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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9429436 No.9429436[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do women of /jp/ think of feminism?

>> No.9429450

>/r9k/ bullshit thread
>2hu picture

May this thread die with this being the only reply.

>> No.9429455


>> No.9429453

1. Nice
2. Epic
3. I like it

>> No.9429470

Is she complaining about porn ads on torrent site?

>> No.9429473

Why doesn't she just use adblock?
This is stupid...

>> No.9429482

Porn ads are disgusting and sexist, check your privilege you NEET.

>> No.9429495
File: 278 KB, 1276x1417, audio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How hardcore are you about your audio /jp/?

>> No.9429519

midi format is good enough for me

>> No.9429521

lol Beatles are gay.

>> No.9429522

Go back to /v/, faggot.

>> No.9429541


especially since shes on a torrent site so shes not opposed to "stealing" by blocking the ads.

>> No.9429548

While I agree with you with the disgusting (3D after all) I don't see what makes porn ads sexist. Why should they add lesbian ads or ads with heterosexual males when the majority of the users are heterosexual males. That's just logical thinking for money making. Also, what privilege do I have that other don't have?

>> No.9429556

Can she be reported for having erotic images in her video?

>> No.9429568

What that bitch doesn't realize is that no other company would want to have its ads on torrent tracker sites, hence the reason why there are porn ads there.
She's dumb, but then again she's a feminist.

>> No.9429575

Complaining about the ads on torrent trackers. Now I've seen everything.

>> No.9429573

Only if female nipples or overall genitalia are showed.

>> No.9429581

Skip to 1:24

>> No.9429582

But I've seen videos with both of those things, and none of them have been taken down.

>> No.9429583

Why should I care about feminism? I never leave home.

>> No.9429600

Maybe because you should care about the civilization where you live?

>> No.9429606

If she's a feminist and thinks that women are being objectified then why is she wearing make-up to look pretty?

>> No.9429617

You're and artsy, you're an artsy. You look stupid drinking beer.
You're a loser with no future cause you're not an engineer.
You're an artsy, you're an artsy. You're an artsy overjoyed.
And you'll always be an artsy cause you'll never be employed.

>> No.9429622

Okay. Let's flag this video then. Maybe she will make a fun video because of that, complaining about sexist youtube!

Because not enough people bothered to report it I guess.

>> No.9429624

It's in our genes to protect females.

That's why sexism is part of our very nature as humans.

>> No.9429641

I don't want to protect any human. Does that make me abnormal?

>> No.9429646

Educate yourself /jp/. Anita Sarkeesian is a horrible person who recently went to kickstarter and got more than enough money to make youtube videos about a subject that no one should care about.


>> No.9429650
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>Implying you wouldn't protect a Yui
Who am I quoting?

>> No.9429652

No. I'd shove a golf club up her ass and spit on her.

>> No.9429673


``No one should care about something because I don't care about it!''

- anonymous histrionic mess, 2012

>> No.9429685
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female against feminism.
it's retarded and unfair. if there was really "equal treatment" for men and women, men would be able to hit women, women would be drafted, etc. But you know what, maybe women need a good slap in the face.
I hate feminists. Women are already treated like princesses anyway. So yeah.

>> No.9429695

"I'm going to try to make a point even though I have absolutely no knowledge about the whole subject."

- Arturia Pendragon from Tsukihime

>> No.9429692

Why would someone draw something like this?
Some people don't have a soul.

>> No.9429699

As a former feminist (before being raped), I have to say that refusing to have sex for whatever reason is a mental illness that has been pushed onto us women from birth through insane ideals coming from childless crones that wants us to suffer as they have. Even our own body makes it clear that whether or not we should have sex is not for us to decide. Is it the man that decides this, and the only crime that should exist, is if he choses to have sex just for the sake of pleasure.

We need to cure my sick sisters through therapy. I suggest open institutions where women who doesn't want sex are shackled and put naked on display for single men who can go there and chose the woman he wants to have a sexual relationship with, and who can then touch her until the illness is cured and she finally comes. They she must be raped until she is fully subservient.

I personally think that women who file rape charges against people should be punished by death, but again, these women are sick, and needs to be cured.

We cannot go on like this. The rape laws are horribly sexist towards men, and prevents them from mating. The crones who made these laws must be ursurped and jailed for crimes against humanity.

>> No.9429704

For Christ sake, it's porn on the internet, i'm all for women right but this is stupid

>> No.9429719

It's cool. I like the old books that really make sense.

But why is it then taken into idiotic levels?

>> No.9429721

0/10 I couldn't even activate my willing suspension of disbelief

>> No.9429723
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Nice try. Why are you directing this at me?

>> No.9429727


>if there was really "equal treatment" for men and women, men would be able to hit women, women would be drafted, etc.

You know that almost 100% of these are as a result of male-minded stereotypes, right? eg. women being `weak' and men being `strong' (not just physically) and so more able to take a hit or endure a draft or whatever. Anyway I agree that gender-based double standards of all kinds are stupid, but women definitely draw the short straw at the minute.
Eg. when given the choice between a male and female candidate of identical views, voters pick the male candidate because of the stereotype wherein men are considered `better leaders:'

The ends meet the means - the most diverse seating of U.S Senate in history still saw men outnumbering women by 87 seats out of a total 100: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/111th_United_States_Congress..

It's not just representation, either. There are tons of sociological double-standards and shittery associated with gender. A man who has gratuitous amounts of sex is lionized as ``alpha,'' while if a woman does so she's defamed as a ``slut.''

>> No.9429729
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Reading this makes me glad I never leave the house!

>> No.9429731


Yeah. That dumb kopipe written by some idiot on /r9k/ sure scares me.

>> No.9429733
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woman getting told thread


>> No.9429737

If you really honestly want to know why guys do not like sluts:

Imagine if you met a guy with a special power. Lets call him "Carl". That power is the ability to have consensual sex pretty much every woman on the planet with little to no effort. Carl just has to say a magic word and instantly the girl would be his for the easy fucking. No effort required. In addition to this, he practices using the ability regularly. He fucks around so much that he has lost count of the amount of girls he slept with.

Now lets say Carl wanted to become your boyfriend. Can you really trust him to not fuck around on you while you are not looking? Maybe for some temporary fun, but what about marriage? What about long term? In addition to this, pretend you live in a society where if a married man has a child with another woman the wife will have to pay child support to the child that isn't even hers.

So, can you trust him? Is it wise to trust him? If you have understood everything to this point then...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! You now know what it is like to be in the shoes of a man when looking for a girl he can be in a long term relationship with.

Literally everything about Carl is true for any girl that isn't a completely hideous landwhale when you reverse the genders in this story. A woman simply has to ask "Wanna fuck" for her magic phrase and 9 times out of 10 the fucking begins.

Hopefully you should all understand now why it can be hard for us guys to trust a slut in a long term relationship.

>> No.9429739


I can understand that this comes from /prog/, but slashdot?

>> No.9429746
File: 43 KB, 360x400, 1341311457399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once worked in a office where the majority of people were women, it was like 20 women and 6 other guys, and in my department it was just me with 5 other girls, women should be kept like livestock.

>> No.9429753

1. Nice
2. Epic
3. I like it

>> No.9429757

English isn't my native language, I can't understand a damn word of what they're saying.
Do you have subs for this?

>> No.9429759


I would be honored to slap you at the next /jp/ meetup.

>> No.9429761


What does this have to do with anything? Women are not able to just magically have sex with anyone they want. That's your dumb five-minute impression of women because you saw it in a television show.

And who mentioned relationships? You guys do slut shaming on everyone. A woman can just be having casual sex with tons of guys, and not in a relationship, and you slut shame anyway.

>> No.9429765

Do these /jp/ meetups really exist?
Why am I never invited? Do you plan them on IRC or something?

>> No.9429767


>What does this have to do with anything? Women are not able to just magically have sex with anyone they want. That's your dumb five-minute impression of women because you saw it in a television show.

Women get to choose, that's a fact.

>slut shaming

This isn't actually a thing.

>> No.9429770


>Women get to choose, that's a fact.

Says who? Where the hell is your source?

>> No.9429781

She hates Christmas too apparently.


>> No.9429784

That reminds me that report about Japanese couples which don't have sex. There was that woman who said her husband basically deprived her of sex during her best years.
I almost cried when I heard this. Being a woman is suffering.

>> No.9429795


There have been various polls and surverys conducted. For example, on OKcupid men's standards were far lower than the women's, the women essentially voted that they would not date 80% of the men on the site (verified by the statistics they choose being checked with every male profile on the site).

>> No.9429796

I can't wait until women get out of their adolescence collectively and realize feminism in general is so fucking dumb. They're the real sexists because they look for things that demonize them in everything.

>> No.9429797

Not talking to women at all might have something to do with not being able to choose. Of course they choose. Men choose too. People who lock themselves in their chambers do not choose, they shitpost.

>> No.9429810


Why don't you watch a vid where a woman isn't afraid of confronting the reality sat in front of us.

>> No.9429811

Welcome to /jp/, newfriend.

>> No.9429812

The door of my bedroom is always open, I'm claustrophobic.

>> No.9429814

Guess women aren't treated special enough, huh..? Typical greedy women, it's never enough.

>> No.9429829

Do not bring this /v/ shit here, OP.

>> No.9429826

Is this the Anita Sharkface bitch that /v/ goes on about?

And does she really think that file-sharing sites fill their ad-space with porn to cater to a certain demographic?

>> No.9429828

>Women are not able to just magically have sex with anyone they want.
Unless they are particularity ugly, they are.
They can go to any bar, party, whatever and just pick a guy, go up to him and say "lets fuck".
That's all they have to do.

>> No.9429830
File: 72 KB, 558x470, 1337107386226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How often do you fantasize about hitting girls?

>> No.9429832

It's too late.

>> No.9429833

>slut shame anyway.
No such thing.
Sluts are bad people, saying it is just stating a fact.

>> No.9429835

I don't. Am I sexist for wanting to protect women instead of beating them?

>> No.9429843

>What do women of /jp/ think of feminism?
There are no hags here, only little girls

>> No.9429844

>Am I sexist for wanting to protect women instead of beating them?
Yes, they are strong and independent womyn and don't need no man to protect them.

>> No.9429846

No, you're just stupid because you don't understand your own best. You're giving the opposite sex an excellent tool of manipulation.

>> No.9429847


You're needy, but no

>> No.9429851


Got a reason for thinking this? What exactly is worse about having a lot of sex if you have a vagina instead of a penis?

>> No.9429852

This is what you are.
Block comments, you have been warned.


A failure.

>> No.9429862
File: 20 KB, 400x400, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9429868

Where did you pull that from? Having lots of random sex is never good. Men are not an exception.

>> No.9429869

Womb. Nobody wants to raise someone else's child instead of his own willingly. Thats a basic thing why sluts are hated for all history. Go figure.

>> No.9429884

That's some deep thinking right there. ``I dunno lol'' sounds always so convincing.

>> No.9429885

Nice strawman there, whore.

>> No.9429887

Think about it for a second. A woman uses more resources and energy to have one kid than a man to have twenty.

>> No.9429893

Men don't like being cuckolded. Men don't want women to commit paternity fraud.
I know this is hard for women to understand because you always know you're the mother of your child.

>> No.9429910


the term slut is not limited only to women.

>> No.9429912


People do not slut shame exclusively when the person being shamed is having a kid, so that's not it.


So use a condom when you're sleeping with a woman? Or don't sleep with women you don't trust?

>> No.9429918


Yes it is. Nobody uses ``slut'' when referring to men. Nobody even insults men under ANY label for having a lot of sex.

>> No.9429922


Yes they do, I see people refer to men as sluts being a bad thing all the time. Also typing stuff in ALLCAPS makes your point more valid, right?

>> No.9429925


>> No.9429932

Guido, the man of bronze

>> No.9429939


Give me a popular culture citation? I mean, ``I saw it once'' isn't really gonna cut it.

>> No.9429943

Why would it matter? Actually, your logic reveals itself very well in your post:
>Men don't like
I'm a man and I couldn't care less. Instead, I would like a stable relationship with mutual trust. A chaotic mess with a lying, selfish piece of human waste would be a disaster. It's all about basic principles and values. Impulsive selfishness devours everything. This biological and historical nonsense you're talking about is bullshit and you know it.

I've seen it many times on /jp/ and I've heard old men talk about it.

>> No.9429946


>I've seen it many times on /jp/

Link me to an archive post where it was used (PS: a joke doesn't count)

>> No.9429954

None of this matters.

>> No.9429955

>80 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

Really /jp/ ? is that how low you've fallen ?

>> No.9429972

Why? It's happening right now and it has happened before. Casual sex undermines trust.

>> No.9429973

>Nobody uses ``slut'' when referring to men. Nobody even insults men under ANY label for having a lot of sex.
/jp/ despises any kind of 3D sex.

Why do /tg/ always chose this place to troll, but they don't care enough to lurk for a while.

Responding in a troll thread because I'm the cancer killing /jp/

>> No.9429984

>I'm a man and I couldn't care less.
I hope you know what cuckolding means.
I hope you like raising children that aren't yours while under the illusion that they are yours.

Also are you implying the majority of men do like being cuckolded and raising other men's children.

>A chaotic mess with a lying, selfish piece of human waste would be a disaster.
Than don't date a slut, better yet don't date a non-virgin because all of the things you just said you don't want you can't find in regular women.

>This biological and historical nonsense you're talking about is bullshit
>Biology is bullshit
>History is bullshit
I hope you're just a troll and not really that fucking stupid.

>> No.9429985


I'm not from /tg/. I've been here for five years.

>> No.9429988

>Rule 1: Take it easy - We don't care about how inuyashasgirlfriend1997 made the most retarded weeaboo video in youtube and you "raged" for 26 minutes to it while killing your cat with your keyboard in the process. Or how some kid in Gaia plays Touhou and FS/N. We just take it easy, since we know the cause of most of these things are kids acting like kids (and if they aren't kids, we know they are just retards). This also means we don't want stupid drama.

>Rule 2: Don't respond to trolls - If some guy posted something really stupid and provocative that made you angry and you want to kill him, don't respond to him. Don't even bother to tell him off while using sage; it's most likely a troll that just wants some replies. In /jp/, troll threads tend to be really easy to spot, so there's really no excuse for this. If too many people get baited, it will end up in a stupid 200 post long drama thread nobody wants to see in the first page.

>> No.9429996

>been here for five years

>> No.9429998

How am I supposed to know if a girl I'd like to date is a virgin?

>> No.9430013

I always reply seriously to anything that touches important topics. I don't give a fuck about ``4chan so epic lolo'' attitudes. 4chan is not a joke, it's full of real people. Good discussion breeds good discussion and it makes people think.

>> No.9430025

There are only two types of women. Those that are sluts, and those waiting for the oppertunity to become one.

>> No.9430019

Ask her.

>> No.9430032

You ask.
If she's insulted she's probably not a virgin or a feminist.
If she's not insulted and answers you honestly you have your answer.
If she's not insulted and answers you falsely you're fucked but relationships with dishonest sluts don't last anyway so you'll get rid of her in time.

>> No.9430033

So? On the flip side, no one uses "virgin" as an insult when referring to women. Yet men who are virgins are typically mocked and ridiculed.

Men and women are different, and hold each other to different standards. More news at 11.

>> No.9430038

Feminists ignore logic and try to force their world view of equality onto everyone.

...And that's the problem with these threads, you're literally arguing the obviousness with stubborn rich children.
The only winning move is not to play.

>> No.9430039

But that's just rude.

>> No.9430046


>> No.9430049

The way you or other people applied history and biology to this discussion was clumsy and far-fetched.
>don't date a non-virgin because all of the things you just said you don't want you can't find in regular women
This is just ridiculously delusional. Get more experience.

>> No.9430059

>History and biology don't count if it doesn't agree with me BAWWWWWWW.
This is what you sound like.
If we said something wrong point it out and prove us wrong.
Don't just go you're wrong because I don't like it.

>> No.9430063
File: 16 KB, 250x188, Kuso thread award.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9430079


>Womb. Nobody wants to raise someone else's child instead of his own willingly. Thats a basic thing why sluts are hated for all history. Go figure.
This is so vague and arbitrary that I don't even know where I should start. What are the reasons for not wanting to raise someone else's child? Is it even someone else's child if your woman has given birth to it? And most importantly, what kind of effect would it have? The child certainly wouldn't care if nobody told him. The whole issue about having strangers make your kids is an issue of trust, like I said in my post. It has nothing to do with history or biology.

>> No.9430114


>> No.9430116

>Is it even someone else's child if your woman has given birth to it?
well it's not yours, so by definition, yeah

>> No.9430117


Of course it is a matter of biology you retarded piece of shit. If it is not your child, then it doesn't have your genes and Biology is all about spreading your genes and making sure they survive.

It's natural for every living being.

>> No.9430138

>What are the reasons for not wanting to raise someone else's child?
Because they aren't your genes. Spreading your genes and reproducing are basic functions of all humans and are a very important part of our psyche.
I'm trying to find the paper on the idea that fathers prefer children that look like them. I'll try to post it later.

> Is it even someone else's child if your woman has given birth to it?
If it's another man's child than yes it's not your child.
Having paternity fraud committed on you is one of the most devastating things that can happen to a man.

>And most importantly, what kind of effect would it have?
Finding out that you've been raising another man's child can absolutely ruin a man.

>It has nothing to do with history or biology.
Every reaction a human has has to do with biology.

>> No.9430150


Yo niggas been trolled by feminist logic.

>> No.9430174

Why do you want to put so much relevance on "spreading your genes"? Is it a religion to you? It has no practical meaning at all. It sounds like an easy phrase you just like to throw around. Yes, I know how mankind has evolved but nowadays we have this thing called civilization. Are you doing a good job spreading your genes? Do you think that AIDS-ridden African soldiers are more successful as humans than people who brought up the theory of evolution?

>> No.9430202

>Spreading your genes and reproducing are basic functions of all humans and are a very important part of our psyche.
Please give me some hard science on this because it's conflicting with my entire world view.

>Having paternity fraud committed on you is one of the most devastating things that can happen to a man.
>Finding out that you've been raising another man's child can absolutely ruin a man.
You know, THIS is what sounds like feminist propaganda to me. How is the problem not entirely based on changeable social norms?

>> No.9430210

>Why do you want to put so much relevance on "spreading your genes"?
Relevance doesn't matter, this shit is hardwired into you.
If this isn't the case for you than you are defect, that doesn't mean everyone is defect.

>we have this thing called civilization.
Civilization is the very reason why cuckolding became an issue. If you have money and power that you're children can inherit then you have more reason to make sure they are yours.
I don't know how this works in your fucked up little head but we are the once that are siding with civilization and you are the one who wants to go back to uncivilized times where men were forced to raise other men's children.

> Do you think that AIDS-ridden African soldiers are more successful as humans than people who brought up the theory of evolution?
If the white population continues to decline like it is right now then yes, those African soldiers are more successful.
It doesn't matter how successful you are if you don't have anyone to inherit that success. It would just be wasted time and effort.

>> No.9430228

I can't believe you just wrote that and called me fucked up. It's like you actively reject happiness and progress.

>> No.9430246

If your hide doesn't hide if from you, then I agree the whole spreading genes thing is bullshit.

Otherwise you've been used by a cheating whore, and she probably would do it again and again if we let them get away with it.
I'm a recluse but If your woman doesn't even respect you enough for a basic truth like this how could you ever trust living with a person like that.

>> No.9430249
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>> No.9430274

>Please give me some hard science on this because it's conflicting with my entire world view.
Take any random biological, developmental, evolutionary (in b4 hurr durr), personality or social psychology book.
Sex is part o fall of these fields, in some more than others but still.
I hope you at least know Freud. He might have been proven wrong on a lot of his theories he's still one of the founders of modern day psychology.

>THIS is what sounds like feminist propaganda to me.
You're a troll aren't you, no one can be this stupid.
Paternity fraud is something feminist try to pretend doesn't exist. Going so far as to make it illegal for doctors to tell the father of a child that they aren't related if they find out.

Again with the hurr durr I'm right so I don't need to acknowledge anything that differs from my (wrong) opinion.

>It's like you actively reject happiness and progress.
That's you bro.
Societies that progress have strict rules for parentage.
It's backwards stone age societies where parentage is seen as trivial.

>> No.9430281

Former definition of feminism = Equality movement
Current definition of feminism = Misandry

>> No.9430291

>muh genes

You are literally animals driven by basic urges, and just like niggers, barely capable of sentient thought, both of you. Stop posting here and go back to /v/.

>> No.9430324

>You are literally animals driven by basic urges
So are you.
If you don't want to reproduce there is something wrong with you. (In other words don't have sex or masturbate).
Having children is positive, because without them all of your efforts and society would be meaningless. It would disappear.

>> No.9430334

>Having children is positive, because without them all of your efforts and society would be meaningless. It would disappear.
Having children is positive because they are cute and funny.

Everything else about parenthood is hell and lots of people get on with their life just fine without kids.

>> No.9430361

Are you retarded?
Can you even read?

Wanting to know your children are yours is a sigh of civilization. Before we became civilized humans didn't care their bloodline survived, they just cared that the tribe survived.

It's people who don't care that are uncivilized or communists but that's basically the same thing.

And societies where this is the common mindset are bound to disappear. So all of your effort in progress and advancement of human kind will be meaningless.

>> No.9430377

You are meaningless either way if you're posting here get off your high horse.

There are still plenty of people wanting families, one or two NEETs can't ruin society.

>> No.9430406

>Got a reason for thinking this? What exactly is worse about having a lot of sex if you have a vagina instead of a penis?
Non-virgins (a.k.a. sluts) can't commit, are prone to cheat, are far more likely to be seriously depressed, far higher chance of having STDs (obviously) and abortions (obviously), etc.





They are overall shit tier humans, lower than even the lowest /jp/ trueNEET.

>> No.9430409

oh god shit like this is just as if not more harmful than feminism itself

>> No.9430429

>Implying there are women in /jp/ and isn`'t full of chris-chans

Stay /v/irgin faggots!

>> No.9430442
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>women complaining about porn on torrent websites

>> No.9430473


>> No.9430480

^ this
We only pass through /jp/, we never stay.

>> No.9430539

This was my last post.
This is someone else.

>Take any random biological, developmental, evolutionary (in b4 hurr durr), personality or social psychology book.
Please give me a recommendation. I promise to read it.

>Societies that progress have strict rules for parentage.
It's backwards stone age societies where parentage is seen as trivial.
>Societies that progress have strict rules for parentage.
It's backwards stone age societies where parentage is seen as trivial.
I didn't slander the importance of good parenting. I just can't understand why a human being should act like a programmed baby-pushing biorobot or be considered dysfunctional. It sounds absurd.

>Having children is positive, because without them all of your efforts and society would be meaningless. It would disappear.
My effort helps the society as a whole. I don't need to see the results of my work. Tasks like making babies can be divided. Striving for immediate individual reward is what's holding us back.

>> No.9430544

This was my last post.
This is someone else.

>Take any random biological, developmental, evolutionary (in b4 hurr durr), personality or social psychology book.
Please give me a recommendation. I promise to read it.

>Societies that progress have strict rules for parentage.
>It's backwards stone age societies where parentage is seen as trivial.
>Societies that progress have strict rules for parentage.
I didn't slander the importance of good parenting. I just can't understand why a human being should act like a programmed baby-pushing biorobot or be considered dysfunctional. It sounds absurd.

>Having children is positive, because without them all of your efforts and society would be meaningless. It would disappear.
My effort helps the society as a whole. I don't need to see the results of my work. Tasks like making babies can be divided. Striving for immediate individual reward is what's holding us back.

>> No.9430589
File: 22 KB, 450x576, 9781111186630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please give me a recommendation. I promise to read it.

Not the guy you're replying to and I haven't really been following your argument, but I recommend this book.

It's a textbook so it's expensive in dead tree format, but you can pirate it here:

There are chapters on gender and sexuality. Touches on the issues you're describing and how they apply in the modern world.

>> No.9430591

>Please give me a recommendation. I promise to read it.
Motivation and Personality by Abraham Harold Maslow.

>I just can't understand why a human being should act like a programmed baby-pushing biorobot or be considered dysfunctional.
Wouldn't you consider someone who refused to eat as dysfunctional.
Wouldn't you consider someone who refused to sleep as dysfunctional.

Those all belong to the same group of human needs.

>Striving for immediate individual reward is what's holding us back.
Actually individual rewards are the main reason we got where we are.
Most scientists don't do science for the good of everyone, they do it for themselves first and foremost.
That we all benefit from it is just a nice bonus.

>> No.9430655 [DELETED] 

>Wouldn't you consider someone who refused to eat as dysfunctional.
>Wouldn't you consider someone who refused to sleep as dysfunctional.
They really don't, adults can survive without babies.

>> No.9430664

>>I just can't understand why a human being should act like a programmed baby-pushing biorobot or be considered dysfunctional.
>Wouldn't you consider someone who refused to eat as dysfunctional.
>Wouldn't you consider someone who refused to sleep as dysfunctional.
>Those all belong to the same group of human needs.
They really don't, adults don't need babies to survive

>> No.9430688


Typical Jew who doesn't know what the HELL he was talking about. I don't meet his fanciful criteria for a SELF-ACTUALIZING PERSON, yet I am one. He's basically the Anti-NEET, and a generation of /jp/ers are proving him wrong.

>> No.9430682

>We want to be full participants in Geek culture!

Good heavens, why would anyone want that? It's like a cow being mad that it doesn't get to go to the slaughterhouse.
Geek culture is pretty much the worst thing ever and anyone who complains about being excluded from it should have to spend a day on /v/. I guarantee they'll never complain again.

>> No.9430709

Not who you're responding to, but obviously fulfilling basic needs is completely different to a simple fuck.

Will you people quit it with this "evolution shows that we are supposed to do X, so if you don't do X you are dysfunctional". Obviously because we are even capable of thinking of not wanting to do X that we are beyond simple fucking machines designed to make more mans (hell right now the world get really benefit from a much lower population). All of these arguments applied to "slutty" women are fine when it comes to marriage and child producing/raising. Marriage is a very important economic relationship with someone and obviously creating a life and forming the person it grows into is something best not fucked around with willy-nilly. But sex? Sex is nothing, reproduction is. With stuff like contraceptives we can now isolate the no-big-deal-just-having-fun sex from the huge-fucking-deal-no-cutting-corners reproduction and child raising. So yes I think women should be able to fuck whoever they want thanks to the fact that we have stuff like contraceptives and that they, like a lot of men, should view sex as just some fun pasttime that we have no good reason to limit their use of. I myself have had fuck buddies who have each fucked other people and I thought it was no big deal, didn't feel betrayed or used and tossed out like trash. It was just some fun thing to do.

>> No.9430716

Thank you. As you have seen, I have zero knowledge of soft sciences.

>Those all belong to the same group of human needs.
What group? Not eating or sleeping results in fast death. Not making children doesn't seem very dangerous.

>Actually individual rewards are the main reason we got where we are.
It's true, but is it good?

>Most scientists don't do science for the good of everyone, they do it for themselves first and foremost.
I live in a country with free higher education and relatively low-paying research jobs, so at least money is a very rare motivator around here.

>> No.9430791

> should view sex as just some fun pasttime that we have no good reason to limit their use of.

Look at


People who have sex outside of marriage lose their ability to be loyal in long term relationships.
They cheat, divorce at the drop of a hat and have a shit ton of other issues both mental and physical that are all linked to promiscuity.

So no, you're wrong and I can already see your obviously biased reasoning
>I myself have had fuck buddies who have each fucked other people
You yourself are one of these shit tier people.

>> No.9430803

Ignoring your silly slippery slope...

How about I just not get married? Gee that was hard. And don't give us more of that "you must have children in order to contribute to the human race" bullshit; not having children, like I've already stated, will actually do more good than having children would at this time.

>> No.9430856

>What group?
Physiological needs.
The basic group of needs all people have.

>Not making children doesn't seem very dangerous.
It means the end of your bloodline.
This is a biological deadend.

Problem is that although we have all these nifty things to stop unwanted pregnancy a fuck huge part of those sluts still choose to have children, these children will grow up in dysfunctional households and most likely end up in crime or addiction.

This is especially true for slutty women. Who end up with a fuckton of unwanted kids from half a dozen babydadies.

Not just that but STDs cost people an enormous amount of money to treat.

Sluts and their behavior cost society too much to just let them be.

Also, who let this fucking normal in /jp/.

>> No.9430984

>Physiological needs.
>The basic group of needs all people have.
>This is a biological deadend.
I need more elaboration on these. I'll read the book. Isn't a book from the fourties a little old though? I thought things move forward quite fast in psychology.
