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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 38 KB, 640x479, tommy08ln4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
950074 No.950074 [Reply] [Original]

Tomoko Kawase (Tommy)

She's fucking hot

>> No.950079

Somehow I don't think that is a real microphone.

>> No.950081
File: 92 KB, 600x768, 1215231793908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's below average without make-up.

>> No.950093

She certainly has some different songs.

Does she take a swig of booze in all of her videos?

>> No.950097

>without make-up
oh wow

that's funny, really funny

>> No.950104

I liked her songs before she became a Japanese Avirl Lavigne.

Lip syncing to 80's styled pop was awesome.

>> No.950116

I'm still convinced that her entire "tommy Heavenly6" persona was an elaborate mockery of Avril Lavigne in return for her obviously stealing the inspiration for "Complicated" from The Brilliant Green's "Tsumetai Hana".

>> No.950120
File: 242 KB, 600x1500, 1215232788338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

japanese avril lavigne you say?
she's getting kind of old

>> No.950273

If she curled her hair a bit, she could be the "Pres" from "Welcome to the NHK".


>> No.950295


>> No.950325

Yui/Avril is a terrible comparison. They're nothing alike. Aya Kamiki's pretty similiar, but I refuse to believe that Tomoko Kawase was not openly mocking her. It was too perfect a parody not to be deliberate.

Fuck you. Get back to /a/.

>> No.950473

Does she have a manga?


>> No.950483

>Get back to /a/.
No, this is /jp/ and it's best 3D-free.

>> No.950490


cancer. killing /jp/. etc.

>> No.950501

Sorry, the 3D-haters are, and always have been, /jp/.

>> No.950509

I reported you and I am going to start reporting this crap every time I see it.

>> No.950508

Yet another retard shows up in early June and fails to realize the cloud of stupid surrounding him and his kind.

>> No.950515

They always have been a massive minority too. Go back to your Touhou leave the rest of us alone.

>> No.950523

Feel free to start your own message board dedicated to Toohoo if you are bothered by 3D Japan.

>> No.950528

We'd like to, but there a lot of summer tards interrupting us.

>> No.950541

We did. Then you ruined it. There's nothing preventing you from ruining the next one.

>> No.950542

Unfortunately that won't do you any good. First, there are no mods on /jp/, and second, they're not gonna do shit about a post that's correct. They let /jp/ rot in its own shit, because they don't understand any of it. Sadly this means that fags like the OP doesn't get banned.

>> No.950546


>> No.950549

I don't like Touhou. I'm on /jp/ for the 2D and the weeaboo, not Touhou. These threads are going to be the downfall of /jp/, though, and it's already very hard to fight. You don't have to make it worse by being a normalfag.

>> No.950558

You summer people are worse than Jews. Get out of our Palestine!

>> No.950562

>Sadly this means that fags like the OP doesn't get banned.
You lost me.

>> No.950563

how old is she now, gotta be mid thirties i rekon

>> No.950560

That board is shit that was ruined by /b/. This is 4chan's /touhou/, so shut the fuck up and put up with it.

>> No.950567


>> No.950570

>She's fucking hot
OP is a fag, the above sentence is proof.

>> No.950571

Shes 34

>> No.950588

Proof you are a newfag. GET THE FUCK OUT.

>> No.950583

I use /jp for any Japan related topic. I enjoy the Touhou and whatnot, but I hate fags that say this place is Touhou only.

>> No.950592

Not Touhou only. 2D only. Big difference.

>> No.950650

This thread is proof that /jp/ is full of aspie faggots that can't stand the sight of anything unrelated to their juvenile, retarded pastime. Shit, trolling this section used to be fun, now it's nothing but anti-3d permavirgin basement dwellers with sticks in their ass, snapping at the sight of any thread that deviates from their gay little hobbies.This place is hopeless, enjoy your laughably worthless lives. Also, not OP, been here since day 1, saw moot's /a/ post and sticky, didn't care.

>> No.950686

No they start jacking off at the first site of Junior Idols are Loli. The biggest complainer in here has his weekly loli thread on friday nights when he knows no mods area around.

>> No.950694

I still haven't heard any credible reason why all the 2d fags just don't go to /a/

>> No.950849

They got rejected from /a/ or are to lame to keep two tabs open.

>> No.950860

What are you trying to accomplish you bastards? What are you trying to accomplish? What are you trying to accomplish you bastards? What are you trying to accomplish?

>> No.950869


Kill yourself.

>> No.950899

you first you fucking /a/ reject.

>> No.950901


Shut up /b/ reject.

>> No.950911

Don't you even know how to quote? Did you find 4chan last month or something?

>> No.950914
File: 91 KB, 750x600, 1215242501540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This entire thread

>> No.950909

LOL never hung out in /b/ I came to 4cahn for /a/ so kill yourself "normalfag".

>> No.950927

bumping to rub the faggots face in their pool of fail

>> No.950948

>I came to 4cahn for /a/

Then go back there!

>> No.950957

go back to your loli thread faggot.

>> No.950963

Just stop. Really. I support your cause but you're not helping the situation at all.

>> No.950980

go back to looking at touhou porn faggot, your probably just another 2d fag.

>> No.950993

Go back to elementary school, dipshit.

>> No.950987

>2d fag
This doesn't make any sense...

>> No.951009

your the one who should go back to elementary school, you probably play with toys every day.

>> No.951020

Your lack of capitalization, ability to spell, and general level of intelligence indicates that you do not belong on 4chan.

>> No.951025

>Your lack of capitalization, ability to spell, and general level of intelligence indicates that you belong on /b/

>> No.951029

Good point. Thank you for fixing that for me.

As >>951020 suggests, return to /b/.

>> No.951038

Rather, as >>951025 suggests.

>> No.951050

fuck you, you loli fags are worse than /b/ tards.

and I'm not even from /b/, I came to 4chan for /a/.

>> No.951059

>loli fags
You don't belong here.

>I came to 4chan for /a/.
So wait, why do you hate loli? You're not making any sense.

>> No.951067

I hope she starts making music again soon as Tommy February9. I like Heavenly9 too, but she hasn't done February stuff in a long time. Kiss One More Time is one of her best songs.

>> No.951096

Can you please stop replying to this troll's posts?

>> No.951106

The newfags are so retarded that, honestly, nobody can ever be sure.

>> No.951107

I knew you were a bunch of loli fags.

probably newfags too because this board itself is a newfag lol.

>> No.951118


Both of you, just get out.

>> No.951130

loli is banned. You know you can get away wiht dumping it on Friday nights and you usually do. I am waiting for you to fuck up and post some of your CP some night.

>> No.951133


Listen to this man.

>> No.951144


>> No.951147

Same person. Newfag is not a sage word.

We post it any night. And I don't have CP to post, so.. what?

>> No.951185

>Newfag is not a sage word.

It used to be. Then your kind took over, and that term became popular on the entire fucking Internet, despite the fact that the first person who jokingly said "newfag" was new to 4chan himself.

>> No.951210

"Was" does not mean "is".

>> No.951230

Fine, continue using "newfag" like the fucking /b/tard that you are.

>> No.951280

So, Tomoko Kawase... she is pretty fucking hot, isn't she?

>> No.951305

Yes, yes she is. I would relish having a three-way with all three of her personalities if such a thing was possible.

>> No.951480

nope, it's all make up.

>> No.951494

she is losing popularity here. mid twenties girls still sing her songs at karaoke but younger girls dont give a shit about her

>> No.951536

That sucks. I heard her later singles didn't sell well and that a lot of people didn't even know they were released.

>> No.951542

and the songs they do sing are usually brilliant green.

>> No.951597


>> No.951887

she's always been a lame-o bland low shite pop barely register on the pop scene in my opinion. Her songs were pretty horrible, something I'd be embarrassed to spend any actual money on. She was only interesting to me for her weird videos. Born in 1975, so she is 33 now, no wonder she is losing popularity. The kids here won't remember but Bondie quickly tanked when people found out their singer was in her 30s also.

>> No.951945

>We did.

What imageboard do you mean?

>Then you ruined it. There's nothing preventing you from ruining the next one.

Yes there is. You just need moderators who use the banhammer. Also, imageboard has to have enough users to stay alive. Do not give own board for every single topic. You'll just divide the userbase and all boards will be pretty much dead. /a/ weeaboo (SFW) and /b/ weeaboo random (NSFW) should be enough to cover all topics related to animu, manga and such.

Also, before you start a new imageboard make sure you decide what kind of posts and users are welcome and enforce this with banhammer. If you don't, you'll end up in the same situation as 4chan.

>> No.954604

It's 3D

>> No.954609

is dat sum tommyfebruary
