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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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94322 No.94322 [Reply] [Original]

Sometimes I took a certain perverse pleasure in chiding Meiling in front of guests, but on this occasion I was genuinely irritated. Or I thought I was!!!" Normally neat enough in her movements, discreet and self-effacing,
Chinese girl upset the cream jug on the coffee table dangerously near to the elegant knees grouped around it. I angrily ordered her to get a cloth (I'm still not sure how much of my anger was simulated; we'd played this game before) but, of course I was a different person with my friends..

>> No.94331

Meiling bit her lip and hurried towards the kitchen.

"Was that really necessary, Remillia," my friend Patchouli Knowledge said in her "servants are so hard to get these days" voice..

"She's not normally so clumsy," I said, trying to mop the liquid up with a tissue, but already a delicious tingle had started between my thighs. My mouth was dry and I swallowed, feeling my tongue huge in my mouth and Patchouli Knowledge crossed her exquisite legs and looked at me speculatively.

>> No.94339

Mei and/or ling are banned. Posting this will get you banned.
Stop fucking doing it--it's not allowed you pedo creeps.

>> No.94344

When Meiling had come back and cleaned up the mess she said, "May I see you for a moment in the kitchen, Lady?"

"When I'm ready, Meiling" I said, curtly and we continued to discuss a party dinner coming up shortly. Patchy suggested five thousand yen a plate, but I felt this would attract the wrong sort of people and started to say so but I was suddenly conscious that my voice had thickened
and, covered in confusion, I had to excuse myself and make for the kitchen.

"Better see what she wants," I said, making the sort of face that all
employers make in these situations.

>> No.94365

I had given a party dinner six weeks ago and Meiling had to abandon her post to serve the drinks and canapés because we were so short handed. At some stage of the proceedings I noticed an uneasiness, a hiatus in one corner of the room, hardly noticeable except to an experienced hostess and I immediately guessed that Koakuma, Patchu’s Devil Familiar, had been making a fool of herself again. When Meiling went to the pink ladies room, which was on the first floor, I followed her and knocked on the door.

>> No.94363
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No Hong.

No Meiling.

China only.

>> No.94371

"Come in," she called.

"Wha-What?!" I blurted out, astonished, to find she was sitting on the can with her skirt up and her panties around her ankles.

"Wa-Wa-What happened back there?" I asked trying not to look at her. As she squatted, her knees pressed with a pale sheen through the smoky grey
stockings, which I immediately knew were silk and not nylon.

>> No.94376

Shouldn't that read "Double Chink"?

>> No.94382
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My mind, it burns!

>> No.94379

"Nothing much, she pinched my ass and I kicked her on the shin," she said. "Please wait a moment…"

She released a powerful stream of urine into the bowl, stopping every now and again for a few seconds as though exercising her spincter muscles before continuing to jet powerfully into the bowl, a scent like wild garlic and ammonia in my nostrils now as I waited, fascinated at her effrontery in peeing in front of me. I couldn't look at her but then I glanced at the
mirror and was sneaking a peek at her again when she looked up, catching my glance in the mirror. She gave me a radiant smile and I blushed furiously.

>> No.94387

Grab some Nitro Glycerin and run into that incomplete train tunnel.

>> No.94392

"It’s not a big deal" she said, as though this explained it.

"I had to ask," I said, covering my embarrassment, "because in these litigious times..."

"Yes Lady Remillia?" she said. "Oh, I'm not gonna do anything more to that perverted familiar..."

She pulled up her panties and began to wash her hands I bridled. Even familiars as troublesome as Koakuma were not usually referred to by the other servants as buffoons.

"A pinch on the ass is nothing..." she went on cheerfully.

"Really..." I said. "I’m glad you’re fine Chi- I mean Meiling."

"Lady? You called me by my name for the very first time..."

"No, I do sincerely apologize. You are ...entitled to as much attention as
any other of my servants"

"Lady Remillia…” she said, still clearly surprised with her face red from embarrassment. "Would you let me do something?"

>> No.94409

"Ye-Yes?" I asked.

"Can I kiss you?"


"I think you're gorgeous," she said.

Her flattery grated on me. In reality, I had never considered myself a beauty… Even though I always say all those things about myself.

"I don't think so," I said. "I’ll leave now!" I couldn’t handle the situation any further I had to escape!

"That's okay," she said, smiling sweetly at me.

>> No.94425

I was surprised that I found myself slightly annoyed she didn't persist. Once, a few years ago, at the end of a long, drunken party, when most of the guests had passed out, I found myself dancing with Patchi and found myself painfully excited when she began kissing me passionately, drunkenly on the mouth, her small breasts pressed hard against mine. Nothing had happened since, she had pointedly not ever referred to it, and yes, I had, from time to time, imagined myself in bed with her. I was still rather shocked at Meiling's suggestion, though, and couldn't get her out of my mind for the rest of the evening. Just to make sure she wasn't going to make a fuss about what happened earlier, or so I told myself, I kept her on when all other maids had left. We had a drink and then another. She was aware, she said, that I was looking to make her a full time maid instead of a door guard.

>> No.94434

Sakuya is dead, isn't she? ;_;

>> No.94436

"Shall we continue where we left off?" she asked.

"I'd rather we didn’t" I said. "What if Patchouli or Sakuya find out what we’re doing… Patchu would never forgive me and Sakuya would do terrible things to you…

She'd looked quite stumped for a moment and her dark blue eyes flashed. Then she smiled sweetly and, placing a hand on my thigh, leaned over and kissed me lightly on the cheek. And I didn't demur. She was testing me now, the game had started. I wasn't going to call a halt now, I knew that. She had looked into my soul and recognized what she saw there.. I could see myself reflected in her beautiful eyes.

>> No.94443

Rekindling that one time back when Remilia and China first met.

>> No.94453

It was partly the alcohol, but we did get on well. Yet she was jumpy, ill at ease and I suppose she was dying to make me hers.

Almost without warning she made her move, caught me to her with one arm and, putting her other hand at the back of my neck, began kissing me fiercely on the lips. While one part of me wanted to be treated peremptorily by her and to be bent to her wishes, my other side wanted to be wooed more gradually with the rough stuff, if any, left until later. I tried to curse her, tell her to get off, but her lips were sealed to mine, her tongue pushing past my teeth. I tried to bring my knee up and we rolled over on the couch and, as she scrabbled to capture my wrists, we fell to the floor. I was on top for a few seconds, but before I could pin her she rolled with me into the centre of the room and, while I was still trying to get my bearings, she jockeyed astride me and straddled my belly. She stayed there for a few moments, breathing heavily, her dress riding up over her thighs. I could see the bright bones in her knees.

>> No.94454

Post faster.

>> No.94460

She held my wrist tightly. I knew she had me. Confidently, she knew it too. She moved up until she was nearly sitting on my neck, her shins on my upper arms. Her hat had fallen on the floor beside us. She began to undress me. By the time I noticed she had already unbuttoned my top and exposed my small breasts. Her delicate fingers caressed my nipples creating a sensation I’ve never felt before in my hundreds years of life. It seemed to me this amazing feeling lasted endlessly.

>> No.94477

“Let’s take this a step further”.

I crossed my wrists behind me and she wrapped the pantyhose around them, tightening and knotting, whistling contentedly through her teeth until she had achieved her objective of binding my wrists together tightly. She
unzipped and stepped out of her own dress, peeled off her stockings and unsnapped her garter belt, throwing them on the ottoman nearby. She wore plain, very brief transparent cotton panties and a white sports bra. She turned me over on my back, sat down again astride my belly, my arms uncomfortably bound beneath me, pushed my chin back and said "Tell me."

"I'm yours, " I said.

>> No.94494

She stood up and, lifting her skirt, pulled her white cotton panties down with a quick movement and kicked them onto the kitchen table. She leaned back against the worktop, straddled her legs and pointed between her thighs. I made to turn the key in the kitchen door but she said "Leave it," and arched her hips I knelt quickly in front of her, gripping her cold fleshy buttocks and burying my face in her rosebud, smelling again the whiff, the strong scent of her sex, which always smelled and tasted of oily roasted vegetables swallowed with wine or was this my wild fantasy? I was a connoisseur of her muff, found new delights in my every adventure there. The unlocked door added to the excitement and the possibility of discovery inflamed me. Last week Sakuya had insisted we
change the drapes in the lounge and also redecorate her bedroom. Unlikely anyone would follow me into the kitchen.

>> No.94502

Meiling pressed herself forward against my mouth. We had very little time, but she was on fire. My fingers sought the creases at the tops of her thighs, I sensed her buttocks clench as she thrust for satisfaction against my adoring mouth. Her hands were on my shoulders and raked down my back inside my morning gown. I could feel my skin tear under her nails as she climaxed fiercely, then pushed me away and leaned back panting against the counter top. Still on my knees I tried to grasp her around the hips as she pulled her skirt down but she pushed me gently away again and whispered, "Please get back to Lady Patchouli."

>> No.94524

When I got back to Patchu from the kitchen I knew she must have guessed something strange was going on. Then Sakuya who had just entered the room made a gauche and simpering remark about how long I'd been in the kitchen with the
gate guard and, in the dreadful silence that followed, before Patchouli intervened with a cruel snub to Sakuya, I was certain that she knew already that something was terribly wrong...

>> No.94528

I don't know why, but I keep imagining this in 3D pig disgusting..

>> No.94537
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>> No.94538
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>> No.94541
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>> No.94546
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>> No.94552
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>> No.94558
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>> No.94594

im confused as to who the fuck was doing what, when, and where. Still hot though.

>> No.94675

I couldn't tell when the flash back was meant to end, but I'm not complaining.

>> No.94732
File: 123 KB, 1024x768, 004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
94732 12 year old WoW kids ip- MAKE HIM RAGE! White kid who thinks he is a gangster

This is one of the kids Kid who makes fun of people who like anime

>> No.94742


>> No.94799

/jp/ is not your personal army.

>> No.94903

WTF? you think I come to /jp/ to look at pics of white boys? So he makes fun of anime fans. Then he can eat a cock. Half of the people here make fun of anime fans as well. They can all eat cock.
