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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9448750 No.9448750[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So, /jp/, what are you gonna do when WW3 starts after the olympic false flag?

>> No.9448773

I hope it all ends, then I can finally gain entrance to 2D heaven.

>> No.9448901

>olympic false flag


>> No.9448910

Black people are going to ruin the world.

>> No.9448911

Man, I liked the /pol/ virus better when it was just ISM posting about feminists

All this JEWS, Ron Paul, Libertarian, and conspiracy bullshit

Jesus christ, it makes /jp/ shitty, and that's saying something considering how shitty /jp/ is

>> No.9448913

But our Greek Nazis aren't ready yet.

>> No.9448929
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>> No.9448939

Jews have brainwashed Freemasons in to making a global Israel where greedy corporations run everything and can murder people for no reason. So they run around doing their secret handshakes plotting how to better take away people's freedoms.

Rik Clay did a 3-4 hour video exposing the plot and then 'killed himself'. His dad is a high level freemason.

They are going to explode a big bomb at the Olympics or there is going to be a huge UFO sighting, that will of course, lead to us signing away freedoms for protection, etc.

Oh yeah, Prince William is supposed to become King of the World, and Christianity and Islam are to be united under 1 label to become the state religion that he is patron of.

It's creepy how these Freemasons see Princess Dianna as Isis, they even made an Isis statue of her and shit. Weird and old religions are going to destroy the world. Now THAT is ironic.

>> No.9448936
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>> No.9448940
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>So, /jp/, what are you gonna do when WW3 starts after the olympic false flag?
Probably get buried. Hopefully it won't be a very large area attack, I might survive that.

>> No.9448957
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>> No.9448968 [DELETED] 

We'll all be dead by then due to The Great Water War

>> No.9448970
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>They are going to explode a big bomb at the Olympics

>> No.9448985

Yeah. Did you see the strange Chinese propaganda football video? It shows London in a warzone, in complete ruins while the Chinese army attacks it. China is going to be involved in the war because they have like 2 billion people, so most of them need to die because of overpopulation. The Chinese leader is a freemason, makes the same handsigns as the rest of them.

The illuminati card game shows events that will happen, just like the World Trade Center, etc. Those people fleeing London while Big Ben is destroyed shows people wearing the Olympic flag colours.

You don't think they'd pull something like 9/11 off at a global event, in the attempt to unite the whole world against 'terrorism'?

>> No.9448993

Are you John Titor?

>> No.9449004

>You don't think they'd pull something like 9/11 off at a global event, in the attempt to unite the whole world against 'terrorism'?

So really you're just kind of playing pretend. I mean really, where's all the evidence that this could happen?

>> No.9449012
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>According to the posts, the device was installed in the rear of a 1967 Chevrolet Corvette convertible and later moved to a 1987 truck having four-wheel drive.
It's about your children, Marty.

>> No.9449015
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Phew, I wasn't the only one.

>> No.9449016

Why argue now, when it's going to happen in just a day or two?

>> No.9449019

I googled that name and I found a video of him talking with an interviewer and some of the stuff he's saying is completely nuts. I mean, making a pyramid out of the mcdonalds logo? Come on, now!

>> No.9449020

>where's all the evidence that this could happen?
In the Rik Clay interview I already mentioned. You probably won't even watch it.

>> No.9449034

So what's this "ZION" thing?

>> No.9449039

It's the city built in the center of the earth in Matrix.

>> No.9449041

Jewish religion. Freemasons want to bring Zion everywhere.

>> No.9449048

I don't get it.

>> No.9449051

winged eye in teeny music award show

Anyway, I hope it happens.Hopefully It would get rid of the stupid people.

>> No.9449064
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It's a name of a certain Principality who wages war of independence against Earth by dropping a space colony to Australia

>> No.9449065

The world is very old and full of lots of very old secrets. You aren't a Freemason are you?

Them not giving a shit about you is like you not giving a shit about /a/.

>> No.9449067

While there is a global super power that controlls the majority of governments, it is not in their benefit to bomb the olympics. It would lead to people question the security, what was the point if it didn't work. Instead they would want to attack where there isn't a security system, then people will go we need more of it.

>> No.9449074

The Earth Federation is made up of self-loathing bleeding-hearts who blame the Zabis for every ill in the Earth sphere, and elitists suffering from power-envy, bitter that the its colonies' only superpower can do what it likes without having to ask permission. The truth is that Zeon has behaved with enormous restraint since the death of Garma Zabi. Remember, remember.

Remember the gut-wrenching tapes of Garma phoning his girlfriend to say, "I love you," before he was burned alive. Remember him charging to his death from inside of a burning Gaw. Remember the hundreds of crewmen incinerated. Remember, remember - and realise that Zeon has never retaliated for Garma in anything like the way it could have.

So a few Side 6 tourists got locked without a trial? Pass the Kleenex. So some Southeast Asian wedding receptions were shot up after they merrily fired their semi-automatics into a jungle full of Zeon mobile suits? A shame, but maybe next time they should stick to confetti.

I love Zeon, yet Zeon is hated. Zeon is hated because it is what every country wants to be - rich, free, strong, open, optimistic. Or do you really think the Principality is the root of all evil?

Tell it to my brother Garma Zabi, who was incinerated by the Federation warship White Base. Tell it to the nursing mothers whose husbands died in that battle, or were ripped apart in the explosion. And tell it to the millions of young widows whose husbands gave their lives for the Principality. To our shame, Zeon Deikun gets a worse press than General Revil.

Remember, remember, Garma Zabi. One of the greatest atrocities in human history was committed against Zeon!

No, do more than remember. Never forget. SIEG ZEON!

>> No.9449079
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subliminal logo targeting childrens worldwide:

-pink, to push the gay and feminist agendas
-zion, to make you whoresheep your chosen overlords
-blowjob, to promote that kind of degenerate sex that doesn't produce new kids

>> No.9449090

An attack at the Olympics would affect so many countries that the Jews could convince everyone else that it is in their best interest to have a 1 world government and only 1 country. Look how many retards believe that 9/11 was an actual terrorist attack and that the government didn't know about it.

The 7/7 underground bombings were actually planned for. It was rehearsed on TV.

>> No.9449094
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Anyone notice how Lisa Simpson is giving a blowjob to Bart?

>> No.9449099
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Wenlock and Mandeville
wen lock man devil

>> No.9449104

LIsa has a huge ass grain tumor or bart has a micro head.

>> No.9449106

Who the fuck designs these things?

>> No.9449110 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9449112

Oh cool, when you dissect the logo like that, it says "lion".

>> No.9449117

The Lion of Israel?

>> No.9449122

What the hell is 210N?

>> No.9449120
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nice try shlomo

>> No.9449124 [DELETED] 

1337 for Zion

>> No.9449126
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>> No.9449135
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>op is from /x/

>> No.9449139
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> posting on /new/
> "Man, I'm sick of this stupid false flag shit, guess I'll see what /jp/'s up to"
> this thread
I wonder if chemfag visits /jp/. He's a pedo who likes cock, so probably.

>> No.9449142

I'm still watching this, to give the guy a chance. Now he's on about diana and how she is Isis. He draws this pararel by comparing Diana with Galadriel. I don't think I have a way to exemplify how stupid this is.

>> No.9449145

Which 2hu is the most Semitic?

>> No.9449148

Why is it called false flag? Is the bomb supposed to be in a flag? Flags don't have a lot of volume for explosives, so that's a pretty shitty bomb if it fits in a flag, like maybe 10 people would die.

>> No.9449152

>>9448750 (OP)
Probably move to Switzerland. I don't want to have anything to do with these retarded wars between world leaders.

>> No.9449162

In case you really don't know: A "false flag" operation is a staged attack by soldiers pretending to be from the other side. For example, before Hitler invaded Poland, he had some Nazis dress up as Polish soldiers and invade Germany to win public support (they invaded first!).

What's probably meant here is that US/Isreal/some group will detonate a bomb at the Olympics and then blame terrorists from <next country to attack> for it.

>> No.9449183

too bad U.S won't get an online stream like the rest of the world, I want to see this attack live.

>> No.9449176

I can just imagine the sight at Swizerland's borders in the case of global war, what with the Schengen and all.

>> No.9449189
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The official theme for the Olympics is 'Survival' by Muse. Isn't that an odd name for an Olympics theme? The Olympics are supposed to be competitive games, with no actual danger. How is needing to survive relevant at all? Moreover, this comes from a band whose last two albums dealt with how governments are getting too much power and deceiving their peoples. Could they know more?

>> No.9449209

I just can't see that logo as anything but Lisa sucking dick anymore.

>> No.9449250
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thank me later:


>> No.9449269
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>> No.9449286


But the machines destroyed Zion

>> No.9449305

Jesus christ, the "jews have massive noses" thing was no joke.

>> No.9449308
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Why is everyone talking about europe going to shit?

Is there really that many people flocking there and making it bad?

>> No.9449351
File: 177 KB, 812x1597, Estinzione Italiani.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is a chart with a projection about the foreigners multiculti invasion of Italy (real data end at 2010)

>> No.9449383



>> No.9449389

Well, I watched the whole thing and I am not convinced. I still have no idea why he would draw so many lord of the rings parallelisms.

>> No.9449511

>I still have no idea

>> No.9449571

So if Italians native are going to extinct in 2082, here in France it should be around 2050. If nothing changes, Europe are going to be a mongrel continent like Americas. Feels bad.

>> No.9449577

If Tolkien was a freemason, then this is the first time I've heard of it.

>> No.9449604

We all learn things all the time, so congratulations I guess. Dismissing mountains of evidence because you aren't familiar with a concept is silly. Is it really surprising that he took inspiration from Freemasonry literature and tradition? He also created languages.

>> No.9449627

I didn't know. I knew about him creating languages and I knew that his books borrowed a lot from christian and nordic mythology and the he even got into a quarrel with C.S. Lewis about it. Though, you don't need to be in a secret society to be able to create a language.

>> No.9449734

> after the olympic false flag

>> No.9449749

Google it.

>> No.9449781

So they put up someone else flag for something by mistake and it pissed people off.


How does that call for a war?

>> No.9449786

Are you actually retarded?

>> No.9449789

There won't be a "false flag attack", do you want to know why? Because people think there will be and are speculating. Now if the alleged secret society were to exist they would not attack on a day where it's suspected, it will just further give credit to those conspiracy theorists that were right about their power grab. Now if they don't attack and everyone said they would this would take away credit from the theorists and suspicion from the average man.
Whatever happens everyone will fall into what they want because they taught us to think a certain way.
99% of people are brainwashed.
.9% of people think they aren't but really are (conspiracy theorists)
.1% of people are actually not brainwashed.

>> No.9449800

Tell me how putting up someone elses flag by mistake legitimately calls for a war.

>> No.9449827

>Are you actually retarded?

he's not
he's following the manual:


>> No.9449842
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You underestimate the power of the phrase 'conspiracy theory'. Just repeat the theory, add a few bullshit elements to it and laugh at it. Anything that gets close to it will be dismissed as a conspiracy theory, and people who don't believe in the official accounts of events are by definition crazy people who spout nonsense. It's even much, much easier if you have any kind of control over the media.

I'm not a "conspiracy theorist" myself (other than believing in the 'let it happen despite advance knowledge' theory of 9/11), but some conspiracy theories in the past have proven to be true. Somewhere among the seas of noise are some actual conspiracies, so I won't dismiss things just because they're conspiracy theories...but the majority of the people does not think that way.

>> No.9449868


>> No.9449879
File: 47 KB, 460x500, olympics460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iran almost pulled out as they believed the 2012 logo spelled out ZION if you rearranged it.
