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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9468095 No.9468095[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What personality would you roleplay in MMO games?

>> No.9468098

NEET necromancer

>> No.9468100
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The nice dude...!

>> No.9468113
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The guy who jumps into a random party, does his job well, doesn't say a word, and then silently leaves when the quest/mission is over. Like a pleasant wind.

>> No.9468104
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that quiet nigga with the s!ck gear

>> No.9468115
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A eccentric bard.

>> No.9468127

none, because only faggots play on RP servers.

>> No.9468132

I used to ``roleplay'' a NEET alchemist that survives by drinking hunger cutting potions and make a living by buying ingreditents, and making the flasks with tinkering and then making potions to sell to the vendor.

Of course, I leveled hiding and stealth as well, and very seldom with players.

that's so generation 2 mmo. I'm not sure how you'd do nowadays.

>> No.9468135

The guy who doesn't give a shit.

>> No.9468159
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A haphazard that shallowly joins random parties and guilds just to get ahead.

>> No.9468168

I'm still doing it though. In PSO2 and GW2.

>> No.9468199

Except there are no proper parties in PSO2 and GW2.
(Well there are in PSO2, but good luck finding one. Parties are all passworded or 1 guy with 3 NPC)

World event aren't anything like partties; much like gangbang aren't anything like loving missionary sex while kissing.

>> No.9468240

Roleplay? In MMOs? As if. Roleplaying is what you do in tabletop games.

>> No.9468246

Guild Wars 2 has dungeons.

>> No.9468249
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the guy that ninja loots all your items

>> No.9468271

I have strong bias when it comes to GW2 because of how they butchered the pvp.

>> No.9468285

I have a strong bias when it comes to mmo's because of how they butchered the experience offered in ultima online.

>> No.9468287

That human rogue that ganked ud rogues in STW in vanilla.

>> No.9468296

>(Well there are in PSO2, but good luck finding one. Parties are all passworded or 1 guy with 3 NPC)

Maybe the ship you're playing in is bad.

>> No.9468300
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I'd be a carefree secret-strong cute little girl who walks a lonely path and wears lots of big ragged fluffy ponchos, most of it covering my face and body. My gimmick is to remove a poncho for every time I get more serious in a battle. Removing all ponchos not only reveals my super cute face and sexy lolibody, but also means I'm fighting on full power.

Maybe in a future vrmmo I can finally be that.

>> No.9468305


>> No.9468306

I was always an elitist in MMO's. I loved theory crafting and it pissed me off to no end if I saw someone who wasn't geared optimally, didn't have his perfect skill priorities down or had a wrong build.

>> No.9468315

the name VRMMORPG is too long, can someone thing a better name for that future genre?

>> No.9468316


>> No.9468318

The It's not that I want to party or anything kinda guy.

>> No.9468322


microtransactional economy: the game

>> No.9468338
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The lazy ass mage or the elitist healer.

>> No.9468348

christ, especially in wow where everything (including pvp) was so trivial, and information is so readily and freely available

>> No.9468361
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People like you made killed the true spirit of mmos and made them into a casual, convenient, gearscore based minmaxing buttwanking fest.

Are you proud of yourselves now? You pretty much permanently destroyed the entire genre.

>> No.9468366

Team rocket from pokemon.

>> No.9468372

Yeah, this.

>> No.9468375


This is the truth.

>> No.9468376

You said made twice

>> No.9468377
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That guy that doesn't say anything

also I feel like playing an MMO (that isn't RO) right now

>> No.9468379

I've always laughed my ass when non optimised faggots like me beat your ass simply because my build feels comfortable and you have no clue on how metagame works.

>> No.9468380

Don't be silly. dedication is what makes communities thrive; the monetization of experience, and the pressures caused by this, is the main problem with mmos of today. People are going through the motions for loot using the gearlist someone else posted, or ditching real play for hacking, phishing, and botnet farming does more damage than someone caring too much.

>> No.9468385
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Me too.

>> No.9468386


Wannabe yuppies and capitalists please leave


>> No.9468392

I'm sorry, but I had none of these problems with my pvp character on guildwars.

Maybe you should stop playing shitty games where stuff >>>>skill and play ones where classes are actually balanced.

>> No.9468408

But Guild Wars isn't an MMORPG though

(Not the guy you are replying to)

>> No.9468416

Sure, call it CORPG because it's not open-world. whatever, semantics.

Still, it actually means nothing, since organised pvp (ie not zerg vs zerg) isn't open-world anyway, it's instanced.

>> No.9468420

I'm friendly and organised but socially anxious, when I've made an effort to play with others I've become a guild officer and high tier player in a few games but when I try to solo like the assburger I am I do really badly. I'm always happy when /jp/ plays with me so I have a strong base of assburgers and bullies to depend on.

>> No.9468426
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please play mmo with me i am burger

>> No.9468433 [SPOILER] 
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no one would want to play with you because you're a fat and greasy

>> No.9468440
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p-please play with me please

>> No.9468442

I'll never be able to play mmo with /jp/, you all have terrible taste, and only play flavour of the month stuff.
I hope you all enjoyee your MMO time, though.

>> No.9468445

what mmo is /jp/ playing this week?

>> No.9468461

Low profile that kicks those people's ass who build up their e-penis. Actually this is what I really do when playing MMOs. They were like "holy shit man, my omghax items were fucked up by some normal items"

>> No.9468474

>holy shit man, my omghax items were fucked up by some normal items

When was the last time you played an mmo?

>> No.9468485

What's the matter, faglord, never played everquest ?

>> No.9468493

Not so long ago, PSO2. But if you're asking if what MMO that I fully played last time, it was Dragonica Online for 1 year. But Ragnarok was the one who consumed my lifespan, for like 5 years+ (both private server and official server)

>> No.9468492

I always play comedy based characters since I can't RP without feeling like a tryhard otherwise. It's a fun way to fuck with people who ARE tryhards with dark broody characters that want everyone to think their are hardcore. You, know, people that give themselves badass sounding titles and always feel they have to mention that they are a sadist because sadism is cool and edgy.

My characters are usually a hit with regular people though and that's nice.

>> No.9468491

I was too busy playing superior ultima online. Back then the things you mentioned could work. I still read stories posted on the net about that and many other things.

>> No.9468521

Same here. I always go for the funny look instead of looking like a boss/badass. It also adds some annoyance to hardcore players when they were beaten by a annoying funny face character.

>> No.9468530

I'm not him though, never mentioned those things.
As far as ultima online go, the pvp wasn't really balanced.
Also, fucking elves in ultima, what the fuck.
Waiting for ultima 2 and ultima X, the trailers looks fine.

>> No.9468546

>Also, fucking elves in ultima, what the fuck.
They have gargoyles too, now.

>Waiting for ultima 2 and ultima X, the trailers looks fine.

Those aren't in development anymore. I hear bioware wants to butcher ultima, though.

>As far as ultima online go, the pvp wasn't really balanced.

I respectfully disagree. In arena pvp there was only one or another viable build, sure, but openworld pvp (which was what uo pvp was all about, at least for me) was different.

>> No.9468563
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I usually create 2hus and roleplay as much as possible as them.

>> No.9468570

I always roleplay a helpful person who sacrifices for their group and stays upbeat, I was also a serial ninja in WoW on my mage.

>> No.9468572

That's terrible

>> No.9468574

A strange thing I have noticed in MMOs where you can completely control what your character looks like is that it's the hardcore players that look funny (and sometimes outright appalling, I'm talking neon furries and shit). You could almost tell who could kick your ass in a duel based on how stupid they looked.

>> No.9468576

Gargoyles are canon, though.
>bioware wants to butcher ultima, though.
Kinda late to the party.

Openworld pvp is an important part of pvp, and balance matters much less in here than in arranged pvp.

>> No.9468585

I think elves had existed almost since the start, too. They just didn't have their own sprite. At least I always thought the pale dudes with leather armour and bows that I found in the forest were elves.

>> No.9468591

I'm always too focused on making money and then forget about actually getting a good character.

>> No.9468626
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Ultima Online Player

>> No.9468628


>> No.9468641
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Money making is the most important skill in MMOs!

I want to play an mmorpg again but a different mindset. I was perverse into thinking max/all-clear was a good thing. I'll probably be holding out util FF14 2.0 comes out though. "Today's" games lack that something for me. I'll be enjoying Sins Rebellion in the mean time.

>> No.9468658

Oh god, that was pretty funny.
And now I have nostalgia.

There's a doujin mmo named linkrealm who looks like UO, but there's a furry race and it's pretty much desert appart from / because of a group of player who spend their day roleplaying as furfags.

>> No.9468836

Who doesn't /jp/ build and/or run their own MMO?

>> No.9468844


Whose 2 years worth of cum do you allow to be glopped into you?

>> No.9468858

In HellMOO I used to roleplay as Santa. I built a Patton then would wrap up a bunch of cinder blocks in wrapping paper and dump them out of the skies over Freedom City. When they reached the ground they would brain people in whatever area they hit. I would sometimes catch as much as ten people at once doing this.

>> No.9469418

This so much.

I just want somewhere I can escape from the real world into and is richly featured and stimulating enough to keep me immersed, but they end up full of normals who just like killing things and watching numbers go up.

What kind of features would make a game more suitable for this?

>> No.9469440

Become a scientist.
Or play neverwinter nights with internet friends.
Actually I just want some internet friends to play the NWN campaign with; or anything like that.

>> No.9469544

Why isn't there a 3D Pokemon MMO?

It'd be so much fun. You could go around adventuring, battling NPC trainers/gym leaders and other players or team up with others to save the world from danger. You could have your own house to decorate and invite your friends over to and dress up as your favourite Pokemon together. There'd be lots of other fun activities you could do too, of course.

>> No.9469598

sounds duMB

>> No.9469604

I did play some crappy fanmade 2D Pokémon MMO, there are a few of them.

>> No.9469611


What do you guys think of VR goggles for MMOs?

>> No.9469627

I forgot to mention being able to romance your Pokemon as in a galge.

>> No.9469696

Washed up drunk rogue. Because I actually am.

>> No.9469757
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Drunken scottish barbarian

>> No.9469875

It will take at least 10 years for you to play in a VRMMO like a well done cross between a good scifi setting , Ultima online and a well done magic/god system

>> No.9469911


Me too.

Although I guess if my life was at risk like in SAO and I could never stop playing I would just grind forever by myself to the point where I was always overleveled.

Are there any new MMO betas coming up? I don't want to try GW2 that much, and I couldn't do PSO2 since it's not in English.

>> No.9470007

> if my life was at risk like in SAO and I could never stop playing

This would keep the casuals/normals out.

>> No.9470009

Why don't you guys play MUDs? It seems to be what a lot of you are after.

>> No.9470028

I want a cute in-game avatar.

>> No.9470036

>pick up key
>what key
>you see a key

>> No.9470042

Chaotic Neutral is Best Neutral

>> No.9470048

Any time I find a MUD that interests me, it's either empty, or everyone that plays it has known each other for years and doesn't care about me at all. Like a RPG IRC. Otherwise I'd enjoy them more.

>> No.9470056

true neutral for truNEETs

>> No.9470070

>Chaotic Neutral


>> No.9470095


Lawful Neutral is best, turbonerd.

>> No.9470098
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sexual promiscuous CRAZY girl

>> No.9470102

I suppose lawful evil would represent being a NEET best.

>> No.9470103

Didn't they remove most of the alignments in the new D&D? Because kids didn't understand things like "lawful evil", so now "chaotic evil" = MORE EVILER or something like that?

>> No.9470113

But NEETs are neither of those things. I know "lawful" doesn't mean the same as obeying the law, but we're not lawful or evil no matter how you look at it.

>> No.9470116
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>> No.9470127

Being a leecher on society, disappointing your family, basically only caring for youself implies evil.
Following your own set fo rules not to work and generally respecting the order of things implies being lawful.

>> No.9470134

Also forgot to mention probably the best argument for lawful evil = NEET. It's generally seen as the alignment of the guys who like exploiting the system.

>> No.9470154

The guy that takes forever to kill anything near his level because his build and gear and skill level are so bad and isn't even any help in a party.

>> No.9470694

If I got stuck in the world of a fantasy MMO, I don't think I would bother trying to escape. I would just take it easy in a village and stalk people every now and then until I die.

>> No.9472555

I'd be that paladin/cleric player that travels on there own helping people, being the boss, then drinking heavily

>> No.9472570

I would spec whatever I needed to do so that I could be a constant irritant to people I didn't like.
