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File: 557 KB, 759x1200, mikudayohai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9430795 No.9430795 [Reply] [Original]

TDCG/MMD thread. Discuss and post pictures of mods, modding, your wife, videos, etc.

Just to let people know, the 9th MMD cup is coming up soon(3 weeks or so). Most preliminary videos have already been posted so if you're interested/bored you might want to check them out.

>> No.9430805

wow. creepy.

>> No.9430828
File: 322 KB, 438x768, 21633532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last thread with links and info in the OP:
Please check it for most of the stuff that was featured in the OP posts.

Mod Catalog(0.35; any help is appreciated): http://www.mediafire.com/?zxlb2cvq6ru61ao

I'll leave it at that this time. I'm not sure if I want to keep doing the OPs the way I have been.

>> No.9431988
File: 149 KB, 128x256, tim3123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9432562

Can anyone upload a hardsave that uses an NJXA body? I'm getting some kind of problem and I want to test something

>> No.9432708

i think i'd rather just play an illusion game.

>> No.9433083

mod1117: Bear suit in several colors
mod1118: Heavy saves of a nii of an unknown chracter
mod1119: "Pashina" style steam locomotive from the Manchurian Railway in black or cyan
mod1120: Heavy save of Getter Robo with cape and axes
mod1121: Heavy save of Black Getter Robo with cape and clubs

>> No.9433092

XPC03872: Background: Bar/pub interior; also has room, stool and table as individual items; replaces XPC03859
XPC03873: S&M/bondage items; replaces XPC03851; adds a chain item
XPC03875: Heavy saves of priest outfit from Ragnarok Online in 4 colors; update of TAC2348
XPC03876: Inflatable doll body in 3 colors; cheap and comical looking
XPC03877: Diving set for breasted NJXAv2; fins, beach shoes, masks, snorkels and wet suits in several colors; wetsuits come in full, legless and sleeveless versions and also have open versions

>> No.9433110


Slim pickings this week. The NJXAv2 diving set is nice (and includes an unzipped version of the wetsuit), but it's a rather specific outfit-- not something you'd normally see on the street (or bed).

>> No.9433127
File: 66 KB, 864x486, 【初音ミク】夏ワンピなミクさんが爽やか軽やかWAVEFILE【MMD】.mp4_snapshot_00.07_[2012.07.23_23.48.38].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for this MMD model
any know of a link?

>> No.9433273

I need a kitsune model for every single one of them, specially Rea. Is there any?

>> No.9433504


Can anyone find the new password at all to these?

>> No.9433727

Pls respond.

>> No.9434161


don't understand your post

seems like he changed the password... i'll look for it later tonight so check back tomorrow.

thanks as always.

>> No.9434224
File: 126 KB, 800x549, 3d_miku9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9434231
File: 124 KB, 500x500, ceafe469c3fd249d7f09533f1bda1278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have autism.

>> No.9434239

We're all autistic. You have to be autistic to be here.

>> No.9434254



>> No.9435242
File: 2.48 MB, 128x256, 44E9574A-45CE-4977-908FD30A057F4DB7.tdcgsav.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9436028

thanks for the link

>> No.9436597


>> No.9437198

Ok, dude.

>> No.9437253
File: 4 KB, 130x100, smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting for this


>> No.9437677

figured it out. i think people know where to check.

it would be wise not to share it, especially with people connected with deviantart. although i'm a hypocrite for saying so and doing this. the hint was literally "the abbreviation of a game i like," so if you like his models and don't want him to make them impossible to get keep it to yourself.

>> No.9437746

I'm clueless, that could be just about any game.

>> No.9437820

are you new to these threads? read the first line of my post again, i didn't post that to give out a PW hint. post there if you get it.

>> No.9437836
File: 809 KB, 1024x1123, miku_hot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mods? You mean like that snacks guy?

>> No.9438033

I'm looking forward to this http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm18426524
and this

I don't know why that baseball one is #1 right now...

>> No.9438913

tiger style
tiger style

>> No.9439303

/3/'s favorite artist started using MMD:

>> No.9439856

The hallmark of Youtube MMD is putting random, completely unrelated characters together and making them dance.

>> No.9439926


>> No.9440115

no the guy that requested, but diva didn;t work
oh well, not like I was going to do anything productive with it.
This is the motion that I got recently

>> No.9440325

that girl's made it an art form. watch her other videos, they're incredibly bizarre and at times creepy beyond belief.

>> No.9440316

well, i thought people knew already and didn't want to say it explicitly, but check the ghost board.

>> No.9440335

Yeah, I've seen some of his/her videos before, actually... I still can't believe there are 15+ pages of them.

>> No.9440373

i can't enjoy that motion after learning what it came from...

>> No.9440878

I can't find anything on the archives, unless I'm THAT stupid and I'm looking in the wrong place.

>> No.9441009

Make sure you're using the right archive site.
Also, are there any blanket models for MMD? I was able to find one on DA, but it's uh, lacking.

>> No.9442909

if you dont have tdcg, try google sketchup or maybe blendswap. i don't know what you want it for but it's probably best to look for a good room model with a blanket and just take it from that.

>> No.9444168
File: 407 KB, 540x960, DOOM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reposting shit because i like attention

>> No.9446718
File: 304 KB, 1050x1900, snp1073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9446909


ahh, i wish soda pro allowed redistribution of his models...

>> No.9446940
File: 154 KB, 800x600, TAKE IT EASY1324920598572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9446968
File: 131 KB, 331x459, 1325088028899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you good sir for posting this, i've needed a new phone lock screen for ages

>> No.9448314

You always do a good job on these. That Flan's poly count is kind of abysmal, though...

>> No.9448468

Why did the meiling model get earrings?

seen it since forever.

>> No.9449619

Yeah, had been using the same one forever and only recently noticed someone made a better version. Oops.

>> No.9449637
File: 195 KB, 1920x1080, snp1129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, just grabbing random images from Futaba's snapshot uploader to bump/save the thread with.

>> No.9451385
File: 148 KB, 1270x800, snp0956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...in the hopes it won't get spammed off during the night.

>> No.9452140

i never liked the adult version of his character. i'm not even a fan of flat chests but she just loses something in his adult versions.

>> No.9453726
File: 135 KB, 960x1100, 0a0b967e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9456280
File: 482 KB, 1280x960, 1343411883489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9457971

Is OP working on a new video? Just curious.

>> No.9459210
File: 2.83 MB, 320x180, 67677.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes. although i dont think i make anything to look forward to.
if i am breathing i am working on a video/model.
and i am not OP.

>> No.9459271
File: 2.53 MB, 320x180, 78678.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9460689
File: 164 KB, 1594x650, ミクダヨー.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beamman/lobelia recently released an update to his "mechanic" effect.


i really recommend it if you understand normal mapping. before the update it took 30 seconds or more to load and update, now it only takes 2-4 so it is very easy to use.

is the demo video

and some other effects he distributed

>> No.9462173

There's about 10 more effects there since I last checked a month ago, beamman really puts in work.

>> No.9462221

They should really do something about the disgusting cloth/hair physics.

>> No.9462789 [DELETED] 

unfortunately with only rigid body physics i don't think there is that much that can be done, aside from everybody moving to blender.

>> No.9464449
File: 540 KB, 1920x1200, snp1092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do Cheshire cat dream of Japanese star festival?

>> No.9465973
File: 219 KB, 1200x820, snp1207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prepping for Sunday morning updates.

>> No.9468307

mod1122: Nii of Homika/Roxie from Pokemon Black 2/White 2
mod1123: San Francisco Police Department uniform
mod1124: Killer Whale

>> No.9468310

XPC03879: UN Forces uniform from Muv-Luv Alternative
XPC03880: Set of dumbbells/barbells
XPC03881: The taiyaki from TA3CH0347, modified to load from hand slot rather than eyebrow slot
XPC03882: Variation of the NJXA-AK body (arms behind back) with no head; also has breasted version
XPC03883: Cosplay set for Cooking Idol Ai! Mai! Main!

>> No.9468312


No stars this week.

>> No.9471702

another effect from beamman. this one is an improvement upon his old explosion effect and is actually really amazing in comparison to past effects(the smoke has shadow for example). it is designed to be used with AutoLuminous2, so i'd suggest downloading that too if you want to use it.

quick note on using AL2 since i know at least one or two people may use this explosion effect:
1. load the bomb effect .x model
2. load AutoLuminous2.x
3. a tab for AL will appear inside of the MME menu called AL_EmitterRT
4. drag and drop the bomb .FX file onto the bomb effect inside the AL tab
done, you can change the settings for autoluminous2.x to alter brightness and other factors.

>> No.9473339
File: 206 KB, 438x674, 23523523523523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some things i've been doing with aria recently, for anyone who's interested. >>9459271 if you want a rear view. the bottom shows two extremes of proportions the model can have. there are morphs for almost every body part waist down so it's rather customizable.

i added a star ornament to the head and changed the shoes. i'm especially not sure if the shoes were a good change...

if anyone prefers her sister, it's not my intent to ignore her but i'm much less satisfied with aria's model than hers.

>> No.9475054

As much as I liked them, sandals seem like a more logical thing for a sorceress(?) to have than disco shoes.

>> No.9476273
File: 113 KB, 1440x1080, 1330403052209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>disco shoes
had to google that and i can see it, but i thought they looked more like slippers. according to the mod name they're some kind of chinese footwear.

part of the reason i chose these is because the gem matches the one on her necklace... and there's a ribbon. they were originally high heels but that ended up looking awful.

>> No.9476738

Those proportions man...

>> No.9477894

So lovely~

>> No.9479940
File: 369 KB, 746x800, 20E6D278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to have the character without the background when you take a screenshot with 3DCG?
If I remove it manually with gimp, there'll often be a halo around her and if I add some lace, it becomes unfeasible.

>> No.9481307

for 3dcg, i think you'll just have to improve your method of removing it manually. but it will probably be a little hard no matter what for you if you can't use antialiasing(since without it there are gaps in lines).

>> No.9482900

Oh well, guess I'll finally have to buy a new computer then.

>> No.9483165
File: 330 KB, 732x798, testt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevermind, it looks like my intel gma can be boosted a little bit. I'll just forget lace, too much work.

>> No.9484542


>> No.9487850

Do most MMD videos on Nico make the files behind them accessible?

>> No.9489691

i only meant that not having AA might cause problems sometimes. if you use a proper backgroud color like pure green it should be fine in most cases.

that sounds like it could mean a lot of things, but no... you can usually download the music and video files, and most models/stages/etc are distributed somewhere. recently, nicovideo did implement a system where you can't download music from sites like nicosound unless the uploader clicks an option to allow for it, though...

>> No.9492216


>> No.9495328


>> No.9495404
File: 152 KB, 500x500, 1329094508850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i dont think i make anything to look forward to.
That's not for you to decide!

>> No.9499830


>> No.9503681

this is a little old now but pretty amazing.

it's a comparison of a trace of OKGO's treadmill dance.

>> No.9505733
File: 680 KB, 128x256, tim3136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9506516

That's actually really cool.
I wonder how long it would take to recreate something like Christopher Walken's dance from Weapon of Choice.

>> No.9506615

What is the fuck this?

Some kind of twisted loli bondage suit?

>> No.9506740
File: 305 KB, 800x800, satori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Satori's neural uplink things

>> No.9510851
File: 249 KB, 1024x768, これ絶対入(ry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9512591


brotherP made a new PV. i don't really like this one as much as what he usually makes... i think maybe i find the song kind of unmoving, or maybe i'm just a small man and it irritates me when people pair miku with some random guy.

well, two actually...

>> No.9515753 [SPOILER] 
File: 623 KB, 1280x720, 1344129705999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, a place I can post this.

>> No.9516071


>> No.9516627

nightmare miku, don't click

>> No.9518793

Is this Custom Maid 3D?

>> No.9518959

mod1125: The Gunbuster giant robot
mod1126: Odd nii of a girl combined with a dragon

>> No.9518962

XPC03884: Lacy bustiers, panties, garterbelts and stockings in several colors
XPC03885: Another variant of the headless NJXA-AK from XPC03882
XPC03886: Geta with the thongs in a few colors
XPC03887: Gondolas from Aria; all 3 company colors as well as undecorated practice gondola; replaces XPC03834
XPC03888: Set of winning mahjong hands using the Cthulu mahjong tiles
XPC03889: Music files with some truly horrible singing (the instrumental file is nice)
XPC03890: Update of the Sakurambo D body to work with new shaders; replaces XPC03849; also has prop hands and tentacles as items
XPC03891: Heavy saves containing backgrounds: solid black with grid; solid white with grid; blurry newsprint

>> No.9518971


Stars: XPC03884 has more lingerie.

>> No.9518982

>XPC03889: Music files with some truly horrible singing
Brb, downloading.

>> No.9519211

Well, It wasn't that awful, but it wasn't good either. And it's true that after those three songs, one without vocal felt refreshing.
Btw, what do you do with the mp3? You just put them in the arc folder and they'll be played?

>> No.9520885


Nope, it's MMD.

>> No.9521079
File: 308 KB, 584x559, u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would anyone happen to know who I might be able to commission to make a model?

>> No.9523573

i really don't know of any good modellers. if you'd like an advice, if you're looking to commission a completely original model, depending on the kind of face you want i can tell you you might want to have one modeller do the body and another do the head. finding a modeller to do a body and clothes well should be easy, but finding a modeller who will do a face to your liking may be difficult.

if you're satisfied with an existing MMD face like the Lat or TDA miku's, etc., you could probably even save yourself some money by just using one of those and not having the modeller do a face. i think that's a better idea unless you can find a modeller whose faces you really love, the face is probably the hardest part of a character to get right.

there was one guy on /3/ willing to do cheap commissions but i'm not sure how good he is or if he would do a character model.

>> No.9523805

Are Teatime games welcome here?

>> No.9523947

if you just want to post some screenshots/your character i don't see a problem with it. not sure what others think.

>> No.9524152
File: 1.55 MB, 1375x773, only dreams now.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found a guy that can replicate just about any style of face
I've swapped heads 6+ times just for one character and have settled on Sorou-P's heads for my edits, but I finally decided to stop being lazy and just design a completely original model, which is what I'm commissionin'
Thanks for the tips

>> No.9524372

good luck then, hope you'll post it here when it's finished. if not the model at least images.

>> No.9524375
File: 48 KB, 500x369, 3dcustomgirls[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assume you're Aria's creator. Can I ask you a few questions?

I fucked around with 3DCG when it first came out, but was dissatisfied with the faces, textures (especially skin), lighting, and such. Pic related. Is Aria really just a combination of 3DCG mods? She looks very good, completely different from the default model.

I prefer the look of Teatime's games over the default look of 3DCG, but if I am able change the horrendous graphics then I should obviously switch. I'd love to see my characters animated.

>> No.9524462

Wow, it'd be great to see more of this. Nice work.

>> No.9524491
File: 350 KB, 1600x1200, photo01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The character in question.

>> No.9524556
File: 186 KB, 1080x1920, 2074425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah, are you the homuha person? i'm jealous of her popularity here. this might end up a little long.

i assume you're aware aria is animated and such in MMD? recreating the character in 3DCG is not a bad idea as contrary to popular belief there are a great deal of good mods now. however(possibly depending on the game), it would also be possible to port your character to MMD from the teatime game. there is actually a series of models called the "love shiki" that do this:
if you want to see examples.

aria is largely a combination of 3DCG mods, but they are moved to MMD and edited there. the only thing that does not come from TDCG is the lower half of aria's face.

yes, aria is TDCG based and you can make much better looking characters than you used to in 3DCG. easy transport from 3DCG to MMD is convenient and provides a lot of options. but transferring the teatime model to MMD should be possible too.

>> No.9524564

any idea if there's flag with physic ? just wondering since i never saw one in any mmd video i saw

>> No.9524596

Very interesting, thank you very much for the info. And yes, I am the Homuha person.

Out of curiosity, where does the lower half of her face come from, if not 3DCG?

Last question: MMD詳しいんだな。もしかして日本語分かる?

>> No.9525302
File: 1.30 MB, 1680x890, 3525235235325235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the lower half of her face comes from the Lat model. i also made a version that uses the TDA model. the picture is TDA.

also, you would need to know some modelling to transfer the model, but i can help if you'd like. i would like to try transferring a teatime model sometime so it would be a good opportunity.

はい、英語も日本語もおkです。but unless japanese is easier for you to understand, i'll reply in english so people can read.

>> No.9525881

Do you have an idea on how to transfer the model? I understand file structures and can do light hex/value editing but that's about it.

All that I know:
- The game saves characters as .alp files. Some can be over 2MB.
- There's no alp to pmd like for 3DCG
- There are posts on 2ch asking for MMD support
- The game can import MQOs but not export

Doing more research as we speak.

>> No.9527178
File: 101 KB, 446x600, what the fuck am I necromancing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9527574
File: 17 KB, 829x422, vpvpwiki[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More stuff I found out:
- Teatime models come in .odf format BUT the odf to mqo convertor (named ODFConvertor) stopped working for newer games, past 2008 I think.
- If an odf converter did work, you would apparently have to convert all the parts (hair, body, even clothes?) separately then wire them together. This is what some guy said on a forum.
- mqo files don't have any bones, so you need to add them in RokDeBone2 or Blender.

It would be faster to just remake her in TDCG... Do you think I could get pretty close to the original? Thanks for all the help, by the way.

>> No.9529679
File: 52 KB, 653x230, 4364363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, with the right mods you could probably get her rather close. the picture is two mods i feel are close to the feel of the dress in your picture.

if time spent collecting mods isn't a problem to you, the TDCG route is not a bad idea. but be warned that there are a very large number of mods to sort through. satisfaction may still take time.

i'm still unclear on what game you are using. i'd like to do my own research, so if you told me that would help. also, can you use any 3d modelling programs(blender, metasequoia, etc)?

>> No.9532422
File: 628 KB, 128x256, tim3137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9532774

Whoops. I'm using the latest game, ネトワクネトラル カレマチカノジョ. I can't use any modeling programs, but I could probably figure out anything that doesn't involve art, such as bones and weights.

That Kuroneko top looks nice, but people would probably call my character a chuuni edit. Like I changed Kuroneko's bangs a little and called it ORIGINAL DO NOT STEAL, haha.

>> No.9532872

Forgot to mention, apparently SB3Utility can load the ODFs and export to MQO but it's not working for me. It's supposed to just be drag and drop, but it fails for some reason.

>> No.9532881

check bowlroll download. it's called TDA one piece, but you need a password for it that I don't give a fuck to recall.
i'm not giving you a link or anything useful, i have given you plenty of information, now go find it.

>> No.9534725
File: 100 KB, 700x706, nnkkmodel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I give up. This is as far as I got. It's the body model A from NNKK transferred from odf to mqo to pmd. There are no bones or weights.

I managed to extract the mesh from odf to mqo using SB3Utility v0.9.18R17, but the texture didn't follow. Don't know why.

I imported that mqo into Blender, scaled it, and exported as pmd. Applying a texture through Blender was also unsuccessful. Maybe because I'm a total beginner.

I managed to open that pmd in PMDEditor, but it will not show up in MMD. It crashes MMD when I try to load the model alongside Miku.

Perhaps you or some other hacker will have better luck than me, but I can't imagine doing all of this for the hair, head, body, clothes, accessories, etc. I'm probably doing something wrong, but seeing as the characters in NNKK are modular, you'd have to go through a lengthy process to complete a character.

>> No.9537331

>That Kuroneko top looks nice, but people would probably call my character a chuuni edit
I thought the same thing, but wasn't sure if you just wanted it for your own use or not. If sleeves were added, the second top seems a little closer(vertical lace, etc), although I'm not sure if it has a source material too.

That's a strange pose. Are the models not extracted in the standard A or T pose?

I have been trying not to write much so as not to overwhelm you with a long text, but I have some ideas as to how to do things. To start with, setting up hair physics may be a difficult, so I do think either using an existing MMD model's hair or something from TDCG may be a good idea. For everything else, I think something could be done, but it would be a long text.

>you'd have to go through a lengthy process to complete a character.
I've been learning 3d modelling for a short time now, so if you don't mind me working on the character, it would be rigging practice for me. I would also like to learn how Teatime's file system works.

The only thing I would need to know is what model parts she uses, and where to get them if they are mods. If you'd prefer not to let another person work on your character but don't have much experience with 3d model systems, I would say TDCG is your best option for now.

>> No.9537579

>That's a strange pose. Are the models not extracted in the standard A or T pose?
That is the default pose when you export the mqo.

>I have been trying not to write much so as not to overwhelm you with a long text, but I have some ideas as to how to do things.
Go ahead and elaborate, you won't overwhelm me. I enjoy hacking and tweaking games, so maybe I could help.

It would be totally awesome if you worked on it. You can use >>9534725 as a guide for getting from TT format (odf) to pmd. There are no mods used, and I'll get back to you on the model names since they have different names in-game and in the folders. Shoot me an e-mail so we can keep contact, just in case.

>> No.9539030

>That is the default pose when you export the mqo.
Hmm. I've yet to see a company do that. It'll probably make things more difficult.

Well, it's mostly on the modelling side of things. Before I discuss anything, the biggest issue is the face. There is most likely no way to transfer facial expressions from the game to MMD. This means the best option is using an existing MMD model's face. You might want to see if the Love shiki's is satisfactory since it is most likely the closest to the game's face.

Keep in mind that textures, colors, etc are easily changed, but if you don't like that face, try looking on nicodou/seiga to see if there are any you like.

I'll wait for your model list, then. Also, the textures may have not followed because they are encrypted. By the way, how close are your character's proportions to default?

I'll send you a mail, you can respond there if you'd prefer.

>> No.9540107

Love Shiki Miku's face is not tsurime enough, it seems. I'll post a comparison pic once I get home. I'm fine with any face as long as it has tsurime and looks good. Homuha is on her 2nd set of eyes, so she can change to a 3rd.

>Also, the textures may have not followed because they are encrypted.
The texture did decrypt successfully and became a viewable bmp.

She's shorter than default, and her breasts and hips are bigger, since the default model is flat in both areas. Her official height and bust (for now) are 156cm and 86cm, so use those as a guide. However, I'm COMPLETELY fine with using an existing MMD body, as long as it fits.

>model list
These are the directories they are in. Each model has it's own directory, located in /data/odf/item (double check that).
Cape (魔法使い): cloth_4009 (comes with other clothes, only use the cape)
Sentoufuku (戦闘服): cloth_4010
Boots (1級死神ブーツ): acce_b_100 (should be the white one, if not, it's acce_b_300)
The body is body type A. I will get the directory later. A tinko is attached all models that you will need to delete.
The meshes are stored in odf files with "imp" in the name. Good luck!

>> No.9540193
File: 68 KB, 728x573, 235235325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not tsurime enough
Try adjusting some of her expressions in MMD or in PMDEditor's Transform View. She has a lot of expressions for adjusting the angle/shape of her eyes. If you use those and can create a face you like, I can use that configuration to create a new face model.

>shorter, bigger breasts, etc.
I converted the Body A model and put it into an A pose. It's still a little rough, but would you say the same thing looking at this? The hips seem pretty wide already.

Strange, mine worked as you can see in the picture.

>fine with using an existing MMD body, as long as it fits.
Hmm, does the Love shiki's body fit?

Thanks for the model list. I'd like to know which eyes you used, though, since eyes are generally nothing more than a texture and that would be the easiest thing to convert. Also, I'd like a full body picture of the character as you have her set.

>> No.9540254
File: 528 KB, 1079x425, 2523525626236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To show what I mean about expressions, here are a couple of examples I made in a few minutes using じと目/釣り目/目尻上/etc. If you combine the eye expressions right you may be able to make something you like. Note that in PMDEditor, you can insert negative values to make the morphs work in reverse. It would actually be better if you did this in PMDEditor so you could tell me the exact values.

>> No.9540970
File: 413 KB, 1600x1600, angles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the full body from different angles.

I guess they don't need to changed since they'll be hidden under the clothes. The bust should be changed though, since she has noticeable curves. Love Shiki Miku with 特盛 and もも increased is looking good, but you can stick to the Body A if you want to experiment more.

I got the morphing in MMD, but can you tell me how to do it in PmxEditor? I'm not sure what to mess with in, for example, モーフ>つり目.

>> No.9541008


-Decrypted eye texture from C:\TEATIME\カレマチカノジョ\data\odf\Head\EyeTex\AA_eye
-Custom eye texture I made for Love Shiki Miku using that. Looks good, could probably use some improvement.

>> No.9542219

Bump because /jp/ got a lot faster.

>> No.9542891

In the PMDView window when you activate PMDEditor, there is a button on the upper right labeled "T". Press it to activate the Transform View window. Along with the Transform View window a subwindow should pop up labeled 変換操作. In the bottom left of that window, there is a panel for controlling morphs.

Also, to insert a negative value like I noted in my earlier post, you need to click on a morph, click on the box that displays its value in the lower right(under 変化量), write the negative number, and then press enter. For example, you can use this on the 目頭上 morph to make the inner eye rise instead of drop.

On the topic of this, I'm not sure if there's a way to save a proportioned model, but I've heard of programs that are capable of ripping 3d models from the DirectX environment(particularly, "3d ripper DX"). Maybe that would work for extracting the entire model with proportions in a proper A-pose? I've never tried it myself, but I'll test it in a short while. That would be easier than ripping and reproportioning the model parts individually.

In short, what I am proposing is using a 3d ripping program to rip a dressed, proportioned, and posed model while in the game's posing mode.

>> No.9543017

I'm pretty sure there's no way to save a proportioned model as odf. Else, there would be more than 4 body types saved in /data/odf/Body. That 3D Ripper DX program looks amazing, however.

>> No.9543248
File: 67 KB, 594x604, 52352325235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I tried it. I turned the breast size up to max to make sure the proportions were working, and it did. But, it came out a little flat... I found that scaling it on the Y axis produced something pretty close to the original, though(right). There's no textures or materials either, but that shouldn't be much of a problem because the UV mapping is preserved.

I think it would work if you could get a spherical object to be ripped along with the model. That way, after ripping the model you could simply rescale the model with the incorrect sphere so that the sphere becomes spherical again(which would mean you'd probably reached the original scaling).

Scaling on Blender's Y axis after deleting all other extracted objects, selecting the whole model, and using Object>Transform>Origin to geometry made the model look fairly normal.

I'm not very good with the game's pose mode, but if you could get a clothed, proportioned model in an MMD model A-pose that would make things faster. If you do try it make sure to capture the model at a level camera view and check to capture as wavefront.

>> No.9543830



>> No.9544201
File: 72 KB, 687x378, 23525235322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just an image reflection so it's slightly off-balance, but if this looks alright(ignoring that there's no effects like rim lighting which can be done later) then I'll go ahead and weight it.

But before I progress much further you're going to have to figure out the hair and face. I'm not sure about the front hair, but I think probably a Luka hair model would work well for the back. If you could find the hair texture that's used in the game, that would be good too.

If there is this little skin exposure using the Love shiki's body is the best idea.

>> No.9544583

Looking good! It looks ready to go unless you have some reservations.

There is no decrypted list of hair like for items, so I don't know how I'll find it. But it shouldn't be too hard to find replacement anime bangs + high volume long hair. It would be great if you found them.

I should have the face by tomorrow, it's getting late here. It'll be Love Shiki face + eye modifcation + my eye texture.

>Love Shiki
If using the Love Shiki is a shortcut, then please use that. Love Shiki's height is actually perfect, but I'd hate to waste the work you put in exporting the NNKK model. Just do whatever's most convenient for you.

Basically, Homuha's design has gone through a few versions/tweaks already, so I'm not too picky. As long as she has all the "parts" (kurokami long with volume, tsurime, outfit, oppai, short height), she will look great.

>> No.9544844

Actually, I'm retarded. The hair meshes/textures should be located in the following directories (the textures are not black):
Front hair: C:\TEATIME\カレマチカノジョ\data\odf\Hair\Model\hair_f_b
Back hair: C:\TEATIME\カレマチカノジョ\data\odf\Hair\Model\hair_b_555_b

I will e-mail them to you.

>> No.9544975

>Looking good! It looks ready to go unless you have some reservations.
That's good, but due to the way Blender's mirroring system works, if there's anything that could be improved/corrected now is the best time to say it.

>I should have the face by tomorrow, it's getting late here. It'll be Love Shiki face + eye modifcation + my eye texture.
Hope I didn't push you into that. But the face is probably the easiest thing to switch, so even if you don't like it later it shouldn't be an issue.

>I'd hate to waste the work you put in exporting the NNKK model
That's not an issue. Because I couldn't get the fingers completely flat due to Karekano's posing restrictions, simply using the Love shiki's hands would be easier than trying to automatically weight them. And other than the thighs that's all of the body you see.

Also, thinking about it now, it may be a good idea to use the game's front hair model. If you can find that, it might be easy to use. I don't think we'll find a match among MMD models anyways.

>> No.9545015
File: 59 KB, 331x319, fhair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Front hair: C:\TEATIME\カレマチカノジョ\data\odf\Hair\Model\hair_f_b
If that's the model you used, then disregard the sentence in my last post.

I'll probably use that. I didn't search more than a couple models but I did find this in TDCG. If it's close enough(ignoring the texture and bumps on top) I might use it if the game's doesn't work out, although I can probably find something closer.

>> No.9545186
File: 77 KB, 343x418, 253532523532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, I think maybe if I gave this hair some X volume it would work out.

How do you see her back hair moving, as a solid object or in strands? Those are more or less the two kinds of movement you see in MMD.

>> No.9545193

>if there's anything that could be improved/corrected now is the best time to say it.
She is too small on the depth axis (Z?) and a little bit too mall on the width axis (running left to right, so X?). For what it's worth, I only noticed these imperfections by going back and forth between >>9544201 and >>9540970 .

Try these tentative values. 真面目 .1 じと目 .15 つり目 .2 目尻上 .8 . And how do I apply the morphs to the original model? It seems I can only save them as new PMX files, which loses labels for all the bones and morphs in MMD.

>Love shiki's hands
I'm fine with this. Don't really care about the hands. Although in the future I may want her in a school uniform and cosplay outfits.

Not really feeling that hair, it's missing sideburns. I'm really fond of the TeaTime hair because of all the delicious volume, but I will settle if it proves to be a hassle.

>> No.9545235

Yep, that would be good with some X scaling. Strands sounds like a good idea since she's got a lot of loose hair.

>> No.9545499

Alright then. I can understand missing the sideburns, but I was really only talking about the bangs. Sideburns can be added.

>She is too small on the depth axis (Z?) and a little bit too mall on the width axis (running left to right, so X?).
Yeah, that's how I refer to the axes. It can be irritating because Blender's Z axis is the Y axis of most other 3D programs, relative to the axis grid display and most model import orientations. And those are easy fixes.

>Try these tentative values.
I can, but take your time. I plan on adding the face and hair after everything else is finished.

>And how do I apply the morphs to the original model? It seems I can only save them as new PMX files, which loses labels for all the bones and morphs in MMD.
I'm not really sure what you mean... I've never encountered a problem saving morphed models. Try saving it as PMX, reopening it and trying again? I've never had to do anything like that, though.

>Although in the future I may want her in a school uniform and cosplay outfits.
I was fine with converting this one as practice, but I think I'd leave that to you. I'd be more than happy to teach you how, but I already have another character I am working on in addition to Aria, Aira, and videos so I don't think I could set time aside myself unless there was incentive.

>> No.9546323
File: 593 KB, 128x256, tim3152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9547080

Can someone help me figure the password for this:


Etomana posted this on his Twitter, dont know if it helps.

ラムコスハク #bowlroll_net http://bowlroll.net/up/dl2362  89の日なので今日だけパス解除します 日付変更と同時にまたパスつけ

And this:

>> No.9549104

Saved from the spam.

>> No.9549206

it's more than likely it's simply a restricted model release and the only way to get it is to contact eto personally. he also has an R-18 cirno model he does that with.

the messages say that he unpassworded the model for 89 day(haku day) and repassworded it after.

>> No.9552407
File: 2.45 MB, 128x256, tim3108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9555280
File: 582 KB, 128x256, tim3117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9556695
File: 1.08 MB, 1920x1080, 041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9560160

Tidal wave of Comiket coming in.

>> No.9564385
File: 1.82 MB, 1920x1080, singin on da planetes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9564657

the rest is so pretty that the grass really detracts from the picture.

>> No.9565438

mod1127: Type 82-F robot from Muv-Luv
mod1128: Doberman body; press F12 in pose mode for correct proportions
mod1129: Ponytail back hair for NJXA in NJXA and base colors; also has ribbons
mod1130: Round promotional buttons/badges; replaces mod0840

>> No.9565443

XPC03892: NBKx B-Cup body ver1; comes with spread vaginal opening versions
XPC03893: Outfit set: microdress, school swimsuit, jacket, armband, leg ribbon, socks, tennis shoes; several colors
XPC03894: Gothic Lolita outfit in a few colors and patterns; reupload of TA3CH0190
XPC03895: NBRx eyes type II; adds to XPC03843

>> No.9565447


Nothing spectacular this week, although more hair options for NJXA aren't bad.

>> No.9566960
File: 1.43 MB, 1920x1080, bw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about now?

>> No.9567265

way better

>> No.9569846
File: 1.13 MB, 1000x563, tower.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9569862

so how many day before mmdcup ?

>> No.9570164

yes, that is much better regarding the grass. maybe the composition was better on the first, though. the second is overall less visually stunning due to changing the lighting, background, etc.

ia is such a beautiful model...

depending on where you live, around 4.

>> No.9570340

Goddamn, that sweet, sweet Ariane ass. What do I have to do to get you to make text pictures again...?

>> No.9570391
File: 20 KB, 505x197, index_news_02.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Create U Everything
Reminds me of the slogan on my Chinese headphones.

>> No.9570627

an MMD model in SBX
this almost makes me want something like this for my own character.

as far as i know, this is about as good as it gets so far.

>> No.9572917
File: 1.38 MB, 1920x1080, ia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9573431
File: 5 KB, 359x124, 776678687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


why would you wish for her to be degenerated? you'll make her cry.

i think maybe making your own would be better if you want them. or some other capable person.

>> No.9575486
File: 1.97 MB, 1920x1080, chem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9575917
File: 75 KB, 660x400, softbody.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


but i think it can only be used in mmm...

>> No.9576130

What does it do?

>> No.9576632

in mmd/mmm's context, simply it means soft breasts and flowing cloth.

i could be more detailed, but i dont think i can tell you anything you couldn't find on wikipedia. the basic idea is soft bodies can deform things, rigid bodies can only move/rotate them(MMD only had rigid bodies).

>> No.9577800

Hey, isn't that BG from El Shaddai?

>> No.9577855

there appears to be a cobra trojan virus on arlvit's(the creator of a sakuya, china, and other models) uploader. i'm not going to link it, but be warned. it's the file 34324.zip. this is the first time i have ever encountered a virus on an uploader from the MMD community.

i suspect this is not his doing.

no, it is rhea's tower, an mmd stage by kanihira.

>> No.9578029

Cute. They could use some shadows, though.

>> No.9578173


here's a page that has lots of model edits and such. you can search it, too.

>> No.9579579

Ah, I see. Are there any models with it implemented thus far?

>> No.9581108
File: 1.93 MB, 320x180, OAY7L.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9582678

no, and it's unlikely you'll see many for some time. MMM is still widely unused and i think most modellers will still need to learn it. i imagine you'll see some examples in the near future from some people who like to experiment, though.

i might learn it myself, but my model has too many problems i already know how to fix...

>> No.9584322
File: 734 KB, 128x256, tim3158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9586153
File: 88 KB, 203x528, oc do not steal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9590816
File: 727 KB, 128x256, tim3128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9594513 [DELETED] 


>> No.9598840

The MMD cup has started.

>> No.9599918
File: 113 KB, 500x375, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have information about this mod?

>> No.9599930

>model edits
wish there was a blog about oc models.
Its hard looking through nico for them

>> No.9599987
File: 117 KB, 500x375, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9600003

New Kuma8 where

>> No.9600127 [DELETED] 

Someone please explain please. Why are these emote guys getting hit with a stick.


>> No.9600152

Someone please explain. Why are these white guys getting hit with a boken.


>> No.9600510 [DELETED] 

Wow, that was really funny. Basically, they are on a TV show where if they see something cute, they get hit for it.

>> No.9600544

it's the same people who do gaki no tsukai

>> No.9603154
File: 96 KB, 128x256, tim3112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9604362 [DELETED] 
File: 1.46 MB, 1280x720, 23525235325235235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picture because i am experimenting

i tried applying some mapping to her suit. the difference should be obvious. not sure if it is better or not... maybe the strong 3d look clashes with her face? seems like it doesn't work well with the sphere map/autoluminous.

i think it would look better if the gold outlines weren't this dark...

>> No.9604398

mod1131: Skeleton body; has a few different configurations to match different body types
mod1132: Large remote control device
mod1133: Full-head pig masks in pink, black, white or gold

>> No.9604401

XPC03896: Item set 7.0; update of XPC03869
XPC03897: Background that resembles Bomberman's maze; also has pink Bomberman cosplay outfit; also has some bomb and block items
XPC03899: NBRx eyes v2.01; replaces XPC03843
XPC03900: Tank tops in 11 solid colors and 5 camouflage colors
XPC03901: Long-billed ball cap in black, white and pink; says "Custom"
XPC03902: Cosplay set for Zilvern Amethyst from Busou Shinki
XPC03903: 4 different sets of bikini armor
XPC03905: Crime-prevention buzzer/personal alarm device in pink or blue
XPC03906: Unknown - Download key is incorrect
XPC03907: Flat-chested shirts, white or black with colored ruffle fringe
XPC03908: Chukaman / nikuman / pork buns; replaces XPC03728

>> No.9604409


Nothing star-worthy this week.

Note: I have no idea if the DL key forXPC03906 is hidden somewhere, or if the uploader just botched it.

>> No.9605134
File: 1.49 MB, 1280x720, 32525325235235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picture because i am experimenting

i tried applying some mapping to her suit. the difference should be obvious. not sure if it is better or not... maybe the strong 3d look clashes with the rest of her? seems like it doesn't work well with the sphere map/autoluminous.

also, a small(?) tip for anyone using MMD:

i am an idiot because i thought of it before but never tried it, but you can reduce MMD's CPU/GPU usage while you let the program idle by choosing to save the file with a name and letting that window remain open.

if you are like me and use a lot of effects and/or models, this can mean a big temperature difference. for example, if you are browsing the internet but it's trouble to close MMD, you can simply open the save window while browsing. this works because MMD does not draw frames when this window is open, and maybe other factors.

>> No.9605924 [DELETED] 


>> No.9605927
File: 239 KB, 367x465, 目が合ったなテメェ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9606074
File: 52 KB, 696x785, la niwaka face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Windows 100% models are models given out to people who subscribe to the Windows 100% magazine, thus, they cost money and may not be given out for free and can only be edited for personal use if you bought them personally from the magazine, and if you use a part of a Windows 100% model to make another, you cannot give out that model with the used part, either. If you find someone distributing Windows 100% models, do not download the models and report them immediately, as they are commiting a crime.

>do not download the models and report them immediately, as they are commiting a crime.

>> No.9606094

Did you guys archive July? or the 1st half of this month?

I was on a vacation in Korea with friends and I missed a lot of things, main i'd like any new mods released for TMD and MMD's

also everything Ariane EVERYTHING, youtube had a new video up so I know stuff was made

>> No.9606176

are those models of copyrighted characters? if yes, the people who sell them commit a crime, a copyright infringement and have absolutely no legal right to claim anything like that.

hell, i'd actually report all of them to the copyright holders, just to mess with them.

>> No.9606177
File: 35 KB, 385x331, legs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there a way so this doesnt happen?

>> No.9606196
File: 174 KB, 414x353, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9606243

Burn in Hell you devil's advocate.

>> No.9606356

so yeah..

>> No.9606728
File: 43 KB, 480x323, lean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9607041

but of course

>> No.9607048

He's dead ;___;

>> No.9608147

move the leg IKs?

what do you mean? there are always links to older threads if you want the archive.

>> No.9608310

please answer >_>

>> No.9608571


Yes I would do you have them? please

>> No.9608753


>> No.9609374

some things from the MMD cup.

ahiruP is amazing... 3 full original motions?
too cute

a depiction of how to become good at MMD


good looking PVs

it's just a short appearance but i'm still happy they were used

as above said, you can find links to older threads in the first 2-3 posts of every thread.

>> No.9609556
File: 398 KB, 650x500, hf7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Janitor deleted this last time so here it is again: A 3D model from a Japanese-onry game posed by moving the IK bones.

>a depiction of how to become good at MMD
I swore that the IRL sequence was from a camcorder when I first saw it. Amazing stuff.

>> No.9609584

It is IRL, kinect technology.

>> No.9609818

i'm going to show my bias and say i really hate the animasa shiki. but this video has some good technology.

i almost skipped this one but i'm glad i didn't. it's a comedy. not really worth viewing if you can't read japanese.

also, as always, if you're interested in downloading motions:

yeah... i think it is something about the male model. i don't mean this in a negative way, but he really did nothing special with that scene at all aside from adding DOF.

>> No.9610335


>> No.9611960

Where can I find the NJXA body? don't see it in the catalog from 3rd post

>> No.9613067

If you ctrl+f the futaba uploader for "njxa" and download everything you should find it.

>> No.9613091

'njxa body' gives at least 10 results in the catalog.

>> No.9616713 [DELETED] 

mmdcup pls

>> No.9618205 [DELETED] 

Don't die on me.

>> No.9618226

Every time I see the OP image I think to myself "What in the fuck is that U there for?" Can someone explain to me what the fuck "Creature U Everything" even means?

>> No.9618313

Maybe it's supposed to be "U Create Everything" or "Everything U Create," but in Engrish so the order is messed up

>> No.9618339

Itto miinzu yuu aa Japaniizu.

>> No.9619327
File: 521 KB, 800x746, 2301415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9619429

What would inspire someone to make that?

>> No.9619726

What would be colored that? Oil?

>> No.9619857
File: 1.24 MB, 1280x720, 2303244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miku juice

Probably something similar to what inspires these

>> No.9619862
File: 711 KB, 654x927, 23048603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9620067
File: 387 KB, 1600x900, 2346301 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9620077
File: 446 KB, 1200x1102, 2308916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9620208
File: 734 KB, 1240x1200, 2331817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9620224
File: 511 KB, 1240x1200, 2272298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9623101 [DELETED] 

Happy 1 month birthday.

>> No.9627169 [DELETED] 


>> No.9629060
File: 2.71 MB, 128x256, 29614043_big_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9629085
File: 2.73 MB, 128x256, 29614043_big_p2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9633095
File: 358 KB, 1600x1000, 13453972320322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9633106

Did you also change the texturing on the red one's leggings? It looks better.

>> No.9633128

Her ass crack reaches all the to her back.

>> No.9633385

thanks for responding...
the texturing is not changed on either of them, but i have applied a normal/height/spec map to both red and purple. so, in a sense, yes, but it's an effect and not part of the model.

>> No.9633387

that is real life

>> No.9633424
File: 463 KB, 568x585, 1345477950832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and, if it's better, i'm very glad to hear that because i've been wondering what to do about their lack of quality for some time now and wasn't sure if the mapping was disgusting or a good addition.

although i think i will be more or less abandoning the model after i release the update...

>> No.9633451

release it NOW

>> No.9634909

The mapping looks fine on both of them, but it looks better on the red one if you ask me. Maybe it's just because the neon-coloured arms/legs kind of clash with the darker bodysuit, or maybe it's because the red one is further away so the bump effect is slightly more subtle. And, why are you abandoning the model?

>> No.9635656

mod1134: Heavy saves of handheld fans in red, white or black
mod1135: Niis of 2 characters from the Senran Kagura series; replaces mod1025
mod1136: Large flesh-colored bump/knot for top of head

>> No.9635658

XPC03909: T-Shirt for flat chests in yellow, pink or blue; says "TechArts3D"
XPC03910: Heavy save of a countryside railroad platform
XPC03911: Seburo M5 handgun and C26a assault rifle from Ghost in the Shell; replaces XPC03860
XPC03912: Male mod: realistic (but very red) penis texture for transparent male; replaces XPC03805
XPC03913: NX32 loli body
XPC03914: Sleeveless shirt for flat chests in 4 patterns
XPC03915: Adds 2 colors to the cap in XPC03901
XPC03916: Fixes one of the bikini armor sets in XPC03903
XPC03917: GN Drive from Gundam; also has thrust particle effects
XPC03918: NJXAbo93 body v1; 3 breast sizes and clothes to fit; 4 different heads which are separate from body (load from hair border slot)
XPC03919: Unknown - Download key is incorrect
XPC03920: Boxing set; includes gear in 4 colors, ring background, bell and hammer, title belt, exercise equipment, a few other accessories

>> No.9635667


I'll let the catalog maintainer/general public decide whether XPC03918 is worth stars.

>> No.9636477

normal maps do tend to look best from a middle distance. i've never considered the purple to clash with the black but you may be right, although i'm not sure how that relates to the normal mapping. as i said earlier i think the shine from the sphere mapping may be a problem.

shortly it's a bad model, isn't as well liked as i thought, and i can't get feedback on the outfit design(you're the first).

there are reasons i don't want to say here, but other factor is simply that focusing on a cute outfit will result in less people having bias about her. and many people aren't comfortable using models with revealing outfits, which i can understand.

>> No.9636637

is there some sort of hand pack to download

>> No.9636697

Any add to njxa is interesting.

>> No.9637327

where do you get your inspiration? i have no idea what to make a project off

>> No.9641409

Sorry for the depraved question, but are there any sites where people post MMD guro? Gurochan bans all 3D content of any sort and I'm not sure where else to look.

>> No.9641418

plenty on pixiv, deino has a few good ones, also do r-18G

>> No.9641550


>> No.9641768
File: 7 KB, 109x112, love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


in seriousness, my problem is that i don't have inspiration...

for now just look at your favorite model doing various motions. find one you like and want to show to other people, try thinking of how you want to show it, and make something.

or, if you want to make your own original motion, now i recommend MMM over MMD.

guro... for MMD? i've seen plenty of TDCG but not MMD...

>> No.9647195 [DELETED] 

Safe Word!

>> No.9647378
File: 402 KB, 850x850, 2024904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone make videos. Now. You're NEETs, right?

>> No.9648616
File: 164 KB, 600x572, Chen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9648616,1 [INTERNAL] 

Can anyone upload a link to these mods?I can't seem to find them anywhere.
