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9453962 No.9453962[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9453965

Thirteen years later, people still care.

>> No.9453968


>> No.9453969

What was the point of unplugging anyway?
They lived in a crapsack world.

>> No.9453980

How about you quote one of the great philosophers who said the same thing better over 2,000 years ago?

Oh, because you're an ADHD teenaged faggot who thinks throwaway lines in popular movies are "deep". Epic image, /b/ro.

>> No.9453987


I don't understand either, if the real world was complete shit and the digital one a place where you could at least be successful and work hard why would you want to be in the real world?

>> No.9453994

Because BAD STUFF IS HAPPENING IN THE REAL WORLD!!! Even though it makes the point that it doesn't matter to 99.9% of people, and it will never affect them.

What's sad is, the same thing would happen in real life. We could build robots that put infants in self-sustaining pods and plug them into an artificial reality paradise for all of eternity, and some activist faggots would try their hardest to enter the real world and "free" everyone.

>> No.9453995

Because in the digital world, your lifespan is lower due to constant absorption of energy even with the best care robots could provide.

There's also little point to living in a world where a bunch of nerds in glasses just kill or replace you out of nowhere when they're chasing awakened people.

>> No.9453996
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>mfw I probably argue with people born when this came out

>> No.9454816

> awakened people.

Yeaahhh... Why didn't they just patch that?

>> No.9454819

There was some shitty plot justification for it.

>> No.9455406
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> you could at least be successful and work hard why would you want to be in the real world?

What success is that? Everything you do is fake.

>> No.9455422
File: 35 KB, 500x353, cometome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like in this thread. Most people would accept the matrix as long as they thought they were given a choice.

>> No.9457450

What is fake? If I can see it and touch it, isn't that real.

>> No.9457499

Stopped reading right there.

>> No.9458198


You obviously didn't watch the matrix.

On this subject, did anyone else think that inception was a very over-glorified shit version of the matrix?

>> No.9458219

The matrix was made as a movie to explore these philosophical concepts. Wouldn't be strange for it to often to be mentioned in philosophical contexts.

In fact, I think many modern philosophers refer to it in their papers because it's an easy example that most people are familiar with.

Of course the later two movies don't count

>> No.9458225

No one has ever said anything except for me and I was wrong.
This isn't really the place to discuss it, but Inception, to me at least, was far simpler thematically, but plot and setting were constructed better, or at least more intelligently and consciously.

>> No.9458251


If you say to someone nowadays, 'I had a dream within a dream' or 'What if this reality is a reality inside another reality' people will say 'OH LIKE INCEPTION'. As if the Matrix never existed, it's like they glossed over the philosophical stuff to make it seem deep, added action and black suits and expected people to eat it up.

And yet I've never seen anyone compare the two, it's totally bizzare - as if the Matrix never existed.

>> No.9458282


>> No.9458309
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This so hard. I loved the movies-especially the first one. But there was no point to unplugging. The ending also sucked shit "I'll just take this machine's word at face value and kill Smith for him lol".

A machine-human truce? You think machines are stupid enough for that bullshit?

The only bad thing about living in the matrix was that an agent might suddenly occupy your body and you cease to exist. Big fucking deal. It's not like they'd appear in a NEETs home. You also get to do cool, mindbending superhuman shit in the matrix when you realize you're in it.

I think the series as a whole would've been much better if they'd explored this view more-and had one of the characters-not stupid fucking Cipher-actually take this view and try implement it in a less silly manner through the course of the three movies. Who gives a shit if it's a dream or the real world if you're enjoying your life?

But anyway, love the movies anyway. Closest thing the west will come to anime- dense, overpowered MC, boring love interest, It even has a shit ending preceded by a huge battle-shounen fight.

>> No.9458307

People don't connect with the Matrix like they do with Inception because dreams are more understood by the mass, rather than the virtual reality of the Matrix.

Plus people don't really connect that virtual reality with video games or the internet, they just see it as simply a "virtual reality". Whereas everyone has dreams, and dreams that may feel real, so they're easier to identify with and understand.

That, and Inception rubbed your nose in it's philosophical notions, where as Matrix was somewhat subtle after Neo awakens and was seen as just a movie with some pretty cool concepts and ideas (to the people who don't take the effort to explore those concepts and ideas).

>> No.9458318

What is gained by knowing that everything is somehow 'fake'? You cannot possible escape this world, and even if you could, you cannot know what awaits you on the outside.

>> No.9458323

>The only bad thing about living in the matrix was that an agent might suddenly occupy your body and you cease to exist.

No they just make you the next day and anything to do with an agent would feel like a dream. Example, the beginning of the first matrix with neo.

>> No.9458328

lol what movie is this from???

>> No.9458338
File: 48 KB, 600x338, nagiexcited.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Then what ARE the disadvantages? Seems to me the machines are our friends! Too bad the niggers had to ruin everything. Notice that most everyone in Zion was a nigger? Thanks, brown people.

>> No.9458342

Batman Begins.

>> No.9458348

Haven't you read the papers on the human bimachine? How lsd is capable of changing reality?

>> No.9458367


It doesn't change reality, you fucking hippie.

It's just that humans can't perceive absolute reality.

>> No.9458375

that movie was gay i saw transformers and it was so fuckin swag!!!!

>> No.9458385

Because the machines need people to have a choice, or else their minds would reject the Matrix, so they build and guided Zion by using the Oracle to unplugging people.

>> No.9458397

The Matrix is real. The only reason it's a movie is because it's the best way to make people stop believing in it. Take a crackpot lunatic theory; you will get some believers, but if it's a movie first; people automatically disregard it as fiction.

What Morpheus says is hauntingly true: "The Matrix is the wool that has been pulled over your eyes" it's true for the movie: It was pulled over your eyes to make you automatically disregard it as fiction, it's the strongest weapon they have. You will never 'wake up' because your brain will never accept a 'matrix' theory as true.

Go ahead, try and break the mental connections, if you overcome the doubt in your mind that you are living life to a movie plot, the truth will be revealed and agents will show up. You will raise a flag and you will see - they will come after you.

>> No.9458398

No, they reject the Matrix if it's too utopian.

They said we need to suffer or else we will reject the Matrix. Zion had nothing to do with it.

>> No.9458403

> A machine-human truce? You think machines are stupid enough for that bullshit?
The machines did break the truce, if you look at the video games and comics. The Wachovoski siblings (can't say brothers since one of them got a sex change) said that they are canon, along with the animatrix.

>> No.9458407
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Goddamn, it's not like people have real choices in their own lives.Outside forces intimately shape every part of your life, including whether you jerk off tonight or tomorrow night or both.

I mean, who gives a shit? I have to do stuff I am coerced against doing now. Getting shoved into a virtual-reality paradise would be great compared to a 40 hour work week supporting some fattening, aging bag and some snot-nosed fucking children that happen to resemble me.

>> No.9458409


That was Smith's theory (suffering). It's not strictly true or final.

>> No.9458420

It didn't seem to be put forward as a theory. Smith was just explaining how the versions of the Matrix came to be, and what the machines learned as each one failed.

>> No.9458428

Not so, listen to the faggot's monologue again. After the utopian matrix failed, he build a matrix based on suffering (which is where the ghosts and werewolves in the second movie come from), which also failed because human minds wouldn't accept it. They had to give people a choice for it to work, but a small percentage would reject the matrix anyway, and if ignored, more and more people would start to reject it. That is where Zion and unplugging comes in. It creates an illusion of choice for the humans, keeping the matrix from dying, which keeps the machines from dying.

>> No.9458449


He presented it as a theory, it's when Morpheus is in the chair. He describes why he thinks the early versions failed. He says something like 'They said we didn't have the accurate information to describe your perfect world, but I think it's something else. I believe human beings define their happiness through suffering' etc.

The movie is what, 135 minutes? It's probably at the 100-ish mark.

>> No.9458466

Well Smith was an uninformed retard then, because they tried the suffering and it didn't work.

>> No.9458470
File: 36 KB, 259x262, Agent_Smith1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smith was the most awesome character. Running around, making copies of himself, fucking shit up just because he could. Before he became a maniacal, dissenting asshole, he was beating hippie faggots down all day erry day.

>> No.9458487


Don't talk shit about Well Smith he's my favorite breakdancer

>> No.9458497 [DELETED] 

Which was your favourite Animatrix?

>> No.9458500

They already made a Matrix anime spinoff. When will they make a VN? Or even better, a danmaku shooter where you dodge the bullets that agents shoot and use your Neo powers to fuck them up. Instead of a shitty sacrifice ending, you could fight your way into Machine City and kill the source yourself.

>> No.9458516
File: 88 KB, 432x288, beyond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which was your favourite Animatrix?

>> No.9458517


They were all pretty good. I loved the one with the glitchy house, the one with the Kid, the story of how the shit hit the fan with robots etc. Detective Story was great too.


In Path of Neo there's an alternate ending where all the Smiths group together to become a giant smith the size of a building and you fly around as Neo trying to destroy it.

>> No.9458507


Dunno, but the one about the runner was fucking cool. Detective Story was also interesting.

>> No.9458514

I must admit, the only reason why I like the series is because of the fight scenes between him and Neo. I like to pretend to be one of them, when alone, outside, in the dark, but I usually just end up spinning around and looking like a retard.

>> No.9458535

>In Path of Neo there's an alternate ending where all the Smiths group together to become a giant smith the size of a building and you fly around as Neo trying to destroy it.
Yeah, I thought that was stupid. Especially how he was made of cars and shit. Very lame.

>> No.9458576


Agreed-it was insanely fucking stupid.

I'd rather Neo got a new power-up or some shit when Smith basically fused with him. I assumed that since he was "the opposite of smith" that their combination ended in a balance and caused them both to die.

Would've been cooler if Neo instead pulled away with enough of Smith to transcend the Matrix as a new consciousness.

>> No.9458583

That image reminds me of MGS2 ending.

>> No.9458596


You mean before Kojima dumbed it down for all the idiots with MGS3 and 4?

>> No.9458595


>> No.9458603

This is a 50+ post thread about a movie and it's anime and video game spin offs, with not a single on-topic reply, and that is what you decide to call out?

>> No.9458613

But MGS3 was the best Metal Gear and by far...

>> No.9458606

Considering that the image itself is from a movie, there shouldn't be a problem talking about a game, since both are off-topic on /jp/.

Honestly I think that MGS3 still preserves that spirit of MGS on the third one. The fourth one unfortunately fucked up everything. The series should have ended with the third one.

>> No.9458622

I completely forgot why Smith rebelled and cloned it the fuck up.

>> No.9458621

The thread is full of Matrix otakus.

>> No.9458620

>When will they make a VN?
Made by Nitro+. Fund it, now!

>> No.9458633

The concept of MGS2 is pretty similar to Matrix if you think about it. After all both of them never actually "happened". It was all orchestrated.

>> No.9458643

He doesn't know. That's why he ask Neo why he kept fighting. He really just wanted to discover himself.

>> No.9458663

So is he more than some program, he somehow got more sentient than the other agents and by becoming more human broke free?

>> No.9458666

Neo jumping into him and rewriting him altered him to want something.

>> No.9458675

Neo rewrote him? I vaguely remember they… fused at some point, but that’s it.
Maybe I should watch it again. After I watch the MiB films.

>> No.9458676

What if the real world ruled by the machines is only a simulated environment?
Humanity created sentient machines to do their work on their own, but after some time they started malfunctioning because their artificial consciousness demanded something more than labor.
To solve that, humans created a simulated environment they could link most of the machines' minds to, to serve as "recreation" so they don't break down.
In this simulated environment, these machines dominate the world and extract energy from humans. A perfect world for machines.

>> No.9458680

Basically. Perhaps he realized that the machines were just as much slaves to the Matrix as the humans were. He has the theory that past of Neo was copied onto him when Neo flew into him and blew him into piece.

>> No.9458706

>What if the real world ruled by the machines is only a simulated environment?
More likely, the `real world' is a simulation by the machines too, which would explain why Neo can kill the sentinels with his magic, and see in the Matrix code in the real world after Smith blinded him.

>> No.9458743


>> No.9458751


why do the last two movies not count? there still dealing with philosophical concepts.

>> No.9458765

Liking the later two films is not cool, you lose nerd herd cred.

>> No.9458766

Not him, but many people say that they are disjointed and there are too many leaps. I think that they are much better when you can watch all of them at once though.

>> No.9458792


I love all of the MGS games. But 2 was by far the most ambitious. 3 backed away from all that-it was still good, and had a cool story, but it didn't try for the same lofty intellectual concepts that 2 did.

>> No.9458806


Neo entered 6' into Smith,

the pain resulting in that insertion destroyed most of him, and while on the painful verge of delight with neo inside of him, he had an epiphany about a specific part of his programming and how it could be exploited so that he could enter into other people and not be removed from the current person infected with Smith's persona.

>> No.9458816


People were mad that stuff wasn't spoonfed as carefully as it was in one.

>> No.9458819

so he was gay for neo? makes sense....

>> No.9458830

6' into Smith? Not sure what you mean by that unless it’s a reference to homo sex.

>> No.9458928

Yeah I miss the MGS2 concepts on the third one too, but I think that the third one deals more with patriotism and loyalty. I'd say that each game of the series deals with a specific topic. I find it interesting how each one of them has something unique, even MGS4, that I didn't really like very much. Of course the story was marvelous and the cutscenes were very well made, but really, Kojima literally used the same fucking excuse and completely destroyed that "fantasy" part of MGS with "LOL NANOMACHINES". Guy can run on water, take bullets on the head and still live? NANOMACHINES. Etc.
