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9497799 No.9497799[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you ever think about the lives we take every day?

I killed a spider earlier because I was scared when he walked by me. I ate some meat when I was hungry and a cow was sacrificed to make that meal for me.

I'm thinking about it all now and I can't stop crying. So many innocent lives were ended because of me.

>> No.9497803
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>> No.9497804

You could break into an aquarium and feed yourself to an orca if it really bothers you.

>> No.9497808

The neighborhood that you live in has displaced and killed millions of innocent creatures.

It was once nature and now it is concrete.

>> No.9497809

Blame your parents. That's what I always do.

>> No.9497810

I killed every single fly in the house because I was sick of them and I hate flies.

>> No.9497815
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>> No.9497813

Think of how many micro organisms die by coming into contact with your bodies cells since it wants to keep some amount of foreign organisms away from it. And you can't stop it.

>> No.9497814
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>> No.9497826
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Come on OP... If you're going to feel bad for that you might as well feel bad for the tomatoes, lettuces or whatever that you've eaten...

Don't feel bad about it d00d...

>> No.9497830
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Every living thing is constantly murdering another living organism in every moment of its existence.

Only in our death do we ever really give back to the universe and support the growth of life. Our bodies will be consumed by various organisms and they will live on because of our corpse.

The only thing we can do in life is attempt to minimize the number of deaths that we cause as much as possible.

>> No.9497833


>you might as well feel bad for the tomatoes, lettuces or whatever that you've eaten...

Their sacrifice will not be forgotten.

>> No.9497839

everything was fine until
>The only thing we can do in life is attempt to minimize the number of deaths that we cause as much as possible.

>> No.9497840

I'm lifting and training in martial art so I can punch a cow to death.

>> No.9497842

Small animals cannot feel pain.

>> No.9497857
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The main thing is to destroy as much as possible while we're still living so our lives won't be as useless.

>> No.9497866

Nothing actually dies. The grass merged with the cow and sustained his life, the cow merged with you and now sustains your life, and you will eventually die and give life to the creatures that feed off your body.

All life is connected to each other, none of us are independent. As long as life continues then you can never die.

>> No.9497871

Becoming food for something else doesn't mean you "live on in spirit". You're fucking dead, that's it. Game over.

>> No.9497877


I disagree with who you replied to also.

But can you exactly prove that it's game over after death? O you can't?

>> No.9497882

I feel somewhat bad about killing centipedes but then I see a centipede and it grosses me out and I kill it. I know they don't want to do anything bad, but they should be cuter about it. The worst is when a bug knows you are going to smash it. I can only imagine how scared it is in those last moments.

Other than that, no. I love eating dead things.
This sounds awesome. I wish I could consume philosophical concepts like innocence or youth or butthurt.

>> No.9497887

Even if you somehow did manage to live after death, as a part of the neverending cycle of energy, it's highly unlikely you would be able to have conscious thoughts of any kind. It's not really even like being alive at all.

>> No.9497892

I live in Europe so I've never seen a centipede live.

Are they as big as they seem? And are they dangerous?

>> No.9497893


I was specifically talking about having consciousness of some form after death.

You can't prove that it's not possible, and vice versa.

>> No.9497901

Yeah I can nerd I'm in heaven right now. You better repent because that budha magic third eye bullcrap ain't real. The only way you'll be living after death is through Jesus.

>> No.9497899

>You can't prove that it's not possible
Obviously he can't prove a negative. But that doesn't make it any more likely.

>> No.9497902

Is being conscious all life means to you? If you were a 5cm wooden cube that contained all your consciousness, would you consider yourself alive?

>> No.9497910


>"live on in spirit"

There is no spirit though. You have no unique soul or spirit that exists inside of you because there is no "you" and we are all part of the universe. We think of ourselves as individuals and we want our egos to live on after the death of our bodies, but their existence is an illusion.

You can't die because there is really nothing to kill. Your brain may cease to function, but it will be consumed along with the rest of your body and it will continue to live on. Nothing in the universe can ever truly die, the only thing that happens in death is the dispersion of the illusion that you saw as your soul/ego/personality.

>> No.9497908

Well I would consider myself to be "alive", but I'd much prefer being alive in a vessel that allows me to connect with other people that are also "alive". Like a human body.

>> No.9497917

The concept of death is a man-made construct, when the brain ceases to function that's when we consider a person dead. Nothing else you said was really important or something we all didn't already know.

>> No.9497918
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>> No.9497925
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>The concept of death is a man-made construct


> when the brain ceases to function that's when we consider a person dead.

Yes, of course they're dead. But you can't prove that there consciousness didn't live on in a different plane of existence. No matter how unlikely it may seem.

>> No.9497933

I wasn't trying to be psuedo-deep. I was pointing out that when he said that "you can't die" he was ignoring what the word "death" actually means.

>> No.9497937


>The concept of death is a man-made construct

why do animals mourn?

>> No.9497939

Don't worry, OP your body will eventually return to the earth and breed new life. All of your guilt towards feeding off others will be erased.

>> No.9497940


I agree with that, but not that death is a "man-made constuct".

>> No.9497944

Innocent? INNOCENT? Do you realize how many lives that spider would have taken if you didn't kill it? Or how many plants would have their lives ripped from them if that cow was still alive? They weren't innocent! Next time you take a spiders life, think of all the insects you're saving.

>> No.9497947
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>> No.9497951

It's not like they don't live in Europe. I'm speaking about gross house centipedes, which aren't that big as the shorter legged cool looking centipedes but still in excess of 3 inches and probably 5 inches if they're older, so they're like finger length. They move so goddamn fast, it's unreal, and they burst into legs if you actually manage to touch them with something because they are made of GOES FAST and stopping them causes them to explode violently from all the kinetic energy.

I don't think they're even capable of piercing human skin, but they're dangerous to all other forms of Invertebrate in your house.

>> No.9497952

I was speaking more about the word itself.
Sorry, let me try to rephrase it so that I don't look like such a tool.

"You can't just change the meanings of words to fit what you're saying." Is that better?

>> No.9497954

>They move so goddamn fast, it's unreal, and they burst into legs if you actually manage to touch them with something because they are made of GOES FAST and stopping them causes them to explode violently from all the kinetic energy.
Wow that sounds cool as fuck. Where can I find one?

>> No.9497956

I don't kill spilders or bugs. The other day I saw a giant crab spider on the ceiling so I got him into a bucket and re-released him outside. If he weren't above my head in the kitchen I would have left him there.

>> No.9497976
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For a second I thought you were talking about spider crabs.

These are the ugliest fucking things alive. I remember fishing one day I actually caught one, it grabbed onto my bait and wouldn't let go.

>> No.9497978

Did you scream?

>> No.9497979

>These are the ugliest fucking things alive
that wud be u

>> No.9497980


The main reason that people mourn though is because they believe their loved one has ceased to exist and that's just simply not true. Their personality is gone, but every part of their body still lives in some way.

>> No.9497986
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>> No.9497993

Well, people tend to prefer their friends when they have personalities and non-rotting bodies.

>> No.9497996
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I was able to take a quick picture so I could try to see what kind of spider he was later. He was missing a leg.

>> No.9498013


Everything that their friend was made of is still alive though. It's just existing in other forms now.

Death is just nothing to be scared of because you can never cease to exist. You just return to the same cycle of life that produced you.

>> No.9498021

Even if their friend is still alive in some way, there's no longer any way to communicate with them, which is how people form bonds with one another. It only makes sense that they mourn.

>> No.9498034

>Scutigera coleoptrata is indigenous to the Mediterranean region, but it has spread through much of Europe

I guess the Mediterranean region is the best bet.

>> No.9498033
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>> No.9498039

I don't think all retarded hippies were atheists but I could be wrong.

>> No.9498049

But that shirt says Warriors For Christ, not of.
Atheists: 1
Chronic Memory Loss: 0

>> No.9498057

If you feel bad about this, OP, stop eating animals and don't kill spiders when you see them. Avoid them or throw them outside.

>> No.9498065
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>> No.9498080

One time I ate a burger and then I had some shrooms and I could hear the cow screaming in agony as he digested inside of me, begging me in cow language and asking me why I did it.

I was a vegetarian ever since.

>> No.9498084
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>> No.9498091

Inside voice please.

>> No.9498093

>I could hear the cow screaming in agony as he digested inside of me, begging me in cow language and asking me why I did it.
oh OH! Now I finally understand vore.

>> No.9498092

You might have bigger problems.

>> No.9498096
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Are you insinuating it wasn't just the drug and that he is legitimately psychotic?

That's quite a big insinuation buddy. I don't think I like it.

>> No.9498111
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You should consider going vegan or vegetarian at least.


>> No.9498113

Taking drugs *might* be a problem too depending on how much dependable the person is of them.

>> No.9498123


I doubt anyone is going to become dependent on shrooms.

It's not exactly something anyone would enjoy taking all the time.

>> No.9498127

