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File: 170 KB, 1280x720, zui__Kill_Me_Baby_-_05__h264-720p__A956963E_.mkv_snapshot_18.02_[2012.02.03_12.07.55].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9492646 No.9492646 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think you or your family will ever win the lottery?

>> No.9492652

No. It's statistically impossible. Nobody has ever won the lottery.

>> No.9492651

Got a ticked for a $5 mil jackpot right now.

As long as I don't check it, I can pretend I won.

>> No.9492653

No, I doubt anyone really thinks they'll win the lottery, but people will always hope.

>> No.9492655

They've already lost it.

>> No.9492661

My greatest dream is to be a time traveller so maybe one day.

Cat box lottery tickets? Are you R07?

>> No.9492667

Do yo think OP will ever stop shitposting? ( ´_ゝ`)

>> No.9492666

Just start a kickstarter and fool some niggas

>> No.9492679

I won the lottery of life be being born me (:

>> No.9492669

I need $100 to fund a fap on cam. Everyone who donates gets to watch.

>> No.9492674

On Friends, Ross said that you have a higher chance of being struck by lightning three times.

Ross is a smart guy, so I think I'll listen to what he says.

>> No.9492685

I consider it losing for me.

>> No.9492701
File: 24 KB, 200x223, 1334868208172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was born into a rich family, forever NEET. Enjoy wasting what little money you have on something you will never win.

>> No.9492774

No one buys tickets, so naturally, no.

>> No.9492825


>> No.9492831
File: 54 KB, 400x770, 35673333561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luck is the only stat I set to high when I started life, so I should expect so.

>> No.9492832

implying what exactly?

>> No.9492837

Why don't billionaires just buy every lottery ticket combonation? Obviously it only is worth it when the jackpot is really high, but it has gone that high before.

>> No.9492850

Because say it was 23847239847238947297 to 1 odds, even if they bought 23847239847238947297 tickets, they wouldn't be guaranteed to win.

>> No.9492873

Why would billionaires need to do that? Besides they might end up having to split the prize with people who got lucky. Also factor in that the said lottery might not have an easy way to do it without excess paper, or might not allow you to pick all the numbers in the set on each ticket.

>> No.9492886

The amount of combinations is higher than the jackpot, doofus.

>> No.9492891

you're 20x more likely to be killed by tap water than win a lottery

>> No.9492894

I'm not even safe in my own home!

>> No.9492896

billionares didnt become billionares by wasting their money on hope

>> No.9492903

Tell that to Gaben.

>> No.9492908

You are 10 times more likely to go your entire life without hearing statistics about the lottery than you are to win the lottery.

>> No.9492911


>> No.9492920

It's funny because we calculated the changes in high school.

>> No.9492924


>> No.9492937

Cool typo.

>> No.9492940

I've only played once. Paid a dollar for a ticket, one two dollars. One hundred percent profit, baby. Never played again, though. If I'm going to gamble, I want something intense. Lottery was boring.

>> No.9492949

Why does that mister have to sound like he's missing a chromosome?

>> No.9492968

Don't bully penn.

>> No.9493002

Sorry. It's just sad that he has to do it because otherwise the murritards couldn't bother to watch his show.

>> No.9493158

Has to do what?
