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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 756 KB, 1920x1080, beckki-cruel-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9437907 No.9437907 [Reply] [Original]

Is Beckii Cruel /jp/ related? The Japanese seem to have accepted her...or maybe just the middleaged man for fapping

[spoilers]Id put my penis in that underaged weeaboo[/spoilers]

>> No.9437915 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9437925

Post that one picture of her dad.

Shit cracks me up every time.

>> No.9437922

I've talked to her a few times she's a nice girl.
She's not very weaboo most if any weabooism was part of the beckii cruel character cos the fans would like the fact she likes anime.
she's pretty much nothing anymore. Got a few fans but her time has passed

>> No.9437934

>> No.9437937
File: 99 KB, 484x640, 1340870528685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wrote spoilers right but it didnt show

>> No.9437946

I kinda felt sorry for her when /a/ bullied her during the niconico stream.

>> No.9437948

[spoilers]Id put my penis in your ass[/spoilers]

>> No.9437949 [DELETED] 

hella sweet dubz bro

>> No.9437951

She is one of the few western weeaboos i tolerate....manly because she doesnt try to act seriously japanese outside of her music videoes and guest appearances on shows. She seems like a normal girl when just laying around.

>> No.9437955

check my spoilers

>> No.9437964

>Just another attention whore.

>> No.9437971

I've talked to her too and she's a nice person. Where are you from? I'm from Ramsey, Isle of Man.

>> No.9437980
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you're from the isle of man? have you watched the motoTT?

>> No.9438001
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>> No.9438012

I didn't get a ticket, sad story.

>> No.9438031
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I'm still waiting for her AV debut

>> No.9439172

I was at the niconico booth. Oddly enough, the comments didn't seem to bother her. When you're being interviewed, the interviewer takes a lot of your attention so it's really hard to actually read the comments.

>> No.9439175

Even a gravure vid like Emiry's would be fine.

>> No.9439197

For some reason it makes my blood boil to see women getting paid just for being female on camera.

>> No.9439219
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>his expression

Oh fuck

>> No.9439218

At one points she danced for the stream and looked like she was going to cry.

>> No.9439223

>implying you wouldn't pay you're touhou to appear with you on camera to impress /jp/ if you could

>> No.9439229

Men get paid to do that too.

>> No.9439238

I don't even like Touhou or inherently care about 2D or 3D males or females that much.

>> No.9439255

>I don't even like Touhou

This is neo-neo-neo-/jp/ in a nutshell.

>> No.9439260
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>I don't even like Touhou

>> No.9439266

But I've been here for years.

I don't like VNs either

>> No.9439269
File: 104 KB, 1024x685, Beckii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww yiss.

>> No.9439272

If you don't like any of those things that only leaves the shitposts. Are you a shitposter?

>> No.9439271

Did Beckii Cruel actually do anything besides dancing for money

>> No.9439294

That depends on your definition of shitposting.

I've always been here for Japan/General. Nijiura gets boring.

>> No.9439312

You're a faggot

>> No.9439433


I've also talked to her too and she knows me by sight which is kind of weird as I have no friends anyway. I can vouch for what these guys are saying though, she's a nice person really - she got a bit full of herself as she rose up but I think fame slammed her down hard, she's pretty well balanced now and scarily thin in real life too.

I think people hate her because they want to hate an obvious weaboo like people used to hate cracky-chan and Hannah Minx or whatever, they're just trying to fit in, you can always tell because you rarely see any comedic shoops or original pictures, just a lot of GRR WEABOOS MAKE ME ANGRY I'M GONNA KILL HER, they lack humour and originality.

>> No.9439444

Many came here for different subjects originally.

>> No.9439446 [DELETED] 
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she seems cute

>> No.9439452

I think people hate her more for the fact that she gained fame when in all honestly she doesn't really have any talent or anything special about her

I couldn't really care less but whatever

>> No.9439464
File: 398 KB, 810x1920, tumblr_m6qtwbcuUy1qfaayao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's released a few singles, some DVDs, a lot of modelling work, a couple of appearances at anime conventions.

She hasn't done any work in Japan since she quit her agency because they were being unprofessional and messing her around over money.

>> No.9439484


It's stupid either way, all she was doing was making dance videos on youtube like hundreds of other girls her age. She struck it big because one of them had to, what teenage girl anime fan wouldn't turn down the chance to become a J-Idol and dance to her favorite anime songs?

Not aimed at you btw, but I think a lot of this comes down to jealousy of other girls, it's not like anyone was praising her as the saviour of modern visual arts.

>> No.9439482

Scarily thin to a British person is anything below a 20 BMI.

Saying this as a British person.

>> No.9439495

My BMI is like 16 and nobody cares

btw im british

>> No.9439491

lol do you drink crumpets and tea all day and talk like harry pooter?

>> No.9439504


I am a British person, she's really, really fucking thin. Maybe not now, I haven't seen her in...2 years or so. Maybe 1 and a half.

>> No.9439510

I'm 17.something but this country is as fat as America almost.

I only drink tea when it's offered to me, I've always though crumpets were weird and no.

>> No.9439540

I don't understand. Why have so many of you talked to her personally?

>> No.9439543


My BMI is 17.3 I have no idea if that's good or not, I just used a calculator now.

>> No.9439554

Obviously England is a small place

Having said that I guess I'm the only English person to have not met Beckii Cruel

>> No.9439562

Actually, I've talked to her in person too.

>> No.9439569


Cons mainly I'd imagine. Most of us who have talked to her are brits, I helped sneak her into a Con because she actually had to get a ticket like everyone else which meant hours of queuing in a hot hall under a hoodie and a mask.

>> No.9439578 [DELETED] 

You wouldn't be the only one.

The only people I meet are my parents. Anyway this thread should be in /cgl/ or something.

>> No.9439579

You wouldn't be the only one. The only people I meet are my parents.

Anyway this thread should be in /cgl/ or something.

>> No.9439594


You stood in line with Beckii for three hours? Lucky dog. That's practically a date!

>> No.9439621


This thread has nothing to do with /cgl/, it's just someone asking if she is /jp/ related, or what that actually means is 'I want to hear what people on /jp/ think of her'. Newbies are weighing up whether or not they want to be full-time visitors to /jp/ by gauging what is acceptable here.

>> No.9439635

That would medically classify you as anorexic. I think the cut-off for it is 17.9.

>> No.9439636


If you meant to direct that at me - no it wasn't. I was with her friend (also a friend of mine) and we did the right thing - pretty much pretend she wasn't there. If I made a fuss the people behind or infront would have noticed her and word would have spread down the line and that's exactly what we were trying to avoid. It was more of a mission than a date, which is far cooler.

>> No.9439634

What does /jp/ think of my mother?

>> No.9439639

I met her once. Shes pretty cute :3 Makes the best nyaa~ face in all of Ireland

>> No.9439638

I bought 3 of her calenders for a blow job

>> No.9439645

I, too, would fuck her, OP.

>> No.9439646

I mean I ain't staying if you think she gives bad head.

>> No.9439642


You had me until up to that point.


>> No.9439654

Answer already. I don't have all night to fuck around.

>> No.9439666


What's wrong with 'newbies'? What else am I supposed to call them? Newfags is too abrasive for this situation, and noobs...I don't even know if anyone says that anymore. 'New posters' is too polite, I don't want to sound like I'm accepting of them.

>> No.9439674

I call them new people in order to avoid using buzzwords.

>> No.9439687

I typically call them newcomers.

>> No.9439696

Are some people on /jp/ that bored that they feel the need to pretend to be rejects from /cgl/ and /a/ looking for another place to seek attention?

I mean it's quite realistic and I can understand how it might feel more rewarding than the usual half-assed attempts of /jp/ to pretend to be the little girl, but it's also quite annoying.

>> No.9439700

That's a good term.

I think that beckii is /jp/ related, also she's a lovely girl.

>> No.9439708

New posters are new posters. I thought only children were afraid of using proper words to avoid peer disapproval.

>> No.9439724


'New posters' sounds a bit stifling, I don't want my posts to sound like they have a rod up their rectums, I prefer the freeneasy approach, my words need to lean on each other a little bit.

>> No.9439744

>dat jew nose

>> No.9439748

The fact that you don't know how much we hate that kind of term only shows how little you know about the board, please lurk a little before posting.

She is an attention whore, no one wants to talk about an attention whore.

>> No.9439750

Why would you want to use so much energy on something like that? Are you a writer? Just asking.

>> No.9439773


No, but I find small juicy details of my posts rousing. I like to think long and hard about what I write instead of just splurging words across the text field. This post for example has had a slight phallic theme I've made more obvious to illustrate my point, other times I will be more subtle:- just to see if I can impregnate thoughts into people's minds.

>> No.9439855

Hyper Japan~

Wonder if she's going in November.

>> No.9440096

Why have I never heard of this chick?

>> No.9440200

mad weeaboo detected

>> No.9440219

>using the word weeaboo
>using the word weeaboo on 4chan
>any year
>using the word weeaboo on /jp/
>any year

>> No.9440219,1 [INTERNAL] 

that feel when no Beckii Cruel gf
