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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9427091 No.9427091 [Reply] [Original]

Are anthropologists that study Japan concidered weaboos? I'm currently in an Anthropology class and I'm doing an S.A. on Japanese family values, and I always ask questions about Japan, but have very little interest in the Anime, Moe blob side of Japan.
I care more about technological advances, and their geography.
Am I a weaboo?

>> No.9427094

> I'm currently in an Anthropology class
I have a big bone right here for you to inspect.

>> No.9427095

you know what a moe blob is

>> No.9427098
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Yes. Join the club.

>> No.9427109
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What the fuck are you doing?

>> No.9427101

Studying shit about Japan makes you a faggot weeaboo, yes.

>> No.9427102

>Am I a weaboo?
Why do you care about what other people think?

>> No.9427104

Why do they have Doraemon on every photo?

>> No.9427106

You don't really belong here.
None of 4chan is interested in japan, sadly. Not even /trv/, /int/ or /lang/

You're as normal as it comes.

>> No.9427107
File: 55 KB, 300x287, liberal arts major.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anthropology class

>> No.9427113

Yes, I do http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-KryfufgbQ&feature=related
not a lib arts major, this class is just part of my associates. Fuck liberal arts. Science and Music major, nigger.
Even if it's things like ancient Japan and their hot springs, and old customs?

>> No.9427115

Play Mars Matrix and become a true /jp/er

>> No.9427117

I still hate the crab

>> No.9427120

bullet hell games make me a nervous wreck. Lately I just like to run, jump and shoot and or slash.

>> No.9427124

Why are you so afraid of being a weeaboo? Are you insecure about yourself? Just go back to your normalfaggotry.

Impolite sage.

>> No.9427123
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>I care more about technological advances, and their geography.
>Am I a weaboo?

You sir, are an old-school Japanophile. Nothing to be ashamed of!

>> No.9427128

This board is not for what you think it's for.

>> No.9427129
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>> No.9427132

If you actually care about asinine labels like "weeaboo", you shouldn't be here.

>Moe blob

>> No.9427145
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>> No.9427142

honestly man I don't think that even /a/ would accept that term.

>> No.9427151

I think all of you are misusing the meaning behind "weeaboo." You see, the word comes from "Wapanese" which was a portmanteau of "wannabe" and "Japanese." One day, a mod at /a/ decided to replace every mention of the word "wapanese" with "weeaboo" because weeaboo had no meaning at the time. So weeaboo essentially took up the original meaning of wapanese which is someone who whines about not being Japanese.

Therefore, as long as OP simple appreciates the culture of Japan, that does not make him a true weeaboo.

>> No.9427162

Actually, it was on /b/ and because of the Perry Bible Fellowship comic of the name ``Weeaboo''.

>> No.9427177

Being insecure about one's hobbies is a quality of /a/, not /jp/.

Some of us really do speak Japanese/live in Japan/post on 2chan.

I'm convinced there are at least a few on /jp/.

>> No.9427180
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>> No.9427188

>post on 2chan
Not you at least lmbo!!

>> No.9427189

Would fuck the meganekko in the top row.

>> No.9427190

Sometimes I'd like to think this board as the embassy between futabachannel and yotsubachannel.

>> No.9427197

I take it you haven't seen the overwhelming amounts of moe trolling on /a/? It's been going on for years and as far as I know, "moe blob" originated on /a/.

That's how shitty that board is.

>> No.9427236

Old school Japanophiles where french. They dug their lit and aesthetics. The true descendants of them are us.
OP is just a man interested in it academically, just like those mean scientists where interested on ET.

>> No.9427248

I am American, but I do have a strong French/German background.

>> No.9427251
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>> No.9427255

>The true descendants of them are us.

I am thoroughly disgusted.

>> No.9427258

It's not on the nationality or blood. It's about interest.

>> No.9427289
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>> No.9427297
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>> No.9427299

What are with the losers without Doraemon dolls?

>> No.9427306
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>> No.9427312
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>> No.9427321

I remember reading a scathing criticism of your lot by Sakaguchi Ango.

>> No.9427332


>> No.9427361

The decadence guy?
If I remember right he was sort of a nationalistic bitch.
Sure, you have disgusting faces within any *philes. We are not all con, 3D-lusting, naruto-loving "otakus", are we?

>> No.9427381

I think I can speak for the majority of /jp/ when I say I fucking love Naruto and going to cons and having sex. Indeed, I like to wear my Naruto headband whilst fucking cosplayers at cons.

>> No.9427397

He loved his country, but his opinions changed a lot over the course of his life. I enjoyed his statements on beauty, how it is not one crystallised moment, but a lifetime. He spoke in jest about virgins and cherry trees like this, but I can only interpret it as a metaphor for how he felt the outsider misperceived Japanese culture (brothels and "unsightly" factories being just as Japanese as tea ceremonies in his eyes). Of course, he was only referring to one Frenchman, but it felt like a response to a particular attitude.

The way he viewed time was very relatable.

>> No.9427456

Oh yes... I've been wanting to reed him. You had a lot of misinterpretations specially in the XIX cent., people where "discovering" Japan, they took it in a "romantic" way, EXOTICISM and shit... XX cent weebs took the thing more seriously without the romantic-googles on. Maurice Pinguet for example.
