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9431532 No.9431532 [Reply] [Original]

If you somehow manage to have a cute daughter, or a niece, would you ask her to cosplay a 2hou character?

If so, which 2hou?

>> No.9431535

I have a cute niece. She just turned 14 this year. She's becoming a bitch, she doesn't even acknowledge me when I come over anymore.

How do I make her 8 again?

>> No.9431537

Yes, Marisa.

>> No.9431541

>I have a cute niece. She just turned 14 this year.

No girls are cute past 10 or 11.

>> No.9431545

Kill her then find her reincarnate.

>> No.9431546

I wouldn't ask such things because I don't have development disorders.

>> No.9431544


I will only eat human flesh with the REAL Rumia, not some poor imitation

>> No.9431554 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9431557
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You know what to do


>> No.9431561

Autism is classified as a developmental disorder.

>> No.9431565

That's a stupid way to write a "y".

>> No.9431715

She only knows tohou through toys and the games. She hasn't beaten one but she likes playing for the colours and the cute characters.
I don't want her to start displaying but that's up to her and her mother.

>> No.9431736

I have a niece, but cute doesn't exist in 3 dimensions. So, no.

>> No.9431817

