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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9475615 No.9475615[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Last year, in July maybe, I added someone from /jp/ to my friend list and we talked about VNs and played a bunch of games... it was very fun, but I was gone for a long time, and he seems to have removed me. I know this is a shot in the dark, but anon, if you're there, could you add me again? All I remember about you is that you really liked Sharin no Kuni.

>> No.9475619

I hate you.

>> No.9475625

I hate you.

>> No.9475636

You abandoned me.

>> No.9475640

Can't you find his post in an archive? I'm sure you could remember some keywords that you used or recalled in his post.

Good luck with your search either way!

>> No.9475654

I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to. And I have no idea how I ended up adding you, so I don't know what to look for in the archive...

>> No.9475666
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I'll be your friend /jp/ ;_;

>> No.9475679

Didn't one of you reveal a name or an e-mail? I suppose if you revealed yours it might be a little more difficult to remember, but if he mentioned his, don't you remember that?

Did you talk about VNs on /jp/ before you decided to become friends? Maybe you could search for that.

Please don't give up hope so easily!

>> No.9475688
File: 74 KB, 916x706, despair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone said he would be my online /jp/ boyfriend but he only responded once.

It's been two days.

>> No.9475691
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>> No.9475698

I would be your online boyfriend, though I'm not very interesting and you'd probably get bored of you. Though the thing I can offer is unending constant love and loyalty.

>> No.9475707

I would if you were an actual girl

>> No.9475711

Get a load of this fag. You probably bored him, nerd.

>> No.9475763
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To make real friend you must exchange panties with each other.

>> No.9475765

What if I have crabs?

>> No.9475768
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He hates you.

>> No.9475770

Exchanging of the crabs is too, a sign of friendship.

>> No.9475780


>> No.9475787

Why? What did I do?

>> No.9475813

/jp/ isn't even capable of maintaining online relationships in any form.

I know I can't.

>> No.9475817

I will never escape this crushing loneliness.

>> No.9475846


>> No.9478747

Sorry for being over ten hours later, I've been trying to remember. I think it was me who posted my ID first, but I can't find it in the archive... assuming I posted my email address, I must have split it up into different lines or parts to make it more difficult to find for crawlers. I don't remember his name, all I remember is that he really liked Sharin no Kuni. Also I think the character in his avatar was wearing a dark orange outfit. I'm not 100% sure, but that's the first color that comes to mind when I think of him.

>> No.9478911

theekyre@hotmail.com add me on MSN

>> No.9479003

Noel a shit

>> No.9479047

I just woke up myself a little while ago, so it's no big deal.

It's too bad that you can't recall anything, but please try to remember what you can, and don't give up hope just yet.

>> No.9479248

Nearly the same thing happened to me as well. Want to email me instead? Granted, I don't know what a good /jp/ boyfriend is, or even a good boyfriend in general consists of.

>> No.9480813


>> No.9480873

I'll be your friend OP.

>> No.9480897

Strange, whenever I add people on steam we stay bros for a while.

>> No.9480904

I'm not really interested in this boyfriend thing. I just need someone to talk to 10 minutes a day.

>> No.9480910

I wish BlazBlue 3 would come out already.

>> No.9480915

eksopl@gmail.com let's cyber, anon

>> No.9480930

Noel is such a turbonerd.

>> No.9480955

If this topic is for finding long lost friends, one /jp/er and I identified each other twice through our posts over the course of several weeks. We agreed that if we found each other again, one of us would give the other an email address.

It hasn't been too long since the last encounter, and hopefully it won't be much longer.

>> No.9480963

Are you sure? As you can probably tell, I'm a clingy faggot. If you think I'm being too annoying, just tell me to fuck off and I'll stop bothering you.

>> No.9480972

>eksopl@gmail.com let's cyber, anon
Disregard that, please come to Rizon and /msg Sanakan instead, I am much more cyber friendly.

>> No.9480992

Is that really you? I'm a little at a loss for words.

>> No.9481049

Oh don't worry about me, I'm too scared to initiate conversation most of the time so it's no problem. I'll add you when I get a chance later.

>> No.9481060

I'm gonna need more proof than that...

>> No.9481074

I know, I'm just not sure what to say. I guess it would be kind of hard to prove, but don't let that curb your enthusiasm.

>> No.9481151

Sounds right so far. But just to be sure, let's be blunt. What was the first topic about, and what was it you were hesitant to do? And also include a certain relevant TV channel, if possible.

And if you want me to prove something, just ask. We gotta make this official. You're getting my hopes up here.

>> No.9481164

Sorry if I sound rude.

>> No.9481213

Haha, it's okay, I'm pretty excited as well. If I remember correctly, the topic was about what western tv shows /jp/ liked. I'd mentioned wanting HBO for a particular show, but couldn't really pay for it, but I was also hesitant to torrent it as well.

>> No.9481363

I'm worried that you may be one of the observers from the previous threads, but there's not much else I can reasonably ask you to do. Last time I promised I'd hand out my email address. If you are a faker, then it will probably be obvious soon enough.


If you are the right person, then I'm sorry for sounding so rude compared to before. Regardless, the ball's in your court now.

>> No.9481388

I am jealous of your relationship.

>> No.9481443

Have a happy life, you two. Congrats on the wedding.

>> No.9481457

I really try to believe that no one would be that much of a jerk, but I can understand why you'd be worried. I can't really offer you anything but my word, but I really was that person you spoke to.
I'm a little nervous, but a bit giddy at the same time. I haven't felt like this since the last time we ran into each other. To think it would happen twice.

>> No.9481824

I wish I had a reason to be nice to people on /jp/

>> No.9481900
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This thread is super cute, I hope you guys have lots of fun times together!

>> No.9481905

I want to add you so bad but I'm also afraid that we wont have anything in common and you'll end up hating me. I'm also tired and don't want to add you and just say hi then go to bed, damn it all these feelings.

>> No.9481921

I'm also worried about this too. I added him anyways, but I don't know if he's online. I was scared and just closed MSN as soon as I added him. Why am I so awkward.

>> No.9481969

Reminder: please reply to your partner today!

>> No.9482133

I wish someone replied to me.

>> No.9482153

I love you anon, so much. I hope you have a wonderful day/night.

>> No.9482159

via email, I meant. I've sent an email to one of these people. Got no response. Your response is appreciated though.

>> No.9482168

Which email is yours?

>> No.9482176

None of them, I simply responded to one that was posted.

I can however post an alternate email I use, if you'd like.

>> No.9482837

..It's been quite a long time, but I suppose I could see if he's still here.

Back when I went under the trip of Nanaya!yr I met a anon in the let's play with /jp/ threads, or whatever they were. My memory isn't that great, but I think we met in Aion. I was a Elyos Gladiator named Seiba and you were a Elyos Sorcerer named Patchouli. I think it might have been the lumiel server. Later on, we met twice in Aika. Once on my paladin who I forgot the name of, you were a cleric. We didn't know who each other was in-game until later after.. a wipe maybe? can't remember. I was playing a rifleman and you were playing a cleric again. We leveled together until I was forced to start taking larger breaks due to real life issues, eventually stopping playing.

I can't remember our names in Aika, or anything we may have played after that. But this should be exact enough that if you are still here, you'll know instantly.

.....Well, I haven't got much hope. I tried finding him before with no luck. I don't know why we never thought to give each other contact outside of /jp/.

>> No.9482907

Good luck to you then.

I on the other hand have had no such luck, regarding a response to this: >>9482176

Seems no one is getting my email today.
