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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9499691 No.9499691[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>2008: Why is /jp/ so full of trolls?
>2009: Why is /jp/ so /a/? It used to be something else.
>2010: Why is /jp/ so shitty? It used to be good.
>2011: Why is /jp/ so squiddy and incoherent? It used to have good trolls

>> No.9499702

>2012 : Why is /jp/ so shitty? I can't wait for the good old times to come back.

>> No.9499711

Everybody gave up on the good times coming back a long time ago.

>2012: When did everyone in /jp/ start acting like retards all the time?

>> No.9499722

Those who wanted to discuss on-topic stuff have already moved to other boards. Only shitposters are left on /jp/

>> No.9499739

>he actually thinks they're coming back

I say it was coming, we had too many trolls and then retards like Squidy and Yama migrated here and stole kopipes/credit for the real trolls.

That's like saying we should reunite with /a/ again. I'd rather do that than lurk, post and contribute to a shitty board infested with retards like /vg/.

>> No.9499745

My list of symptoms consistent with what is expected from an attention deficit disorder diagnosis prevents me from browsing boards that are too slow.

It's a real problem.

>> No.9499748

So you think /jp/ should be deleted? I don't think that's happening. The only ones that can at least give us a small hope for changing the board is team4chan (janitors not included).

>> No.9499749


>> No.9499750

At least you don't have a brain disease.

>> No.9499760

You're right and somehow it always feels good to see it written down. Maybe I should also become a ghost of the past, howling about happiness foregone.

>> No.9499764

>That's like saying we should reunite with /a/ again.
/a/ already has VN, LN, figs, and all other stuff that are supposed to be posted on /jp/.

>> No.9499771

/jp/ is just for shitposting now, I'm glad it's still here because I can just shitpost here. When I actually want to talk about /jp/ things, I go over to you know where.

>> No.9499776

I just stick to the on-topic threads here on /jp/. Most of them are pretty good, look at the STG thread for example. Though even given the replays, discussion, questions, answers, screenshots, videos, and streams, someone will find some way to complain it's not good enough because nerds don't know what they want.

Thursdays are my day off though, and reserved almost exclusively for arguing about metashit.

>> No.9499777

Who are you quoting?

>> No.9499781

No, I think the janitor needs to fuck off and someone less shady and retarded needs to take the job again, someone who can put this place in order instead of having secret deals with shitposters like Sudo or something.

We really need this to change for good and I think getting rid of these shitposters would help. There's no real difference between this and /vg/ thanks to shitposters but if somehow most of them were erradicated this board wouldn't be so shit and wouldn't scare people, instead it would be like a faster threaded version of /vg/ with less shittiness.

Even /m/ thinks we have one of the worst cases of bad posters, and they have people like Squidy around, otherwise they would bother to check /jp/.

Cut your shitty spam.

>> No.9499791

But that's not my point, they've had our posts before we even existed, when we were actually there, they still have daily posts such as Yume Nikki, figs, dakis...even though that role was taken by other boards by now.

>> No.9499792

We've had about 3 or 4 janitors over the years. It won't change at all if we have a good or a bad one. Besides, we barely have a janitor nowadays. The issue is, where at a level where we need a moderator to ban the shitposters. But who would ever care about us? There are even a few mods that want us deleted and wiped out of 4chan.

>> No.9499807

It's not about the janitor, but the whole "separation" thing, between /jp/ and other boards.

People nowadays flee to /a/ and /vg/ to discuss things that are supposed to be posted here, because browsing through all the shitposting on /jp/ simply takes too much effort.

>> No.9499801

We don't need anyone special. All we need is a moderator who can check the board once every six to twelve hours and ban some spammers. That's it. The situation in /jp/ is not unique or special, so don't make more out of it than it is.

>We really need this to change for good and I think getting rid of these shitposters would help.
Wow, how'd you come up with that idea? I can't believe nobody else thought of it first.

>> No.9499804

They should really change /jp/ to /au/ - autism.

2hu is only used to make threads not get deleted.

>> No.9499811

That's not true though, if we actually got someone who actually reveals who he is, is neutral as fuck, doesn't play favoritism and doesn't fall into the old tricks, someone who actually bothered to check this shit and ban people around with mod powers instead of puny ones for quite a long time it would be better.

Stop being passive aggressive, that's my fucking point.

>> No.9499814

That's not true at all. I make touhou threads quite often.

>> No.9499816

Nice try guys.
Cant find anything to post so you make meta threads?
You guys are just like the shitposters that you are complaining about.
You all know why they shitpost, that is cause /jp/ is slow and the topics available are rare.

>> No.9499819

The point is, /jp/ was created to remove non /a/ things from /a/.
/jp/ has no meaning otherwise, it literally is "Shitposting Culture & Touhou" nowdays.

>> No.9499820

Okay, I'll be openly aggressive. What you said is nothing new, it's something everybody has known for fucking ages, just nobody bothered to make bitch thread #12384394843 about it. We need somebody in 4chan administration to check the spam. Preferably, he shouldn't be incompetent. Everyone agreed? Okay, we sure made a lot of progress today!

>> No.9499826

I've never seen a more passive-aggressive post in my life.

You're really bad at this.

>> No.9499825

>It's not about the janitor

But it is. That role is quite shitty by default due to not having actual mod powers and the possiblity of no backups when GETs and raids happen.

I wouldn't be surprised if he was actually here trying to defend himself.

But no, we already got moot countless of times to come here, what are you on about.

We need an ACTUAL active moderator who's here 24h and doesn't stop coming.

>> No.9499831

>if we actually got someone who actually reveals who he is

Why would you want that?

Although, Anonymous-san was known as "our" mod (as well as /a/'s) for a period of time. If you got banned pretty much any time between 2008 and 2011, it was him. Shame he had to be a horny nerd who abused his powers to white knight.

>> No.9499833


Would you actually like to see the quality of post go up in /jp/ or are you content with how it is?

>> No.9499835

>that is cause /jp/ is slow and the topics available are rare.
Because all good /jp/ topics are posted on /a/ and /vg/.

>> No.9499836

We're victims of our own elitism.

>> No.9499837

We need somebody in 4chan administration to check the spam. Preferably, he should visit semi-regularly and shouldn't be incompetent.

I endorse this message. So do you, and so does everyone else. All in agreement? Good. I'll draft a formal statement of this and email it to moot, and attach two hundred signatures to it. That will solve the problem.

>> No.9499840

Why the fuck not? And I mean as in actual trips or something equivalent that can be easily identified IN the board, not some IRC queer.

He would be a fucking mod lurking around and going on an anti-shitposter rampage, not hiding his presence and actually giving a fuck about /jp/, killing the shitty posts entirely.

Wouldn't that fucking scare you if you were a shitposter?

>> No.9499843

>You all know why they shitpost, that is cause /jp/ is slow and the topics available are rare.
If that's the case, people should just talk about OS internals or mathematics. Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company.

>> No.9499845

By all mean, you can move there.
Nobody care. If you have lurked long enough, you should realize by now that /jp/ has always been this way.
It is actually even slower back then.

>> No.9499848

i like it like this. you guys need to get checked for autism.

>> No.9499849

Why would you fear someone just because he had a name? Do you cower in terror of shitty tripfags but not shitty anonymous posters?

>> No.9499851

I'm content. All the on-topic threads are fine, I have no idea what it is people want, or why they choose to make meta threads instead of threads they'd like to see.

I'll admit, the complaining is a problem though. Even the complaining about complaining (ad infinitum). If there was one rule I'd like to have added/enforced, it would be that replying to (or making threads about) trolls and shitposters nets you a longer ban than actually trolling/shitposting. Cut off their food supply and they'll stop.

>> No.9499852

btw I'm a girl

>> No.9499854

Before you try to go against this idea, let me remind you that people like moot actually care about this and actually go with their own identity in 4chan.

I think it's quite clear that nobody has tried to do this actively in this board and this might be the key to solving everything, are we clear now?

>> No.9499856

Then people would just make shitty threads so they could laugh when people frustrated by their ninety shitty threads got banned.

>> No.9499857

>2012 - Where did my beloved accel anon go?

I feel like throwing up. She was my everything.

>> No.9499862

If we had a moderator who policed this board every waking hour and banned all the "bad posters" and issued rangebans on all the evaders, yes, the amount of spam would probably go down.

Also, if I had a million dollars, my life would probably be improved.

>> No.9499869

So why /a/ has and had many mods, but we don't get jack shit? I know moot had a bad feeling about us and all, but that doesn't mean he couldn't try to add a mod for us and let him take care of it.

>> No.9499864

This board is pretty boring now, the questions just keep repeating themselves.

>> No.9499871

Agreed, however, needless to remind you, the god damn board is being shat on constantly, it's about time someone suggested this to moot instead of bothering him to actually fix this place for us.

>> No.9499872

Mootles doesn't like the human filth that populates this board.

>> No.9499873

And it matters?
/a/ is just as bad as /jp/.
Frankly I think they are even worse since they actually import /v/ and /jp/ shitposts and use them unironically.

>> No.9499874

>I know moot had a bad feeling about us and all, but that doesn't mean he couldn't try to add a mod for us and let him take care of it
He could certainly do that for us. But he didn't, because he's lazy, or he doesn't give a shit about us, or he thinks it's going to be more trouble than its worth, or any number of other reasons.

>> No.9499876

No it wasn't. It becomes more and more boring and bothersome to browse /jp/ and dealing with in-thread shitposting.

>> No.9499877

What purpose would that serve, other than to stir up drama?


This is one of the things moot gets really right, at least in theory. Look at communities like Something Awful. Pseudonymous moderation = terrible idea.

Also note that on most boards, (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST) results in two parts praise and one part flaming. On /jp/ it usually results in "okay, whatever, delete the thread."

>> No.9499878

Metathreads are a sign that /jp/ is just like always

>> No.9499880

No, actually, they do have mods that do their jobs very well. Many public bans are ensued from time to time, and after a while, accel simply disappeared from /a/ because of the active moderation. So yes, they do have a present and constant moderation.

>> No.9499882

People suggest this shit to moot all the time.

>> No.9499887

moot likes the more wacky, random boards. Notice his favorite board is /v/, and lately he's shifted to boards like /sp/. He hated /jp/ in its heyday, but he's said nicer things more recently.

I guess LULZ CATCHPHRASE SPAM is just his sense of humor.

>> No.9499888

I agree with you but don't you think that at least a mod to attend us on IRC would be cool? You know, just like Abib or a few other mods on #4chan, but that does help us.

>> No.9499890

I really don't like red texts or any of that shit, I agree with you there, however, if the mod was actually impartial and tried to limit that shit while doing what he's supposed to do, it wouldn't be such a bad idea after all.

>> No.9499891

They have moderation and they are still shit.
Face it, you cannot enjoy imageboard culture.
Just go back to a close minded forum where everything is bubbles and sparkles. Build some tolerance before coming back.

>> No.9499898

Where's that image that depicted /jp/ threads throughout the years? It needs an update.

>> No.9499896

>I guess LULZ CATCHPHRASE SPAM is just his sense of humor.

You've only just noticed this when he wants to do things like canv.ass?

>> No.9499901


Resorting to IRC shit will only procreate the drama we already had in the past with people like A-san, AoC, the other janitors...etc.

We need someone impartial that doesn't require that kind of shit to act.

>> No.9499904

It think that the /jp/'s lack of mods have let you guys forget what mods are. They rarely ever ban shitty posters, and mostly just make stickies, put musics in threads, and ban people for criticizing them. Nothing good can come from having a permanent mod here. For instance, the last new mod that /a/ got decided to ban lolies. Not just porn, but all lolies, including iconic ones like Yotsuba because he didn't like them.

They'll just think it's fun to `troll' the userbase by doing stupid shit.

>> No.9499911

Don't be a teary bitch, I agree that the board doesn't need a fourth reich moderation like /a/, it just needs something that can work and actually counter all this repetitive idiocy we have lately.

Unless you really like that kind of stuff, which is more likely by your tone of post.

>> No.9499910

Mods are global. Message them. I see what you're getting at and I've suggested something similar. moot even wrote a news post about mods being more active in the "community", and having "our own" mod who we can chat to and request help from would be nice, but it would also create a lot of undue drama and bullshit. I'd rather the mods be disinterested and even a little uninterested, but active.

On which note, more people need to bug the mods in IRC. I keep creating new nicks because they keep getting sick of me, and I get the impression I'm the only person who does it. Pointing out the volume of rule breaking threads and serial offenders to the mods will probably do more good than constantly emailing moot, and it will at least get a few people banned there and then.

>> No.9499913

Hello Mr. new /jp/ browser!

>> No.9499914

That only happened because it was a girl who was disgusted by lolis.

>> No.9499923

>They'll just think it's fun to `troll' the userbase by doing stupid shit.

I honestly miss this. I preferred it when the mods were teenagers who would ban people for shits and giggles without all the WAHHH THAT'S UNFAIR self-entitlement.

But maybe I'm just juvenile, who knows.

>> No.9499920 [DELETED] 

We're like the United Nations. Be it reaffirmed, that on the second day of the Month of Leaves, in the twenty-fourth year of the Heisei era, the following resolution was passed unanimously, again:
1. /jp/ is shit.
2. moot should appoint someone to do something about it.

That concludes the meeting, see you tomorrow.

>> No.9499921

You guys are morons. No one but shitty posters who spam inside jokes hang around on /jp/ because nobody actually has anything to discuss sans when there's a Reitassai, a Comiket or a new Touhou game. Nobody wants you to be here 24/7 so if you don't like the general quality of this place, get a fucking hobby other than spergin out on an anonymous imageboard, you hikkys

>> No.9499928

We're like the United Nations. Be it reaffirmed, that on the second day of the Month of Leaves, in the twenty-fourth year of the Heisei era, the following resolution was passed unanimously, again:

1. /jp/ is shit.
2. moot should appoint someone to do something about it.

That concludes the meeting, see you tomorrow.

>> No.9499929

The recent board additions really hurt /jp/. Now it´s all "Which 2hu would you something",neetblog thread etc

>> No.9499926


IE. Some dumbass that shouldn't be a mod at all.

Who's idea was it to hire her anyway? Oh ya, moot hires mods based off how hard they sucked his e-cock.

>> No.9499931


I really doubt it was a female, but the gender is irrelevant, because s/he was still a mod, and still did stupid shit, and still had the rest of team4chan backing him/her up by trying to clean up the week long shitstorm that ensued until moot stepped in.

>> No.9499933


This is the perfect example to explain how /jp/ is unable to ignore and actually move to other posts instead of feeding and bumping shitty ones that are troll posts.

We need a moderation because things like this, not really because this board has too many nerds trying to troll it, the janitor isn't doing his job fast enough and won't stop most shitposters from coming back.

>> No.9499938

janitor system wrecked everything

>> No.9499939

>I really doubt it was a female

It was and she only got there by sucking cock on IRC, which is what you do to be a mod.

>> No.9499943

Everyone lurk for a week. Do not post at all. You'll come to realize that you don't have to read every thread (if it's something shitty, why would you waste your time?) and you'll be better off for it.
This is one of the things traditional Western forums actually get pretty right, but fast image boards (/jp/ counts as fast) don't. I know for a fact there are people here who post in every thread they have some opinion on.

>> No.9499940

>If we didn't reply he would probably make yet another shitty thread. You can't win.

>> No.9499940,1 [INTERNAL] 

You know how /a/ has those flavor-of-the-month series that are really popular and everyone watches them and apparently there's all kinds of discussion for a while?
I think that's what /jp/ needs. You can only have so many wch 2hu fuk and powerlevel threads and whatnot before it all gets stale and we're just going through the motions and not really saying anything at all. TH14 won't be for a while, and TH13 wasn't so well received, so maybe that's not the route to pursue.
Someone needs to figure out something that would be captivating and appeal to many /jp/sies, and somehow get everyone to read it. It would need to be something that would foster numerous rich, intelligent discussions.
It's a task that is very challenging; there a many pitfalls and it will probably be met with rampant opposition. In fact I probably am dooming it from any chance of success by saying this here. There's nothing else I can do though.
To whoever is reading this message and has decided to take on this task: good luck; we're all counting on you.

>> No.9499951

>Unless you really like that kind of stuff, which is more likely by your tone of post.
Let me tell you something.
Go search the archive. It was worse back then.
The shitposts now are tame compare to the shit bawson anon and jones did.

>> No.9499952


Make some good threads then.

>> No.9499954

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>> No.9499947

Hi shitposter.

We actually had fair discussions even with all the Japan shit and nuke trolls around, you know it was actually kind of fun before people like you decided acting like a retard like various other popular tripfags was actually cool and funny with repetitive shitposts and no originality.

We actually do more than just browse /jp/, like, read, play games, actually take the fucking trash out...that doesn't mean the quality of the board should drop immensely while we're out.

>> No.9499958

The janitor should delete things gradually rather than in bursts.

Yes, I'm saying he should leave rule breaking threads up for a little while even when he's aware of them.

Kind of like weaning kids off candy.

>> No.9499959

I don't think Jones ever had more than ten or fifteen awful threads up at a time.

>> No.9499962

Final conclusion : we need a mod. Mail moot about it.

>> No.9499963

No, it's because people are scared of /jp/ and prefer participating and posting their good threads on other boards.

>> No.9499965

Are you one of Jones's haters who actually ran around shitting the board harder than him and bawson?

Yeah sure, I trust you more than those tripfags and anons, random guy. And we're not actually discussing if /jp/ really had trolls pre-anniversary or not.

>> No.9499970

That's wrong.

Final conclusion : I should be a mod. Mail moot about it.

>> No.9499973

Also Jones and co moved to other boards, you don't see them do much in /jp/ nowadays because it's too shitty and unfunny even for them.

>> No.9499977

Yes, yes, keep acting like the shitposters you complain about and constantly bumping this shit thread to the front page.

>> No.9499978

I was offered a mod position two years ago.

I wish I'd taken it.

>> No.9499981

Maybe you are just mad because you aren't part of their circlejerk because shitposters hang around on off-topic threads exactly like those.

>> No.9499991

Yes, yes, keep crying and actually contributing nothing to prove that you're not them instead of ignoring this thread like you should.

>> No.9499992

Same here, I was offered three.

>> No.9499994
File: 214 KB, 495x327, 5+9658947894894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ just can't help themselves.
Look here, textless, imageless thread yet still receives replies.

>> No.9499996
File: 99 KB, 300x300, tenshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about you guys come over to the Hisoutensoku thread and play it with me?

>> No.9499999

>85 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

Most popular thread of the past few hours.

Yet, everyone in it will claim they "want" to discuss Touhou and visual novels &c more.

>> No.9500000

Yes we all know moetron is a fucking idiot.

>> No.9500001

Pointing to a thread with one reply and generalizing about /jp/ with it is idiotic.

>> No.9500005

They have 15pages of spam up instead.
They also ran some script that silent bump threads.
Not to mention the usual /b/ raid by another resident shitposter.
Those time you cant even browse the board because threads just die to spam. And now you whiners are complaining about a few threads that you cant enjoy or participate.
Why are you all still here if you can discuss your topics elsewhere? I dont get it.

>> No.9500008

But I am, I usually was the one shitting /jp/ with actual troll posts that had originality and real content as opposed to LULZ NUKE XD HI FROM /b/ TO YOU /jp/, WHY IS /jp/ SO SQUIDDY, DON'T BULLY PLS...

I'm just tired of the unfunny new trolls that make people from /a/ like Akio tripfag look good and original.

>> No.9500009

My connection is too shitty.

Sometimes I play in the library.

>> No.9500015

Stop being such a selfish self-entitled cunt and start thinking about the others a bit, instead of spouting the same inane bullshit over and over again.
Nobody will ever take you seriously at this rate.

>> No.9500019

That's exactly what Squiddy and co do, Jones didn't even post unrelated shit, normally, it was always related or semi.

All these /a/ posts need to go unless they want to discuss actual VNs without dumb shit.

>> No.9500021

I don't get Hisoutensoku.

How do you get good at it? Where are some combo lists? What are all the different card things you choose with your character? I've checked wikis and stuff but I still don't understand. Maybe I'm retarded.

>> No.9500026

Stop crying like a little bitch just because someone is discussing something you don't like and will probably get rid of you.

>> No.9500028

>They have 15pages of spam up instead.
I have seen fifteen pages of spam, but all different colors of spam and nothing that suggested that Jones was behind it all. We get twelve pages of spam these days anyway.

>Not to mention the usual /b/ raid by another resident shitposter.
It was awful, but at least it wasn't every day.

>> No.9500032

Those wasted quints could have been used to kill OmegaSudo you know.

>> No.9500035

>We get twelve pages of spam these days anyway.

We only have ten max pages now.

>> No.9500037

The damage that one very long and very shitty thread does to the board is almost nothing. It takes up one out of one hundred sixty five spaces. It's almost a non-issue.

>> No.9500044

Nice try meta shitposter.
I have page1 open now.
The only shit thread is this.

>> No.9500038

Godspeed. Your wit knows no limits.

>> No.9500039

Jones was actually responsible for the raid to Pooshlmer years ago, he just wanted this board to have drama wars, that doesn't mean it was always him who shat over /jp/ of course.

>> No.9500041

You are the one who complains about "shitposters". Why don't you ignore them?

>> No.9500046
File: 266 KB, 373x394, 1343372273028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We get twelve pages of spam these days anyway.
>12 pages
>12 pages

>> No.9500051


>> No.9500048

I still haven't gotten used to it. Maybe seven pages or something.

Still, it's awful when you visit page eight and twelve out of fifteen threads are off-topic or just outright spam.

>> No.9500049

I don't see why moot doesn't take some effort to make his own site better. It's a waste. Not even just a waste of an idea, but an actual waste of bandwidth and money.

>> No.9500050

I try bitch, that doesn't mean I won't eat their Anonymous spam, raid, of any of that bullshit.

I actually run 4chan X and try to hide posts, that doesn't mean much when the janitor is like a bear and sleeps through most of that.

>> No.9500057

You kids don't know shit about spam. Cornelia-tan, Saten spammer or Sion's anime screencaps taking up every page, THAT was spam.

>> No.9500058

Your inane rambling is what drives shitposters.

I don't think you will get any respect from anybody, not even shitposters.

>> No.9500059

Use hisouten.koumakan.jp and look around, it should fill you around in the basics. You won't be very good if it's your first fighting game, but everyone starts somewhere.

>> No.9500062
File: 13 KB, 250x250, 1340639971292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zunbar's paradise.

>> No.9500063

Who the fuck cares about respect you fucking attention whore. That's exactly the kind of shit I want to see gone from this board.

Bet you go to the shitty IRC channel daily and get along with people like Turdgen.

>> No.9500068

While I don't want to further start drama, I just want to help you all;
You're wrong: 7chan is worse, besides their /b/, which is only slower in comparision to the slighty better but more troll'd community, not only it's worse than our 4chan IN GENERAL, shit is changing servers/names until this 99chan which suddenly dropped again for the whole yesterday.
And I lol hard when they make ultra-excuses to B& the people from their ``supah-chan´´.

420chan is okay(they have lots of snappy trolls on their /b/ ATM), they're trying to avoid Anonymous generalisation and their memes in their /b/, but whatever, the only sidepoint is that they're getting tired of the LOL FBI shit, on a side note, they dropped not420chan(including /i/) right now because of these things.

The only chan I enjoy besides 4chan is 711chan, and it's because it's the most slow & passive chan since long ago(the first 7chan downtime of this year didn't even scratch it's quality).
The difference is that 711chan is for /b/tards, because they don't really accept anime besides lolitards(and there's only IRL lolis on their /loli/ board, sad shit), while if you ever wanted to enjoy your japan shit, the best place would be 420chan or something like that(I prefer to avoid IIchan's comments).

In other words: can't you fucking stay on 4chan for a while? it doesn't suck that much, /jp/ is the best & most original board of 4chan right now, when they ignagurated it, I already knew it was gonna be :awe:, but that's not all I excepted coming from it's success, bitch about /a/ or whatever you want, but this is a nice board.

>> No.9500069

And what exactly are we ranting about?

That didn't even happen way too long ago.

>> No.9500072

I don't think I've ever seen Saten spammer make more than a page of threads.

>> No.9500073

You should care about respect even if you're anonymous, you should just care about respect based on the CONTENT of your posts. I've undoubtedly respected a lot of posters here one minute then hated them the next.

It's like looking like an idiot or a nonlurker. You shouldn't want it to happen, even if you can get away with it. Imageboards are communal.

>> No.9500074

I'm going to answer your questions here because metathreads are dumb.
>How do you get good at it?
By playing it, just like any other game!

>Where are some combo lists?
Pick a character and scroll down the page.

>What are all the different card things you choose with your character?
Special attacks and the like. Some are attacks, some are buffs, some change the moves you do with special inputs.

>> No.9500075

/jp/ I truly feel as if I'm loosing my grip on reality. Every night I have fantastic dreams about different worlds. I can do anything I want there. But every morning when I wake up it only leaves me feeling very depressed

I could handle this but now I think I'm starting to loose it. I keep drifting off all the time, and do nothing but think about my dreams. One time I even spent an entire afternoon just zoned out in my room, staring at a wall and just thinking. . And now on top of that I'm starting to hear things that aren't really there and it's honestly scaring me. . Now it's gotten to a point where I'm "zoning out" like 1/4 of my time in class and practically all the time at home. And these sounds that I'm hearing are just unsettling .. Sorry for the blog-like post but this had really been bothering me lately and I needed to get it off my chest and this thread seemed like the best place to do it(I'll even politely sage so you all know I'm being serious).

>> No.9500077


>> No.9500078
File: 134 KB, 639x2001, jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ will never be good again. Just deal with it.

>> No.9500082

Even if I cared about respect I wouldn't care about the respect of shitposters. They probably respect the guy who manages to make the most successful shit threads in twenty-four hours.

>> No.9500089

Those quints tell the truth.

>> No.9500086

I've never said anything about other boards since most of them are shit and they don't relate to us at all, they're different and this topic should be avoided in the presence of mods or admins.

I was even a really ancient lurker of 7chan, but that doesn't mean anything, that chan is really shitty because they have too many new people and normal retards trying to fit in, they even like 2hu and discussed it last time I checked, but their threads and IRC channels are usually as bad as 4chan, 420chan is a snorefest and they don't want anything to do with us due to popularity.

711chan is shit, why would you mention that shithole, they have the worst kind of /b/tards around.

>> No.9500087

Moot just sent me this in an email:

``im sorry for letting /jp/ destroy itself. while no_mederation was cool for a while, it definitely began to suck a while back. discouraging the public banning of faggots amongst the moderators was also a mistake. unfortunately i thought letting /jp/ run itself entirely was a good idea...
it wasn't.
from here on out, consider yourselves on notice. it's time to /jp/egin anew and wipe out the shitheads that have been ruining this wonderful board.''

>> No.9500088

Just go to 4-ch if you want to have a "discussion".

Of course, it moves at about three posts per month, but everyone knows speed is inversely proportional to quality.

>> No.9500090

I'm moot and I can confirm that I never sent you that email.

>> No.9500098

Get the fuq off

>> No.9500099

>/jp/egin anew

I see what you did there.

It also proves that moot can't do shit to improve a board.

>> No.9500101

You're right. I just changed the `from' field and sent it to myself.

Sorry for editing your /b/day post, moot. ;_;

>> No.9500102

4-ch isn't even fun since it's not an imageboard and will probably not condone actual discussion of this. They have obnoxious as fuck people and ancient trolls waiting for new preys.

>> No.9500106

You are forgiven.

>> No.9500110

The reason for public bans is pure morale. "We are around and we care for you. Rule violations will be punished".
That's the theory anyway. Usually it just devolves into a "pack of hungry monkeys are left to their own devices for days in a well. Suddenly a hatch opens up and a hand drops a banana. Monkeys go batshit insane over the rarity of the event" thing, specially in the larger boards.

Moderation is frustrating. But I can appreciate their ongoing efforts, even if somewhat misguided.

>> No.9500114

Consider this: A pack of wild Foreigners.
Savage, googly-eyed Foreigners nearing your nippon home. Trampling your nippon tatami. Not raping your nippon daughter.
And you can't do shit since they're savages. The Foreigner leader grabs your computer and installs Unicode-aware programs.
The primal Foreigners finally dominate your household. They watch Western cartoons on TV and you are forced to be their slave.
Such is the downfall of Nipponjin.

>> No.9500119

Let's not forget people like Sparky and Jones. If you can't stand that kind of imbecile, you're better off in /jp/ than their own boards.

Too bad Sparky nuked his own board and came back.

>> No.9500121

Look at you freaks. All you do is sit on the computer and get mad when I spam your shitty imageboard. If I ever met one of you in real life I would beat the fuck out of you just to teach you a lesson about how you are wasting your already pathetic life. I get so much pussy. I am having a threesome in the shower right now on my waterproof laptop which I made myself.

Me and my boys caught some kid at school with a 4chan lunchbox, we beat the fuck out of him with our huge muscles. I then smashed the lunchbox and pissed on the ashes. I was doing him a favour, he was wasting his life, he will thank me one day. You are all such ugly little nerds. I once fucked a girl so hard that she died. None of you losers will ever accomplish anything like this because you are at home everyday playing video games and fapping.

Oh and in case any of you faggots didn't know, my dad is an FBI commander and my mum is a CIA commander. They let me get away with anything so don't bother trying to report me. My dad even said that if I behave well he will shut down 4chan for me on my next birthday.

>> No.9500122

>"We are around and we care for you. Rule violations will be punished".

Except we know that isn't the case, and so do the serial rule breakers.

>> No.9500126

Moot, honestly i have to say that you are very stupid. Not only are you asking for 20,000 dollars 'all of a sudden' to pay for a year of 4chan and a few extra servers (which you dont need, and dont deserve). I personally hope 4chan dies and a propper site like IIchan or 5chan is once again reborn. This piece of crap you call a site has nothing to do with an imageboard anymore. It is the craphole of the internet, with the worst mods ever pushed out of your asshole. You've done nothing for your 4chan fans but allow the 12 year old newbs to over-run the place.

I like to think of 4chan as a giant room, filled with thousands and thousands of bottom feeding rats, shitting and pissing all over themselves untill finally being caught in the giant mousetrap that is W.T. Snacks. You may live for a little while, but your gonna be pissing and shitting all over yourself, and then you'll get banned and you'll cry and wonder why you gave 10dollars to someone who hasnt even left his teens yet.

Just between you and me, what are you really doing with the money? I wont tell the rest of them, i promise.

>> No.9500132

∧_∧   ∧_∧   ∧_∧   ∧_∧      ∧_∧
 ( ・∀・)   ( `ー´)  ( ´∀`)  ( ゚ ∀゚ )    ( ^∀^)
 (    つ┳∪━━∪━∪━━∪━∪━∪━┳⊂     つ
 | | |  ┃This thread has peacefully ended.┃ | | |
 (__)_) ┻━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┻ (__)_)     Thank you.

>> No.9500133

Are you going through ED's copypasta page or something?

Stop it.

>> No.9500135

I'm not even sure if that's moot, why would he post without his trip, even if he was on phone or something.

People like Sudo need to fuck off too, they get away with intense shitposting, they should be punished harder instead of sucking their penises.

>> No.9500136

Why is this making me laugh so hard

>> No.9500138

No. I keep a local collection.

>> No.9500141

``Quit trolling poor sudo, and just confess your love to him already. /jp/ is not for wars or trolling''
--Anonymous ##Mod

>> No.9500142

Because you have autism.

>> No.9500143

Cool story bro.

>> No.9500145


>> No.9500146

P-please don't bully me

>> No.9500152

Every year we have this same discussion but the problem remains the same, there is no age verification system and there never will be a practical one on 4chan.

I guarantee you that over 90% of the "shitposting" is from teenagers. The remaining 10% are probably older autists/assburgers.

>> No.9500160

Go back to krautchan, german scum.

>> No.9500157

Thank you for your help.

>> No.9500161

Wow, I haven't really read this thread, you guys seem so frustrated and unhappy. Maybe you should get some fresh air.

>> No.9500164

How's that related to Krautchan, how would you know.

>> No.9500167


Case in point

>> No.9500168

Fresh air won't change anything in your life.

>> No.9500169
File: 71 KB, 849x534, disclaimer lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is no age verification system
What do you want. mods to verify driver's licenses?

>> No.9500171

I only know that because people post german stuff pretty much everytime they say that.

>> No.9500178

Please taste your words more carefully before you spit them out. Your rude tone was uncalled for, and you should never presume to speak for others.

There is no excuse for behaving in such an undignified manner.

>> No.9500173

I like the idea that janitors and mods might be researching on each individual shitposter and getting them banned later, even if this was the case, lots of people are still posting around and shitting /jp/ constantly with the same posts over and over again, they should be dealt immediately.

>> No.9500174

I would seriously approve of mandatory internet identification if it kept the children out of 4chan.

Though Tokiko just turned 18, so maybe we should bump the limit up to 21 or even 25.

>> No.9500180

I compiled a huge list of the main offenders with example posts, blog links, and explanatory notes for moot. If he does pay attention to every email as he claims, they should be banned by now. There is no reason for them not to be.

Are there any autistic mods who I could forward it to?

>> No.9500181

/sp/ is obviously the test-bed for moots 4chan 2.0 with facebook integration. Soon every aspect of your life will be woven into moots network of information collection. From there it will be simple to dig-up your worst secrets as well as fabricating any information moot's overseers desire.

/jp/ must remain steadfast in opposition to this infiltration.

>> No.9500183

You sound like you actually deal with them directly on daily basis.

I only have Tokiko added in Steam.

>> No.9500185

Holy shit, you really are full of yourself, aren't you?

>> No.9500191

Full of assburgers maybe.

>> No.9500192

( / ⌒ヽ
 | |   |
 ∪ 亅|
  | | |


>> No.9500209

Didn't squidy move to /m/ due to getting banned in here and his group getting banned in Steam?

They have a new group dedicated to /m/ or something aside from Tokiko's.


>> No.9500215

Ohello /jp/, my name is ZAN. I always like to lork at 4cham and I also like merissa too, as you do. ZE ZE LOL. I also like having sex with 2D children (THIRD DIMENSION PIG NASTIE LOL), one CDing, hold for focussing and i just lost the netplay. Due to the fact that i'm not a noobfag i know that /otaku/ is in possession of a great variety of "2ho lolly", at least those of you that aren't underage B%. in a nutshell, I need Anomalous to deliver to an Astrafaglian /jp/edo some of his "2ho" (you know what i mean LOL). REPOART REPOAST REPOARTED LOL. PLEASE DONT MAGE THIS THRED IT IS NOT CO-PIPES, BUT ORIGINAL COMMENT.

>> No.9500219

>search popular /jp/ users

>Sudo, ZUNbar, Yama, that guy from /m/ who comes to annoy us

It all makes sense.

>> No.9500222

/m/ is so shit they don't even need /jp/ shitposters to have shitposts but I guess some of them might have spawned from there, such as Liberty-kun.

>> No.9500223

Rules of /jp/:
Everyone must leave
Arc is a nigger.
White Ren is #chilly , this must not be abused.
Every thread must be reported.
Every staff member must be driven insane.
Every thread must be derailed.
Threads may only exist to discuss whether or not they belong on /jp/.
Elitism is a sign of a summerfag trying to fit in.
Summer never ends.
/jp/ should have been deleted years ago.
Fuck you moot.

>> No.9500232

Don't forget counter-sage.

>> No.9500239

Did you guys notice how board became silent while this thread was top in frontpage all the time? It actually looks readable.

Not many shitposts around. I bet the dudes posting kopipe are shitposters trying to shit and make this thread unreadable.

>> No.9500248

It's only me doing that though.

>> No.9500252

Maybe it's because the idiots who like to post in metathreads lamenting the fall of /jp/ are really the shitposters themselves.

>> No.9500263
File: 121 KB, 351x1697, trolling jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9500271
File: 109 KB, 960x720, diabetes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it

>> No.9500287

I want to cum in her mouth.

>> No.9500293
File: 33 KB, 600x450, GJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9500307

More please.

>> No.9500317

Quite a lot of replies for a thread with no destination.

>> No.9500546
File: 24 KB, 450x324, 1133446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, it seems we need a strooooooooooooong hand.
Has anyone emailed to moot about mob and shit posting?
Has moot seen this thread?

>> No.9500638

Hey janitor look, a thread dedicated to you.

>> No.9500638,1 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck off. We know you're bored after your ban, but don't take it on ghost now.

>> No.9500638,2 [INTERNAL] 

That is a really interesting thing you said there.
You're pretty knowledgeable on this it seems. What, pray tell, is the reason for which I have been banned?

>> No.9500638,3 [INTERNAL] 

Robert. Brown.

>> No.9500638,4 [INTERNAL] 

That's not my name. You're also not answering the question.

>> No.9500638,5 [INTERNAL] 

Nameless Book-Reading Youkai. Why are you still playing this game? Why do you keep playing pretend? This is not funny.

>> No.9500638,6 [INTERNAL] 

I would like you to be specific when you ask such accusatory, "loaded" questions.
Which game are you referring to? What is "this" game?
I will assume that the following question is linked to the initial one, and the game you are referring to is a game of pretend that I am allegedly playing.
I don't know what "pretending" you think I am doing, and I'm not trying to be "funny".

>> No.9500638,7 [INTERNAL] 

You know what I'm talking about. But I guess it's just better to leave that small incident alone. It was probably a coincidence.

>> No.9500638,8 [INTERNAL] 

I don't know.
When did the "incident" occur?

>> No.9500638,9 [INTERNAL] 

pls2stop feeding the trolls

>> No.9500638,10 [INTERNAL] 

This small incident has nothing to do with his identity here. It's an isolated problem.

>> No.9500638,11 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck off and die, please.

>> No.9500638,12 [INTERNAL] 


Quit gettin' mad at imageboards.

>> No.9500638,13 [INTERNAL] 

It's a bit funny how you responded to that post seeing as >>9500638,11 wasn't directed at anyone in particular, for all we know he was telling someone else in this thread to fuck off and die.

>> No.9500638,14 [INTERNAL] 

Obviously he was just simply conerned about my well-being as a fellow poster.

>> No.9500638,15 [INTERNAL] 

right. Just as Coolfrog and Dolphin stepped in to set him on track in the original comic.

>> No.9500638,16 [INTERNAL] 

i'm one of those people
