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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 427 KB, 1500x375, 1343610260601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9473088 No.9473088[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why doesn't /jp/ have a board-tan?

>> No.9473096

Because its for fan girls and tumblr

>> No.9473099

We do, but I can't bother finding it right now.
It's a angry little girl.
Pretty spot on

>> No.9473106
File: 5 KB, 279x434, Jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9473113

Heh. I like it.

>> No.9473124
File: 3 KB, 195x209, homutearsofjoy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Young Homu...

>> No.9473144

Pls go~!

>> No.9473160

because we don't need one

sorry I don't like being part of ``4chan culture''

never have since I first visited in 2005, it's gay as fuck

>> No.9473179
File: 77 KB, 981x814, uguu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So kawaii, just like the people of /jp/!

>> No.9473177
File: 28 KB, 605x432, ralph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9473193

I visited /bun/ for the first time last night before I went to bed. "Eh, looks interesting," I thought, and I made a post and bookmarked the site. Bad move. I woke up with my inbox full of spam. My YouTube and Facebook accounts were hacked. All of my Touhou folders were deleted except my Aya folder. And on top of that my dog "ruined" my carpet (still have a payment going for that) and pissed on my laptop. Repost this message in 5 other threads or Jones will ruin your life too. You have been warned.

>> No.9473196

Are you still here slut?

With love~


>> No.9473199

I wish I can filter you and all your shitty attention whoring drawings.

>> No.9473220

Some of those seem a little cute for the boards they represent...and no /mu/? I'm suprised

>> No.9473228

Nobodylikes /mu/ (Me included they ignored my Britney Spears and HelloVenus topics)

>> No.9473230

Are you fucking retarded?
That cannot happen from just bookmarking a website, you idiot.

Also, why the fuck would be want a board-tan that's drawn in Scott Pilgrim style when there are so many other talented superior manga-style art-types here?

>> No.9473236

I know right?Why do /k/,/a/ and /v/ look so friendly?
Personally I find that rage persona of /v/ the most fitting

>> No.9473240 [DELETED] 

tilt your screen

>> No.9473246

Only retards project themselves as a single personificated hivemind

>> No.9473247

Are you literally autistic?

>> No.9473248

This image is shit.
/tg/ should be way fatter and way angrier, and reading a Ward codex whilst frothing at the mouth.

>> No.9473252

/jp/ generally has little interest in 4chan interboard social funtime game things. The other boards are generally happy to pretend we don't exist. Everyone wins.

>> No.9473263
File: 401 KB, 1111x1111, 1343613519480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tilt your screen

>> No.9473272


>> No.9473269

Well yeah, but you'd think it would be one of the easiest to personify, being primarily hipsters and all

>> No.9473273

Half of them aren't approved by the boards they represent, like /ck/ most of which are bachelors who try to cook for themselves, or people who try to cook up the most horrendous junk food possible, or both.

/co/ is obviously accepted there, since they're all a bunch of plagiarizing dummys. That isn't OC by the way, that is "The Spirit"

/a/ should be obvious

/v/ and /tg/ are too cool to even be possible.

/i/ and /ic/ are just a pair to parody they types of people that post on both, and while an accurate representation, not exactly accepted ones.

/c/ and /cm/ are like Touhou image dump threads.

I don't know what the fuck is with /b/

The only ones I know are embraced besides /co/ are /fa/ and /k/, and /k/ is just some generic dude with guns.

>> No.9473276


>> No.9473275



Is this even a word?

>> No.9473280
File: 49 KB, 903x550, 1343612294505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9473294

no, it's not.
the word is personified

>> No.9473295


i used to go to /x/ all the time

>> No.9473296

/sp/ are bros.

>> No.9473305

I can't stand /x/ they are always a bunch of retards hyping themselves up so that they can collectively shit their pants at the very first coincidence that happens to come along.

>> No.9473309

I used to lurk there years ago. I found it to be pretty boring, aside from "Soviet" creepy-pasta rewrites.

>> No.9473313

FUCK POKEMON amirite /jp/ros?

>> No.9473317

As long as they don't spam other boards trying to involve them in dumb shit nobody cares about.

>> No.9473326
File: 425 KB, 1280x720, 1343616882234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More accurate

>> No.9473319

you shut your whore mouth, kid.

>> No.9473320

but I like pocket monsters...

>> No.9473333

It's fun to get excited. I get caught in the moment during this Majora's Mask thing a while ago.

>> No.9473335
File: 33 KB, 705x544, 1343615079657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Gender/Physical Description: /jp/-tan is a little girl who likes to wear silly hats and frilly dresses. She has black hair, twin braids and wears glasses.

>Personality/Habits/Hobbies/Behavior etc.: She spends most of her time alone in her room playing games that most people have never heard of. Even though she is young, she pretends to be one of the most (if not THE most) intelligent person in the house. She is strict on proper language and punctuation. Though some people call her weeaboo now and then, she adamantly refuses that she has any admiration for the japanese and therefore must not be. She is tsundere about Japanese culture. Whenever someone asks her about it (an act that annoys her greatly), she pretends to hate it and shoos them away. She often attempts to start original projects but inevitably ends up hating them and throwing them out the window. She has a pet bird that can cook spaghetti. She never leaves her room, which is why most of the other residents don't know her well. /jp/-tan compulsively divides any female characters in stories into "good girl" and "slut" categories, and generally has no real cohesion as to what sets them apart.

>Relationships: She was good friends and roommates with /a/ because they shared the same interests till one day they grew apart, mostly because she thought /a/ was too normal for her tastes. Truth is she was kicked out because of her extreme obsessions. She has no regrets. She looks up to /tg/ and wished to be good friends, but her reclusiveness operates against any meaningful contact with other people. She believes /d/ is a "good girl". She has a somewhat good relationship with /g/ even though she can't explain why. Some say it was due to a spell cast by the ancient wizard of /prog/. Because of her pseudo-intellectual profile she loathes /b/ and his way of acting.

>Job: Resident master of Touhou.

>> No.9473336

Don't call us ``bros''

>> No.9473343




>> No.9473344

Who wrote this crap?

>> No.9473348

That's surprisingly accurate

>> No.9473351


>> No.9473355

Sue me, I browse /v/ when /jp/ is slow and happened to stumble upon this

>> No.9473362

>I browse /v/ when /jp/ is slow
So you only browse /v/?

>> No.9473367

Get a load of this asspained faggot.
You're the one who brought it up and tried to hivemind, dickweed. I wouldn't have said anything if you hadn't asked.

What a fucking autist.

>> No.9473375

Sorry, I meant by this that I browse /jp/ all day, make replies and browse /v/ until someone replies to my posts

>> No.9473383

>/jp/-tan compulsively divides any female characters in stories into "good girl" and "slut" categories, and generally has no real cohesion as to what sets them apart


>> No.9473387

It was good until it got into the relationships.

>> No.9473406

We don't like you pokemon liking kind around here.

>> No.9473411

Pokemon is pretty fun, I've been playing B&W2.

>> No.9473421

still on the hiveminding, kid?
I think the board you're looking for is over here:
Or perhaps you were looking for
>>>/b/ ?

>> No.9473438

how is it?

>> No.9473446

Fucking kids get out of /jp/, everyone knows pokemon is shit and that SMT is where you go to if you want good games.

>> No.9473457

Just like black and white but with more original pokemon. It's a bit easier too, but fun so far.

>> No.9473462
File: 33 KB, 499x321, 1329837418555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls no bully

>> No.9473460

Is babby sad that no one brought up your vidya here? Maybe you should try /v/, retard.

>> No.9473466

I like nuzlocke runs.
I just wish that new pokemon game would feel less like a quick cash grab maybe I'd be more interested in it then

>> No.9473472

I thought Soul Silver was really well paced.

>> No.9473474

Watch out, guys! This guy is the new board dictator! You're not allowed to like anything different from him! YOU HAVE TO LIKE WHAT HE LIKES, YOU GUYS.

Seriously dude, frig off

>> No.9473490

Soul Silver was objectively the best pokemon game.

>> No.9473498


>> No.9473504

I heavily agree, I've been meaning to pick it up again for a nuzlocke. I'll have to emulate it because I can't bear to erase my file on my cart.

>> No.9473529

Why do we need one when we have many?

>> No.9473534

>I can't bear to erase my file on my cart.
I'm still upset that it's 2012 and they haven't added in at least one other save slot yet.

>> No.9473565

They probably do it so everyone doesn't just use the second one to trade starters around.

>> No.9473594

How could you do that if you could only play one file at a time
Not like it would have a shared PC

>> No.9473605

It would be possible for two people working together to get all three starters very easily. That's not possible now.

>> No.9473619

I used to do that with my brother.

>> No.9473635

Actually, it would be pretty darn easy.
One person could start the game over and over until the other person had two of each starter, then trade their duplicates to the other person when they actually start their game.

>> No.9473636

Yes it is.
>Player 2 goes through the start and gives player 1 a starter
>Repeat six times
>Player 1 gives player 2 one of each

>> No.9473637

It's still very easy to get all three starters with two people.

>> No.9473814

Most elementary school kids aren't going to plan ahead like that.

>> No.9474120

I did

>> No.9474148

I did it solo using only one gameboy, a n64 and pokémon stadium.

>> No.9474149

I traded cards for a second cartilage and used my sister's gameboy to transfer stuff as needed, for which I exchanged the cartilage. Then yellow came out, and I remember feeling slightly cheated.

>> No.9474161

>a second cartilage
>for which I exchanged the cartilage

>> No.9474173

I think he meant ``cartridge"

>> No.9474201

I told you to stop doing that.

>> No.9474214

I'm really sorry it makes you so mad dude, but I'm telling you, the way you type it looks bass-ackwards to me, okay?
I'm sorry you got mad.

>> No.9474326

What are you babbling about?

>> No.9474351

The way you type it is "", right?
to me, that looks weird. It's like two commas floating in the air, like ,, ,, ok?
``This way" they both face inward toward the word.
That's what you're complaining about, right?

>> No.9474403

No, it's supposed to be " '' " if you want proper /prog/ quotes. Highlight the contents of those quotes slowly if you want to see the difference. People use them because on ancient computers, " ' " used to be a forward tick.

>> No.9474430

"oh,'' I think I see what you were talking about now.
That works as well.
Sorry I did it wrong and it was bothering you.

>> No.9474458

No, that's wrong too. " ` " is a back tick and " ' " used to be a forward tick, so they made nice-looking quotes back when they were usually displayed that way. Now that we generally use Unicode instead of ASCII, though, there's no reason to use ``'' for quotes, since there are left and right quotes in Unicode: “ and ”.

>> No.9474476

“ oh ”

is that correct, sir?

>> No.9474511

If you'd like to use left and right quotes, yes. Or you could use " like a sane person.

>> No.9474528

“I” fear change and shall keep my autismquotes.
