 years (which they won't because they're high maintenance consumerists) they'd have wasted the prime of their life.

>> No.9505737
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I applied for this internally advertised job with a charity, I got to the interview and it turned out to not be as good as I thought, but still better than everything I'd been applying for.

They should have phoned by now so I guess someone else has it. I really tried /jp/

I thought this might be my ticket out of neetdom

>> No.9505779

>I thought this might be my ticket out of neetdom


>> No.9505786


>...my ticket out of neetdom

You might come to regret that ticket.
I wish I could be a NEET again.

>> No.9506083

If I don't find something soon though, the state might make me work 40h a week for my £50 a week, so I really think finding a job is a better option ( ._.)

>> No.9506093


>> No.9506115

The same thing that's been on my mind for the past few months - putting a large scale writing project into motion.

>> No.9506124

My biggest thought is why I don't want to share anything because it'll make me look like an attention whore or something. Anonymous imageboards are not places to share my 'feelings', and other stupid attentionwhoring bullshit.

So I never say anything.

>> No.9506176

Where do NEETs with no interest in otaku culture gather on the internet?

I'd rather spare the board from my off-topic blog posts and leave you weebos in peace with your cartoon girls but every other place is full of >>9504489

>> No.9506415

You are far too normal to be here.

Next, you'll be complaining about your 3D girlfriend.

>> No.9506444

wishing I had an invite for JPopsuki

>> No.9506455

are you a shitty seeder?

>> No.9506567

I think I want to become a monk. Not of any specific religious order, just someone who does monk-like activities and identifies as a monk. I'd shave my head and maybe start wearing a bandana, and I'd stop wearing shirts (jackets are still fair game). And I'd participate in various rituals to strengthen my willpower and zeal, and practice fighting with my fists.

I think I'm unto something life-changing here.

>> No.9506580

you sound like a fag.

>> No.9506595

I've been wanting to do something like that myself. I think it's more like being a hermit if you're just kind of doing your own thing though.

I think it's unfortunate that nobody will aid you in your quest for enlightenment by giving you food and a roof over your head unless you follow a traditional doctrine.

Also I'm keeping me hair. I like having hair.

>> No.9506612

I wish Finnishfags and Yuropoors would dissapear from /jp/

>> No.9506626
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Last night I had a dream that I inherited my Sisters womanly body with tits and everything. It seemed so real as I stood in the mirror and played with my tits and felt my smooth skin, although I still had a dick, I think. It was one of those dreams that made me feel genuinely pissed and quite frustrated when I woke up.

>> No.9506664

gee its hot as shit outside and I need to go
hmm this cookie is good

>> No.9506671

My life has been at a standstill for as long as I can remember, and at times I've contemplated doing something new and possibly strange to break the mold (like becoming a monk).

I also thought about becoming a government agent once.

>> No.9506727
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I feel like as soon as I try doing anything to improve myself all I manage is a glimpse of what a failure I am, so I don't even try.

And thus one sinks deeper into the spiral of failure.

>> No.9506731

I just simply don't care to do or accomplish anything so I figured I might as well passively become enlightened.

Everyone knows you can't find enlightenment if you actively look for it and I figured I don't really care enough about finding it to fail.

>> No.9506751

I wonder if enlightenment even exists. If it does, I'm sure it's your ultimate "personal truth."

>> No.9506760

What am I doing with my life?

>> No.9506799

I don't understand why people care about "doing something with their life" and "being successful" and all of that rubbish. Here is a tip. If you weren't born into wealthy family and/or aren't a very fortunate person then don't expect to ever be happy. Get some drugs and use them to make mundane things like watching anime/playing video games more enjoyable. You aren't ever going to be a movie star or an astronaut like everyone told you when you were a child. We live in a world of chance. People who are rich/very attractive were simply born with the tools to achieve those goals. When you are brought into this world it all comes down to luck.

Unfortunately the majority of us were born into a shit family with shit looks. If you want to hate someone, hate your parents for fucking eachother (a.k.a rolling the dice) and creating an obsolete hand of cards (a.k.a you)

Sure there is still a glimmer of hope even if you are born as an unfortunate person. You can win the lottery or work your ass off to get things that other people are simply handed.

>> No.9506800

I'm sure the experience is different for everyone. Don't know if it's a personal "truth" but it's definitely personal.

>> No.9506820

If you're living on the assumed basis of a chance-driven world, everyone might as well give up because even if you're born intelligent, attractive or rich, a freak accident can instantly take everything away from you. Worse yet, you could become a vegetable.

Being somewhat of a cynic myself I agree with some of the things you're saying, but not everyone needs to become an astronaut or a movie star or anything grandiose to become happy. To throw your expectations out the window before even trying sounds a little silly to me.

>> No.9506821

On /f/ a few days ago there was an animated video of some speech about education reform.

Does anyone have it?

>> No.9506832
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shitposting ideas

>> No.9506855

>You can do it!

Yeah, nah. That's just more of that "You can be anything you want!" garbage people feed you when you're a child. Life isn't like in the movies where the little poor man makes it to the top. You're right that you can be happy without being a movie star or an astronaut. Like I said, doing drugs does the trick for me and lots of other people.

>> No.9506902

>You can be anything you want!
What the fuck? I didn't voice anything remotely close to that mantra. I don't believe people are born equal, and much less that people can become anything they want. We all have limitations imposed on us whether they be acquired or placed upon birth. Did I say otherwise? No, what I did say was that, read this, given that your expectations aren't overly high (like becoming a movie star), goals can be quite reachable. What you've done is eliminate the very prospect forthwith.

>If you weren't born into wealthy family and/or aren't a very fortunate person then don't expect to ever be happy.
That's what you said before, but I'm sure some people here on /jp/ are happy with their lives despite being NEET or hikikomori. And some people, such as yourself, are happy doing drugs. See? It's not all bad.

What I don't believe in, however, is when an incapable person is told they can reach something out of their grasp. That only puts false hopes in his mind and will eventually lead to misery. Worse yet is when someone moans about "not doing something with their life" when they're not doing ANYTHING to fix their situation. But to think you can't be happy just because you're not brilliant or beautiful or affluent, I think that's outrageous.

>> No.9506964

You have it backwards, in a way. You can be pretty much anything you want. The problem is: why bother?

>> No.9506968

My upload isn't great, but I keep good ratios on whatever site I have accounts for (IPT, asiatorrents, bakabt).

>> No.9507077

give me your email. I have 2 invites, I will give you one if you don't make me look like an asshole by having a shit ratio, which I am convinced you are capable of.

>> No.9507151

Email's in the email field. I'll keep a good ratio, I'm not going to troll an anonymous guy on /jp/ who is trying to help me out.


>> No.9507164

Invite sent.
I do what I can, and you seem alright.
You're welcome, and please don't make me regret this.

>> No.9507205

You sound like a whiny bitch.

People do actually move up in the world with effort. Maybe not to become an astronaut or a movie star but from poverty to middle class life.

>> No.9507274


>> No.9507294

I mostly agree but you should remember that memories are permanent. To "rise up" demands big sacrifices unless you really learn to enjoy what you're doing. A youth spend studying and working is a youth spend studying and working. When you've become successful you can't rewind back to whatever age you'd like to. Instead, you'll be working more than ever because now you actually have responsibility.

>> No.9507303

As opposed to a youth spent shitposting on /jp/?

>> No.9507312

Liszt's magical fingers disapprove.

>> No.9507321
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>> No.9507371

I see very few arguments but many excuses to avoid admitting fear of failure.

>> No.9508143

I want to play some fucking video games, but it's so much hassle to find a working version, install, get used to it.

Goddamn it, why is playing games so hard?
