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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.52 MB, 1920x2560, Marijuana_plant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9470689 No.9470689 [Reply] [Original]

I've always questioned that.

>> No.9470697

Stop insulting Touhous in your filename all the time! I know who you are.

>> No.9470693
File: 91 KB, 331x331, alicedowns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9470695


>> No.9470702

You don't know me.

>> No.9470698

very few, although cannabis indica has grown wild in Hokkaido since it escaped cultivation.

>> No.9470699

Not really. The penalties and social stigmas assigned to marijuana in Japan are far more severe than in the USA. There isn't enough demand for much of an import industry, so it's very rare outside of the odd celebrity.

>> No.9470703

I've heard that people in Japan put pot heads and other drug users on the same level as murderers and child rapists.

>> No.9470712

but they exalt child rapists, what are you saying

>> No.9470714

I see you all the time. I know you well enough.

>> No.9470718
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You don't know my name.

>> No.9470733

No, we're talking about normal Japanese people here, not filthy otaku.

Normal Japanese people hate otaku as much as they hate foreigners and murderers and drug users and child rapists.

>> No.9470727
File: 75 KB, 248x300, yuki_house-thumb-248pxxauto-52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You bet. He's the ZUN crackhead cousin.

>> No.9470735

It's not the name that matters, it's his action that define a man.

>> No.9470744
File: 112 KB, 331x331, alicecrying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't tarnish my name on an anonymous image board.

>> No.9470748

I hear Japan has much more in the way of prescription drug abuse than anything; when my father was in Okinawa during the 80s, he said that people were fucked up on "reds, blues, and luudes" or drinking robotussin.

>> No.9470756

You're tarnishing it yourself with your aggressive filenames. No Touhou has downs or crippling autism.

>> No.9470758
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Keep up the good work.

Be nice.

>> No.9470782

Maybe if they did, suicide rates wouldn't be off the charts.

>> No.9470785

Drugs are really looked down upon in Japan. Hell, it's impossible to even buy proper beer.

>> No.9470791

It's the country with the highest cost per gram in the world. People smoke, but it isn't that common.

>> No.9470806

Japanese drug laws, etc...

>> No.9470814

If by proper beer you mean 'hopsy fermented barley extracts' then yeah, it's all mostly fizzy rice water. However, there are darker varieties of national brands, such as the black label Sapporo or Yebisu premium, if you enjoy bock-ish type brews.

>> No.9470835

Does anyone have that really cheesy American comic about getting marijuana in Japan, looked like it was from a magazine.

>> No.9470850

>Japanese people
>Relaxed well adjusted people

Pick one.

>> No.9470862

Who are you quoting?

>> No.9470870

Japanese people.

>> No.9470873

Who are you quoting?

>> No.9470879


>> No.9470881


fuk u white pig and whu u qouting?

>> No.9470883


>> No.9470884

Is it sad this is true and that I laughed when I read your post?

Also, honestly, he's got a point, they need to prescribe that shit for depression, maybe they'll start having a shortage of work force.

Well one of the reasons is no one wants a kid cause they can't balance a social life and a kid, but still, the fact they drop faster than flies is just insane.

>> No.9470886

Shut up.

>> No.9470887

Who are you quoting?

>> No.9470892


The Anonymous-kun of the gamma world line.

>> No.9470894

If China has a problem with overpopulation and Japan has a problem with underpopulation, why not put some Chinamen in Japan? It's not like you can tell the difference.

>> No.9470911

Makes sense. That's what originally happened anyway.

>> No.9470912

Their suicide rate isn't that bad. It's better than living in a country with a bunch of loafers doing nothing except leaching money. If they can't handle it, they might as well kill themselves.

>> No.9470919

They hate China because China keeps talking about war crimes or something. They tried importing Brazilians, but when they realized that Brazilians weren't Japanese, they paid them to leave. They bring in Koreans, but Koreans only helped Yakuza's labor shortage problem.

Maybe next they will try Africans.

>> No.9470940

Japan is overpopulated too, dummy.

>> No.9470944

>They tried importing Brazilians, but when they realized that Brazilians weren't Japanese, they paid them to leave.

You're a bit mixed up there. They tried importing the kids of Japanese people who had emigrated to Brazil, where lots of Japanese people emigrate for some reason.

Anyway they decided that they didn't want those Japanese-Brazilians anymore, even though they were ethnically 100% Japanese, because that's how fucking xenophobic they are. If you weren't born on Japanese soil, you're not better than a gaijan, no matter who your parents are.

>> No.9470947

Maybe they can make some colonies?

>> No.9470948

Oh great now we're going to deny the Rape of Nanking.

Next you're going to tell me Turkey is innocent because they say so.

They're like the 4th or 7th highest rate. An they're a bunch of islands.

Also my point was, if they'd legalize weed they'd have a lot less deaths, or at least prescribed it for depression.

>> No.9470952

Japan was populated in the stone ages by the Koreans, not the Chinese.

>> No.9470956

I don't know why people are always on Japan's case to get more people. There are definite benefits to having a smaller population.

>> No.9470962

But I thought that Japan was a Jus Sanguinis country.

>> No.9470967

What >>9470944

They are xenophobic and incredibly hostile, also very racist.

I'm not saying all are bad, but you don't gain a reputation like that simply through a few small incidents.

Also, they're giant assholes who rather die than give up anything, They are mules.

>> No.9470974

150 million people is a small population?

>> No.9470984

They have a shortage of work force.

Literally there are not enough people to do jobs.

That's not good.

>> No.9471004

I don't care. It's more incentive for them to keep researching robotics.

>> No.9471027

Japan's population is about 130 million.

>> No.9471037

Their robots are all hype. During Fukushima they had to get them from the US.


>> No.9471042

Alright Jimmy time to take your Ritalin the adults are talking.

Answer me this: 1. How are you going to work on robotics when there's a shortage of work force to make the parts, 2. Why are you so autistic, 3. That's not a very practical solution, they need to import or have a baby boom, 4. That's a fucking retarded answer, why'd you give it and 5. Well you're just dumb.

>> No.9471050

There is never going to be a loli sex robot that you can afford. Get over it.

>> No.9471062

The fuck did you just say to me?

>> No.9471072

is the amphetamines anon still around?

>> No.9471082

Jimmy take your damn Ritalin, I'm not telling you again. We need to get you in the bed for Kindergarten.

>> No.9471095

I don't know and I'm out of those.

All I have is Ritalin and the back of my hand, old school style discipline.

>> No.9471105


I'm still here, although I rarely fuck with real glass.

>> No.9471136
File: 228 KB, 550x414, ULTRA WIN LOL EPIC WIN ANON!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We need to get you in the bed for Kindergarten.

>> No.9471138

Mostly because their government is always bitching about it. And not in the good way either, they beg for a higher population, but shun foreigners. I suppose it doesn't matter to me either way, as long as I get my eroge, they can dwindle down to nearly nothing.

>> No.9471163

They blame the otaku. Perhaps they will outlaw anime and games so people will get out and get pussy more often.

>> No.9471167
File: 1.51 MB, 3072x2304, baird-beer-bottles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hell, it's impossible to even buy proper beer.

There's a lot of craft breweries scattered in and around the largest cities, especially so in Tokyo. Wouldn't say it's impossible, though it's just the same as anywhere else in the world in the sense that mass-market peewater is the cheapest and most common brew available.

Japan's still nowhere near as far behind as other asian countries when it comes to brewing good beer, though.

Pic's related. A bunch of stuff from Baird Brewing in Shizuoka. Their stuff is starting to trickle over into the states, too, which is pretty awesome.

>> No.9471177

I'm the guy you're responding to, but I'm not sure if that's sarcasm or not. So, thank you.

Still seriously, they gotta change some policies fore it's too late.

>> No.9472894

I can't find the article, but our CIA did this huge investigation into cannabis culture in japan, and they said marijuana use is "widespread."

I know a single gram costs about $75, and there are huge outdoor grow set-ups in Hokkaido.

>> No.9472900

Fun fact: psylocybin mushrooms were legal in Japan until 2006. You could buy them from street vendors.

>> No.9472904


Any comparison sort of things were available OTC?

>> No.9472960
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If weed is so amazing, why are pot heads always trying to convince people to do it?

>> No.9472989

I'm guessing not as much as western countries due to their stricter laws and social norms. You can see how unfamiliar the Japanese are with drug use by looking at how they draw their syringes and the Kool-aid drugs contained within them.

It must be nice, though. I'm more than tired of "stoner culture" and western drug glorification.

>> No.9472990

I don't care much for drugs, but Japan sounds like the land of no fun allowed.

>> No.9472992

Because is amazing.
I bought a few autoflowering seeds and now I smoke around 2 grams almost everyday.
I haven't been this happy in years.

>> No.9473011

>gram costs about $75

Time to become a drug mule

>> No.9473012


The question doesn't make any sense. It's like asking people who like music why they're recommanding certain artists.

Anyway, stoners are the fucking scum of the earth, the epitome of normalfags. Numbing your brain for pleasure doesn't make you a unique snowflake. You're pretty much the same as the braindead zombie masses.

>> No.9473036
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>> No.9473037

American laws are a slap on the wrist compared to Japan.

And people don't just bend over and take weed culture in the ass and act like its a cool and normal thing to do, they fucking look down on you like the scum of the earth. This is why America has such a problem with it, its illegal but everyone just spouts the same 420erday nonsense and people just point and laugh, instead of shunning.

I wish the west had the same attitude as japan did on drugs, you wouldn't get all the "WEED RUINED MY LIFE BECAUSE OF THE JUSTICE SYSTEM"

If it wasn't socially acceptable while being illegal. kids wouldn't be smoking and getting themselves fucked in the ass.

>> No.9473039

>Numbing your brain for pleasure doesn't make you a unique snowflake. You're pretty much the same as the braindead zombie masses.
Pot user or not, chances you're not a unique snowflake anyway, so what's the point in singling them out?

>> No.9473042


Where did you get your seeds?

Do you live in murrika?

>> No.9473048

This one's for you /jp/

>> No.9473049
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I can't stop myself

>> No.9473051


I meant more in the sense of, if it's so amazing, why are potheads trying to tell everyone they smoke weed. A lot of people realize it might not be a drug in the sense meth is a drug (saying it's not a drug is incorrect, your brain runs on 'drugs' for everything), but they see how potheads act, and you eventually become desensitized to weed, and need more of it to get the same high. And you do go through withdrawls when your brain becomes dependant on the elevated dopamine levels.

>> No.9473055

>Numbing your brain for pleasure doesn't make you a unique snowflake
Exactly, but none of them can pull their heads out of their drug-addled minds to see this. It's physical and psychological masturbation under the guise of being subversive. The are nothing more than a cog in the machine they try to fight.

A numb population is an easily manipulated population.

>> No.9473067
File: 55 KB, 300x300, na_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, there are weed smokers in Japan. Even bands.


>> No.9473060

moe is better than any drug.

>> No.9473062
File: 835 KB, 3264x1840, 2012-07-29_22-21-59_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck captcha

>> No.9473070

So predictable

>> No.9473080


Why not enjoy both?

Are you some sort of nerd or something? Plenty of /jp/sies are drunks like myself anyway-it's not so different from smoking pot.

>> No.9473078

Oh, okay, but being an otaku weeb fan of glorious nippon does make you a unique snowflake?
You obviously know nothing about stoner culture at all.


Because it can bring people together, just like any other hobby. I've made a shitton of friends through weed.

>> No.9473101


I'm more alienated and withdrawn from society as opposed to trying to change it, like many here.

>> No.9473110

I don't think they really give a shit about being subversive. They just want to sit around and have a good time in a drug-addled haze, and if they want to "fuck the system" it's because the system doesn't approve of the route they are trying to pursue pleasure on.

>> No.9473119


I don't understand this, people call them friends. But to me, a friend is a person you can depend on. Someone who helps you move, or visits you in the hospital.

Someone who you hang out with isn't your friend but an acquaintance or a buddy.

>> No.9473130

>stoner culture

You know, I wouldn't have a problem with people consuming certain substances, but why do you have to rub it anyone in the face? All stoners talk about is weed and how stuff on weed is so much better. You like a movie? "Man, dude, you must, like, watch it high! So much better!". You like music? "Oh man, dude, this song is so awesome on weed!", etc. pp. It's disgusting.

>> No.9473143
File: 161 KB, 545x526, YAKUI1332707265394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who junkie herE?

>> No.9473149

Well ya know... Some movies/songs are more enjoyable while stoned. I for one game much better as i am more relaxed, it's nice.

>> No.9473151

No more than any other country. When you look at their colorful subcultures, I would say it's the opposite. Do you think drugs = fun? That's normalfag logic.

Not him, but for me, personally, it makes me paranoid. I don't particularly mind people doing what they please, I just don't like people glorifying it. It stops being about enjoying it, and more about enjoying the image of it. This is the central problem of drug culture. It's not news that many are more addicted to the lifestyle rather than the actual drug.

>I don't think they really give a shit about being subversive
Drug culture during the 60s and 70s certainly was, and many stoners today misappropriate that mentality. They want to belong to a group. They think they're special, otherwise they wouldn't mention it. At any rate, the means they use to fight "the system" only serves to further solidify the status quo in the end.

>> No.9473154


I pretty much have no problem with weed, but this. I have friends that do weed. They'll go smoke a bowl, and they won't try and rub it in everyone's face.

>> No.9473158

Attitude Seeds.

No, but I know it is illegal in the USA.

How is that different from doing anything that you might enjoy?.

Are you implying his opinion is wrong and yours is right?.

I'm not telling anyone to do drugs, I just said, weed is amazing.
There are hundred of kinds, and you can even mix genes and create a new brand kind.

>> No.9473159
File: 169 KB, 773x900, 1339660691097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yakui misuses pharmaceuticals. She's not a pot head.

>> No.9473162

not junkie, just curious, although I stimulate myself through my days.

>> No.9473171


The definition of "friend" is pretty fuzzy in America. If you meet a person for more than 3 times and you don't hate them, they become automatically friends.

>> No.9473174


Why would you put pills in a rice cooker, that would melt the gel caps and likely destroy the chemicals

>> No.9473207

I wish people didn't have the ability to talk about weed without getting publicly lynched. While its obvious it should be legalized, its very clear that its never going to be at least in this lifetime.

Stoner culture shouldn't fucking exist and the laws shouldn't be so half assed, the way it is now you have those "SMOKE WEED EVERYDAY" idiots making everyone else annoyed.

Watching TV on 4/20 is a pretty good example of what I mean. Shits illegal but its all shows and documentaries glorifying it like its the best thing ever

>> No.9473209

Pot is great; unfortunately, stoners are fucking irritating retards.

>> No.9473214

>How is that different from doing anything that you might enjoy?.
Altering your mental state via chemical substances is a little different from watching a movie. For one, it could lead to dependency, which is something we're seeing on a national scale in America with more than just illicit substances. More and more people are getting prescribed unnecessary pills and medication to treat the ailments that are a natural consequence of this twisted society. The funny thing is this prolongs their engagement in their toxic environment.

The only way I see to win is to not play at all. I realized I no longer needed drugs, illegal or otherwise after I stopped dealing with people and the superfluous social norms that plague daily life.

>> No.9473227
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>> No.9473251

>I realized I no longer needed drugs, illegal or otherwise after I stopped dealing with people and the superfluous social norms that plague daily life.

Why can't you shut up and keep this to yourself instead of pushing your stupid straightedge culture on everyone else? Why are sober people such obnoxious attention whores? Do you want a medal for not getting stoned? Do you think everyone here needs to hear about it? Do you think you're fighting the man?

>> No.9473270
File: 234 KB, 800x1200, koishi milk-chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9473324

First and foremost, I was explaining the difference between drug use and any other hobby. Secondly, I only said that to potentially help those who use drugs as a result of something deeper than "I want to get high". It's for those who are on useless prescription medications as a result of psychological disorders, or take to drug abuse out of a need for self-medication. As I had stated earlier, I have nothing against those that use drugs recreationally; my annoyances lie in their fanatic need to vocalize their enjoyment and reinforce the image of themselves as a "unique" other.

The real question here is: Why do you need to strawman?

>> No.9473340
File: 124 KB, 685x720, kananotthisshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jesus, just shut up. You sound exactly like the normals that criticize the NEETs here for living how they want. You don't want to use drugs? Fine. Some people do. Your pseudo-intellectual bullshit is appallingly shortsighted and annoying. You think the US is the first nation to use drugs? What a joke.

>> No.9473361

> I was explaining the difference between drug use and any other hobby

If you're >>9473214
No, you didn't.

>Altering your mental state via chemical substances is a little different from watching a movie.

>> No.9473370

The only decent reason to consume drugs is to explore your minds, and weed really isn't suitable for that. Stop being a scene kiddie and try LSD - if you have the balls for that, that's it.

>> No.9473385

What about the silent majority of smokers who simply enjoy it in their own home, but never feel the need to mention it or rub it in anyone's face?

Do they deserve that punishment, even if they grew it themselves?

>> No.9473393

Look where you are, acid is more expensive and harder to get.

>> No.9473407

>my annoyances lie in their fanatic need to vocalize their enjoyment and reinforce the image of themselves as a "unique" other.

The most remarkable part of this thread is that you've actually managed to convince yourself you're different from this amidst all the wailing over people you don't behave as you do being the "epitome of normalfags" and part of the "zombie masses". I'm surprised you didn't manage to work "sheeple" into any of your tirades. I'd almost say you were "projecting" but thanks to pretty much every post you already made this thread is already bursting at the seems with cheap Internet psychoanalysis and buzzwords already so I won't take that any further.

If you don't care and truly have no need to make everyone see what a beautiful, free-thinking rebel you are, then drop out of the thread and let it go. What other people do in their free time has nothing to do with you.

>> No.9473408

>You sound exactly like the normals that criticize the NEETs here for living how they want
That's funny because I was advocating the person doing what they wish independent of social norm. What I meant to say, seeing how you've confused me, is that doing what you do for the sake of a social image, only reinforces your place within that structure. Because your usage could be a result of that system, it reinforces it. If a person should wish to use drugs, they should do so independently of others. The problem that I mentioned earlier was towards the hypocrisy of drug or "stoner" culture.

I figured that chemical dependency kind of explains itself.

LSD further obfuscates the reality you exist in by twisting the modes you use to perceive things. The reason why ego death is so scary on psychedelics is because you haven't prepared for it. It's like taking a shortcut and it does little to open any spiritual doors.

They deserve the freedom to do what they want provided they don't hurt anyone else.

>> No.9473424

>provided they don't hurt anyone else.

You also whine about alcohol drinkers or anyone else in general?.

>> No.9473443
File: 256 KB, 525x700, 6b932c37e3f9a122941367b4202bdc65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cannabinol can be a great anti-emetic medicine.

Doing it recreationally to excess and/or then bragging about it over the internet is fucking stupid, though.

>> No.9473444

>If a person should wish to use drugs, they should do so independently of others.
And what if they don't? Why do you give a shit if they enjoy doing drugs in the company of others? Is your freedom being infringed by these stoners? And why are you bitching about them to us?

>> No.9473458

weed and nukige is a scary combination

>> No.9473465


Because he's not part of the zombie masses, and it's important to him that you know this.

>> No.9473484
File: 188 KB, 850x850, lice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god that's a really anaemic looking pot plant

>> No.9473486

I'm afraid you've confused my posts with someone else's. I was only agreeing with another poster and explained my position when it was criticized by others.

I wouldn't call it whining. In the end, I understand why they do it and I can't do anything to change it, nor would I want to. I only wanted to discuss this topic because I think it's interesting. My earlier posts probably sounded bad, and that's because I had remembered some upsetting times, that's my mistake. I shouldn't have let that affect my posting and If I sounded judgmental, I'm sorry.

I worded that poorly. What I meant is that people should do what they want without regard to the social implications of it. I'm not talking about laws or freedoms. I was talking about the philosophical consequences of using to challenge the status quo.

I don't exactly understand why you guys are getting so riled up and defensive about this. I'm not trying to say I'm unique.

>> No.9473488

I can depend on most of them tbh, whether it be for weed related stuff or otherwise

I sort of agree but I like experiencing things both ways, because to me it's not 'better' just different. Also I hate a lot of stoner culture.

While I hate people who glorify drugs I also hate people who villainize them. This goes for people who use drugs in general as well (I hate those who villainize and glorify people who use).
Drugs can be pretty much any substance that effects your body. Deal with it nerds.

>> No.9473499

>I don't exactly understand why you guys are getting so riled up and defensive about this. I'm not trying to say I'm unique.
Because you're preaching and complaining about people for their preaching and complaining about pot, and hypocrisy irritates people.

>> No.9473500

You're a chatbot, aren't you?

>> No.9473514


I think those are 2 different guys.

>> No.9473512

I get it. Like I said, I'm sorry if it sounded like I was complaining or judgmental. Yes, vocal drug users annoy me, but so do vocal "straight-edgers". If I sounded like the latter, I'm sorry.

>> No.9473522

Oh oops I guess I was too obvious

>> No.9473528

Not many, but some. It's one thing about Japan I'm not looking forward to. It can be a big problem sometimes.

I wish I knew a good way to find who would smoke and who wouldn't while there.

>> No.9473547

Reminds me of the weed threads on 2ch. People who openly admitted to smoke weed were dox'd and reported to the police.

>> No.9473561

Okay, who the fuck still does this? Waste of material, smell attracts your landlady / do-gooders / police in states where they still give a shit / etc.

>> No.9473577

It's fun for one thing. I remember I used to rip it as fat as I could when I had a lot of weed and didn't need to conserve it. There's something deeply satisfying about blowing out huge clouds of smoke.

>> No.9473586

>Waste of material
Do you mean money? It's definitely a money sink.

>smell attracts your landlady / do-gooders / police in states where they still give a shit / etc.
So the reason it's bad is because it's illegal? Why is it illegal?

>> No.9473609

He only criticized the method of smoking weed.

>> No.9473628

I used to smoke weed and had to stop due to paranoid delusions.

>> No.9473630


Smoking weed wastes more of the plant with less effect. Vaporizing or consuming it has the longest lasting and most potent effect.

>> No.9473638

It is a moneysink, but by the time you can sleep/eat, have furniture, get utilities paid, and have sustainable hobbies for oneself, there's no great crusade worth spending anything else on. Contentedness and good sleep is a worthwhile endevour.

>> No.9473642

yeah, vaping/making edibles are much more conservative methods for consuming than simply smoking. I have a vaporizer and I occasionally make edibles, but I still enjoy smoking often.

>> No.9473681

>Why is it illegal?

Bullshit politics.

>> No.9473716
File: 111 KB, 334x500, deth XDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to webehigh and follow the Japan guide. Worked like a charm for me in Tokyo in 2010. Japanese people are incredibly ignorant and don't even know what it smells like.


>> No.9474108

Where can I find this webehigh?

>> No.9474276


>> No.9474319

Nevermind, looks like it's gone forever. Oh well.

>> No.9474683

Since the site is down, can you explain what you remember from the guide for us? I would really appreciate it.

>> No.9474735

no arguments, stoner?

>> No.9474753


I replied.

>> No.9474754

nigger please

>> No.9474767

What if I want to use a drug for spiritual or self introspective reasons?

>> No.9474815
File: 161 KB, 439x600, freebsd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol weeeeeeeeed lololol

>> No.9474838
File: 1.12 MB, 708x1000, 1338079566889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh and just btw, why is it every thread that has to do with mj de-evolves into the same "I failed high school" level troll "debate" ?

whatta fuck

>> No.9474902

There is too much going on in this image, I am confused.

>> No.9477522

This artist is awesome.

I read this thread and got that the japanese culture is basically anti-pot. But what about the other end of the drug spectrum, the stuff that leaves you hyped, like ecstasy or cocaine? Are they better tolerated? I can see how a drug that can leave you concentrated for a long time being praised in a place like Japan.

>> No.9477552

This image confuses me, and so does the FreeSEX one. I just don’t see how Alice, FreeBSD and smoking are related.

>> No.9477650

You can tell who all the kids in this thread are, when you become an adult taking drugs is seen as the 'not normal' thing to do. If you have a problem with 'stoners' then you need to stop posting on 4chan and wait until you are old enough to do so.

The real world != high school.

Anyway, OP I have an answer for you:

-Weed was commonly smoked in Japan before it was outlawed by Americans who settled during WW2. The American government didn't want their soldiers getting high so they ordered the government to burn all the weed. Weed has been an integral part of Japanese culture for centuries and centuries before then, like a lot of Hallucinogenic drugs.

-Weed is very very very expensive in Japan, you can buy it from Saudis in Shibuya for $100 for a gram. This leads people to believe that Japanese don't smoke a lot of weed.

-Weed grows very well naturally outside of the big cities and many students, musicians, old people, artists etc. who venture out grow it themselves. There's a weed parade every year in Japan where they smoke a LOT of it and yet the police doesn't seem to do an awful lot.

-Japanese students who grow it will NEVER share with a foreigner, some of the older people in their 30s may do so, however.

-Among salarymen and city workers, weed isn't very popular; they prefer stimulants.

There, that's everything you need to know. There is a big weed culture in Japan but they keep it well under wraps from foreigners for obvious reasons.
