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9469747 No.9469747[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Discuss your favorite stage theme, which one did you like the best out of all the games? Arranges don't count, original compositions only.

Picture related,
Ancient Temple really set the mood for the last two stages of PCB, you just came out of the chaotic mess that was stage 4 and the Prismriver sisters into Hakugyokurou, hearing those first few notes gives you a moment to steel yourself for what's coming.

>> No.9469755

Just manages to get me so extremely pumped.

>> No.9469759

Ultimate Truth was nice.
Border of Life.
Bloom Nobly, Cherry Blossom.
The first song on EotSD, since it was the very first song I heard on Touhou.
Sennen Gensokyo.
Voyage 1970.
And I think Lunatic Princess.

>> No.9469776

Chinese Tea and Gensokyo the Gods Loved are my favorites. Desire Drive has also really grown on me.

>> No.9469789

Cirno's Perfect Math Class and Overdrive.

>> No.9469802

I got a soft spot for both Fires of Hokkai and Emotional Skyscraper together.

Just such a nice build up to the finale.

>> No.9469812

Autumnal Waterfall is so carefree sounding, feels like you can just stream all day.

>> No.9469827

Wind God Girl

>> No.9469838

Fav stage theme the probaly Primal scene of japan, sky ruin, or Alice Maestra, boss themes are fate of 60 years, cosmic mind, suwa foughten field and necrofantasia

>> No.9469834

Isn't this a boss theme

>> No.9469858
File: 9 KB, 240x240, satorins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heartfelt Fancy

>> No.9469864

If arranges counted, Ancient Temple would be my favorite too, since it gets all the best arranges it deems.

I'll have to go with Gensokyo the Gods Loved

>> No.9469866

A Soul as Red as a Ground Cherry
Illusionary Night ~ Ghostly Eyes
At the End of Spring
Why are stage 1 themes so good?

>> No.9469868

Ultimate truth is also pretty great.

>> No.9469874

Ultimate truth, when it kicks into the piano notes about 15 seconds in. Hell, it's probably my favorite piece overall.

>> No.9469890
File: 91 KB, 800x800, Orin 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orin's stage and boss theme are my favorites.

>> No.9469902


>> No.9469904

>Discuss your favorite stage theme

OP said stage themes, not boss themes

>> No.9469917

If it's stage themes, I have to go with the same as OP.

There are many great ones, but Ancient Temple is very special to me. Maybe there are more unique, catchier tunes written by ZUN, but the atmosphere in the intro is heartbreakingly beautiful like no other.

Other stage themes I particularly adore are Rural Makai City Esoteria and Lullaby of Deserted Hell. It seems I like 5th stage themes.

>> No.9469926

Alice in Wonderland
Autumnal Waterfall
Nostalgic Blood of the East
Capital City of Flowers in the Sky
Maple Wise

>> No.9469948
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Haigoku Lullaby. Orin isn't even near top 10 for me, it's just so good.

>> No.9470051

The Road of the Apotropaic God ~ Dark Road
I listened to it on endless loop while playing DeS/DaS. Fits incredibly well imo.

As for boss music it's Bloom Nobly, Cherry Blossom. The music is so incredible and fits a last boss perfectly.

>> No.9470121

Gensokyo the Gods Loved
Lullaby of Deserted Hell
Tomorrow Will be Special, Yesterday Was Not

In that order. I don't really care for a lot of the stage music.

>> No.9470140

Ancient Temple = entry level 2hu muzak

I'm sorry.

I remember the first time I heard it and went wow this is interesting but IT JUST DOESN'T STAND UP TO REPEATED LISTENING.

I think the reason it stood out was more because of the instrumentation than the melody. The melody isn't particularly catchy, wanders around a lot and feels rather repetitive. That you can play it with one finger doesn't help.

Personally I rather like The Centennial Festival for Magical Girls. Truly a toy-box of ideas.

UFO on the whole has some interesting tunes as well.

>> No.9470193

Pachouli theme in EoSD, because it's when things start being too dificult for me and I start losing my lifes.

>> No.9470212

Why I feel like I'm the only one who loves Grave of being.

>> No.9470237


It's cool. But to be honest, I like every track. Except for Double Spoiler which has shit music and some tracks from 7.5.

>> No.9470310

Shanghai Teahouse (Chinese Tea)
A Soul as Red as a Ground Cherry
Cinderella Cage ~ Kagome-Kagome
Voyage 1969 and 1970
Maiden's Capriccio ~ Dream Battle
Love Colored Master Spark

>> No.9470435

Stage themes only; Voile, the magic library, Fires of Hokkai, Old World, Hellfire Mantle and Extend Ash - Hourai Victim are all favorites of mine.

>> No.9470496

I'm pretty happy with most of the stage 1 themes

>> No.9470560

Most of them are good. But, as lately I I've been replaying the extras, I noticed how well EoSD and UFO's extra stage BGMs synchronize perfectly when shit starts to get real.

I'm looking at you Kogasa.

>> No.9470573
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One of my favorite melodies, if you guess where it's from you are an Ultimate Touhou Champion!


>> No.9470595

メイド幻想 ~ Icemilk Magic

>> No.9470619

Cemetery of Onbashira - Grave of Being
