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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9461056 No.9461056[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Sticky thread to stop bullying on /jp/!

Please stand up for your friends if you see them being bullied!

>> No.9461087

Stop shitposting, nobody cares.

>> No.9461089


>> No.9461096

sticky this shit moot

/jp/ - no bullying culture

>> No.9461098

An anti-bullying thread is the last place that you should be bullying people!

Thank you!

>> No.9461101

You're mom bullies my cock.

>> No.9461114

nice Gaia thread you fucking nerd

>> No.9461131

Seriously, you are shitting up every thread. Just kill yourself.

>> No.9461133

fug u op ur a fuggin homo ill do what i want!!

>> No.9461135
File: 18 KB, 254x254, akari53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't hurt my friends. Don't hurt my sisters.

>> No.9461139

Please do not bully me, or anyone else for that matter.

Thank you for your support!

>> No.9461144

I am not posting in every thread, though.

>> No.9461154

I thought don'tbullymeormyfriends-chan was permabanned?

>> No.9461155


>Please do not bully me

But we're not. No one likes your inane posts. Yet you just keep responding "lol don't bully!!! stop it!!!" whenever we tell you to stop posting. Therefore you are deliberately annoying other people instead of just being quiet when asked. You are the annoying kid in class who keeps disrupting the teacher so us good kids never get any work done. You know how it's always the sinners who pretend to be monks? It's always the biggest bullies and egoists who put on the anti-bullying act. Please stop bullying us and our board. Nerd.

>> No.9461169

Who? I just want the bullying to stop, and for /jp/ to be a friendlier place.

>> No.9461176
File: 214 KB, 1440x810, 1343321692774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you bully her?

>> No.9461181

I would be her friend, I hope we have a good time.

>> No.9461184

Shut the fuck up and stop bullying my friend, you piece of shit.

>> No.9461192

So am I.

>> No.9461185

Please do not counter bullying with more bullying!

>> No.9461188

But she is poor.

>> No.9461194


You must be incredibly new if you don't remember don't bully me or my friends chan.

That shit was like what, a couple months ago.

>> No.9461195
File: 488 KB, 1024x576, 1315492029405.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don'tbullymeormyfriends-chan's dream lives on inside all of us

>> No.9461198


The best type of bullying target

I would buy her really fancy expensive ice cream then just before she takes it I'd snatch it off her, eat half of it then throw the other half on the ground and stamp on it HAHA

I am getting excited just at the prospect of such expert bullying

>> No.9461204

I used to come, and then I took a long hiatus.

If this is true, then okay!

Please leave this thread!

>> No.9461207


Also while she cries I would push her face into the half melted ice cream on the sun-baked ground and hold it there so her tears mix with the ice cream and she ends up eating it and spitting it out then eating it again

>> No.9461214


Hyomin, Jiyeon, and Eunjung were bullying Hwayoung on twitter. I will not stand for this.

>> No.9461223

Don't be a retard and you won'tbe told to get the fuck out.
Only you can stop bullying OP

>> No.9461219 [DELETED] 
File: 481 KB, 1000x714, 1340487752993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever thought about saving up some money and moving to a third world village out in the middle of no where and joining their community?

Obviously Japan is out of the question. The women there are so white washed and westernized that even communicating with them would be disgusting, but there are still remote villages in Northern India where the people look Asian and they aren't westernized.

>> No.9461225

I do not want to leave my house.

>> No.9461229

I only post when I see bullying.

>> No.9461231

epic thread :P

>> No.9461232

You could just make it a trip for a little while, indulge in some lolis as per local customs, and return to society where you can leach off of welfare and access the internet.

>> No.9461246

That wouldn't be a nice thing to do.
