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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 975 KB, 1291x1818, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9426549 No.9426549 [Reply] [Original]



I am sorry that it took so long to upload.
But here it is, all edited and ready to go.
I know several people on /jp/ wanted this, so that's why I made a new thread.
Thanks to that one guy that messaged me about it.

Hope you enjoy it, /jp/.

If anyone else has anything they recently uploaded, feel free to post it in this thread.

>> No.9426569


>> No.9426571


>> No.9426599
File: 932 KB, 1317x1850, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the first one for those that might have missed it.

>> No.9426608

Thank you very much, OP!

>> No.9426657


Thanks anon, love the delicious healthy girls.

>> No.9426672

The warm wait has ended

>> No.9426762

You returned!

>> No.9426780

You have no idea how grateful I am, op.
Thank you.

>> No.9426815

>If anyone else has anything they recently uploaded, feel free to post it in this thread.

So tempting...

>> No.9426842

If you have any Touhou or /jp/-related doujinshi, music, games, etc. that you recently uploaded or shared somewhere, why not share it with us on /jp/?

>> No.9426855


As you wish, here is a rare album I uploaded several months ago on a /jp/ related music thread.

>> No.9426886

Here's ever song by Tsubasa I collected for a friend.

and here's Cradle2 but I'm sure anyone could find that

>> No.9426887


Well, they were supposed to be a surprise for the next Okuu thread, but she hasn't gotten any in awhile.

>> No.9426900

Well if they are related to a certain thread or Touhou, then you should save it for the next thread to help discussion in an Okuu thread.
Or maybe make your own since she hasn't had one in awhile.

>> No.9426924
File: 877 KB, 800x1119, shioyude - msen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god. I honestly never expected this to show up after all this time. Thank you so much!

I can't wait for the next sequel in August. It looks like the mastermind Shioyude is making it an adult-only compilation this time, with boobs and dicks and everything else that comes with an 18+ rating.

>> No.9426929

I have that bizarre 2hu mahjong hentai video.

>> No.9426936

Oh god
My bookmark, lovingly labelled "waiting warmly", has finally achieved it's purpose
I'm so happy

>> No.9426973

I really hoping there's some futa with female and yuri in that.

>> No.9427038

Are you serious?

Well, guess I will have to buy and upload that one too. Unless you or anyone else plans on doing it. But I will buy it regardless.
This time I promise I will upload it quicker and soon after it comes out. I'll be in a better position for uploading and editing in August then I was now. I'll also have a new, better scanner.

Thank you very much for letting me know about this. This looks amazing, especially since it's 18+

>> No.9427050

I love you, man

>> No.9427078

You're very welcome, and it'd be awesome if you can get that one too.

I'm glad to see this series is a success. At least, successful enough that it's worth it for Shioyude to put out a third compilation.

>> No.9427089

Just wondering, but do you live in Japan or are you using a deputy service?

>> No.9427131

Never read it, but anything with Hijirin is welcome.

>> No.9427198

>I'm glad to see this series is a success
Me too. You don't see that much Touhou femdom, as surprising as that is. And the few you do see have role reversal or such. Good to see nice and straight-up femdom.

I use a proxy/deputy service.
Originally I used Yokatta, but now I use Tenso.
I highly recommend using Tenso if you wish to buy something from Japan but they won't ship internationally. Easy to use and not too expensive. Rakuten also recommends them.

Usually I make a big order for every Comiket from melonbooks and use Tenso as a proxy.

>> No.9427201

Recent uploads? Well there is this wonderful touhou eroge I found a bit ago. It's the third in the series, but it's by far the best one. There's some amazing scenes in this one. Hopefully someday it'll be translated.


>> No.9427284

..say...do you think I could add on to that order a bit?

>> No.9427331



I remember this not working at all, I think. I know I had a big order from melonbooks that I did with a proxy service and they basically said "Don't use a proxy". I had to use noppin instead.

Anyway, thanks for upping this. Can't wait for the next one. I've got a little bundle of doujins around that I'm too fucking lazy to scan+edit. Oh well.

>> No.9427344

Depends on what it is and what you want me to do. I don't really plan to ship out stuff to other people. I would just recommend buying it yourself as we might live in very different places.

If you just want me to upload something like a doujinshi, then sure I'll add it. Usually I don't like to buy or scan any negative stuff like rape or faceless men gangbangs but I will always make an exception for /jp/. Games and music are fine too. Never uploaded them before, but I'm sure I could easily do it.
I originally started importing stuff because /jp/ wanted them and no one else would upload the media, so buying an extra item won't be an issue.

>> No.9427366

>Usually I don't like to buy or scan any negative stuff like rape or faceless men gangbangs

Turn that usually into a never and we can be friends.
Also for the love of touhou buy any futa doujins you can get. We have been getting way way way to much faceless men these past years. Its so distaste full now its been forced way to much. I need a cool down from it.

>> No.9427391

Yeah, I heard that Melonbooks has been cracking down on proxy services too, which is fucking retarded. But I also heard that big proxy services are working around this, as such is the free market.
There are multiple proxies though and I'm sure one will be able to get my order through.

>I've got a little bundle of doujins around that I'm too fucking lazy to scan+edit
Yeah, that happens to a lot of people. Try to do one at a time. I think I will be getting an auto-feed scanner and work on some photoshop filters to make things flow easier.

>> No.9427422

Yeah, just to upload. I don't need porn laying around the house.

If we're talking melonbooks...

A trilogy of Satori happy sex. Nothing more needs to be said.

>> No.9427546

Alright, I just didn't want to discourage any requests. I really dislike faceless rape stuff as well, it's truly horrible stuff. Unfortunately that's all that seems to be uploaded these days. It's one of the reasons that I started to upload.
If you know any good futanari doujins coming up at Comiket C82, let me know or post requests for them in future C82 threads. I usually lurk those to see what people want.

>Satori happy sex
Oh man I will definitely be all over that stuff. Especially since Satori hardly gets any happy stuff uploaded. Stuff like this i what I like to buy, so thanks for letting me know.

Thanks for the melonbooks links too. They really help.

>> No.9427561

Nice Ill make sure to post them. I got a couple in mind already.

>> No.9427565
File: 1.12 MB, 1414x2000, 000a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not H

>> No.9427578

Oh wow I totally forgot about how it got translated.
That was pretty exciting

>> No.9427592

Forgot to mention, it's chapters 1-8
Did anymore get translated?

>> No.9427620


These seem to be pretty sweet. Nice art too.

>> No.9427639

So it's confirmed? Good; three less doujins on my plate.

How about these?
Sex toy and bondage shenanigans, but no rape. Surprisingly unique for Touhou doujins; usually there's some mind break thrown in at the end that ruins the whole doujin.

>> No.9427652
File: 131 KB, 198x267, chensdickcorset.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9427678

chen boob

>> No.9427682

If you're talking about good stuff I haven't seen scans for, I've been interested in this guy's Yuuka and Sakuya works.

Big preview of a futa one.

Bunch of his stuff.

Some on melonbooks

>> No.9427753

Here are some that need to be scanned. Some are already out where as some are out at C82


These ones don't have a buy link but If you can find them. They must be scanned


>> No.9427791

Add http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=28760975 to that list. Monikano is a god.

I'd mention that one Alice doujin, but it's going to be scanned anyway, so eh.

>> No.9427806

My list was supposed to be all futa with female but that doujin you posted looks ok. If nitori steps in and plays with Marisa I will want to see that.

>> No.9427828

Youmu is pretty horrifying in that. I think that by the time they made here scenes they had just given up all attempts to keep a consistent or realistic body shape.

>> No.9427908

That's quite a lot of stuff. I'll see what I can add in but I won't make any promises. So don't get your hopes up. I'll also be searching for other doujinshi. The ones that I can buy all in one place helps because shipping pretty much stays the same even when you add on a few.
I appreciate the links regardless though. Other people might see and buy them too. I'll save all the links/info and see which make the final cut.

And I'd like to avoid getting stuff that will be uploaded by others, so it's good that you didn't mention the Alice one.

Ha, I thought the same thing. I still really appreciate the upload and link though.

>> No.9427931

Post>>9427753 here thanks and try hard to find that futa.
I'm pretty sure all of those I posted will never be scanned since its all futa and not faceless men.
Sorry for the links also Melonbooks didn't have all the links for the doujin I wanted.

>> No.9427934

Mind letting us (read: me) know which ones make it and which ones don't? I don't want any order overlap any more than you do.

>> No.9428000

Well I won't order until next month, so you can just tell me which ones you like the most or plan on buying so I know which ones to avoid.

I haven't made up a complete list of everything I plan to get so I won't be sure which I will buy for the time being. I'll get a few though. Definitely going to buy the third femdom set and the Satori Doujinshis though. Those are at the top of the list.

>> No.9428010

I'm not sure what I'll be ordering yet either. There's still more stuff to come for C82...and my scanner is still overworked.

>> No.9428017

Well then we will have to wait and see, and hope for the best.

>> No.9428075

Thank you very much.

>> No.9428074

I guess.
Keep in touch.

>> No.9428388

Thank you to all the people that posted links to their recent uploads.

I really enjoyed

People might not post about it but you can see the change in your mediafire downloads number. Many people silently appreciate your uploads.

>> No.9428409

I will perform oral sex on whoever scans any of this guy's stuff.


I'm pretty sure there's going to be something new for C82 as well.

>> No.9428919

You could make an empty google document, post the link now, and then update it when you're ready to order. I know for a fact that at least one other person is also buying stuff to be scanned, so I'd like to minimize the overlap as much as possible.

Do you go on IRC or anything?

>> No.9430074

Oh yes, thank you very much for this.
I was looking for the album Forte Bevitore was on. Amazing remix of Yuugi's theme.

The rest of the album is great too.

>> No.9431176 [DELETED] 


>> No.9431482


On the subject of avoiding overlap, I can confirm that these have already been purchased and will be scanned. Eventually.

>> No.9435971

Additionally, Wing Girls (and Inroads of Scarlet) will be scanned "soon"

Witch's Back Exploitation has been ordered, so that'll be scanned eventually.

>> No.9436033

Massive respect to OP for delivering so much.

>> No.9439835

Hmmm, well alright then.
I might buy them anyway though.

But we all know how "eventually" works. Oh procrastination....

>> No.9439962

I'm sure it'll take a long time, but it will happen eventually. The guy doing it has already uploaded about 50 books total.

I'd recommend buying something else that's not in a queue and isn't likely to turn up on its own. I'm sure there's plenty of other good happysex doujins out there, waiting to be scanned.

>> No.9439977


>> No.9440067

Oh God mah drills
