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9441450 No.9441450 [Reply] [Original]

/g/ has done the math and NEET superiority has finally been proven. We're living the dream.

>Average Normal's Day
>Sleep 8 hours
>Work 8 hours (9-5)
>1 hour for work related travel time.
>7 hours for free time, possibly less if you count after work exhaustion.
>17 hours spent unconscious or working. 7 hours at the most having fun. If you count the weekends as pure free time (excluding sleep) this is 101 hours unconscious/work and 51 hours free time.

>Average NEET week
>56 hours of sleep
>112 hours of fun

Now let's say that a 20 year old NEET lives to be 50 before eventually losing his autismbux, having his parents die, and eventually killing himself or starving.

Now let's say another 20 year old normal gets a job and lives to be 80 years old before dying.

>The normal will have experienced 159120 hours of happiness.
>The NEET will have experienced 174720 hours of happiness.

Even though the normal will technically live longer, his huge amount of suffering makes it so that the NEET who didn't care about living a sustainable life will die decades before him and still have experienced over 15 thousand more hours of happiness than the NEET that lived much longer.

Normal lives are long and miserable, but NEET lives are short and filled with more happiness.

>> No.9441455

why does reimu have maria's hat?

>> No.9441457

Thanks OP, I was going to try and get a job this week but you make valid points.

>> No.9441459 [DELETED] 

shut the fuck up fucking faggto fufck you

>> No.9441460

Because she is Mareiyo!

>> No.9441464

It's too bad I'm not even 25 yet, can't get autism bucks, and have no parentals capable of facilitating me as a NEET.

I wonder what the calculations say about STREET NEETs.

>> No.9441465

The main reason I don't want to get a job is because it takes a huge chunk of time from my life.

Even as a child, I used to think about how I wish I didn't have to sleep, or go to school/work ever again, because that would basically mean much more "conscious time" to my life-span.

>> No.9441469

I dunno, but I'm probably gonna be one soon.

>> No.9441471

>174720 hours
Life is really that short, huh...


>> No.9441473

I'm 3rd worlder and can't into autism bucks either.
Everyoe knows NEETs have it easier, which is why normals are so pissed off at this place.
Enjoy your life, NEETs. You are above the system.

>> No.9441477

Does this calculation assume they work until they're 80? What about retirement? At around 60 years of sage, the normal should retire and acquire the same free time as the NEET, but with better funds.

This also doesn't account for the fact that the normal's longevity will give them access to new technology. I think new developments in technology can deliver great happiness.

>> No.9441481

Less than 20 years of consciousness and that's the NEET route.

>> No.9441485

All a third world nation is is a nation not involved in the Cold War.

>> No.9441486


>> No.9441484


> At around 60 years of sage

/jp/ won't live that long.

>> No.9441482


>I'm 3rd worlder

Are you trying to say you live in a third world country?

Which one? Ireland, Finalnd, Mexico? (Yes, they are 3rd world countries)

>> No.9441487

A world full of NEETs isn't exactly "superior".

>> No.9441493

/jp/, as NEETs, won't, but OP is assuming a normal lives until 80. I'm just wondering if he factored the normal's retirement in.

>> No.9441494

Life at 60 is pathetic, and most of your money goes toward medical care.

A flimsy cold can really bring you down at that age. My dad's 67 and he's merely a shadow of who he used to be.

>> No.9441500

tfw no schizo bucks

>> No.9441505

I want to become a NEET like most of you guys. I've started staying inside more often and not spending time with friends or anything. I just keep getting sadder and sadder though.

>> No.9441507
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Take your feels and me-mes to /v/.

>> No.9441508

What if you enjoy your job and it brings you happiness?

Also, it doesn't take into account the level of happiness that life gives you.

Maybe you won't enjoy being NEET for 30 years, maybe depression will hit or you wont be able to afford to fund your hobbies. Someone who is working will be able to afford what they want and this may make them happier people.

>> No.9441510

How much do you get these "autsim bux"?

>> No.9441517

>I think new developments in technology can deliver great happiness.
Please tell us about your awesome car.

>> No.9441519


The calculation would have to factor in a lot more things. He might retire at 60, but then you would have to cut off more hours from his happiness because his body is essentially falling apart and most of his days will begin to be filled with more and more pain as the various age related ailments begin to consume him.

You also have to add in that most normals don't just immediately kick into "happy mode" as soon as they get home. They may have overtime, exhaustion which could ruin their whole evening, fighting with the wife, and all sorts of normal related unpleasantness that the NEET will never have to deal with.

>> No.9441524

But the NEET encounters crippling loneliness, apathy, and severe depression.

>> No.9441529

Many retirement systems are already going bust, I really doubt they'll be able to support an aging population when people born now can live to 100 naturally easily.

>> No.9441528

why is marisa so rude

>> No.9441537

I'd rather die young than grow old. What's the point of being tired and fragile? What is there to live for? Others? I just can't see myself living like that...

>> No.9441544

>living to 50
What? Your parents will probably die by the time you hit 50, you get a free house. Sell it, spend the money on renting an apartment until you die, or rent it out and live on the rent for even longer. This is assuming your parents aren't total dicks who sell the house and go on a round the world trip though.

>> No.9441547

In the end it's down to how much you care about starting a family vs how much you rather live hedonistically.

Money, power, owning a fucking stupid car or career fulfillment are stupid things, and as the western world moves to praising independency and individualism more self righteous NEETs will appear.

I genuinely like being around children, but society disgusts me. I'm feel torn.

>> No.9441554

Sure must be nice to have parents who own their own house and will leave it to you upon the event of their deaths.

We're not all upper middle class NEETs.

>> No.9441557

It's called retiring. Get a decent-paying job, quit at 50, and spend the next 30+ years playing Sugoi Nippon porn games.

>> No.9441558
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The perception of time is subjective. You can either have the most boring hour or the most interesting minute in your life, and referring to the amount of time spent doing it is irrelevant to how much happiness it actually provides you.

Anyways, most NEETs suffer from a wider range of mental instabilities (just look at /jp/, for fuck's sake), which probably includes delusions that NEETdom is the ultimate form of lifestyle when in reality you're just a social fuckup that is trying their best to survive in a society that hands you money because the expense of euthanizing you is too politically inconvenient.

>> No.9441559

>I genuinely like being around children
Don't we all?

>> No.9441565

How does one keep autismbux without the gov constantly nagging about efforts to change your lifestyle (and if you don't they stop the money flow and/or put you in a institution)?

>> No.9441570

Not to mention that some of us have siblings.

Who do you think would get the house? A succesful woman with a good career and a family or her worthless NEET brother?

>> No.9441571

the "fun" in a NEET's life is subjective.

>> No.9441574

>Get a decent-paying job, quit at 50, and spend the next 30+ years playing Sugoi Nippon porn games.
First off no one retires at 50 unless you're truly sick.
Yeah, wait when you're really old to finally start enjoying your life, that's what unhappy normals truly believe.

Bullshit, you should start enjoying your life now, even if you decide to be a wage slave. Old people can't even maintain erections and don't have time remaining or brainpower to learn languages. There are many problems with your argument.

Also I don't wanna stir feminist shit up but did you knew women live longer on average and retire sooner? How the hell does that make any sense?

>> No.9441575

Maybe in the first few years and don't have the attitude yet, or if you are a latent normal.

>> No.9441579
File: 193 KB, 447x483, takanejoy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you look back, what were the happiest moments of your life?

Mine were playing video games, masturbating, and doing drugs.

What good is a prolonged life if it's mostly terrible?

>> No.9441580


>But the NEET encounters crippling loneliness, apathy, and severe depression.

Not if you're a "truNEET" though.

If you feel loneliness then go outside. I'm on autismbux solely because I don't want to go outside and the internet is more than enough to satisfy whatever loneliness (I've never felt it, but maybe it's under there somewhere) that may exist.

Same for apathy and depression to some degree. There's nothing depressing about the NEET lifestyle, you have access to the internet which can provide you with any source of entertainment you could ever think of for free and you can learn anything you would ever want to know.

It's perfection. No reason to feel apathetic or depressed about that unless you either really wish you were outside and you're suppressing it for some reason or you have some kind of imbalance and you need medicine.

>> No.9441584

Am I a truNEET if I enjoy being outside but hate other people?

>> No.9441585

There have always been two types of NEET. One seems genuinely happy and content living a life with a dim future and minimal social interactions.

The other is pretty much the opposite in that they long first and foremost for social interaction. Most everything in their life is governed by their desire for interaction. Following that they would like a promising future, which usually means worrying about entering schooling or training of some sort eventually in the future. Finally, they're discontent with the labels society has put on them and would like to change their lives for the "better".

Disgusting people, that second group. They really are the lowest of the low. Especially all the people here wanting to get a job, longing for friends outside and being depressed about their NEET lifestyle. Just die already if you are so sad about your NEET life.

>> No.9441586


Sure, outside is beautiful. I love outside, I wish I could go out more, but it's unfortunately it's infested with people.

>> No.9441589


>Arm-chair psychologists at your service!

>> No.9441592

What more is there to want than the internet?

>> No.9441602

I don't know, what exactly do you consider "fun"?

>> No.9441605

During those extra 30 years something amazing could happen but you will no longer exist to see it.

>> No.9441608 [DELETED] 

You could day for a number of random reasons when going outside too.

Normal life doesn't automatically grant you 80 years of lifetime like that calculation is assuming.

>> No.9441612

You could die for a number of random reasons when going outside too.

Normal life doesn't automatically grant you 80 years of lifetime like that calculation is assuming.

>> No.9441616
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What if within those 30 years, technology was developed that allowed you to transplant your consciousness into the body of a little girl? Either you wouldn't get to live that long, or wouldn't be able to afford it if you stayed NEET.

And before someone argues that one can say that for a variety of different things (e.g., plague, societal collapse, WWIII), the pattern of technology is pretty much exponential, so it's a very likely possibility.

>> No.9441622

But WWIII is also a highly likely possibility. Face it anon, the dream of being a little girl is dead.

>> No.9441625

Let's wait 30 years from now to finally start enjoying life.

I assure you technology will be magical by then and you will most certainly not die or be disappointed.

>> No.9441629


A new Cold War is a more likely possibility. There weren't any nuclear weapons developed during the previous wars (and the development of the atomic bomb was a prelude to the end of the last one) Nothing that won't affect you greatly personally. Of course, you have all the assorted pitfalls of international terrorism that wasn't seen a century ago, but you have a higher chance of dying to common accidents than a terrorist attack anyway.

>> No.9441633


>You can either have the most boring hour or the most interesting minute in your life

It's not really true. You can test this with drugs if you want.

Cocaine vs Meth is the perfect example.

One line of cocaine makes you feel happier, but it has a short duration. Only around 30-40 minutes. Meth though, can last well over 6 hours. You feel very happy, but not quite as intensely.

The six hours is much more enjoyable. Long amounts of good happiness is better than short amounts of intense happiness because you really don't get to savor it fully when it's so short. It's here and then it's gone before you really had time to enjoy it. This isn't even just a personal opinion. Look around at the current drug situation in the world, nobody is buying cocaine. Very little demand for it, but meth is huge.

This is how it is for the normal. He slaves away at work, has his few hours after and maybe they're good, but before he knows it he has to go to sleep and the cycle continues.

>> No.9441634

You would be surprised at what happens when you replace a White-majority neighborhood with niggers.

>> No.9441636

Just as we can have fun not working, they can have fun working.

Different strokes different folks yadda yadda

>> No.9441639

i don't have fun, though. it's just a void.

>> No.9441640


>they can have fun working

Why do people complain constantly about work? I'm sure there's some tiny percentage of people who love their jobs, but the vast majority are only doing it for money.

>> No.9441643


Since we're going with the drugs example, what about the case of LSD/other entheogenics? Time-space dilation is one of the common reported effects of the drug. Some people feel like they've aged several thousand years, or become "one with the universe".

That perception is subjective to the actual time of the trip (which is usually measured in mere hours).

It's that same principle of subjective time dilation that's at work when you're having fun. Time tends to pass faster than when you're bored.

>> No.9441645

>What if

In the 70's people were predicting we'd have flying cars by the year 2000.

I still see flying cars in closer future than any of this GitS stuff. Even if by some miracle neuroscience had reached that point, it'd face massive resistance(from mainly women) and the practice would be outlawed for at least half a century.

>> No.9441646

Because they're not doing good work. They're essentially doing the same thing as NEETs(Hunched over something) but with no discernible benefit to it.

If only Hitler had won. Not only would I not have to have been born, but everyone would have work that was truly fulfilling.

>> No.9441650


What happens when you spend all of those decades suffering and suffering while holding out hope for this amazing world changing advancement in technology and then nothing happens? You just die.

Nothing remarkable was developed, nothing amazing happened, you just wasted your life waiting for something that never came when you could have been enjoying each moment of it.

>> No.9441660

I'm a NEET because I'm bipolar.
You know, sometimes it's not about just happiness.
If you think too much, you'll get to some really sad and hurtful subjects. People who work get a lot more respect and fulfillment than us NEETs.

>> No.9441665


In the (paraphrased) words of Diogenes: ``I wouldn't care because i'd be dead".

However, while i'm alive, I do care about that dream. Why aren't you devoting your lives to neuroscience, /jp/?

>> No.9441671

>Why aren't you devoting your lives to neuroscience, /jp/?
It's too late for me now, man.
I know you're ironic.

>> No.9441681


If we say that boredom = slower time perception and happiness = faster time perception then by working, doing a boring task that they don't want to be doing, they perceive an extremely long amount of suffering each day they work. It makes the calculation even worse for the normals.

The NEET has no excuse though. He has all the free time in the world and he can be doing whatever he wants. There's no reason that he should have an hour of boredom, if he is not having fun then it's his own fault because his options are limitless. The normal can't help it, he's stuck in that job because he needs the money to survive.

Additionally though, the NEET has more options than the normal. This is one of the reasons why I have always advocated drug use for NEETs, at least prescription drug use. The normal will have drug tests and all sorts of barriers that keep him from getting doped up on the job, but the NEET has none of these.

Every NEET can get on a stimulant and each hour of their life would be filled with enjoyment and they would be interested in every they do, the time dilation effect would also work to their advantage because although you're having fun you perceive time to be much slower than it actually is when you're on stimulants.

Get involved in something you enjoy, it's so amazing and interesting, you feel like you've been doing this for hours, and then you look up and only 30 minutes have passed. Happens to me all the time because I modified my NEET lifestyle with the drugs that would improve it even further.

>> No.9441685

>Why aren't you devoting your lives to neuroscience
I suppose it's healthier to have unreasonable dreams if you're actively chasing them.
>I do care about that dream
However, sitting on your ass and waiting for something highly unlikely to happen will most certainly end up in tears.

>> No.9441694


But isn't saying ``it's too late" one of the reasons why you ended up the way you are now? If you stop thinking it's too late, you'll be one step closer to whatever goal you want to reach!

>> No.9441709


How much fun could you manage to have before you get bored, though? Things are more funner if you've done them after something less fun. Sleep feels more restful when you're tired. And you'd soon develop tolerance to stimulants, or basically most of every drug (and they require money too).

Isn't a balanced life between stress and fun better than fun which peters out in the end and doesn't become fun anymore?

>> No.9441717
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I would, if I wasn't a moron.

My only real childhood dream was to be a scientist. Slowly discovering that I was completely inept is probably the closest thing to the story of my life, and it was very painful.

>> No.9441725
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That would be true if there was an actual balance. Most of it is spent being miserable doing shit you don't want to do, and preparing to do more of it for several decades.

>> No.9441749


>Things are more funner if you've done them after something less fun.

This is very true, but there's a limit to it.

You don't have to torture yourself so that you can have fun. Small amounts of useful stress can both help you enjoy other things more and the task itself can help you have more fun later on. I've been doing this NEET thing for 7 years now, you learn some tricks as you go along.

For example, look at Japanese. It wasn't fun to learn, but everything else was much more fun after I got it out of the way. Same with exercise. I don't like doing it and don't enjoy it, but everything else is much more fun when I finish with that bit of suffering. There's two nice end results from both of these things, learning Japanese allowed me to play new games and exercise keeps you healthy and keeps you from feeling lethargic.

What isn't required though is work. I'm getting autismbux, there's nothing I want, so the reward of money is useless to me. The task itself is some mindless repetitive shit that lasts 8 hours too long.

You do not need that much suffering to enjoy things. You're just torturing yourself to feel the same amount of happiness from playing a fun task as you would have felt with an hour of exercise or study and there's nothing to gain from doing the task itself.

>> No.9441765

>miserable doing shit you don't want to do

Which is everything if you managed to get desensitized to fun.
When even getting out of bed becomes a chore.
We see these types post here daily.

When you seek more extreme emotion, more extreme action, more extreme violence, more extreme sexual satisfaction (most of this content come from Japan one way or another) through virtual media you eventually end up desensitized and nothing feels like anything.

>> No.9441768 [DELETED] 

I wouldn't mind giving up some of my free time for being normal if I could still do my pathetic hobbies at peace.

Why is it always completely give up one thing for the other? Why can't I have both while still conforming to some extent?

>> No.9441770

I wouldn't mind giving up some of my free time for being normal if I could still do my pathetic hobbies in peace.

Why is it always completely give up one thing for the other? Why can't I have both while still conforming to some extent?

>> No.9441775
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I can understand what you're talking about, though. I plan on at least finishing my degree, despite not being to keen on working afterwards, since it entails a lot of social connections that I am not very good at. In that regard, i'm lucky that my parents can afford to shoulder my expenses. In case I don't make it/lose motivation during my studies, i'm not quite sure what i'd end up doing, because i'd feel like a failure afterwards.

But I do find more enjoyment out of doing productive things, rather than on purely pleasurable things. A lot of the periods of depression that i've fallen under were due to the lack of the former, and even if I ended up doing ordinarily enjoyable things, they still wouldn't make me happy.

>> No.9441782
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idk about ya'll niggas but NEET LYFE

>> No.9441794

You must be 16-19

Have fun waking one morning, looking in the mirror and realizing you're not a child anymore. The day will come.

>> No.9441797

I don't know about him, but I'm 19 and feel like I'm 40.

>> No.9441799


>desensitized to fun.

Most of the time I don't think they're desensitized to fun. It's very hard to get to that point and it's very easy to reverse it.

When getting out of bed is a chore and nothing is enjoyable then that's an entirely different problem. I used to feel it before I knew how to fix it. Your body is most likely all kinds of fucked up because I'm assuming you don't exercise or get any sunlight.

It messes with your head. Not only the lack of exercise, but the sunlight too. Happens to those people in Alaska during those dark months (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seasonal_affective_disorder)) and it happens to us because we don't go outside and some of us are even on nocturnal schedules.

You just have to get a little sunlight each day, give yourself some slightly unpleasant or difficult tasks to do (learn Japanese maybe) and get some exercise. It'll do wonders for this feeling that you're describing.

Healthy NEETs are happy NEETs.

Look at drugs for example. Sometimes you take a little too much for a little too long and all of the sudden your old dose isn't doing anything for you and so you take more and more and this whole time your brain is just getting fucked to pieces. The real solution is to take a break for a month or two, don't touch the drug until your brain is right again.

It's very similar with this. The desensitization is only a symptom of the real problem which is your deteriorating health and the depression that is coming from it. If you don't address the real problem then you it takes more and more extreme things to knock you out of that depressive haze until there's just nothing left because the real problem remains.

>> No.9441800


>> No.9441836

Well obviously the NEET lifestyle is a happier one, but the problem is that it's unsustainable. If you live with parents, you risk either getting kicked out or having your happiness ruined by constantly being reminded that you need to get a job and move out. If you live on welfare, you risk the chance of getting kicked off the system as your government goes bankrupt. Part of the reason the london riots happened was because welfare got cut from a great deal of people who were mooching off the system, so they took advantage of some protest against police brutality and used it to steal shit. And even if you don't get shaken off, inflation will still beat you out.

I would find it very difficult to sustain a NEET lifestyle until one is 50.

>> No.9441909


>as your government goes bankrupt

If this happened then the people with jobs would be pretty much fucked too. Too much of this country is on welfare, the whole place would explode in fury if they took it away.

>> No.9441955


>the whole place would explode in fury if they took it away

You haven't been paying attention during the last few years, have you?

>> No.9441974

Yeah, but the thing is both a NEET and normal lifestyle is unsustainable.

>> No.9441975
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>The normal will have experienced 159120 hours of happiness.
>The NEET will have experienced 174720 hours of happiness.

But I am more happy because I can afford shit you can't.

You have more hours to sit in your mothers basement and play with you meager possessions while I'm out buying cars and boats.

>> No.9441977

You assume that people cannot enjoy their work.

This is a very incorrect assumption.

>> No.9441978

Your math is shitty. Some people are happy working and unhappy when they have free time. In fact I know of a woman who's working two shitty jobs during her summer break she gets from being a teacher. She gets too lonely and bored when she has free time so they only way she can feel good about herself is to constantly stay busy.

>> No.9441983


I have never wanted a car or a boat

What now?

>> No.9441989

I get enough money to buy everything I want. Cars and boats are totally pointless for me.

>> No.9441991

I would wager that this arises from being forced into that "must work" lifestyle from an early age, to the point where she doesn't know any different.

She literally can't take it easy.

>> No.9441994
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You only say that because you can't afford one

>> No.9441995

What could I need a car or boat for?

>> No.9441999
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> Not living in a country that forces NEETs to work 20 hours a week in a charity shop to keep their autismbux flowing.

>> No.9442002

You remind me of those liberals who say "I'm right and anyone who disagrees with me is brainwashed"

>> No.9442004


um... driving and sailing?

>> No.9442005

But don't you remember? Fun can only be bought.

>> No.9442006

Why would I want to do either of these things?

>> No.9442008

Where would I drive or sail to?

>> No.9442009

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

>> No.9442010

But roads and water are outside

>> No.9442011




>> No.9442014

Fox and the grapes are about him saying the grapes are shit.
We don't say that, we just don't want grapes.

>> No.9442013


I don't like driving, it isn't fun and it makes me feel nervous.
My dad has a boat and I didn't like it. Water smells weird and it was really boring. There's a lot water and that was pretty much it. I just wanted to go home and play eroge.

All of the things I like are on the computer. I've tried the other stuff, I don't understand why people buy them. I figured it was just buying stuff they don't really like so they can show it off for social status, kind of like buying art.

>> No.9442019

NEET that puts in a tiny bit of effort to make money of the internet > welfare NEET with uncertain future > wage slave

It's not hard to make money online, I resell crap on ebay to make a few grand a month with maybe a few hours of my time wasted. You can write articles for news sites with next to no research and make a decent amount, too.

>> No.9442024
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Similar situation.

My dream was to be an astronaut, because I love space.

But then I found out I'm a lazy autistic idiot. Such is life.

>> No.9442029

I work for 8 hours every day and I'm quite happy even at work because I sit at my desk and watch anime most of the time.

>> No.9442031


Well replace that with animu figures and dragon dildos then. I'm sure you like them.

I could afford more than you.

>> No.9442034
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I'm glad you can't get away with this shit in Britain.

>> No.9442035

Why do I need more plastic shit? I think there's a problem with your values when you base worth on wealth. Anything extra past "I can stay alive and have an internet connection" is worthless to me.

>> No.9442036

Not everyone is as materialistic as you, yknow.

>> No.9442037

And what happens to those statistics when your parents finally get sick of your shit and throw you out on your arse? Jobseekeers and council flats here in the UK isn't nearly enough to live on, unless you simply want a small space with only a bed and not being able to afford internet or even electricity on account of needing money to eat.

Do you plan to commit suicide on that glorious day when neither mummy and day nor the state plan to sustain you any longer? How will you kill yourself, you reckon?

>> No.9442039


We have a 29 year old NEET called Sudo who lives off of welfare and buys whatever he wants all the time, your "point" is invalid.

>> No.9442040


I can stay alive better than you because I have more money.

>> No.9442041

Yes you can, you just need to be female and pop out a few kids.

>> No.9442043


> Whatever he wants
> Whatever he wants comprises of cheap plastic figures
> Can't afford nice car or house
> Will claim he doesn't want them as he cries himself to sleep

>> No.9442046

There's only 2 possible values, alive or dead. You can't be "better" at being alive.

>> No.9442047

Normal people don't like NEETs because the existence of NEETs make them question the value of their goals and achievements.

Our society tells us that your worth is determined by how much money you have and how much fancy shit you can buy. Everybody works towards this, but NEETs mess it up. They come along and they just don't like doing this stuff, they don't understand why everyone else is doing it, and they just want to be left alone with very simple things.

Normals now look at these NEETs, these people who have almost nothing and are completely happy with it, and now question their own lives because they've worked so hard to obtain objects because they believed it was the only way for them to feel happiness and now they see these NEETs feeling just as happy as they are with poverty level possessions.

It's why normals are so hostile. If they really pitied NEETs then they wouldn't bother to say anything.

>> No.9442048

>Anything extra past "I can stay alive and have an internet connection" is worthless to me.
Then you lead a pretty worthless life.

Just sayin'.

>> No.9442050

Sudo can't even drive. I'm pretty sure he doesn't give a shit if he can't buy a nice car.

>> No.9442051

what are you studying anon? i'm curious

i can take my father's car and i never do it, having a boat would be funny, but as i live 2 hours far from the sea i wouldn't use it anyways.

what kind of work is that?

>> No.9442057

That's the idea.

>> No.9442058


Unless you're legs have fallen off, good luck claiming welfare in Conservative Britain.

You'd never get your autism bux because you'd be sent to a state doctor every month to assess if you are able to perform a normal job. If not you'll be given an autist job.

>> No.9442060


But i'm a kisses male virgin. My parents are already making moves to kick me out. I need to plan my suicide, since I looked into it, and I'm not eligible for anything more than Jobseeker's. And I don't want to live a life where I collect a cheque but have to live under a bridge and go to internet cafes for my internet fix.

Any suggestions?

>> No.9442061

How so?

>> No.9442062

Define "worth".

>> No.9442063


> Can buy better food
> Can afford gym membership
> Can afford healthcare

>> No.9442066

>buy better food

Not really. Farmer's market food is better for you and is dirt cheap. Even more so if you grow your own food.

>> No.9442064

When I was working I had about 2 hours of free time/day.

>> No.9442065
File: 146 KB, 349x490, Fisschbeck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like anime, it isn't fun and it makes me feel nervous.
My son has anime figurines and I didn't like it. The plastic smells weird and it was really boring. There's a lot figurines and that was pretty much it. I just wanted to go out and play with my boat.

All of the things I like are outside. I've tried the other stuff, I don't understand why people buy them. I figured it was just buying stuff they don't really like so they can show it off for social status, kind of like buying art.

>> No.9442071

> Can buy better food
Nutrient rich food isn't expensive.
> Can afford gym membership
You can go for a run for free, or buy basic exercise equipment for next to nothing.
> Can afford healthcare
I don't live in a third world shithole.

>> No.9442070

Oh, people started bragging about their cars again.

You normals repeat yourself too much.

>> No.9442073


I'm sure they'd keep you if you got a job at fucking Tesco or anywhere. Why do you have to consider death is an alternative to just being busy somewhere else besides home for 8 hours or so a day?

>> No.9442075

btw I'm a car

>> No.9442078


You're a disgrace to the white race and by definition a race traitor since you refuse to do your share to continue the white race by having children. You are no worth to us alive if that's the case.

>> No.9442079

A life that's half miserable is far worse than no life at all.

>> No.9442083

>that car when a normal brags about stupid shit near you

>> No.9442084

When did the subject of having kids ever come up? Stop insulting the white race with your stupidity, normal. I bet you're a racemixer.

>> No.9442085
File: 204 KB, 1100x733, 133953280717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Claim you're happier
> Cry yourself to sleep because you don't have a nice house, a nice car, disposable income and a loving wife.

>> No.9442089

I wish the normals that feel the need to constantly give us shit would die. I can't take it easy like this.

>> No.9442090

Fake one of those bullshit psychosomatic illnesses they can't detect, like "I'm constantly in pain and can't even get out of bed most days." Then close your curtains, and chill out on easy street for the rest of your life.

>> No.9442097
File: 35 KB, 343x357, 1337797088004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the idea of subjective value really that difficult to understand?

Normals would never be happy with the things that NEETs are happy with. They would be bored to tears if they spent their life in a room with a computer and very little socialization.

NEETs would never be happy with the things that normals are happy with. They don't want it, they hate to socialize, and you can throw all of the expensive items in the world at them and they will still just want to go back to their computers and play games. It's what makes them happy.

Is this really so hard to understand? No items or activity (even work) is inherently enjoyable. Any enjoyment derived from the use of an item or by doing an activity is based upon whether or not that particular person finds this item/activity enjoyable. It is entirely subjective.

>> No.9442094

The picture is kind of amusing since koreans are known as the materialist people.

>> No.9442098

>traitor to the white race
But I'm latino

>> No.9442099


Good, you're suppose to get shit for being worthless

>> No.9442102

Normals aren't very good at understanding things that go against the social norms they've had drilled into their heads since they could shit themselves.

>> No.9442107
File: 24 KB, 412x286, 1327012250072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You came to the wrong neighborhood, motherfucker.

>> No.9442108
File: 4 KB, 200x187, 1335560362455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Feeling superior because you're a worthless leech on society.

Look claim your autism bux I don't care, but understand you're the lowest scum out there.

>> No.9442111

I don't get why you discuss this kind of things on this board,seriously

>> No.9442116

Pretty much this, anything foreign to them or different is often seen as weird or bad.

Especially when it goes against their core values of MUST GET MORE STUFF.

>> No.9442113


I'm a card-carrying white nationalist. Why aren't you?

>> No.9442114

You know, when you keep putting a space in your shitty greentext, it makes it kind of obvious it's just you repeatedly bumping the thread. Why are you so mad that other people are having fun without money?

>> No.9442117

> 2012
> Watching Chinese cartoons and having autism

You're a disgrace to the white race.

I bet you would race mix too

>> No.9442118


What happens when people get sick of it and bring in ultra-conservative government and all the dole stops coming in? What then?

>> No.9442119

I don't understand why normals have to constantly put themselves above everyone.

>> No.9442122


It's the only way he can justify working all day to get the same benefits that NEETs on autismbux do.

>> No.9442123


I don't understand why neets have to put themselves above everyone else when they're scum

>> No.9442126


BTW if you notice an influx of these sorts of posts, it's because we just linked this to Stromfront and VNN and re-education officials are coming on to this board to talk some sense into you. Maybe even get you to leave your parasitic NEET ways and join our cause.

>> No.9442124
File: 54 KB, 480x368, laughing-girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> same benefits

I probably make 20 times what you do in a year.

>> No.9442125

The worst level a normalfag can be is a religious one. I doubt I could find a religious hikikomori. At best he'd probably worship some fictional character from a series.

Wait a minute, god is fictional too..

>> No.9442135
File: 225 KB, 800x764, 1340439717903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did you atleast notify /new/ about this?

Inb4 JIDF x Stormfront shitstorm in /jp/.

>> No.9442130

Normalfag trolling is too easy, if you are like me you should probably leave and hide this thread.

Or just stay and troll, either way I'm cool.
Good morning /jp/ I'm going to bed.

>> No.9442131

Ebin win posts :DDDDD

>> No.9442132


White men are too proud and too racially superior to grovel in their own shit like NEETs do. We're trying to save these people from themselves. Although you know who is behind it as well.

>> No.9442137
File: 50 KB, 1280x720, happychinasue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You also probably work 5 days a week. What exactly can you buy that makes wasting so much of your life like that worth it? The attention of girls that wouldn't look at you in high school? Cars? Overpriced clothing?

>> No.9442138


I knew if I linked to this thread someone from /pol/ would troll it up.

>> No.9442143


What exactly is so fun about having all the time in the world to sit in your mothers basement and cry?

>> No.9442140
File: 54 KB, 341x450, Adolf Hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being a disgrace to the aryan race

Hitler is spinning in his grave

>> No.9442141


>> No.9442148

Working a job for things they don't need that their society has convinced them will bring them happiness.

Everything described earlier, boats, cares, money. Society has convinced them that if they get these things that they will be happy.

Unfortunately once they acquire the latest thing they soon realize there's something else that's newer and better and if they get that THEN they will be happy.

>> No.9442144


/new/ and /pol/ aren't white nationalist locales. Why should I let them know?

>> No.9442149
File: 370 KB, 708x765, BRUSH YOUR TEETH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That is the first phase. If you survive long enough to acquire the wisdom then it's great.

>> No.9442151
File: 127 KB, 327x338, 1341033705158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>aren't white nationalist

What are you talking about buddy?

>> No.9442153

I visited a NEET thread in /pol/ when I was there a few weeks ago, and it wasn't quite as retarded as the one you just linked, so I'm forced to conclude that it's shitty because of /jp/ crossposters trolling overtime.

>> No.9442154
File: 111 KB, 1280x720, hayatemaid1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But I'm very happy with not having to waste my time going to work every day. I'm just wondering why you think it's so wonderful. What fulfilling, wholesome work do you do?

>> No.9442155


>but understand you're the lowest scum out there.

They do not give a shit.

NEETs are people that intentionally want to get as far away from society as they possibly can. They're outcasts, recluses, hermits, whatever word you want to use. You're a social person, you have friends, you care about the opinions of your social group, if they were to call you, "the lowest scum out there" then this would bother you.

Think of it this way. You're on a basketball team and all of the players in your team love the game and they want to play, but there's this one guy (NEET) on your team who hates it and he tries to sit on the bench as much as possible. He's not a team player, he does not care if the team wins or loses, if you pass the ball to him then he will just sit on the ground, and he just wants to leave. If you go up to him and say, "you're the worst player on the team" then he will not give a shit because he feels no connection to the team in the first place.

Attempt to understand the people you're speaking to before insulting them or your insults just won't make any sense.

>> No.9442158
File: 78 KB, 345x431, 1327688384161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Try to post on /new/.
> They block links

What a gay site

>> No.9442161


I'm pretty sure there's little to no Aryans on this board. Most of the people on 4chan are from the UK or the US, not Iran.

>> No.9442166

I was starting to wonder where all the retards were coming from. These people are worse than our shitposting regulars.

>> No.9442169


Being proud of your white ancestry is being "retarded". Good one, Schlomo Chaimenberg.

>> No.9442171


I'm a fraud detective so I spend all day busting criminal scum.

It's a shame what you're doing isn't illegal... yet.

>> No.9442174


Why aren't you using THAT /new/?

>> No.9442177


humans are social creatures its in their DNA.

i figure about 2-3 years of being a truNEET (no social contact, no going outside) a persons mental state would deteriorate.

How long have most NEETs on /jp/ been like this

>> No.9442179
File: 27 KB, 640x360, adolf_hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be strong white man, together we can remove these Jewish NEET parasites.

>> No.9442191

But Hitler understood the plight of the NEET.

>> No.9442187

>humans are social creatures its in their DNA.

>> No.9442190
File: 45 KB, 393x289, 1181453410574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jokes on you, I'm slav.

>> No.9442192
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>> No.9442193
File: 138 KB, 800x800, 1338650338004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a fraud
Stopped reading right there.

>> No.9442195


Oh it warms my heart to see all this Aryan pride on /jp/. Sieg neil, my brothers. Sieg neil.

>> No.9442196
File: 1.24 MB, 2250x1346, 1328290587811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.9442197

i always make sure i have enough money so if i lose my autismbux/parents i can buy a gram of smack and then it's off to gensokyo.

>> No.9442199


I have bad news for you.

>> No.9442202


No. He turned around Germany from a third world shithole that happened to have an industrial infrastructure to a world superpower in just 8 years. NEETs like you would have been sent straight to the gas chambers.

>> No.9442204
File: 32 KB, 480x360, breivik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are no longer a member of the Aryan race.

You will be killed like the niggers and jews on victory day.

>> No.9442207

Is jew burning still a viable career? I'd actually work if it still is.

>> No.9442211

3 years is nothing.

>> No.9442217
File: 101 KB, 620x465, norway-breivik_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How does it feel to be no better than the common nigger?

>> No.9442218

>world superpower
>Germany under Hitler

The hilarious thing about Germany was that it was broke. Completely fucking bankrupt. Money and resources came from the conquest and they were still not enough, Hitler was desperate for a good source of gasoline, such as Baku oilfields.
Hitler's Germany was a bubble that lived on a borrowed time and was absolutely unsustainable by itself.
And since it failed to achieve anything through conquest, it wasn't sustainable in any form at all.

>> No.9442221

>gas chambers

You think the holohoax happened? Fucking /pol/ish scum, you're a hollow shell of the true /new/.

>> No.9442228
File: 984 KB, 500x500, 133969061274.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korea > Japan

>> No.9442229
File: 80 KB, 1280x720, 1342664766355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why do people worship Breivik, or Zyzz. I am honestly curious. One was a WoW player, the other guy ate steroids like they were cornflakes. Clearly, there are better Aryan/Body role models out there, then people who basically just went crazy.

>> No.9442230


>i figure about 2-3 years of being a truNEET (no social contact, no going outside) a persons mental state would deteriorate.

No friends, haven't gone out aside from sitting on the porch to get some sunlight in the morning.

It's nearly eight years now and I'm perfectly happy and healthy. Either humans are much better at handling very little social contact than you think or there's something strange about NEETs which makes us capable of enjoying a lifestyle like this.

>> No.9442236


>I'm perfectly happy and healthy

> I cry myself to sleep and weigh 300lbs

>> No.9442233

nida pls go

>> No.9442237


You mean a country that is borrowing it's culture from japan is somehow better? When, they're language is literally jibberish, with tictactoe letters and names like Hueng-pung Sung?

>> No.9442240

Who are you quoting?

>> No.9442242

Please do not bully the body of god in human form rip in peace

>> No.9442245

>You mean a country that is borrowing it's culture from China is somehow better?

>> No.9442249


You're proud of being an insurance company's dog?

>> No.9442251

But free time is not equivilant to happiness. For the normalfag it could be filled with not happy things because of women. For the NEET it could be filled with not happy things because of self destruction.

>> No.9442254

I don't recall anyone else saying that, so probably himself. This is how greentext is abused on boards like /r9k/ and /pol/.

>> No.9442258


I work for the government bro. I'm a police detective.

>> No.9442255


Please kill me. I don't have the willpower to do it myself.

>> No.9442257


Is that really the best you can do?

>> No.9442262

But japan isn't copying its' culture from china.

>> No.9442264

So you work directly for ZOG? And mock those freedom fighters who bleed the belly of the beast?

>> No.9442266



lol, wat. It's "culture" died off hundreds of years ago. It's a false communism (capitalist) mirror of America with a much larger labor force who are basically slaves. There is no Chinese identity anymore. Japan has been a mostly isolated country and has it's own culture and history completely unique to it's own. The only reason Koreans are even involved is jew-level guilt and free animation labor. Since they work for bowls of Kimchi

>> No.9442269

So while the other detectives are out catching real criminals like rapists and murderers, you're stuck inside checking tax records? Do they all laugh at you for being such a worthless resource drain at the detective meetings, and is that why you try and make fun of people without jobs?

>> No.9442274


If there was no fraud detectives there would be even more CEOs getting away with money laundering.

>> No.9442284

And anyone is supposed to care about this? Great job, you stopped an already rich man from becoming even richer, and he might get a couple of years in jail? How do you live with yourself?

>> No.9442279


>communism (capitalist)

You are fucking retarded.

I'm not even going to begin to explain what is wrong with that, but those two things are polar opposites.

>> No.9442283

Yet they get away with it anyway. You're not very good at your job.

>> No.9442288


Quote the whole phrase next time, illiterate scum.

I'm not even going to bother since you are too dumb to read, go back to your alphabet blocks, and start the fuck over.

>> No.9442289


White collar crimes can be pretty serious too, often times they do more damage than victimless blue-collar crimes like drug use or prostitution.

>> No.9442291


>there would be even more CEOs getting away with money laundering.

Oh, the horror. It's good that you're out there to stop such big and scary white collar crimes from happening.

>> No.9442292

Fraud detectives are basically the bottom feeders of detectives, the kind of shitty detective who couldn't pass the exams to be a real cop. It's hard to expect much out of them.

>> No.9442294

>I'm not even going to begin to explain what is wrong with that

Probably because you can't. Haha, faggot.

>> No.9442295


It's better than being a faggot leech on the system

>> No.9442297

>CEOs getting away with money laundering.
What's wrong with that?

>> No.9442298


I read the whole post. The point was that you directly compared communism to capatalism.

They are fucking opposites, no need to get angry. I'm not asking you to admit that you have no fucking clue what you're talking about. But you don't

>> No.9442299


> couldn't pass the exams to be a real cop

Um you realise that you spend 2 years as a "real cop" before being a detective right?

I was a "real cop" years ago.

>> No.9442304

But YOU'RE a leech on the system. No independent company pays you, you get paid through hard working people's taxes. You don't even do anything worthy of getting paid for, you're like the women companies put in charge of HR because they have nothing more useful to offer.

>> No.9442314


>Communism is a revolutionary socialist movement to create a classless, moneyless, and stateless social order structured upon common ownership of the means of production, as well as a social, political and economic ideology that aims at the establishment of this social order.

>Capitalism is an economic system that is based on private ownership of the means of production and the creation of goods or services for profit. Competitive markets, wage labor, capital accumulation, voluntary exchange, and personal finance are also considered capitalistic.

>> No.9442306

You were probably a meter maid or one of those loser cops in a public school that gets shit on by everyone.

>> No.9442309


>Calls others scum
>Siphons tax money through some stupid fraud detective job

At least NEETs don't cost the public as much money.

>> No.9442315

Being a meter maid isn't a "real cop". A real cop is the detective who solves fucking murder cases, not the pencil pusher who spends all day filing tax returns.

>> No.9442317

It's like I'm really listening to high schoolers who think they're hot shit arguing about political science.

>> No.9442318


>NEETs saying someone with a job isn't worthy of getting paid

How ironic

>> No.9442323


>It's a false communism (capitalist) mirror of America with a much larger labor force who are basically slaves.

You're the one that's fucking retarded. China's government is communist, and it is officially a communist nation by it's own definition, despite the fact that it's the closest thing to a free-market capitalist country that exists in the world today.

>> No.9442324

But Breivik is the ultimate NEET. He spent a decade of his life NEETing it up on credit card debts while living in his mother's basement and playing MMOs and when he knew he couldn't keep that up anymore, he went for the ultimate solution: 21 years in a 5 star Norwegian prison cell.

>> No.9442321


meter maids aren't cops

I worked 2 years as a traffic officer. Which is pulling people over for shitty driving and the occasional high speed chase.

>> No.9442329

All the money is used. It's better than keeping what you earn in a bank.

>> No.9442325

>>The NEET will have experienced 174720 hours of happiness.

what so many depression threads then?

>> No.9442326


You should probably learn what the post even was before you go on autistic level randing. You sound literally retarded.

>> No.9442327
File: 96 KB, 850x1101, CirnoGrapeJuice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the way, I'm the one who started the thread on /pol/ and then linked to this thread. The shitstorm that resulted was marvelous and entertaining. I should do shit like this again sometime. Unfortunately it is 5 in the morning and I need to get to sleep before the sun gets too bright.

Night /jp/ and /pol/.

Also, Hitler was a faggot, White people aren't Aryan, and Jews are the master race.

>> No.9442331


>Copy and paste from wikipedia


>> No.9442334

That's still pretty pathetic.

>> No.9442337


There are two types of NEETs.

1. NEETs that enjoy being NEETs. Probably have asperger's, but they're happy.

2. Normals that are too socially inept to go outside and make friends so they just try to convince themselves that they're NEETs and then cry all day about their loneliness and depression.

>> No.9442338

Fuck off, hebe.

Anyway, can't wait to see the responses to the Olympic false-flag attack, assuming there is one.

>> No.9442339

>the fact that it's the closest thing to a free-market capitalist country that exists in the world today.
Is this some sort of joke? The Chinese government has some of the world's most inane market-meddlers in the world. Just because labor protection is non-existent and non-compliance is rampant due to corruption doesn't mean the Chinese economy is somehow the freest market in the world, or anything even close to it.

>> No.9442341


Real cop or not, pigs are truly fucking scum. Fascist piece of shit. I hope you get shot.

>> No.9442346
File: 14 KB, 250x250, KUSO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9442347


What's the freest market in the world?

>> No.9442348

Hey all you non-NEET losers.

How does it feel to have to go work at a job every other day while I'm living in a state of languor and NEETdom that hardly constitutes being alive? Did I mention my life of placidity and comfort is only made possible through your sweat and tears? Thanks for that, you tools. Without your hard-earned tax dollars funding my autism bucks, I wouldn't be able to live this carefree life that consists mainly of shitting in diapers and masturbating.

Anyway, I'm off to go spend your money on some scantily clad figurines of anime girls. Keep up the good work, bitch boys.

>> No.9442361

Some people argue that it's Singapore. It sure as fuck isn't the People's Republic of China, unless you're looking only at Hong Kong.

>> No.9442353


>despite the fact that it's the closest thing to a free-market capitalist country that exists in the world today.

No it's not whatsoever. It's one of the better examples of socialism actually, both it's benefits and defects.


I knew exactly what he was saying.


I could have explained it in my own words, albeit not nearly as quick. That way was much easier and gets the point across faster.

>> No.9442356

You don't even know what NEET means, do you?

>> No.9442363

>Defending a police state

>> No.9442364


Says the NEET

>> No.9442368

>It's one of the better examples of socialism actually, both it's benefits and defects.
This is even more untrue than China being the freest market in the world. Which is already so much garbage.

>> No.9442369

Because some NEETs aren't able to keep up their NEET lifestyle. If anyone talk about how they wish they had a job, they'll be told to get out. Most people are depressed about shit like their parents threatening to throw them out if they don't get a job

>> No.9442371
File: 105 KB, 220x227, 1332520330915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>y-you dummy just because corporations are able to do whatever they want in China without restraint doesn't make it a free market!

>> No.9442375


Never said it was a good example of socialism done right.

>> No.9442377

What happens when one browses /jp while at work?

Time space paradox?

>> No.9442378


You'll feel differently when you get robbed, then you'll be all like "please officer please catch the bad man that stole my anime".

>> No.9442383

my dad is 60 and he just went out to Alaska to help people fish, physical therapy goes a long way

>> No.9442388

Corporations are not allowed to do "whatever they like without restraint" in China. They have to comply with a host of government regulations and officials at every level of the government, even though a lot of these can be sidestepped through corruption. A significant proportion of the economy remains under the control of state or local governments.

>> No.9442391

I use my Samurai Sword and my Japanese spirit to cut down any who dare dishonor me. I'm a strong NEET who don't need no pigs to protect me.

>> No.9442394

Goddammit, why is this board so fast now?

>> No.9442396

Your family must age really damn fast or something.

My grandparents play sports and play instruments at 80 while living without any assistance at their own home.

>> No.9442399

It was a good example of socialism not-done-right decades ago. It's not an good example of socialist anything right now.

>> No.9442400

Stay mad.
You are just jealous you cant beat the system and you are forced to slave yourself through a 9-5 job.

I would not be a NEET if I have rich parents that can pay for my postgraduate study.
The only non neet thing I would is education since being in education only use up a few hours of your life per week.

>> No.9442401


Are you implying the cops ever do jackshit about household burglaries?

In <95% of the cases it goes like this; You get burgled, they get away, no leads/clues, cops come after the fact to write down "info" and bullshit for a while, they never figure out anything, case closed.

>> No.9442403


>It's better than getting free money.

Are you retarded?

>> No.9442402


NEET is a lifestyle.

If you just want to base it strictly off the definition then some regular guy who just lost his job and is looking for work is a NEET, this man is now grouped in a category which is largely associated with neckbeards and aspies that are masturbating to dolls. Does that make much sense?

>> No.9442404

Police never investigate petty theft.
Also I'd just shoot the robber, since cops are not allowed to shoot people because of all the niggers.

>> No.9442410


You mean "as long as the PRC wets it beak" they don't care. You are implying China has 'regulations'. You're funny. Or that China is in any way socialist? The wage is set by corporations, they know Chinese are poorer than shit and will work a 14 hours a day to buy a can of evaporated milk for their family.

Please. China is basically the model of runaway capitalism. It is only communist in name.

>> No.9442406

>play sports at age 80

>> No.9442412

As a clarification for our visitors from /pol/, if there actually are any, this is the definition that has taken hold and is implicitly agreed on (nobody actually agrees on it, but everybody knows what it means) in /jp/. You're not going to find it in any dictionary but there's no point raising a shitfit about it.

>> No.9442414

Gateball, I never said anything extreme.

>> No.9442418


It's easy to beat the system and live as a NEET.

But you make a lot less money than I do, which is why I don't do it. You haven't really "beat" the system if you get paid so little have you?

>> No.9442422

It depends on how well you take care of yourself. My dad is in his 60s and he's in good physical condition. He does a lot of manual labor and recovers from colds quickly.

>> No.9442431


>You haven't really "beat" the system if you get paid so little have you?

You've beaten the system if you live a life that makes you happy and doesn't require you to work.

This is subjective though, you probably wouldn't be happy with my life and I wouldn't be happy with your life.

The amount of money doesn't really matter. I'm on autismbux and I have about 300k building up in the bank after years of spending nothing. I just don't have any use for it. I'm happy with my computer and the internet, there's nothing I want to use that money on so it will just rot away in the bank for now.

>> No.9442433

I am not implying that there are regulations in China. I am explicitly stating it to be the case. Every province and municipality sets its own minimum wage in China, though there are many people working under the table. Almost a third of the Chinese economy is still in the hand of Chinese state-owned enterprises. The largest foreign multinationals are pressured by the government to enter into (comparably unfavorable) partnerships with Chinese corporations. In various provinces, TVEs play a large part in the local economy alongside private corporations and SOEs. While capitalism obviously exists in China calling it "the freest market in the world" is a tremendous load of shit.

>> No.9442441
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Korea > Jjokbari

>> No.9442437
File: 91 KB, 653x490, comeatme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bringing wealth to your grave? Why would I want to do that.

Come at me.

>> No.9442442

It depends more on your genes, my dad is a truck driver, he's in better shape than myself.
His health is still frail and it's noticeable.

The idea of waiting until your retirement so you can finally have fun is still incredibly stupid.

>> No.9442446


> I have about 300k building up in the bank

You've been a NEET for over 40 years?

>> No.9442456


No, my father died and I inherited most of that. Whenever I get my monthly check then I just deposit it in the bank and go back home. I still have no use for it though.

>> No.9442463


Really? I get 2500 a month on my schizobuxs. It wouldn't take that long to save up that much if you have nothing to spend it on. I don't imagine autismbux is any less then what I get.

>> No.9442466

So this is why you work. You work your ass off so you can leave your money to your children who won't have to work.
Well you normals have me convinced.

>> No.9442469

You should really invest it, any money in a bank is slowing dwindling due to inflation.

>> No.9442475

But having children is evil.

>> No.9442479
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I'm glad I was born in a rich family.

ps.we don't pay taxes.

taxes are for the poor.

>> No.9442491


>You work your ass off so you can leave your money to your children who won't have to work.

This is the problem though. His sacrifice was unnecessary. He worked very hard and I appreciate the money that he left for me, but I have no use for it.

If I my mother were to die and I had to live on my own then the money that I get from the government more than covers living expenses and rent. I just don't need the money and I don't foresee any situation where I'm going to use it.

It's nice to have, just in case of some type of medical emergency, but I just don't know how people manage to spend so much money on things. I'm happy with what I have. It might not seem like a lot, but there's nothing else that I want.

>> No.9442494

You could open the /jp/ mansion.

>> No.9442502

Obviously a Greek.

>> No.9442503

A /jp/ mansion makes a bit of sense- with everyone together, living costs for each individual is reduced, so from very small amounts of autismbux, you could live in this hovel.
However, there'd be social interaction to worry about.
But still, that's fine. Just put lights on doors so you know if someone's in the room or not so you can avoid them.

>> No.9442511
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Everyone would be sucking each other's dicks all the time. The whole mansion would smell of sex.

>> No.9442514

The owner could charge rent, then the autismbucks is increased. After utilities were payed, he could give back the extra money to us. Yes this is Illegal.

>> No.9442515

It kinda pisses me off. There are people right here with no income who would rather starve then get a job, and you sit on all that money you'll never use.

>> No.9442520

Goood, let the butthurt flow through you, normal.

>> No.9442523

I wouldnt actually want to stay with anyone.
Not enough privacy.
I couldnt blast denpa with full volume, I cant watch milky holmes in full volume, I cant play my eroge without headphone, I can throw my shirts and pants everywhere on the floor, I have to share my fridge, I cant shit and piss on the living room....
Just too much cons. I cant be the only one here that must stay alone?

>> No.9442524

/jp/ mansions are a terrible idea.

The internet would be unusable.
At least somebody will be torrenting something 24/7, if not multiple people.
The ping would suck. You'd all be competing for bandwidth to get the latest VN, anime, what have you.

Also, since nobody is going to clean shit up for themselves, we would need a maid. And residents will complain that she's an old mexican woman instead of a cute 2d girl.

>> No.9442526

Did you even read my post? I wish he could spend that money on /jp/ers who are not fortunate enough to receive autism bux. A normal would probably try to convince him to buy a car or something.

>> No.9442527

I wouldn't as long as she doesn't bother me.

>> No.9442533

She's probably going to steal your figs for her granddaughter or some bullshit like that.

>> No.9442537

If you're a jerk you'll just be kicked out.

>> No.9442542

You're a jerk if you torrent?
I think most people on /jp/ are jerks then.

>> No.9442548

Internet problems can be solved by investing in better bandwidth.

As for a maid, we'll just pick out the cutest one among us and dress him up in a frilly maid uniform. Being our maid should be reward enough in itself, but he'll also be rewarded with free access to our semen.

>> No.9442550

If they are "using up all the bandwidth" they are not being nice. Sharing is important.

>> No.9442558


>I wish he could spend that money on /jp/ers who are not fortunate enough to receive autism bux.

I would like to, but I don't see how it could be done. There's just no way to know which people from /jp/ really need the money and which people are just normals pretending so they can get some free money.

I would only want to help NEETs that weren't as fortunate as I was.

>> No.9442563

How many people are we talking here?

20Mbps with 10 people is not going to be fun.
Even 100Mbps is only 10MBps per person.
Well, it's not going to be one person, it's multiple people using the internet at once that will be causing the issue. Everyone would need ridiculous restrictions on their download speeds just to not fuck with others, unless you've got business grade internet service or something.

>> No.9442571

This can easily be solved with a central server that everybody would use to download what they want and a queuing system.

>> No.9442578

Bandwidth would need be purchased with dick sucking. It's the only way. You would suck a dick or masturbate and fill a jar of semen. For each jar of semen you would purchase access to the internet for a certain amount of time.

Full jars = 10 hours
Medium jars = 5 hours
Small jars = 1 hour

>> No.9442580

That's not going to be very fun.
You'd have to wait in line just to download some file real quick.

I guess it's ok if everyone is really patient, but /jp/ hasn't known how to take it easy for years now.

>> No.9442582

You guys do realise the only reason you can sit and fap to hentai all day is because of all the other people out there working? You haven't discovered some sort of ultimate secret to happiness, it's just that most people don't like being a burden on others, the way you guys are.

>> No.9442583

men are drafted and die in war, die from gang related violence, and are accidentally killed from occupational hazards.

>> No.9442586

This could work.
There's a central server that holds the torrent client for everyone in the mansion. What you do is you access it, set it to download what you want, and it'll download it at a set time during the day, or at a reduced speed all day.
For most of the stuff, it'll already be downloaded- it's not going to be like downloading 24/7, it's going to be like 20TB of data- anime and porn- that everyone can access.
Sure you let other people know what you download, but it can be done anonymously.

>> No.9442588


>just that most people don't like being a burden on others, the way you guys are.

Pretty much.

Shame and pride will certainly hold you back in life.

>> No.9442596

>buy basic exercise equipment for next to nothing
you have obviously never done any weight training, the cheapest way to get weight is busted up tires and even then they cost about 10 cents a pound. A squat rack alone costs hundreds of dollars and a bench is about 100-200 dollars

>> No.9442602


Indoor bike costs 90 dollars.
All you need. NEETs don't need to get strong, they just need to prevent themselves from having heart attacks later on.

>> No.9442599

This goes for everyone. Your current quality of life depends on people in China slaving away for shitty wages to produce a good portion of the goods you depend on every day. Unless your quality of life is below the worldwide average, your fortune is built upon the misfortune of others.

>> No.9442601

The central server is a good idea. You'd have to block torrent traffic on the network, only allow the server to do it Also this saves bandwidth, only 1 copy needs to be downloaded and then others can copy internally without affect Internet bandwidth.

>> No.9442618

no, he ran his own small business which was reportedly successful by his own employee's admission.

>> No.9442626

They both took steroids, the worship comes from the resolve in doing what they wouldn't joke with their friends.

>> No.9442635

>101 hours unconscious/work
>51 hours free time
It seems Normals' weeks only last 152 hours as opposed to the international average of 168.

I'm redoing the math with numbers based on actual data and actually doing it correctly since the guys over at /g/ are dumb shits.

>> No.9442666

Don't try and drag us down to your level. If you pay taxes and aren't dependent on charity or benefits, you're contributing to the economy and society.

If you sit in your parent's basement all day watching anime, you're either a drain on your parents or the state or both. If you're claiming your auitismbux for bullshit like social anixety, then don't forget it's tax payers who are literally paying for you to maintain your lifestyle.

>> No.9442676

>brainpower to learn languages


This guy knows over a dozen languages and is still learning.

>> No.9442685

Fucking this.

I have one and I drag myself onto it for 30 minutes a day with a rest day every 3 days.
It's not hard, actually feels kinda nice.
Now I am no longer fat and no longer depressed, now I enjoy being a NEET.

>> No.9442695

Did you order it online, or was there some kind of going outside and social interaction involved in getting one?

>> No.9442700


Can order them off amazon

>> No.9442705

I have a decent paying job, but I'm really miserable, despite (apparently) going into a field that I (thought)I liked. I wish I could quit, but if I do, I'd run out of funds and die in a month (of course I have no plans of changing my high-quality lifestyle either way - that'd ruin my fun)

Why does life have to be so miserable, /jp/?

>> No.9442818

If there's absolutely no way to NEET it up for you, the second best thing is to find a job you like.

>> No.9442889

Being self-employed is the best of both worlds.

>> No.9442919
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I redid all the math to be more realistic and actually correct. I found some interesting results, some of them unexpected.


>> No.9443014

How exactly did you calculate this "efficiency ratio"?

>> No.9443336

>The efficiency ratio is determined by how much bang for your buck your life has; comparing free time hours to total time spent alive from age 20 to death
Free time hours / Total hours alive (since age 20 of course) * 100

For the NEET it was 175,312 / 262968 * 100.
The Normal was 170,100 / 525600 * 100.

The other ratios were done similarly, but with other variables.

>> No.9443394

You need to make a conclusion/summary section to explain your findings in brief.

>> No.9443552

Added. It's easy to summarize math but summarizing the paragraph with the bit of psychology stuff felt awkward to write correctly. if you have any suggestions go for it I haven't written any lab report type stuff in years. It was fun.

>> No.9444040

So the NEET would be 16*365,25*30 = 175320, ok.

But the normal would be:
62,5 hours of fun per week / 7 days = 8,92857 hours per day on average.
Then 8,92857*365*47 = 153274,5536.
Now this is what I don't understand: Last 10 years of life would be 10*365,25*10 = 36525. Add that to 153274,5536 and you have 189799,5536 hours or fun. What did you do to get 170100 hours?

Also notice there is a gap of 3 years (67-70) on my calculations, which would add even more to the total fun time for normals.

>> No.9446330

It took me a second to realize you were European (or at least in a country that doesn't use the shitty US measuring system).

Normal has 62.5 hours of fun per week for 47 years (~153271.5), minus a 2 week vacation once every year for 47 years (15040). So now we do 153,271.5 - 15040 = 138,231.5 hours of free time before he retires.
Then from age 67-70 he has the same free time as a NEET, 16 hours a day for 3 years (17,431.64).
138,231.5 + 17,431.64 = 155,763.14 hours so far.
Now we have 107 hours of free time per week for 10 years age 70-80 (55,829.925)
55,829.925 + 155,763.14 = 211,593.065.

I just realized what I did wrong before thanks to you. During the age 70-80 period I counted 11 hours a day for every day of the week rather than 11 hours for only one day of the week, and 16 for the rest. This completely changes the results, rather exciting.

Thank you for questioning that and making me check the math I based all the other parts on! I will change the document as necessary, and it will probably fit more of what I thought it would look like in my head when I originally was doing all this.

>> No.9446406

>>9446330 here
Everything fits wonderfully thanks to you, the numbers look a lot more like I was expecting originally now. Thank you very very much Anon.

>> No.9447385

hoping to bump this

>> No.9447385,1 [INTERNAL] 

Glad to have helped.

>> No.9447385,2 [INTERNAL] 

>average normal day
>sleep 8 hours
Why on Earth would you need 8 hours of sleep a day?

>> No.9447385,3 [INTERNAL] 

Because active people need sleep.

>> No.9447385,4 [INTERNAL] 

I'm a NEET and I need 12. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.9447385,5 [INTERNAL] 

Is posting down?

please response

>> No.9447385,6 [INTERNAL] 

it is for me at least

>> No.9447385,7 [INTERNAL] 

>>Posting (sys.4chan.org) and images (images.4chan.org) going down for a few hours for maintenance.

>> No.9447385,8 [INTERNAL] 

Okay thanks, I didn't notice they changed the ``Safari Mac freezing issues are fixed'' message.

>> No.9447385,9 [INTERNAL] 

/prog/ is up ( ≖‿≖)

>> No.9447385,10 [INTERNAL] 

Why does /jp/ shit every thread about halfway through?

Or is it the /v/ influx?

>> No.9447385,11 [INTERNAL] 

/a/b/v/!bar/ influx.

>> No.9447385,12 [INTERNAL] 

Resident autists
