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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 50 KB, 400x531, jpfit-Rin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9454043 No.9454043[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9454051
File: 76 KB, 1008x403, P90X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9454054
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>> No.9454075

I come from a family of jocks, so I'm always reminded by how unfit I am since everyone goes to the gym everyday but me. I just do pushups and situps on the floor before bed. I still have low BMI and weight what someone my height (5'8) should. I'd rather do this in my room then actually go outside and go to a smelly, awful gym

>> No.9454080

How many pushups and situps can you do in a minute?

>> No.9454086

I don't know, I do 15 every night and figure it's enough.

If I were a normalfag, I'd probably be quite fit. It seems easy for me to gain muscles. I just don't care to.

>> No.9454123

Not enough, just did 60 of each. Earlier today did 4 10 sets pullups, ran 10km, swam 2km, then thought about going to muay thai practise, but decided instead to eat well and go do squats in gym of my workplace (friday night = it's all mine) later. Currently waiting for the food to digest.

Keep it up though! You should seriously consider joining gym, nobody will bother you if you just blast 2hu2nes via headphones while you're in there.

>> No.9454127

I work at a gym at my university, swiping ID cards to let people in. I've been dealing with "yo bro" frat boy normalfags for four years. I'd rather not go there in my freetime. I did take up cycling for a little while, it was fun. I just prefer exercising alone.

>> No.9454152

44 push ups in one minute
..seems decent

>> No.9454163


How is

>You should seriously consider joining gym

A reasonable response to

>It seems easy for me to gain muscles. I just don't care to.


``I know you don't care to do it, but you should still definitely do it! It's for your own good! Society agrees!''

typical normal mentality

>> No.9454165

How do you guys who never leave the house keep in shape?

>> No.9454169

I can't go to the gym anymore so nowadays I just do stuff like pullups, pushups, leg-raises, dips, etc, along with beating the shit out of a punchbag.

Maybe I should buy some weighted vests or something if they are not too expensive, bodyweight training gets kinda stale after a while.

>> No.9454354

Physical fitness is a key element to mental well-being.

enjoy your typical nerd mentality though, i hope it helps with your depression

>> No.9454358
File: 200 KB, 1440x810, neat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jogging with interval sprints in 30 °C yesterday, torso exercises today. Feeling good. Abs are coming along well.

>> No.9454369

That kimochi when my abs are showing as well. Now I can finally masturbate to my image in the mirror, like a true narcisistic /fit/tard.

>> No.9454372

Get a fitness mat and some weights.
I do this for example but you will find tons of videos for everything:

>> No.9454384

Normie pls go.

>> No.9454387

I'd love to be fit.

Thinking about getting a barbell, weights, rack, bench etc. for my home, but perhaps one should just join a gym instead.

>> No.9454397 [DELETED] 

I prefer being slim.

>> No.9454402

Take this shit to /fit/.

>> No.9455029

I do this too. Feels alright, I guess.

>> No.9455039
File: 19 KB, 231x300, cconvict cond cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've been using this for more than a year
i'm not fit as fuck but i have like 30 times more strength

>> No.9455061

Did you start from the basics like he suggested? I have the pdf but I'm getting impatient doing wall push-ups and such. Yeah, I'm a retard.

>> No.9455086

Yes, from the basics basics
also i'm just at the step 6 or 7 in general
i was from total weakling, it took me like a month to do 10 normal pushups in a row

>> No.9455103

If you can move up faster, or do some extra, please do! I haven't read CC (not that guy above) but I do calisthenics, move on your own pace.
And remember that at some point you will plateau, this means that for a while you won't get gains. Just keep at it, shit will pass and you'll triumph.

>> No.9455161
File: 266 KB, 373x394, do you even lift.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moot here. Why don't you do steroids, /jp/? You can look swole and your waifu will love your gains.

>> No.9455467
File: 31 KB, 704x400, seunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread filled with insecure faggots who go outside.

>> No.9455515

no bullying pls

>> No.9455528

I just want to avoid shit like diabetes or obesity

>> No.9455549

This is the only reason I have for working out.
Many studies have concluded that a good physical routine strengthens the cerebral structure.

>> No.9455559

I've never done any of this, but I'm seriously thinking about it. I am constantly nauseous and can't think straight. I can barely maintain an erection either. From what I've read, it's blood pressure. I'm not afraid of dieing, but this is just miserable.

I'll probably just keep posting on /jp/ until I have a heart attack though.

>> No.9455572

I think you can get your blood pressure taken by a machine for free in many pharmacies.

>> No.9455573

Nope. The /fit/ monkey died in his 20's, I am not going out the same way.

>> No.9455576

He died because he was a dumb sandnigger

>> No.9455580

I am too.

>> No.9455584

Too bad I guess.

>> No.9455592
File: 327 KB, 1920x1200, finger in mouth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This confuses me.

>> No.9455596

I have a machine actually. It's 151/92, which is stage 1 hypertension. I've also stolen pills from my father and they alleviate it for a while, but it is obviously not a long term solution.

I know I should go out and fit myself before I am broken, but I just Don't Want To.

>> No.9455614
File: 1.31 MB, 1974x1110, diel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9455629
File: 74 KB, 479x435, 1278575330117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That black box sure is small....

>> No.9455625

I have to run more and eat less if I want to achieve my desired body image.

>> No.9455644

It's probably three times the size of his wiener

>> No.9455645

Not only are those 2 completely different human beings in that picture.

But the one on the right's sole work out plan was overhead press and curls. No chest, abs, lats or traps.

>> No.9455646

It's a wonder how compact mobile phones are these days. I remember the 90s when we all had to carry massive bricks one could use in a ghetto fights.

>> No.9455663

You've never been in a fight.

>> No.9455668
File: 1.18 MB, 1536x2048, IMG_0196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why don't you show us your picture, fattie.

>> No.9455676

u think ur though uh?

>> No.9455679

Please. I could pick you up and throw you away. And I don't even lift.

>> No.9455686
File: 75 KB, 344x529, 1232744411940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here I am. Got something to say, motherfucker?

>> No.9455685

Can we ever have a "fitness" thread that isn't all about gaining muscle and looking like an ape?I want to be model skinny with tight skin and no muscle can somebody tell me how to do tthat?

>> No.9455689


>> No.9455690

Eat very little food. Mostly cereal and fruits. Not much protein.

>> No.9455693

From what I've seen, you could just not do gym at all.
Pushups, handstands (with a wall or something), abs, squats. Just use everyday stuff for that.

>> No.9455701
File: 45 KB, 640x480, Rin Nakai2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A sweaty Rin Nakai holding you down and panting as her rips gyrated furiously. Your manhood deep within her anus. Her barefeet planted soles down on either side of you to maintain her balance as she grinds down heavily on your cock. As you blow your load into her hindquarters she shutters violently and collapses on top of you. You offer to go make dinner but she insists that you let her lay on you and enjoy the afterglow as your seed oozes out of her ass.

She expects you to take responsibility.

>> No.9455712

This is definately going in my kopipe.txt.

>> No.9455716

Most fitness will involve gaining at least some muscle. Anyway, if I remember right, male models mostly do bodyweight resistance(pushups, situps, squats) stuff, so you might wanna try that, also do cardio, and watch your diet.

>> No.9455729

>"I want to be model skinny with tight skin and no muscle"
>Most fitness will involve gaining at least some muscle

No. Can't you read?

>> No.9455739
File: 31 KB, 520x345, brick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've never thrown a brick sized phone in somebody's face.
It's pretty fucking effective, trust me.

>> No.9455746

Thick. Sopic. I like it.

Too shy to post my own progress, NOlegs mode, 180cm 67kg 8%bf.

>> No.9455756

What's it your passive aggressive attitude?
It's just the way it is Almost all exercises involve developing your musculate to some degree. If you want absolutely no muscles then it's just about dieting and maybe cardio.

>> No.9455770

I don't work out. It feels terrible. I just recline all day and do computer work. I'm not fat either.

>> No.9455773

There's no way. If you could somehow take all the fat out of your body and leave the muscles as they are, you'd look kinda like a concentration camp refugee.
Otter mode is the best you could hope for. I think it's harder not to get muscle though.

>> No.9455804

I started running at night time and excercising at home like one year ago because everyone always goes on about how it cured their depression and changed their lives or some shit. I still feel like shit after every work out. I feel like quitting. Only positive thing about it is that i've gotten quite fit.

>> No.9455809

For me working out is kinda like a natural high. I wouldn't bother with it so much if it was a pain in the ass to do.

>> No.9455817

that's not stage 1.

>> No.9455829
File: 24 KB, 542x800, 329178970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9455839

You don't run often enough, if you would, you wouldn't feel like shit after a run. Not after keeping it up for a year. Give it your best!
Start tomorrow.

>> No.9455848

What's with the spoilers?

>> No.9455851

she would be pretty hot if she didnt had the face of an ogre

>> No.9455860

>What's it your passive aggressive attitude?
The fact that you can't read yet are shitposting.
> If you want absolutely no muscles then it's just about dieting and maybe cardio.
No shit?
>"?I want to be model skinny with tight skin and no muscle can somebody tell me how to do tthat?"

If you're going to use a tripcode to shitpost, expect people to filter you accordingly. But starting out with 'shitposter' as your gimmick isn't really clever, since people aren't likely to give you a chance.

> If you could somehow take all the fat out of your body and leave the muscles as they are
/jp/ - pop fitness fans

>> No.9455887

I'm not trying to shitpost. I'm posting offtopic stuff though.
But yeah, it's harder to get tight small muscles than just getting muscle and cutting down on fat. Just don't do gym and go for calisthenics.

>> No.9455914

You one seriously frustrated and insecure sperglord, I'll give you props for being good at what you do.

>> No.9455954

My greatest /jp/ related achievement:

1 CC hard EoSD

My greatest /fit/ related achievement:

squat 345 lbs

What do I win

>> No.9455962
File: 759 KB, 3060x1628, cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should all join the /jp/ group on Fitocracy, not that much activity but I guess it's something. Oh and if you are a beginner and want to try out lifting. Read the sticky at /fit/ then read Starting Strength with Mark Rippetoe. His recommendations on eating can be a little overkill if you are overweight, but if you are an Ectomorph do GOMAD and eat loads of meat.

Doing machine exercises is a no-no if you want gains and only good for people who spend time in gyms to socialize... If you don't have access to a gym do/read Convict Conditioning (mentioned before in the thread. Also see pic.)

>> No.9455967

neo jaypee so edgy amicool now? xD

>> No.9455969

What should I do if I just want to lose about a hundred pounds (I'm 335lbs already), but I don't want to put in any effort at all?

>> No.9455971

Stop eating.

>> No.9455974

Kill yourself.

>> No.9455976

I joinned, then they made it look like facebok, so I left. Has it gotten any better since?

>> No.9455993

Order a treadmill off Amazon and put it in your room.

>> No.9455991

I joined it but it looked like a facebook clone so I never went there again.

>> No.9456011


I use the mobile app, so I don't really know. I can't say I'm very familiar with Facebook's layout but why does that matter? It should be effective if so many uses it.

What I can say is that there obviously is a lot of normals on Fitocracy but you don't really have to be social you can just "prop" people and log your own work-out if you like. The level system is motivating and if you follow people you can have your personal competition against them by the top-list system.

>> No.9456016

Don't drink soda. Don't eat fast food. I stopped doing both back in high school when I weighed 270 pounds, now I'm down to 180 after a few years. I don't know how typical this is, but it's probably the easiest thing you can do.

>> No.9456031
File: 242 KB, 540x304, o-okay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fine, i'll give it another try... b-but not because of you

>> No.9456077

Buy a lot of diet soda (or coke zero) and every time you want something sweet drink that, don't eat candy and shit just drink that.. Skip one meal a day, breakfast seem to be easiest.

Exercise will give faster result, both lifting and cardio but that's effort I guess. Smoking helps I've heard. Drink water before you eat. Get addicted to some mmo or multi-player game where you can't pause, spend obsessive amount of time on that. Start drinking stronger stuff instead of beer. Faster drunk = less calories.

>> No.9456087


I think she's pretty. I'd let her suck my dick.

>> No.9457368

artificial sweeteners make you more hungry because your body expects carbs but gets ... nothing ... like 0.1g protein from delicious aspartame

>> No.9457494

I want to do an ogre woman.

>> No.9457491

>Skip one meal a deal, ideally breakfast

That's the worst fucking advice you can give someone, you moron.

>> No.9457521

I've been eating less food and not working out and I've lost like twelve pounds over the last couple months.

>> No.9457537

All things considered, she takes fist to her face for a living. Every bone in her face probably has been broken at least once.

Her face is 10/10 compared to how malformed some fighter's faces get.

>> No.9457539
File: 554 KB, 1581x2333, 20060913002607_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>small resolution

>> No.9457545

And your body is going to hate you for it. Enjoy getting those pounds back in a matter days.

And avoiding breakfast? The one thing that kick starts your metabolism?

You have the dieting habits of a 16 year old girl.

>> No.9457570

Hmm, yes, that's the impression I get from the odd bits I pick up online, but not eating as much is a good deal easier than going for a run and I can browse the internet while I do it too.

And I don't so much skip breakfast as wake up at noon and only eat two meals.

>> No.9457579

>it's easier to kill my body.

You should feel bad.

>> No.9457584

That's pretty much it. I'm banking on them developing robot hearts before I hit 60.

>> No.9457602

If you're able to catch yourself doing it, why not stop?
You seriously might want to consider seeing a doctor or at the very least a dietician before any permanent damage is done.

>> No.9457610

I'm not the other guy, I'm only 170 pounds. I don't think the amount of weight I've lost is life-threatening and I'm not on a starvation diet.

I'm just eating less and doing a handful of pull-ups a week.

>> No.9457633

People on restricted calorie diets live longer anyway.

Skipping breakfast never killed anyone.
