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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9499094 No.9499094[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You might be mentally ill, /jp/.


>> No.9499098

Maybe I'm just part of a superior race, the first step to a new breed of superhumans?
Ever thought of that?

>> No.9499113

yeh but then i realised it was stupid lol

>> No.9499116

>social media such as IRC and Facebook.

Oh you.

Did /g/ make this?

>> No.9499124

I thought this was actually really well done, whoever at /g/ made this was a pretty funny guy.

I loved the satire surrounding linux/ronpual/anime/psychiatry/mac etc.

>> No.9499129

Museo is slowly becoming the new Century Gothic.

>> No.9499133

I don't have to watch a video to know that I'm just stupid and not mentally ill.

>> No.9499148

You're a lucky one. I've always performed well in academics so I'm still stuck in my delusion.

>> No.9499145

If it affects your day-to-day functioning or causes marked distress, then you are probably mentally ill.

Cue the "brain diseases" guy.

>> No.9499161

I honestly believe my brain hasn't matured in some areas so I'm still stuck in a preteen/young teenager mentality for some areas. Am I ill?

>> No.9499174

I don't understand how any of that is related to illness.

>> No.9499210


Brain diseases guy here.

Nothing in this thread so far would provoke my sperglord rage. You don't even know me or what will set me off, and yet how many conversations have we had?

>> No.9499213

That's called being born within the last 30-40 years.

I'd have posted a picture of some nerd convention or Facebook profiles or something to illustrate my point, but I respect you too much to do that.

>> No.9499220

I'm not that guy, so how to I provoke the sperg rage?

>> No.9499228


Take a shot in the dark.

>> No.9499234

Well, I figured it was right up your alley. The thread begins by asking us if we're mentally ill, the Web page claims nerds are sick and unhealthy, and it advocates seeing a psychologist for a couple of poorly-chosen mental disorders.

You normally fly into your autistic shitfit the moment someone so much as mentions mental illness or any disorder.

>> No.9499245

I believe I'm severely mentally ill because I cry when people make fun of me on the internet.

>> No.9499304


The website was most likely made as a satirical joke on certain viewpoints, by a linux using anime fiend who spends 18 hours a day on the computer. Of course I'm not going to take any of it seriously.

Someone saying they're mentally ill doesn't bother me. I'm perfectly fine with that, in fact I would encourage that terminology. For the same exact reason I'm okay with people saying stuff like "I suffer from psychosis and I'm lethargic/sad all the time". while I'm however not okay with people saying "I have schizophrenia and clinical depression".


I'm sorry to hear that.

>> No.9499308

What a loser.

>> No.9499313

I have clinical depression though.

>> No.9499321

I have schizophrenia and clinical depression.

>> No.9499319

Well what if we took common sets of symptoms and gave them a name, for brevity and to aid in research?

We could call them "mental disorders".

>> No.9499325


Now see, I know you're specifically ripping a piece off my post and attributing it to yourself, in a deliberate attempt to provoke me.

It doesn't work like that. I can't take your reply seriously now.

>> No.9499329

What happens if the doctors told me I have clinical depression though?

>> No.9499332


I'd be perfectly fine with just that.

Except for when you use today's psychiatric labels, it implies you believe those "symptoms" are an indication of a biological disease within the brain, even though you have no proof of that.

Simply by using those labels it means you believe that.

>> No.9499333

You seriously think the opinions of multiple doctors amount to more than an anonymous internet expert's?
Do you even read the things you write?

>> No.9499336


Psychiatrists/psychologists aren't real doctors.

They couldn't even legally check your blood pressure if they wanted to.

>> No.9499345

But we've applied those labels "retroactively". We've noticed things, we've given them a name. They're entirely artificial terms.

>> No.9499337


Probably some site written by /g/ nerds.

>> No.9499338

This is great. It perfectly illustrates how normalfags think.

>vote obama cuz he's kewl xD
>get a mac stop bein a hipster
>wow u like anime ROFL

>> No.9499347

Okay, so what exactly do you want me to say instead of clinical depression? Just depression?

>> No.9499349


>>vote obama cuz he's black xD


Even black people have admitted that the only reason he won, was because he used his skin color as a gimmick to attract votes.

>> No.9499351

Oh, well if black people admit to it, it must be true.

>> No.9499353
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>> No.9499357

>Psychiatrists/psychologists aren't real doctors.

They don't real?

>> No.9499358

He got 95% of the black vote. I'm sure that had nothing to do with the fact that he is black.

>> No.9499360

That is really goddamn scary.

>> No.9499362
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>> No.9499366

The image or the idea?

>> No.9499367


Not according to psychiatry.


Say you're mentally disturbed, lethargic/sad, deranged, or just depressed. Fuck if I care how you articulate your feelings, unless if it's in that one certain way.

>> No.9499368

I feel similarly, but my rheumatologist is making me go to psychiatrist to manage my meds. Do not like.

>> No.9499372
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>> No.9499375

Both of the images. They're just creepy.

>> No.9499374
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>> No.9499377
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>> No.9499385


>> No.9499386
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>> No.9499392
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>> No.9499397
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>> No.9499403

This is yet another blatant display of ignorant hatred towards 2Dlove.

>> No.9499406
File: 44 KB, 278x278, 1336973340720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

s-stop it!!

>> No.9499407


Ron Paul was our last hope.. it's too late now. America is finished.

>> No.9499414 [DELETED] 

> I'm however not okay with people saying "I have schizophrenia and clinical depression".
Could you explain why ?
I'm genuinely interested.
Please respond.

>> No.9499415

>Not according to psychiatry.

But that's exactly what psychiatry says it is. Yes there are physical causes and symptoms, and ultimately everything about us is physiological, but it's just the study of labelling abnormal patterns in human development and behavior. There's no "depression gland" or "bipolar chromosome", they're just collecting together commonly occurring issues and labelling them.

>Say you're mentally disturbed, lethargic/sad, deranged, or just depressed. Fuck if I care how you articulate your feelings, unless if it's in that one certain way.

Then what's the problem with coming up with names for those? Why waste your breath with, "Hello, I have a marked impairment in the use of multiple nonverbal behaviors including eye-to-eye gaze and facial expressions, I also fail to develop peer relationships appropriate to my development level, there is a delay in the development of my spoken language, I often engage in stereotyped movement..." when you can just say: "I have autistic disorder"?

>> No.9499430

NATURE's four-sided harmonious TIME CUBE is TRUTH

>> No.9499444

>There's no "depression gland" or "bipolar chromosome"
But there are hormones and variations in the brain that cause certain behaviors. We're just having lots of trouble mapping them out, but we're slowly getting there. Problem is that most of psychology is not based on those physical symptoms but rather on simple conjecture. You know how these days nobody takes Freudian psychology seriously anymore? It'll be the same for our current psychology in 100 years.

>> No.9499454

They are in my country.
I have been diagnosed with schyzophrenia and spend 2 month in a mental hospital against my will. twice.

Thanks to their administration being shitty, they forgot about me and I have been off the meds for 4 years now, and am perfectly fine.

>> No.9499459

In the United States psychiatrist are doctors, they went to med school and cut people up and everything.

>> No.9499469


>But that's exactly what psychiatry says it is.

Psychiatry says that every single thing in the DSM is proven to be caused by a biological disease in the brain. From "Intermittent explosive disorder", to "oppositional defiant disorder", to "ADD", "BPD", etc. etc.

Despite them not having proof of this. You're arguing against psychiatry. The things you are saying directly go against psychiatry's foundation.


Mental retardation and being socially inept is real, "autism" is not. Psychiatry turned something that could have later been proven to be a legitimate neurological disease no different from epilepsy, into a fucking joke by "diagnosing" everyone with it.


Take that for example. That label has been psychiatry's new fucking play-toy for the past several years, similar to how ADD was in the 90's.

I actually got prescribed amphetamines when I was 3 years old because some "doctor" decided my hyperactivity was happening due to a biological disease in my brain that needed to be cured with amphetamines. Do you really think that is fucking medical science?

>> No.9499483

>"depression gland" or "bipolar chromosome"
There might as well be.

The brain is a very complex thing. If even one thing is off-center, it can really fuck you up. Depression happens because of dopamine and serotonin deficiency, autism is caused by chromosomal defects in meiosis, ASPD is triggered because of low cerebrespinal fluid concentrations and lack of 5-HIAA.

>> No.9499489


I live in the US.

Despite what they went through being associated with "medical school", it's only real relation is by name.

I know they're "officially" considered "medical professionals" though.

>> No.9499516


>Depression happens because of dopamine and serotonin deficiency.

Unproven hypothesis commonly passed off as fact by retards.

>autism is caused by chromosomal defects in meiosis

Why can't they administer that as a physical test to verify whether or not someone has "autism"? If autism is a true neurological disease no different then down syndrome or multiple sclerosis, then why can a "genius" like the kid in the youtube video here: >>9499469 be considered autistic, and another mentally retarded kid suffering from severe aphasia also be considered autistic?

>is triggered because of low cerebrespinal fluid concentrations and lack of 5-HIAA.

Show me proof of this, where they don't use a single weasel word.

>> No.9499524

If you have a copy of DSM-IV, go to page xxi right now. It makes the point that there isn't a clear-cut distinction between the mental and physical, but you're making a gross generalization about what psychiatrists say.

Here's the lowdown:
>In DSM-IV, each of the mental disorders is conceptualized as a clinically significant behavioral or psychological syndrome or pattern that occurs in an individual and that is associated with present distress (e.g., a painful symptom) or disability (i.e., impairment in one or more areas of functioning) or with a significantly increased risk of suffering death, pain, disability, or an important loss of freedom. In addition, this syndrome or pattern must not be merely an expectable and culturally sanctioned response to a particularly event, for example, the death of a loved one. Whatever its original cause, it must currently be considered a manifestation of a behavioral, psychological, or biological dysfunction in the individual. Neither deviant behavior (e.g., political, religious, or sexual) nor conflicts that are primarily between the individual and society are mental disorders unless the deviance or conflict is a symptom of a dysfunction in the individual, as described above.

>> No.9499525


Just would like to mention one more thing regarding this;

>Depression happens because of dopamine and serotonin deficiency.

The unproven hypothesis is that it is a malfunction of the neurotransmitters that control production of serotonin/dopamine, NOT because of a deficiency of serotonin/dopamine.

Serotonin deficiency is actually used to diagnose a certain form of tumor actually.

>> No.9499542


That's just telling psychiatrists they can't do retarded shit like tell a grieving widow that she has "clinical depression" right after her husband died. Or tell someone that they're schizophrenic because of religious beliefs.

Which is not really relevant to what I said.

>> No.9499557

I'm gonna go guys anyway, I got anime to watch and I really don't feel like arguing anymore. At this point I've said everything I've already had to say and any further discussion of the topic would just lead me to repeating myself.

Feel free to call me a retard while I'm gone though. And as always, I do genuinely have respect for anyone suffering from mental issues.

>> No.9499581
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>> No.9499593

Autism is genetic. This has been proven with twin studies (notably by Michael Rutter and Susan Folstein). Unfortunately, nobody is quite sure which genes are the problem, and some protective factors still reduce the risk of developing autism (e.g. being female).

There are other symptoms associated with autism that we could develop tests for, e.g. fewer Purkinje cells in the cerebellum, sparser long range fibers in white matter, and overall larger brains. Unfortunately all of these problems are also associated with other problems, and testing would be awkward (scanners are expensive and relatively imprecise, and we can't cut bits of brain out of people's heads).

Autism is definitely real and has both physiological causes and symptoms, but I doubt we'll ever be able to easily check for it. At least not in our lifetime. You'll certainly never be able to pee on a stick or get a DNA sample taken then have a doctor say "yep, you're autistic." That's simply not how it works, and we'll probably always have to actually observe kids and how they behave in order to decide whether they have an ASD.

>> No.9499600

Well it certainly doesn't say anything about "biological diseases in the brain".

Please point out where you got this information.

>> No.9499604

you know what else is genetic?
yeah, jew

>> No.9499611

Indeed, and there are certain traits associated with the Jewish race that you aren't permitted to know about.


>> No.9499696
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I don’t have Flash so I can’t comment on the video.

>> No.9499867


>> No.9500301

Not available on that video.

>> No.9500311


>> No.9500570

I really don't know how to feel about these types of conspiracy theories.
It's very confusing to me.

>> No.9502603

You know, over time the feeling that YouTube should never have existed keeps growing stronger. If it's such an important issue, why not just write it down in a proper essay or whatnot? Why do I have to sit and listen to some guy for ten straight minutes? And in the unlikely case he does say something interesting, I can't copy and paste chunks of it for discussion. Why do people insist on using such an inferior method of communication on the internet? It simply makes no sense.

(While I'm at it, making a video tutorial for something not strongly requiring visual context should be punishable by death.)
