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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9435479 No.9435479[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Help me /jp/. I don't enjoy anything anymore.

That is to say, I don't enjoy anything more than the internet anymore. I can't seem to draw myself away from places like /jp/ to enjoy the things I used to. I was playing PSO2 but it feels too shallow to seriously get into and I lost interest after hitting level 30. I tried to like figs, but after buying them they just turned into lumps of plastic in my eyes. I can't get into the Touhou universe; I don't really understand how one does. If I play a single player game it just feels like I'm pressing buttons to get the program to progress to the defined end state. I've consumed so much (by my standards) otaku media that it all seems the same to me now. I just can't get immersed in anything even if I try. I see the rest of you enjoying this stuff while all I do these days is post here all day long. It's like looking in from the cold.

I'm not even depressed, I spend most of my day rolling around my room feeling content. It's like I'm too autistic to even have fun.

>> No.9435498

Sounds like depression, you don't necessarily have to feel angst, just crippling apathy and there you go.

>> No.9435513
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you need new hobbies

>> No.9435533

I was like that a few months ago. I tried to watch anime or play Touhou but I always ended up here and most of the time I barely knew what people were talking about.

I think what I really enjoy is meta otaku culture, I find it boring to watch anime, play eroges and such, but I love exploring and getting lost into the VIPPER world and posting here.

However I've now managed to get myself to actually enjoy some otaku hobbies too. You just need to have enough will not to pause mid-episode to see if someone's responded to your post and then losing 30 minutes elsewhere online.

>> No.9435567

Has anyone else ever gone through this?

The last hobby I had that took up a large proportion of my time was learning Japanese. But now I've learnt it and I can't really call that a hobby anymore.

I was learning how to make a computer game but then I realised making anything decent quickly feels like a job. I used to like academic pursuits but now the pursuit of knowledge for knowledge's sake is ultimately rewardless. I guess I've been drawing a little lately, I haven't found an excuse not to do that.

I wonder where my cat is.

>> No.9435572

Thanks for the input. I think I'll try reading some manga seriously today.

Ignore the
>Has anyone else ever gone through this?

>> No.9435579

A schedule and some kind of time limit help.

>> No.9436002

Get a job for one week. You will run away and wonder how you ever neglected what you have right now.

>> No.9436015


>> No.9436037

>I've consumed so much (by my standards) otaku media that it all seems the same to me now.
I like this sameness. But yeah, never experienced this, just try getting a random hobby I guess.

>> No.9436038

That's called life OP, they never talk about this in school.

>> No.9436076

>I think what I really enjoy is meta otaku culture
I really know that feeling OP. I think it probably applies to a lot of /jp/ as well.

Just remember that you're having fun posting on /jp/, just as much if not more fun as you would be having if you were playing an eroge or watching anime. And if you ever feel like you're getting behind in the current trends, feel like a fake, or think that you're not taking in enough content to be "legit", just take a minute looking at some other part of the "fandom" on the internet, and you'll quickly realize how incredibly low the standard is. Most of all, remember that this is all just a hobby: like everything else in life, the most important thing is that you enjoy it. It's not about proving yourself to anyone by showing off some wealth of knowledge, being able to name every character/backstory in some given fictional world, or having watched and played ever major anime/eroge. It's only about your passion, and how much enjoyment you gain out of the material. It doesn't really matter how you gain said enjoyment.

And as always, we're all here at /jp/ to enjoy life with you.

>> No.9436079

Do something different.
Sleep on a bench for a night, steal your neighbour's mail, get your dick out on public transport.

>> No.9436088

Learn Japanese ✓
Learn to draw
Learn to program
Learn to play an instrument
Learn to make music
Learn to write(LNs, VNs etc)
Learn lucid dreaming
Learn astral projection
Make a tulpa

>> No.9436092

Learn Japanese ✓
Learn to be a homo ✓
Learn to draw
Learn to program
Learn to play an instrument
Learn to make music
Learn to write(LNs, VNs etc)
Learn lucid dreaming
Learn astral projection
Make a tulpa

I fixed it

>> No.9436095

meditation is the cure.

>> No.9436119

Learn Japanese
Learn to draw
Learn to program ✓
Learn to play an instrument ✓
Learn to make music ✓
Learn to write(LNs, VNs etc)
Learn lucid dreaming ✓
Learn astralfuckoffthisisn'treal
Make a tulpa ✓

Here's mine.

>> No.9436121

I lost my internet lately, and I remembered I had a backlog of videogames, anime, music and books. With no influence from jaypee I discovered myself getting tons of fun.
Also, after a week of /jp/ and random hobbies, I was tired and didn't want to keep browsing the place anymore or watch more anime or play more Melty Blood. I went outside, did other stuff, started reading, and went I came back to weeabooshit I found it enjoyable again.
Some times you have to disconnect from your hobbies to appreciate them.

>> No.9436139

>or think that you're not taking in enough content to be "legit"
OK, I hate to admit it but I have to.
Some times I feel bad because I can't speak japanese yet and I feel /jp/ is too good for me.

>> No.9436147

Probably it'd do me good to be without a proper PC (just a netbook) for a while.

For the past decade I've hardly touched my consoles because they're downstairs out of reach from my computer desk.

>> No.9436159

The hard thing here is that you have to do non electronic related things.
Yes, they exist. Get a book and read outside. Get an instrument and try out stuff, like playing that one 2hu song you like, stuff like that. Or just wander around and look at people.

>> No.9436201

Astral projection, like tulpas or lucid dreaming, means different things to different people. SCIENCE knows out-of-body experiences exist, and some people see astral projection as an intentionally-induced OBE. You might be able to fly around and stuff, but it's all in your imagination and that's fine!

>> No.9436210

I want to take a computer break, but I'd just wish I was on my computer. Shame I can't read textbooks or extended fiction comfortably on here.

Maybe I'll save my autismbux and buy an e-book reader.

>> No.9436211

That was a good reply, thank you.

With video games, places like /v/ are especially bad for me. I only play a few different games per year and the last piece of gaming hardware other than a computer I bought was a DS, so I can't keep up with what's hot at all. So I guess that makes me a "casual", but I'm okay with that now.

If you're learning you shouldn't feel ashamed. It only takes a few years to get good. That's less than the time spent in between going outside for some people on /jp/. You shouldn't feel ashamed anyway, unless you really want to accomplish something but aren't trying.

>> No.9436214

Open Beta Event?

>> No.9436230

Yeah, I'm going along with my parents on dog walks more often now to get away from being indoors.

>> No.9436244

Also I doubt that much more than 5-10% of /jp/ can utilise Japanese functionally.

>> No.9436256

Learn Japanese
Learn to be a homo ✓
Learn to draw
Learn to program
Learn to play an instrument
Learn to make music
Learn to write(LNs, VNs etc)
Learn lucid dreaming
Learn astral projection
Make a tulpa

I'll probably stop browsing the internet this year, I'm 32 now, and I'm still the same worthless piece of shit as ever.

>> No.9436262


Thanks so much for your reply, Anon!

I've realized, many times, that I was doing things just to prove myself to others. Like, for example, people claiming to be fans of, "Batman", on Facebook. I would rage very hard for knowing that they are just posers and would get the most knowledge about DC's Universe in order to humilliate the person I refer to and tell he's nothing but a poser.

However, I came to found that this is not very enjoyable. I need to do what I like, not having to prove myself for others. Hobbies are for our enjoyment.

>> No.9439161

I wasn't OP, but yeah I think you're right. Hobbies are for having fun, but I can't help but feel a bit "guilty" or unworthy of being here. For example, I've only watched around 50 animes (movies included), so when I go to /a/ (rarely) I feel pretty lost and I'm constantly googling everything. I also have to look up sauce on many touhous... I feel ashamed...

>> No.9439198

I sometimes feel like the only way I can enjoy stuff is when I don't have an internet connection. Whenever I have a computer I can't multitask with or a slow, unstable connection, I get really into whatever I'm currently playing, watching, or reading, but then as soon as I have better internet back I start wasting tons of time again.

>> No.9439201

don't worry i have only watched like 3 anime to completion. I've started around 20 though. Probably read about 20 visual novels though. Don't know if I'm truneet enough to be here, I usually play video games instead but now those are boring as well as VNs. I never used to stop reading a VN but now i alternate between a few. It just seems the characters blend together now, nothing is really new.

>> No.9439208

>I'm not even depressed
You are, clinical depression takes many forms.

>> No.9439206

You're a hundred years too early to be complaining about sameness with those credentials.

Maybe these hobbies just aren't for you.

>> No.9439211

get drunk and wander around in the street, sometimes you meet interesting people and sometimes you get mugged by a 5'2 puerto rican

>> No.9439215

Yeah but I've tried pretty much everything else in the world already. I got bored of being a normalfag and now I'm bored of being a shutin. There's just no winning in this world.

>> No.9439226

Learn to program.

>> No.9439232


You're depressed because you're a vapid, repulsive person and a waste of space. Start a blog somewhere instead of barging in active discussion boards about other topics and making other people suffer through your mediocrity and personal angst.

>> No.9439234

Already tried that. Don't keep responding I don't actually want any suggestions because I've already done all of them, I guess I was just venting.
