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9426742 No.9426742 [Reply] [Original]

>little brother uses real name, voice, and face webcam
>tells me he doesn't want to go back to being a weirdo
the cancer has killed the entire internet and my brothers.
how can i convince him to not give away real life info?

>> No.9426764

Kill him.

>> No.9426811

>ask any question
>given bad advice on purpose. every. single. time.
so chasing out heretics instead of converting sinners.
maybe not being anonymous isn't so bad afterall..

>> No.9426828

Give him the dick.

>> No.9426836

>Who are you quoting?

>> No.9426858

LoL is the cancer

>> No.9426863

Kill yourself too.

>> No.9426867


fuck off with your blog and greentext

>> No.9426906

camwhore /soc/ facebook shit is the cancer.
go fuck yourself.
get out.

>> No.9426922

No, Anonymous.
You are the cancer!

>> No.9426947


>> No.9426956

no u
i dont do blogs. care to say why.

>> No.9426968

This isn't quality shitposting..

One of you nerds, quick, post Kuroyukihime!

>> No.9426986

Stop posting kids' games on /jp/, faggot.

>> No.9426987

this isn't your blog

>> No.9427090

>posts irrelevant
>accuses others of shitposting
stop posting kids cartons on /jp/, faggot.
i dont do blogs.
