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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9475621 No.9475621[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't you learned Japanese yet?

Most of you have had a reason to want to learn for probably over five years. There's no excuse for not being fluent by now.

>> No.9475622

I play and then I play harder.

Language learning is not play.

>> No.9475626

I can't go to school

>> No.9475628
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I memorized the kana in two days, but then I didn't know what to do and I gave up.

Kanjidamage was confusing. I like flashcards.

>> No.9475635
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Biggest waste of time ever, especially for learning a language. Self-taught is the only way to learn languages. Use the internet.

>> No.9475639


>> No.9475644



That looks like a little nose

>> No.9475645

I have a bad memory

>> No.9475648

The only thing I can think of is more loli h and that is apparently not enough motivation for me.

>> No.9475649


any good recommendations?

>> No.9475650


>What would you do, if you wear the Japanese? I went to Japan as it is also able to speak Will you join us there is no reason she is. Anime games and have translated a lot You are going to study Japanese there is no way from rewarding.


>> No.9475653

I got through my kana and then I hit a brick wall; I think my mistake was trying to do kanji at the same time as grammar.

>> No.9475658

Kanji felt overwhelming.

>> No.9475677
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Am I supposed to learn the meaning of kanji or am I supposed to just learn how the character is pronounced in Japanese and later figure it out once I learn vocab? I keep trying to read Japanese characters like they're hieroglyphics and I don't think that's right.

For example, in >>9475639 I see multiple 日 which is what I believe is the character for day time. I don't think he's talking about day time or sunlight though.

>> No.9475689

I don't learn primitive tongues. If it isn't based on the latin alphabet then it's some old language for savages.

>> No.9475690


I don't fucking understand the logic behind Kanji, it's fucking sound changes depend on how it's used! Everything should just be kana!

>> No.9475694

I'll do it tomorrow.

>> No.9475702

No. No it absolutely should not. In addition to the written language taking up even more space than it already does, I really don't like the idea of having to infer the meaning of every goddamn word that has a homonym and/or a synonym.

>> No.9475713

I'm working on it, just started on my kanji.

>> No.9475716

>I really don't like the idea of having to infer the meaning of every goddamn word that has a homonym and/or a synonym.
But you already do that in English, how bad could it be? As long as there's context you should be able to figure it out.

>> No.9475724

Kanji is easy
Knowing enough vocabulary to understand things is not

Then again, its just a matter of time. It just takes too much

>> No.9475725


Don't try to read shit when you're memorizing kanji. It will just confuse you. It makes more sense once you learn grammar.

>> No.9475735

If you can't understand the logic behind kanji, you know too little Japanese to even have an opinion about it.

>> No.9475755
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Don't feel bad about not being able to understand kanji, /jp/.

You're a white person. If you don't have some Asian blood in you then you're just a little bit genetically inferior and you won't be able to understand this.

It's like trying to teach a dog how to type. He won't be able to do it, but there's still lots of ways for the dog to have fun and enjoy his life.

>> No.9475769
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Note the scrollbar.
Also, japs don't usually use spaces in between words.

>> No.9475774


Japanese literacy has increased drastically since WW2. This is because the bombs detonated at Hiroshima and Nagasaki produced huge amounts of radiation which poisoned the entire population of Japan to varying degrees, but more importantly it had the unintentional side effect of mutating the next generation of Japanese children that were born post-WW2 and they mutated to have increased intelligence.

This is why Japanese literacy has increased so much. You can thank us for that.

>> No.9475778

I still haven't figured out a good way to learn kanji. I think the most successful method so far has been trying to translate porn on my own.

>> No.9475784


If the kana for half of that is all identical then does that mean if you were to speak this sentence then the word for period of time, organization, instrument, and key would all have the same exact pronunciation?

How can you tell the difference when speaking?

>> No.9475789

Ccrist this thread is a joke. kanji is ez-mode if you know what you're doing. from then on its repetition, grammar and vocab building and then one day you realize, BAM, you're fluent.

anyone with a shred of dedication in them could do it. sorry to sound so harsh but it's the truth. (of course, this implies that you know how to learn Japanese; if you don't, then you're screwed)

>> No.9475791


What did you use to learn kanji?

I'm confused and slightly retarded. Please respond

>> No.9475797


I used the Heisig-based LazyKanjiMod2 method. It's way to complicated to explain in a single post so i'll just recommend AJATT.com, which explains everything. Good luck.

>> No.9475810

Yeah, you're right. People rely on context there.

But you read much faster than you speak or listen.
Also, speech has intonation. So you can sort of tell where words begin and end sometimes. If the same thing was written in kana, however, you wouldn't be able to tell, unless you knew the words.

>> No.9475811
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Thank you

>> No.9475816

Dude...I don't even catch up to translated VNs/anime/games etc.

>> No.9475820

I want to learn Japanese so I can play moege and so that I can possibly do online translation work to make a little money since I'm too scared to get autismbux.

>> No.9475825


Keep up your studies and please never give up.
You are a special person.
I encourage you.

>> No.9475832

>too scared to get autismbux.
It seems like you legitimately need them then.

>> No.9475843

Yeah, my parents called some girl from the social service last year but I locked myself in my room. They keep telling me to go there but I know I won't.

>> No.9475866


thank you for your kind words

>> No.9475868

Why don't you get them to go with you and help you there? It can actually help your cause if you have to be with your parents if you go to places.

>> No.9475877

If he couldn't handle a single person in his own home I doubt he can handle any of the situations he would have to deal with for such a thing.

>> No.9475882

I'm giving him that advice being someone who can't really talk to anyone but my parents and a few others and I almost never leave my house. I'm sure he'll be able to handle it with his parents supporting him and taking him there.

>> No.9475887

When you all Japanese, do you aim to learn to understand it spoken or just to read it?

>> No.9475892

Spoken Japanese is way, way, way easier than written Japanese most of the time, but VNs, LNs and 2chan all require reading skills.

>> No.9475904


Huh. I would have imagined it was the other way around.
Written English is easier than spoken English. Just the other day I was on a tram with these high school kids of middle eastern background.
They had such an accent that I assumed they were speaking Arabic or something, but after five minutes of listening I could understand it as English.
Perhaps I'm a bit deaf, but shit's difficult at times with all the variations in speech.

>> No.9475906

Is this the correct order of learning Japanese?

Memorize Kana > Memorize most common kanji characters > Grammar > Vocab > Practice with VNs

or does vocab go before grammar?

>> No.9475911

>Written English is easier than spoken English.
But no

>> No.9475913

japanese is a peasant language only subhumans would want to learn!

>> No.9475915



>> No.9475917

Most of the things I read don't need translation. If they do it's more worthwhile to me to just commission a translation.

>> No.9475946

Any difficulty in spoken English is also present in written English and there is a lot of difficulty in written English that doesn't exist in spoken English. I can't actually figure out what you are claiming causes difficulty. Your post makes it seem like you are talking about accents and that is not really relevant to the language at all.

>> No.9475950
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Clearly I must be retarded or something. I tried to take a look at Kanjidamage and I thought I understood everything from the kanji facts/the howto, but then I went to the first Kanji page and now I'm just confused.

The instructions say Jukugo always uses the ONyomi unless it has okurigana in it, but then you get to 一 and none of the Jukugo use ichi/itsu.

> もう一度(もういちど)
Does this Jukugo count as having Okurigana in it or is it just a Jukugo since the hiragana's at the beginning? If it doesn't count as having Okurigana, it makes sense, I guess.
> 一緒(いっしょ) に
> 一人(ひとり) で
> 一般的(いっぱんてき) な
> 一日(ついたち)
> 一番(いちばん)

>> No.9475954

English spelling can be a bitch because the pronunciation and spelling of a word don't necessarily match up. If you hear a word in Japanese, you can easily write it in kana - this is not the case with English, as the pronunciation rules are somewhat scatterbrained due to the piecemeal nature of modern English. There are bits and pieces of dozens of other languages spread throughout the English language, and many of those bring their own guidelines for spelling and pronunciation with them and this results in a massive volume of exceedingly minor grammar and spelling rules.

>> No.9475965
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I'm trying, but the grammar is fucking me so hard. Oh god, it makes no sense and there's so much to remember.

>> No.9475969

You know English. How can you complain about any grammar not making sense?

>> No.9475975

because grammar.

it's not part of the word, so it's not okurigana, but it's the particle you use it with.

Don't wonder why you don't understand it if you have no clue on how the grammar works.

>> No.9475981 [DELETED] 


I did:

Memorize Kana > Memorize most common kanji characters > Introductory textbook > Grammar > Vocab > Practice.

>> No.9475983
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I know English because I've spoken it my whole life. I never really sat down and looked at the language. I just speak it because I do, you know what I mean?

>> No.9475984

Really? Kanji just would not stick for me until I got a grounding in grammar first.

>> No.9475989

More or less. You'll be learning grammar and vocabulary simultaneously at the start.

>> No.9475991



>> No.9475993

Sorry I deleted my post, it was a lie. I actually did:

Genki I > RTK > Tae Kim > Core 6000 Sentence Pack > Practice and keep learning vocabulary and grammar

>> No.9475994

If you wish to possess understanding of the Japanese language then you must become one with the Japanese entity that exists inside of each of us.

I ask you this: How can a turtle know that he is a turtle if he does not see his reflection?

Think about that for awhile. Once you understand the meaning then you will be Japanese.

>> No.9476002




>> No.9476008

Do turtles care about whether or not they are a turtle? Are turtles capable of having existential crises?

>> No.9476009

Ah, alright then.

>> No.9476010


>> No.9476014

That's mu

>> No.9476015


What is RTK?

>> No.9476018

Heisig's Remembering the Kanji.

>> No.9476020

But I am learning.

I still don't understand に because they put it everywhere like と with no logic behind it at all. I've been at this shit for two years now and still don't understand it. It's like one big horrible joke, like the Japanese themselves don't even know and they just look at what they wrote and go "Yeah, I need a と here." "Yeah I guess I could put a に somewhere in this clause that does nothing." It's like looking at a comma splice or a random ass semicolon. It makes me want to hurt things.

>> No.9476023

に denotes a direction lol

>> No.9476025

Except when it doesn't.

>> No.9476040



>> No.9476069

に-Used after works indicating the specific point in time (e.g., 3 o'clock) at which - or a interval (e.g, one week) during which an action takes place. English equivalent: 'at'

に・へ - Indicates the direction toward which something is moving. In this sense に an へ are interchangeable. English equivalent: 'to'

に - Indicates a goal when used with verbs showing an inward movement. へ can replace に in this usage, but に is more common. English equivalent: 'in' 'into'

に - Indicates the location where an action takes place when combined with the following verbs: 座る, 置く, 住む, 勤める, 積もる. Compare with で which has the same function with most other verbs. English equivalent: 'in' 'on'

に - Like と, indicates a connection between two or more nouns to form a list that is complete in and of itself (unless the sentence ends with など). This particle is more formal than と. English equivalent 'and'

>> No.9476128




>> No.9476193

because no time and expensive books.

>> No.9476207


>> No.9476216


That's not necessarily bad, but I would reccomend Memorize Kana > Grammer/basic vocab at same time > more vocab > Kanji > VNs or however you want to use Japanese

>> No.9476226


>> No.9476260

I learned kanji from AGTH+VN
Learning was fun!

>> No.9476264

I just bought a slingbox to set up at my parents house in Japan (fiber 100mb↑↓) so now I can watch live Japanese television all day every day, and most importantly, finally participate in 実況スレ while back in the states.

>> No.9476271

I'm too lazy

>> No.9476291

Man I wish I could read Japanese so fucking bad but then
happens and I hate myself I wish I could discipline myself.

>> No.9476298



>> No.9476317


>> No.9476330


>> No.9476327

Isn't yukkuri like sexy time or something?

>> No.9476354



>> No.9476355

because we care about what japanese think of japanese

we care about what we think of japanese

>> No.9476364

because i dont like being by myself

speakers of about every other language have offered help

>> No.9476359

Because I'm not a fucking nerd like you.

>> No.9476379

Because japan are shit
Dirty smelly people
Dying people
Japanese go to hell

>> No.9476384
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I communicate through my Japanese spirit

>> No.9476392

I am strong enough
I can learn this
Someday I will
I know this to be true

>> No.9476414

I tried to learn it but I got dyslectia so it's very hard for me to learn a new language.

also I don't have the time for it anymore.

>> No.9476495

there should be a site where foreigners try to learn each others languages. people like you could use audio.

>> No.9476504

On a related note, does anybody remember that image board that had automatic translation? I think it was Japanese, and the idea was to bridge the Japanese and Western image board communities together.

>> No.9476528

I'm scared to try, because I'm almost positive there will come a point where I have to say to myself "Hey -- this isn't going to happen for a lazy 26-year-old who's just a Japanese culture hobbyist."

Sage 'cause I'm a faggot.

>> No.9476557

I can only muster enough motivation to actively work towards one goal at the time, Japanese is currently not the most important one for me.

>> No.9476619
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What can be more important than learning Japanese?

>> No.9476616

To all of you saying you're too lazy to learn Japanese; or any other language for that matter:

Get off your sweaty ass and actually accomplish something in your life. I know this is /jp/ and therefore are probably not the most motivated of people, but considering your lives seem to revolve around Japanese culture at least have the respect to learn the language. Even if it's the only thing you do

>> No.9476635


>> No.9476639

I wasn't referring to the particles...

I meant もう in もう一度.

>> No.9476642

I don't know where to go.
I memorized the kana and then like a lost little child I wandered the internet in search of what to do next and it was all so confusing. One guy said to train vocabulary, one guy said to memorize kanji, one guy said do Heisig, another guy said Heisig sucks. It hurt my brain and made me sad.

>> No.9476682


I was in the same boat dude, I know you may not like the answer, but the best thing to do would be to buy some textbooks or get a teacher until you have a good understanding on how sentences are formed. From here it will be much easier to self teach as you will mostly be just learning vocab.

As for which books I highly recommend Japanese for Busy People: KANA edition. I primer illy used this when learning Japanese and it is fantastic, also very cheap as far as textbooks go. I'm not sure if there's a a good torrent online so you would have to find it yourself if you were to torrent it.

I'd also highly recommend GENKI, it's very expensive but also very good. There are a few good torrents of it on thepiratebay so you should have no trouble finding a free version of it

>> No.9476696

Tae Kim's guide for grammar + Vocabulary

>> No.9476706

Now I'm confused and depressed again. please stop.

>> No.9476711

I have. Just haven't learned to speak or write that well yet because lol no practice partners.

>> No.9476714


I'm not sure how this could confuse you, I told you to buy/torrent some textbooks. I even named which ones

>> No.9476719

And this guy

Said something else.

>> No.9476743


Not everyone is going to say the exact same thing, I don't want to put down what the other guy said, but I didn't find Tae Kim very good for an absolute beginner. Just stick with textbooks at first and then Tae Kim once you have a small base to learn with

>> No.9476772
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I started learning two days ago with realkana and namasensei. I'm working on learning the kana an hour a night, and I have them all written down in my notebook so I can practice on breaks at work. It's pretty fun so far, i'm just hoping I don't hit the grammar/vocab wall and quit like quite a few of you seem to.

>> No.9476788

It's a separate word.
Same word as is used in the sense of "already".
If you were to translate it in this context, I suppose it might be "more", so you get "one more time". But in any case, it's a separate word, adnd not okurigana.

>> No.9476853

I want to learn, but every time I turn on my computer, I get sucked back here. Even if /jp/ is really shitty, I get stuck on this board for hours and accomplish nothing. I need to figure out how to leave. Please be more shitty, /jp/.

>> No.9476858


Exactly what I did, when starting, I think a lot of people here are doing online lessons that are too advanced for them as they are absolute beginners. With a book/teacher you start from absolute begining so should be fine.

Also I cannot recommend namasensei enough, he is very good

>> No.9476859

This is the order I did shit

> Remembering the Kana
> Genki I + II
> Dictionnary of basic japanese grammar
> KanjiDamage round1: meanings
> Integrated approach to Intermediate Japanese
> KanjiDamage round 2: onyomi, kunyomi, juukugo
>Dictionnary of intermediate japanese grammar

Now I'm working my way through LNs and mangas with rikai-kun, kinda stuck though, what should I do now?

>> No.9476885

do 'eroge everyday' really works?

>> No.9476893

No, AGTH/ITH translates everything into a garbled mess so you need to know at least 1000+ kanji to even consider doing something this stupid.

>> No.9476903

Any sort of reading material will help past the beginning stages of learning any language. It also helps a lot if you actually enjoy the reading material, however you'll definitely be looking up almost every kanji and word during your first try, but you'll eventually get better and better at it if you keep trying.

>> No.9476910

You should be at least JLPT3 to even begin to consider getting into reading materials, IMO

>> No.9476957

what i did:
the inevitable: kana
read taekim's guide
google "chrome extension japanese dictionary" for something awesome
open up twitter and follow some artists i know on pixiv/nico

the good thing: all words learned are assured to be "useful"
the bad thing: it doesnt help with listening to spoken japanese. and i found myself lack ability of communication in general

>> No.9477019

I'm using Jparser with ITH.
Why do I need to know 1000+ kanji if it shows the meaning of them?
It's not a garbled mess, there are just some errors but you can easily recognize them if you know at least some basic grammar rules.

>> No.9477041

But you'll never learn anything at this rate.

>> No.9477070

How much did you know before you started?
Do you think you will ever be able to read without and translation tool?

>> No.9477078


>> No.9477089

I'm still waiting for my Ritalin prescription.

>> No.9477115

I had finished both genki textbooks, and knew about 400 kanji.
I'm still learning kanji, but nothing for grammar.
Actually I can't read anything without assistance, but I can grasp the meaning of some sentences even before I check it.

>> No.9477135


>> No.9477147

You like how some of me fags think I can judge loose-boy or romeo when all I did was read shitty translations by highschoolers and uncultured neet.

>> No.9477192


>> No.9477329

There are sites like that though

>> No.9477381

There are sites. They all suck because they are filled with people who want to learn a language with zero effort.

>> No.9477410

IS there a point to learning kanji on it's own?

Seems like a huge waste of time, especially when you're going for meanings only.

>> No.9477703

>IS there a point to learning kanji on it's own?
No, you learn words and how to write them.
