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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9442907 No.9442907 [Reply] [Original]

So the time comes and the technology finally exists to where you can get your brain transplanted into a android loli, or maybe an organic clone, or whatever.

Now do you think you have the balls to schedule an appointment? It's likely to be incredibly awkward, just imagine how the conversation would flow after you tell the doctor "I want to be a little girl"

Hopefully none of the surgeon 'accidentally' kill you out of disgust.

>> No.9442908

That would be incredible boring without all those funky glands which make the human life enjoyable.

>> No.9442911

Why would I want to be a girl?

Girls are stupid.

>> No.9442912

I'd probably have to go outside to get it. Not worth it.

>> No.9442917 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9442924

Would I still need to sleep and eat?
If I don't need to sleep, that right there pretty much doubles my time available in my life span. Even if I need to recharge with electricity or something, I can just sit plugged in at my computer.

>> No.9442948

Yeah, but you'd probably wear down your parts faster if you don't go to sleep. Just imagine a computer that's running constantly verses a computer that's never been turned on.

>> No.9442957

Doctors are used to dealing with "disgusting" things

>> No.9442978

I am more worried of the cash, i guess it will be unaffordable

>> No.9442986

I don't want to be a little girl, that would be too gay for me, I'm a proud male, not a repressed tranny.

>> No.9443009


Because you would be cute and look good in cute things, men are disgusting.

>> No.9443016

I'm already cute and look good in things.

I wish /jp/ would stop pushing its gender insecurities onto me. ;_;

>> No.9443028

They'd probably tell you to go through therapy first, but given all of the tranny operations these days I'm sure you could find plenty of doctors to do something like this that you could trust to not murder you just because they think you're weird.

I'd do it if I didn't have a family to shame.

>> No.9443034

When technology has moved to that level, I won't care much about my physical form anymore, because I'll be spending every waking hour hooked up to virtual reality.

>> No.9443044

I get the feeling an android body would be far more prone to breaking down, I'd probably go for a stationary unit with far higher stability over a bunch of stupid limbs that do nothing.

>> No.9443052

You could get wheels or tracks at least.

>> No.9443093



>> No.9443115
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It will be interesting to see all the religious pro-nature extremists burning corporation buildings, threatening scientists and discriminating or even killing androids (because they aren't considered human beings anymore)

But don't worry, it wont happen in you lifetime and even if it would happen, you wouldn't have the money.

>> No.9443120

Why do you think I'm lying?

I'm sorry for not being a 200lb neckbeard and not fitting in with the transsexualism fad.

>> No.9443200


Because men aren't cute unless they look like girls.

>> No.9443234
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i would already be one

>> No.9443239

You only say that because you're a straight male.

It's not normal for heterosexuality to induce an gender inferiority complex.

>> No.9443243

a gender*

>> No.9443262

I think you're worrying for nothing. They won't give a damn as long as you can dish out the money and letting one of the first subjects to their innovative brain transplant die would hurt them way more than how any of your friends would feel, supposing you even have one.

They'd welcome you with open arms trust me, why the fuck would they cut themselves out of many potential transexual costumers?

>> No.9443268

I would just want another male body after this one began to wear down.

>> No.9443319

You now realize your brain would be too large to fit in the skull of a little girl breathing manually

>> No.9443328

I probably won't feel safe at all when shit like emulated brains or neural interfaces become available, what's really stopping someone from hacking your brain?

>> No.9443362
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>what's to stop them from hacking your organic brain right now with noninvasive memetic techniques, anon? In fact, better not look at my picture attached, it's dangerously hacking your brains!

OP, that's why my neuroscientist doctor friend is going to be a gay transvestite who is also unromantically in love with me and wants to get me into a female body so she can do me faster.

>> No.9443479
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>> No.9443494

>Hopefully none of the surgeon 'accidentally' kill you out of disgust.
They wouldn't care, as little girl surgery would be fairly common.

>> No.9443497

Sick of these fucknig hypothetncaislfsdljf

>> No.9443517

If I gave Brain Hacker-san my brain, could he hack it so that I would see feel and experience being a little girl at all times while the rest of the world just sees me as being me?

>> No.9443523

Wouldn't that be worse? You'd probably have a system crash or something whenever you looked in a mirror.

>> No.9446519

>androids get equipped with laser eyes and shit
>coolest war ever breaks out

We GiTS now. I want to be like the hacker dude with 5 sex androids

>> No.9446599

When I'm an old fuck I'll do whatever I want and I'll be damned if some young whipper snappers try to stop me.

>> No.9446633
File: 106 KB, 670x336, Becoming the girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Maybe it's more likely than you think.

I think men are objectively not cute anyway, they can be "attractive", but never cute unless they're effeminate. Masculine qualities aren't cute ever.

>> No.9446662

/jp/ - Transhumanist Culture

>> No.9446682

If a Brain Hacker wanted your brain, it's pretty likely that you would either not notice or it'd be too late to care at that point, if he were any good.

Unless you gave it up, but then why would you do that?
