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9432795 No.9432795 [Reply] [Original]

How masochistic are you, /jp/?

>> No.9432805

Just a little i'm usually a self-deprecating piece of shit

that counts too right?

>> No.9432807

Not very
I can't stand pain

>> No.9432813

i want a woman to step on my dick and force me to lick her sweaty feet and vagina

>> No.9432817

Me neither. Even the little nipple tweaks in manga make me cringe a little. I just want gentle cuddling.

>> No.9432822

No idea.

>> No.9432823

I make people bully so I can say rude things to them in my head.

>> No.9432837
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I like feeling happy and being nice.
I don't like feeling sad or feeling ouchies.
I don't like when people are mean bullies.

>> No.9432850

Quite a lot.
I've been threatened with needles and tied up once, and it made me cum without touching myself.

>> No.9432862
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You came already?

>> No.9432932
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When I had a girlfriend in high school, I went through knife-play, whipping/paddling, bondage, exhibitionism, golden-showers, erotic-asphyxiation and anal-insertion, if that's any indication of my masochism.

I want to play with >>9432850 and I want to experiment with voltage.

>> No.9432951

I'd love somebody who could psychologically outdo me and dominate me but I am bad at physical pain.

>> No.9432960

You sound slightly creepy.
I guess wouldn't really mind kind of playing with you for a little bit, though, I suppose. But real deal human girls are a no-no for me.

>> No.9432991

Just think about it. If you're masochistic, you could use email with someone who plays dominant, and they could just insult and degrade you through messages. Dominant would insult you, you would reply (maybe trying to defend yourself) but you would only be insulted more and more.

You might set up a system before hand of topics you don't want to touch, or you might go all the way. You both might also switch, at some point, in case both partakers are masochistic.

Just think, the answer to your pathetic fantasies are only an email field away!

>> No.9433008

I'm way too shy for something like that to work. Knowing that you aren't able to run away is part of the fun, yet that would never happen if I were to go through with that.

>> No.9433051

It's for the best. You're most likely not up for it, and wouldn't be able to handle it anyway. Some people are just like that, you know? Complete failures all around?

>> No.9433076

That's not very nice, you know. I don't think I'm a "complete" failure. Sure I might not be perfect, but still!

>> No.9433134

Yeah, yeah, I hear you. Can't accept you're a failure, but you will accept you aren't great. That's even worse, honestly. Completely serious, it's stupid. At least if you accepted your worthlessness, you'd have sincerity as a good personality trait. At this rate, you're just trash trying to justify itself.

You might improve if you could accept your trashiness, but you won't. Trash doesn't really do much, it sits there stinking up the place, being repulsive. It just makes the lives of everyone else miserable, and they just want to get rid of it as quickly as possible. And that's what you are. Unmoving, unchanging, unlikeable trash.

>> No.9433212

That's really mean, you know. And besides, I don't really stink, at least not after I've just taken a shower, and I do move sometimes, and and my mother said she was happy when she found out she was pregnant so I make some people happy and besides I'm good with computers and stuff so I'm not worthless and it's not a lie because it's true so I'm sincere and I'm kind of repulsive but still that's just because I want people to stay away you know people I don't like people that's the situation here so I'm not a failure okay I'm actually quite good at what I do

>> No.9433258

Are you trying to tell me something? Because without any punctuation, I don't understand. Do you even understand language?

What am I saying, of course you don't. This is probably how you talk to the few real people you've spoken to. You try as hard as you can to speak, but your little brain just can't make the words come out right! You know what else can't talk right? You might have guessed it, trash!

>> No.9433329

It's not like I really wanted to speak with other people anyway! They can go rot for all i care. Besides, I can speak when I want to! It's not my fault other people can't comprehend me. They are the ones at fault, because they are too stupid to keep up with my superior intellect. Besides that, do you have any idea how hard it is to type one handed? Even concentrating enough to formulate logical sentences is very hard, using proprer grammar is just too much! Oh, and please just stop with the condescending attitude already, it's almsot like you are really thinking you're better than me or something like that.!

>> No.9433417

You're getting off to this, aren't you? What's your other hand doing right now, then? I was wondering why you weren't using sage, but I guess you want other posters to see how pathetic and stupid you are.

Unless you're using nokosage, in which case you've showed me up there. Still doesn't change the fact you're likely masturbating to being called trash right now. Trash can't masturbate, though, so you aren't trash. You're something even more creepy and despicable. Trash can at least be thrown out when we no longer want it, but you're just going to keep coming back.

Now that is what I call a burden.

>> No.9433484

I am, in fact, using nokosage (nothing that looking at the front page wouldn't tell you, though). Besides, I'm already well aware of my creepiness. Would you mind insulting me more? I don't mind if you don't want to, because I can always use my imagination, but still, knowing that another person is really trying their best to insult me makes it even better! Maybe that's despicable, but if that's the case I don't mind being despicable at all, nor do I care about who I burden. Just keep insulting me already, please! I don't even care about anything else right now.

>> No.9433572

I'm not your little fap toy, you piece of shit. I'm not at the command of trash. Where do you get the nerve to ask me to make you feel good? I don't know who you are, but don't ever think you can ask anyone to give you anything. Get that through you thick skull: Anything. You don't deserve anything, and really shouldn't even have the right to ask.

>> No.9435985


Such obvious games of pretend are way too boring.
