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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 300 KB, 1046x1524, 1215123046700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
943491 No.943491 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /jp/, here's the plan.

>> No.943509
File: 163 KB, 666x499, 1215136297891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.943513

pedobear would be proud

>> No.943526

sauce dammit

>> No.943552

This is the manga where the guy blows himself up, isn't it?

>> No.943559


>> No.943560

You idiot! You can't say "Here's the plan..." and put it into action already. That shit's redundant!!

>> No.943573

no, that one's translated and has cancer, literally

>> No.943605


>> No.943609

sauce, fucking where?

>> No.943615

Looks like the same author of those mangas that revolve about a guy that somehow kidnaps little girls with minimal effort and rapes them but the names escape me right now.

>> No.943624

Minimal Effort Kidnap Guy?

>> No.943631

>>loli rape
do not want

>> No.943634

What are you? 12?

>> No.943637


I think you're on the wrong board.

>> No.943643

I only like consensual loli sex. Doesn't have to be in the missionary position.

>> No.943646

i'm 20 and I love loli but loli rape = shitsucks.

>> No.943655

>>943646 = fag

>> No.943657

less faggot moar sauce

>> No.943727
File: 186 KB, 854x1200, 1215138787343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>943615 here. It seems that is not the same guy I was thinking about, style is totally different.

>> No.944497

Sauce on Op VERY WANT.

>> No.944505

sauce or else i'll beat the living shit out of you

>> No.944506


Listen to shit man.

>> No.944514


lol freudian slip, I meant "this man"

hahahaha... now seriously give some fucking sauce

>> No.944522

Reported. The op doesn't have sauce. This is just a nicely done /r/.

>> No.944529


haha oh wow i actually read it as "this"

>> No.944535


Kill the Batman?

>> No.944541

Do you have sauce or not? It's a simple yes or no question. if yes, do tell. If not, quit wasting our time.

>> No.944561


>> No.944563

Artist is definitely Saeki Takano, don't know the specific title.

>> No.944568

Artist of such works as "Rape Hotsprings" and "Rape orphanage"

>> No.944577


>> No.944580


>> No.944582

>rape orphanage
Wasn't that called Orphanage of Darkness?

>> No.944587

I was going for a theme....Now you've gone and spoiled my fun. Yes, it's Orphanage of Darkness

>> No.944832

still no sauce on the op's pic?

>> No.946280


>> No.946289

Someone needs to draw a mango about that austrian guy and his rape dungeon.
Shit would be awesome.

>> No.946309

Already being worked on.

>> No.946319


>> No.946351

Is this the OP source?

>> No.946384

No. It's still worthy of being downloaded.

The op never had sauce.

This was just a badly done /r/.

>> No.946406

No, it's not.

OP is COMIC LO 2008-07 Vol 52 page 283.

>> No.946420

Thank god for the sauce. /r/ing a link if you have it.

>> No.946443

Is it just me or does the thumbnail make it look like hes punching the loli in the chest?

>> No.946460

full collection ( page is in spanish)


saludos a todos!

>> No.946481
File: 231 KB, 1065x1522, 1215188148712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just search Comic LO on TT. You'll find most of the collections (including all 2007). Haven't even finished fapping to everything in there yet.

Pic taken from Comic LO 51; who's the artist? Shit got me interested.

>> No.946492

If it is not translated, I will stretch my arm all the way to wherever you are and strangle you to death.

>> No.946504

Very little of LO is translated. To find any of its chapters translated is a goldmine.

>> No.946506

I've yet to find a whole Comic LO volume translated; the only ones I know are You C. (By Onizuka Naoshi/part of Comic LO 18) and The Music Classroom from Comic LO 4.

>> No.946517

That art reminds me of the one where the guy kidnaps a loli off the street and keeps her in his basement, fucks her daily, impregnates her, and returns her to her parents. Can't pull the name out of the recesses of my brain, but that one was hot.

>> No.946521

sorry but, kill me
like >>946504 say
Very little of LO doujins are translated

>> No.946525

Breeding Diary.

>> No.946529

Thanks. Gotta download that one again.
