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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 190 KB, 450x450, Please respond yukkuri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9478873 No.9478873 [Reply] [Original]

Why doesn't moot give us Japanese captcha?

First, we get a hiragana captcha. Quality of /jp/ improves drastically ...for a few weeks, when we notice that a lot of the shitposters enjoy shitting up /jp/ enough to learn hiragana. So we try a katakana captcha instead, and same thing happens, works at first, but doesn't take long before everyone can bypass it. So we decide that the kana are a little too easy to learn, and decide to move on to kanji, using grade 1 jouyou kanji, which most veterans should know by now, but should be enough to scare away anyone unwanted. Things look brighter, but with time, it's undeniable that /jp/ is starting to return to how it was. Let's move up to grade 2, that should be harder! Same thing happens. Grade 3, same thing. Grade 4, 5 and 6, same thing. High school jouyou! A golden age of a few months, and then the same. Well, fuck kanji, let's do some vocabulary. Same thing. Advanced vocabulary! Advanced grammar! 2ch slang! Osakaben! Yakuza slang! The way samurai addressed their daimyo in the Sengoku era!

And about 2 years after the hiragana captcha was introduced, most /jp/ers know more Japanese than Japanese people themselves.

>> No.9478884
File: 748 KB, 2200x1200, the jeweled branch of hourai is only good for a hair pin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the idea, would definitely motivate me further.

>> No.9478891

I hope you realise it would end up killing the board. Not even people here would put up with those kind of hoops to jump through to post. The few who did would get bored of the few posts an hour and eventually leave for somewhere which would be /jp/ but without having to jump through hoops to post.

>> No.9478904

I would give up a finger for this

>> No.9478906

This idea would be perfect to get scum like you off the board

In fact we should start with Kanji,
how can anyone on /jp/ not have already learned all kana yet?

>> No.9478909

Because the captcha is provided by an external service.

>> No.9478916

>get bored of the few posts an hour


We used to have this, once upon a time. It was great. I would kill everyone in this thread to go back to those wonderful days.

>> No.9478924 [DELETED] 

It's copypasta. People have emailed this to many multiple times before, he said he's not going to do it.

>> No.9478930


>Not even people here would put up with those kind of hoops to jump through to post.

Honestly, that's what I thought about 4chan as a whole when the captcha was introduced. Still remember dramatic anons freaking out and desperately trying to believe it'd be temporary. Now look, it didn't really change much.

Japanese captcha...I would actually prefer over the current captcha which even if it's supposed to be straightforward words is 80% of the time rendered as some random fucking shapes. I don't think it would bring back "le good old days XD" like OP appears to believe but it would certainly raise the power level average of /jp/'s userbase and put us all on a common ground. A slow board is not a bad thing if the posts are worth reading.

>> No.9478933


I definitely agree on killing everyone in this thread though. I'd sacrifice myself to get rid of people like you.

>> No.9478946

Slow =! posts are worth reading.
look at tohnochan.

>> No.9478961

We've gone through this countless times, sadly it'll never go live.

>> No.9478963

Just make posting in English bannable.

>> No.9478973

So then the only 5 people on /jp/ that actually know Japanese can post?

>> No.9478981


Not really a valid comparison, OP's plan leads to a slow board because of a raised entry barrier, not because of a small userbase (though ours would shrink of course). About TC specifically...well yeah but OP isn't talking about making a shelter for /a/fags to blog about their feelings and "waifus" is he.

>> No.9478988

moot is a Jew why would he care about us?

>> No.9478999
File: 82 KB, 536x425, long live jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9479000

Some people from Futaba could join too.

>> No.9479015

Why moot must care about a dead board?

>> No.9479027

He already said no. /jp/ has lost the little respect it had; nothing unusually good will happen to this board in the coming years.

>> No.9479025

14 words, brother. -_- /

>> No.9479045

I'd welcome a kana one but kanji would be ridiculous.

>> No.9479070


this post has convinced me that kanji captcha is the only way to save /jp/

>> No.9479093

If *that* is the thing which has convinced you, you need to get out.

>> No.9479094

>I'd welcome a kana one but kanji would be ridiculous.
this one too

>> No.9479154

you guys realize you can't just hook a text hooker up to the captcha and pretend you understand it like you do with vns, right?

>> No.9479159

I've been preaching this for ages, kanji captcha is the way forward. We end up with no crossboard scum who seek to 'fit in', just people who are suited to being here and who want to be here.

It'll be the equivilent of doing reps but you get to post on /jp/ at the same time, so it'll increase posts from people who actually know Japanese and have something to contribute, plus everyone's Japanese proficiency will increase; fuelling a new generation of translators and fansubbers.

The board would be slower too, and the good threads wouldn't get bumped off the last page because of shitposts.

>> No.9479169

hiragana / katakana captcha would be shit, everyone knows those, it'd just encourage the shitty /a/tards who think they are a cut above everyone because they know hiragana/katakana.

>> No.9479175

Just as a heads up, there will always be people who will strive to fit in, so you'd still end up with people who you would consider not suited to being here and people from other boards who knew Japanese.

>> No.9479178

Simply logic: If they are good, they shouldn't be on the last page.

Hell few threads here hit 250.

>> No.9479188


Not every board has to move at /b/ or /a/ speeds. Some people are content with leaving a thread to cool, the only reason they reach the last page is because of constant shitposting.

>> No.9479195

I don't deny this.

But honestly, if they are good, shouldn't they have constant discussion?even if they don't hit 500, they shouldn't be near the end.

>> No.9479196

I've got an even better idea: Another /b/!

>> No.9479208

Hmm, can't shit post fast enough to fuck up both boards.

Hmm, this is just FUCKING RETARDED AND AUTISMAL AS HELL enough to work, you're you are a brilliant fucking dumbass congratulations. No seriously, this is retarded enough to have a shot at working.

>> No.9479205


No, because unlike /b/ and /a/ we don't need to have people constantly replying. It's quality over quantity. I'd rather be able to go back to the same thread a week later and post something worthwhile than have to bump constantly just to keep it afloat amongst the shitposts. It's like you've never been on an internet community outside of 4chan.

>> No.9479206

2d/random except on 4chan.

>> No.9479215

What does Japanese captcha look like? I find it hard enough to read the current one, I don't think I'd ever be able to make out the kanji.

>> No.9479224

the current one has been especially bad lately

>> No.9479231

Why not just make a new board that isn't on 4chan?

Then you guys can do what you want.

>> No.9479235

quality > quantity
And as much as some people like to think that the anonymous participatory nature of 4chan means everything is a group effort, oftentimes the best things that happen here only happen because of the effort of one or two posters, and everyone else just tags along for the excitement; you can't always force that kind of creativity out constantly, either, especially if it's the kind of discussion that involves letting ideas sit and stew for a while, or requires somebody revisiting the subject of the thread to analyze it in a new way based on what was discussed int eh thread. Some of /tg/'s best threads last for days

>> No.9479244

We have/had a 2d/random board made for shitposting or just the general blog stuff here. It got ignored for the most part because no one really cared for it. I feel that the reason why it didn't pick up speed was just because it wasn't on 4chan. Had the 2d/random board been on 4chan, it would have probably at least taken some of the shitposters from here.

>> No.9479257
File: 13 KB, 152x56, 68523971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9479254

Anyone who doesn't want to post somewhere because it isn't 4chan isn't the kind of person you'd want on a new /jp/ anyway.

I don't know why you all cling to this site.

>> No.9479258


English/numerical captchas have to obscure the words more because there are less letters thus it's easier for spambots to crack.

Japanese captchas are normally fairly easy to read because of all the possibilities what with kanji being similar to one another.

All it takes is to use an online drawing tool to draw it out and then copy/paste it into the box. This is how I learned to read kanji in physical Japanese books and it helped it stick in my mind so much better than just flashcards. It'd do wonders for anyone who actually wants to learn Japanese but gets distracted by /jp/.

>> No.9479261


No one would come. This is why I think it actually might be good if /jp/ got axed so the community would be forced to migrate at large.

The problem is we'd probably end up with some bored police faggots who'd make up the staff, instead of just implementing something like this.

>> No.9479262

I'm not saying it isn't, I was just putting forth some food for thought.

Anyways, yes you can't force out creativity, but discussion doesn't need creativity to be effective, it needs retrospection and understanding.

Anyways I get what you're saying and agree, but food for thought, why not?

>> No.9479265

Nevermind, I do know why. There isn't any decent alternative other than Japanese boards.

Probably the top /jp/ers all end up going to those.

>> No.9479275

What the hell? You think people who can speak japanese are automatically better people?

>> No.9479269

>kanji captcha
>/jp/ - China Culture

>> No.9479270


I've thought about doing this, I'd be a perfect staff member because I hate circlejerks and people sucking up to me. I'm too busy to get involved in IRC drama and shit so I wouldn't be your typical attention seeking kiddie admin who plays unfunny jokes on the members.

>> No.9479277


Easy as piss. I wish there was a script that could add a kanji captcha on top of the 4chan one, I'd get so much practice in.

>> No.9479280


It will at least drive a way a good 90% of the retards

>> No.9479282

Are you really complaining about people who would like to have it so you'd have to know something board related to post here?

>> No.9479287

even still, it took me years to learn how to maximize the enjoyment I get out of 4chan; even though I can read and write on .jp boards just fine, I just don't have as much fun there most of the time, even if the level of conversation and the knowledge the the things being discussed is way higher than I'll get on an english board

>> No.9479295

No, he's saying that people who can't speak Japanese are worse people

>> No.9479302

LOL do i kno japaneez or wat

>> No.9479309

Japanese is not board related. Otaku culture is. Go back to 2009.

>> No.9479312


He's just mad he can't speak Japanese but wants to continue shitposting

>> No.9479321

Maybe because it would drive away a good 90% of the entire board

>> No.9479325

stop being lazy and do ur reps maggot

>> No.9479329


That's good, because 90% of the board is shit in case you haven't noticed.

>> No.9479341


I can understand that captcha and I can confirm my posts are total shit and I have no business being here or any kind of interest in the topics discussed on this board.

>> No.9479345


It shouldn't take that long. Maybe look for somewhere that revolves less around memes and more around actual discussion?

>> No.9479359


Then leave.

>> No.9479366

Make him, nerd.

>> No.9479372


>> No.9479377

Why should he? This is /jp/ - Le Shitpost Derpington after all.

>> No.9479379


Make me make him, samefag.

>> No.9479386

That was the first time I posted in the topic, nerd.

>> No.9479396


Nice fast reply, did the truth hit home too hard?

>> No.9479405

Nice slow reply, you too busy crying from the maximum ownage?

>> No.9479407

You have to understand that there are a lot of lurkers newfags in training, so it would chase them away. In a few months, when they get angry, depressed and bitter, they would be ready to participate into this adorable shithole full of lewdness and cock sucking.

>> No.9479409

kanji captcha cannot come fast enough

>> No.9479412


u better shut ur mouth d**kwad im no fkn samefag u here me fucker!!!!

>> No.9479416

>adorable shithole full of lewdness and cock sucking.

pls kanji captcha

>> No.9479427

Plenty of shitposters know enough Japanese to survive it. I think you're making kanji out to be more difficult than it actually is.

>> No.9479435


At least it'd get rid of the shitposters that don't. What's lost from implementing it?

>> No.9479449

People on the board who contribute to actual board related stuff but don't fancy learning kanji.

>> No.9479457

Pretty sure moot already said he has no interest in kanji captcha.

>> No.9479464

It's more like he can't do that. He won't create a /b2/ either.

>> No.9479466


Find me someone who can contribute something worthwhile who doesn't know Kanji and maybe I'll consider seeing things from your point of view.

>> No.9479469


>> No.9479510


So nobody

>> No.9479561
File: 47 KB, 721x903, schrodinger (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought this was japanese culture and neet/loneliness board, i dont see why knowing kanji is mandatory

hell the ones shitposting know kanji anyway, you'd just left with the few shitposters that know japanese, and then theyd be half the board

>> No.9479584

Kana captcha please.

Kanji would be best but I would gladly settle for kana.

>> No.9479590

Am I the only one who thinks most of the pro-kanji captcha people here are unfriendly elitists?

>> No.9479608
File: 10 KB, 258x195, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and the whole point of 4chan was for a place non japanese could discuss like 2chan, if you know japanese go to the source

>> No.9479611

They are people who have seen their home invaded and destroyed, are you saying you wouldn't be a little unfriendly towards newcomers in their situation?

>> No.9479617

You're not alone, but they're too stubborn to accept anything else.

Stop being a baby.

>> No.9479631


He is right though, if you've been on 4chan long enough you'd want to punch a lot of people over the internet just for ruining what was once an enjoyable and funny place to be. I know everyone comes out with this 'hurrr 4chan was never good' shit because of a /b/ screenshot but it really was better.

>> No.9479632

Kana captcha please

>> No.9479635


Am I the only one who thinks you're fucking inferior?

I hope not.

>> No.9479644


I bet this is what Japanese people think about filthy white apes learning nihongo.

>> No.9479649

A lot of people let it go to their head after learning their first second language.

>> No.9479658

dont impliment kanji captcha where else will i post my epic memes????? T_T

>> No.9479659

Every single web community I've been to claims it was good before but was ruined by new users, or is at least worse off. It's not that it's ruined, it's that it changes, and most people refuse to accept change.

Then they'll usually say "change is good but not if it's shit change" and will just put their fingers in their ears. They can't accept that things change over time. It's different from what I was used to before, it must be shit.

>> No.9479669

>Every single web community I've been to

So just 4chan and facebook then?

>> No.9479673


No, it's just that good change goes unspoken.

>> No.9479684


Or maybe communities tend to decline over time. I think it's like a bell curve actually, a new community starts, it improves, it peaks, and then it just gets shittier and shittier.

>> No.9479697

It has nothing to do with language, it has everything to do with retards and their horrible posting habits. In /jp/'s case, it just so happens that a lot of the topics that are supposed to be board related require knowledge of another language to be best appreciated, so it would go hand in hand that people who constantly post things that are unrelated to those topics would also be less likely to make those bad posts if there were a way to actually test people's familiarity with the boards raison d'etre.

It's not about elitism or exclusivity, it's trying to find creative ways to the growing pains that 4chan has undergone without having to resort to just more human moderators. What attracts retarded shitposters is the fact that they get attention; even if it's a janitor deleting their post, they don't care, because it means somebody paid attention to them. If you can stop them from posting in a manner that doesn't involve an actual human from responding to them, then it defeats both the problem of off-topic posting AND the situation of attention-reinforcement that perpetuates their antisocial behavior.

Kanji captcha is not a perfect way of "moderating" the board, but it is an extremely interesting and novel one.

>> No.9479713

People who don't want kanji captcha:

-Crossposting scum trying to escape the 'summer' on their own board by coming to /jp/

-Meme kids who want to desperately fit into an internet community but don't want to learn the language that pertains to the subject matter of the board.

-Stiff 'internet argument' turbonerds who argue about semantics and derail threads


People who do want kanji captcha:

-Cool people who know enough Japanese to contribute to the board.

-People who are obsessed enough with their interests that they actually learned the language so they can understand it better.

-Posters who value quality over quantity

-Loose hippie NEET bitches and lolis

It's decided, then. Kanji captcha would be the best thing ever.

>> No.9479711

I agree that it would be good to get rid of shitposters.
I agree that it would be good to get rid of crossposters.
But please think of the kind, nice people you will lose if we used kanji captchas. They are little girls, you know? And a lot of little girls can't concentrate on something so difficult like learning another language. I know that you just want to make this board a better place, but what if it becomes a place full of emotionless robots without any fun or love? Would you like that?

>> No.9479712

When something becomes irredeemably bad, it should be destroyed. It's the healthy option. Why would you want to keep this piece of shit here? Are you making money with it?

>> No.9479726

Even though it's extremely unlikely that we will ever get a moderator for /jp/ who vigilantly issues bans and rebans evaders, it's even more unlikely that we will ever get a kanji captcha (zero chance). Maybe if you begged moot enough you could get the first.

Not all places get worse when they change. /jp/ did, though.

>> No.9479734

so many things right in that post I don't even know where to begin

>> No.9479735

There's no point arguing about this when moot has said he definitely won't do it.

>> No.9479743

Why would it get rid of shitposters? Even wtH knew his kanji.

>> No.9479741

>-Loose hippie NEET bitches and lolis

You're definitely going to need to explain this one to me, I thought this would definitely fall under the "don't want kanji captcha" category.

>> No.9479747

It wouldn't get rid of a lot of shitposters, only some.

>> No.9479751

Well written.
>antisocial behavior
It's hilariously ironic that it's actually what's going on. On /jp/, of all places.

>> No.9479757
File: 250 KB, 800x802, schrodinger__nazi_catboy_by_mog17-d3j8xrn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>people who do want kanji : -Loose hippie NEET bitches and lolis

at what point do you think us people with mental disabilities, chronic loneliness or general NEET apathy will force themselves to learn japanese?

>> No.9479768

When their desire to shitpost and communicate with the only board they're used to overcomes the desire to do nothing

>> No.9479766

It's more likely that I will be appointed a moderator in /jp/ than we will ever see kanji captcha in /jp/.

You should all send moot emails encouraging him to do just that. It would be more productive than begging for something he has no power to do .

>> No.9479785

Most of us would probably be happy. Kills off shitposters like yourself and allows us to get some kanji practice in. Sink or swim.

>> No.9479797

``Thinking hurts my head, I just wanted to have some fun''
       - Anonymous /v/ reject, 2012

>> No.9479798
File: 169 KB, 714x712, Schrodinger_from_Hellsing_Mk2_by_TheJack_jack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are some people here with disassociative mental problems so they spend a 5 minutes unable to work out shapes and words, then it all comes back to them. They operate fine its an associative delay

Why would they learn kanji? and being a otherwise welcoming board to the more shy and damaged girls why would we hurt them just to suck your elitist dick?

>> No.9479803

Why do you think it'll kill off shitposters? You can't really believe there would be no shitposting with a kanji captcha.

>> No.9479806

All you have to bypass a kanji captcha is have the ability to draw a picture with your mouse. It will take approximately ten seconds more than inputting a normal captcha, even if you speak neither Japanese nor English.

>> No.9479811

because at least it would be /jp/-tier shitposting

>> No.9479816

>boohoo, i am incapable of memorizing a few symbols and therefore the board would DIE without me.

fixed. wish moot would do it.

>> No.9479820
File: 10 KB, 146x150, Schrodinger_Chibi_Blink_by_CAT_Schrodinger_BOY.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im pretty sure now all the kanji fags in this thread are shitposters wanting complete domination

>> No.9479824

LOL i know japanese and i shitpost ALL the time

>> No.9479828

Well, sounds like this whole argument just fell apart.

>> No.9479829

At least it wouldn't be done by the newest, laziest and dimmest fucks.

>> No.9479833

Fuck, I didn't think of this one.

>> No.9479841

>Kanji captcha
Sorry but I don't know chinese

>> No.9479842

Because japan is gay

>> No.9479849


one extra barrier is all we need to get rid of the majority of shitposters.

just captcha managed to do what it was meant to do, which is get rid of spammers

>> No.9479852

It will be about as effective as making you fill out three captchas instead of one.

And captcha only stopped machine spammers anyway.

>> No.9479864

How do you see drawing a picture as "one extra barrier" compared to entering a word? It'll take near enough the same amount of time depending on what you get and if your current captcha is retarded.

>> No.9479859

It already stopped me when I failed and was lazy to retype

>> No.9479913

Because it's absolutely impossible to implement a Captcha equivalent which, for example, asks a question? Besides, don't you remember what jewt said?

>> No.9480016
File: 6 KB, 418x71, better solution to captcha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still remember dramatic anons freaking out and desperately trying to believe it'd be temporary.
Moot did imply it was temporary.

>> No.9480022

Give up, it's never going away, it's just something we have to deal with.

>> No.9480017

To this day, moot still searches for that better solution. He has never forgotten us.

>> No.9480043

I wish we had a kanji captcha. I could actually get some kanji memorized without being constantly distracted.

>> No.9480050

>you can't always force that kind of creativity out constantly
Are you saying that there is any creativity on /jp/? Even the OC threads are mostly dead these days. There is nothing to be creative about.

>> No.9480081

Quality conversation relies on creative thinking, creative ideas, creative approaches to the topic being discussed.

>> No.9480124

Sakura!Railgun and Yama are the best posters on /jp/.

>> No.9480486

Posters should be limited to three threads per day and twelve posts per hour.

There, problem solved.

>> No.9480531

Gensokyo would be bursting at the seams

>> No.9480555


I'd say that's the average posting rate for most shitposters. You want 2 threads a day and 5 posts every 3 hours.

>> No.9480570

Five posts in three hours would make it impossible to hold more than one conversation.

>> No.9480587


You don't need to immediately reply to everything everyone says. 5 posts every 3 hours would make people think about what they're going to type a little bit more. And people that abuse those would be clearly identifiable as full-time shitposters and could be permabanned.

>> No.9480604

Then conversations would be forced to extend across days. If there's no reason not to I don't want to wait two hours for a reply because the person I'm talking to ran out of posts.

>> No.9480609

Multiple conversations isn't conversing with everyone.

>> No.9480650

It would stop the power users, at least.

Also, if moot implements restrictions that are too far beyond what people are used to, they'll just evade.

>> No.9480657

>All you have to bypass a kanji captcha is have the ability to draw a picture with your mouse. It will take approximately ten seconds more than inputting a normal captcha, even if you speak neither Japanese nor English.

Nope. The average shitposter would have to:
- Enable Japanese input
- Learn how to get to the drawing pad
- Learn how to use the drawing pad
- Use the correct number of strokes (Hardest part for retards)

So kanji captcha would breathe much life back into /jp/. Until then, enjoy your boyfriends and cock sucking.

>> No.9480690

I don't know how to do any of that shit and I could still crack a kanji captcha without any trouble with online tools. Well, I'm better at four than other people, but it's not that hard. Top down left right is ninety percent of it.

>> No.9480697

There is a way around this.

Get a captcha that gives you a question in japanese and forces you to type an answer.

And make it reset every minute so shitposters have no time to look up each word.

>> No.9480716

Yeah, you just get on programming that shit.

You can email it to moot when you're done.
