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9474956 No.9474956[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How can anyone be a NEET in the USA? They have no free healthcare, no welfare and parents traditionally kick their children out once they turn 18 years old.

>> No.9474963

Someone in the US can only be a neet by luck or hard work. Kind of sucks, right...?

>> No.9474964

Actually, America's social safety net is huge.

>> No.9474975

Not everyone gets stuck with shitty parents.

>> No.9474995
File: 322 KB, 1280x720, isumiispensive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People here just pretend to have some bullshit psychological disorder like social anxiety and they get free money to sit at home. Its not hard to pretend you're an aspie or whatever.

Also, goddamn. I'm 22 and live with my parents, and they hold it over my head all the time. I didn't ask to be born-if you didn't wanna take care of a kid, you shouldn't have had one. Not to mention, my living here probably doesn't cost them a whole fuck of a lot at this point.

>> No.9475172

>if you didn't wanna take care of a kid, you shouldn't have had one
Yeah but you're not a kid anymore, are you?

>> No.9475195

Video related.

>> No.9475202

This. It's how I still have a computer and internet. But goddamn they won't stop pestering me until I either get a job or the minor anxiety I have actually gets worse.

>> No.9475217

Only if you're black, an immigrant, or a woman that has squirted out a kid or two.

If you're just a lone truNEET the government has no pity for you, even if you go through the trouble of getting on disability you won't get enough to move out.

I was born into a poor family so it's been quite a struggle for me to uphold the neet tradition.

>> No.9475276

>They have no free healthcare
Wrong, I have medicaid and 100% of my medical bills are paid for.
>no welfare
I get $700 a month from SSI and $200 in food stamps. If I lived alone I'd get more.
>parents traditionally kick their children out once they turn 18 years old
Shitty parents, maybe.

>> No.9475296

>if you're black
Please explain this part. In detail, if you can.

>> No.9475310

Second, I'd really like to get in some action.

>> No.9475316


So what? The whole 18 thing is retarded. 18 back in the day is like 30 today.

>> No.9475326

There are plenty of guides for getting the most you can out of government money out there, guys. Why don't you google around?

>> No.9475334

Stop making excuses for being a parasite on your parent's income.

>> No.9475356

Well I googled "how to get money off the government if you're black" and it came up with no useful results.
