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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9416363 No.9416363[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Ok, Im thinking of moving to japan from england, dont worry, im actually japanese, i can speak, read and right.
Anyway, I am about to start my last year of 6th form, does anyone know if the curriculum for highschool in japan is is at GCSE, A level or a higher standard.

Pic kinda related, its what I will be fapping too in about 6 months

>> No.9416376

I hope some jap bullies will drop you off the roof.

>> No.9416381
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>i can speak, read and right.

apparently not, fagget

>> No.9416380
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you will only look at anime when you move to japan? (6months?)
or you mean 3d?

>> No.9416394

*write, are you happy now?
And no, I read some hentai manga, but my flat would next to akihabara, I might get corrupted and turn to the loli side

>> No.9416408

OP is underage. Last year of 6th form is 17-18 but it hasn't started yet

>> No.9416417

It ended you fucking retard.
but the year cut off in september

I'm in the same year as OP

>> No.9416421

He said he's *about* to begin the last year. That means he's 17 or 18. Though isn't the age cut-off somewhere in August?

>> No.9416422

I'm 17, 18 in november, still doesnt answer my question though, I dont want to get over there, amd have to take supplementary classes, or becime a delinquent for a coupke if years.

>> No.9416426

Age cutiff is firstof september, and no one has answered the question, concentrate dammit.

>> No.9416429

>>9416417 here

Oh my bad

Get the fuck out.

>> No.9416430

I never know whether these kinds of posts are real or not.

>> No.9416433

OP what board are you from?

>> No.9416441

Ffs this postis real, I justneed to know if I need to start schoolwork now so I dont seem like a complete retard if I get there.

>> No.9416443

10 bucks on /v/.

>> No.9416446

> so I dont seem like a complete retard if I get there.
You will eitherway.

>> No.9416447

Im from /v/

>> No.9416449

Please explain how I will either way?

>> No.9416456

Who the fug are you quoting?

>> No.9416465

Britfag education is a joke compared to Japan. You're basically going to be the class retard, in an oppressive environment designed to kill any individuality.

>> No.9416473


>> No.9416477

Cut me some fucking slack, im typing on the worlds oldest netbook, (currently the only electronic good I can getmy hands on) and it takes me approxamitely a minute to click on anything.
I cant be asked to wait just so I can quote people.

>> No.9416481

im movin to jaypan! wish me luk guys xD

>> No.9416490

Get lost already.

>> No.9416489

Fuck, is it really that bad, currently, im second of my class and doing core 3&4 as well as starting further pure 1&2

>> No.9416492
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are you mentality retarded or you cant write a sentence without the word " fuck"?

>> No.9416494

>second of my class
You must be a real moron. Japs learn the equivalent of core 4 and pure 1 by 14, you're about 3 years behind.

>> No.9416497

I think you should learn Aikido before you go Japan.

>> No.9416501

Ahahaa, me too~
maybe we should co rent an appartment and sit around all day reading some kawaii manga and style our hair like the people from shoujo manga desudesudesudesu~

Take your bullshit to /b/
I came here for answers, not 12yr old boys.

>> No.9416503

How about correct sentence for you?
"Fuck you" :D

>> No.9416508

>does anyone know if the curriculum for highschool in japan
>im actually japanese

>> No.9416515

>not 12yr old boys
This board's only filled with 12 year old girls and younger.

>> No.9416516

I scrolled up, scrolled down, nobody actually bothered to show OP the right board.


This board is for Japanese media, not Japan in general.

>> No.9416520



Get out.

>> No.9416522

>I'm 17, 18 in november

Mod, where are you at?

>> No.9416524

NSJ doing nothing. How surprising.

>> No.9416541

The janitors left or were promoted or something. You'll need a new catchword.

>> No.9416545

..............so basucally, what youre telling me is that, no matter how I slice this, im going to look like an idiotic foreigner who couldnt find the volumeof my own ass.

>> No.9416556


>> No.9416553

If that's the case... NSM it is.

Just like in this thread.

>> No.9416562

Dammit, this is why we canthave nice things, how is our educational system so bad?!???

>> No.9416572

It's toned down because of idiots. Like you.

>> No.9416573

Because 99.99% of people don't need to calculate the volume of a sphere at any point in their lives.

>> No.9416584

Who cares, they don't need to know the capital of Tunisia or who the first king of France was, either. The educational system is a foundation for narrower choices later in life, even if the curricula are usually pretty stupid.

>> No.9416590
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OP-s current school

>> No.9416598


>> No.9416599

What do you suggest? Common sense classes or something? With the internet at your fingertips a lot of conventional education has become pointless.

>> No.9416603

Btw, I might have gotten the cores mixed up, right now, thestuff im doing is integration using various methods, shit like that, imaginary numbers, and trigonometry identities.

>> No.9416624

What? Japanese people haven't learnt calculus by 14.

The real difference between UK and Japan is that maths is compulsory until age 18 not 16, so everyone ends up learning calculus (C3 if I remember correctly) at least there.

>> No.9416627

>Common sense classes

Kind of. When I was at school, there was an optional course in critical thinking, and at the time I thought it was dumb. In retrospect it's something that's actually useful, because it's a foundation to build further learning on.

Basically, nothing specific. Mathematics is simple and one of the few things most schools get right. Everything else should be a general overview or start with basics. I don't see why King Henry VIII or clouds are deemed more important than a historical overview of England, or the scientific method.

Maybe they should just replace the curriculum entirely. Give kids a laptop and instructions on how to Google things, and maybe the occasional class on how not to be an idiot.

>> No.9416629

Do they teach calculus in high school?

>> No.9416630

Stop bumping this off-topic thread you sperglords.

>> No.9416632

>moving to japan from england
Why the fuck you want to do it? Japan is a shit if you are from a first world country.

Leave japan to dirty south americans living in shitty countries.

>> No.9416658

Because im japanese, I like it there, my family is there, the air tastes better, everything is cheaper and I can feel up 12 yr old grls on the trains :)

>> No.9416670

But yeah, whe you look at some of the towns, they look really poor on the outside, I dont know why, they just do, but the rustic feel in the small towns, the green mountains, skyscrapers in tokyo, I just love it. also, japan is a first world country

>> No.9416680

They had these "prepare you for work" type of classes here. I thought the idea was good, giving the kids some practical knowledge on how the world works, but of course it turned out to be useless bullshit.
The fact that I pretty much aced everything tells you that something is horribly wrong with the system. I'm really slow when it comes to learning complex stuff and outright terrible when it comes to figuring stuff out yourself.

>> No.9416682

>my family is there,
Who cares about a bunch of old people that will probably always see you as an outsider?
>the air tastes better,
No it doesn't, are you retarded?
everything is cheaper
Good luck eating meat without paying insane amounts.
>and I can feel up 12 yr old grls on the trains :)
No you can't.

Japan is an absolute shithole, designed to stunt any creative thought and turn everyone into the exact same person who will work forever, do overtime for free, and throw themselves in front of a train when it all gets too much.

>> No.9416699

Nice job blowing it asshole.
I always tell them how awesome Japan is. Sending them off to their demise with a smile on my face.

>> No.9416703


cannot into 4chan rules

>> No.9416722

If OP doesn't know enough culture to be able to simply google [ 帰国子女 経験談 高校 ] he's going to have trouble not being a faggot even if he does speak the language.

>> No.9416725

Maybe not tasre better, but, at least I dont freeze my ass off 350 days of the year.

Meat is expensive, but that only applies to beef.
Chicken and pork are shit cheap.
Plus only 5% VAT

Ive grown up with my family, I holiday about 2 months a year in japan, its how I fucking learnt japanese, if they hate me, they have a really weird way of showing it.

And idc, about suicides im generally a happy person, I dont give a shit if some dickhead wants to off himself.

>> No.9416726

But isn't that exactly what we want OP to do?

>> No.9416739

Also, if you dont like japan or its culture, why the fuck are you on /jp/?

>> No.9416743

Terrible argument.

>> No.9416747

OP, this really is the wrong place to ask. You're only going to get clueless responses and meme level criticisms of Japan that don't reflect reality like >>9416682.

If you understand Japanese, you should be asking fellow 帰国子女 in Japanese.

Things to read up on

You should also probably take TOEIC and/or 英検, JLPT, 漢検(at least 2級) if you plan on finding a Job in Japan. Just to prove your English skills and also prove that you're not one of those totally whitewashed ones that only speak カタコト and barely even read if not illiterate.

>> No.9416749

Because we like its media and *pop* culture?

>> No.9416753

We like the escapist fiction the Japs create to keep their minds of how shitty their lives and country is.

You're welcome.

>> No.9416768

Lol, youre not helping yourself, how can japanese people make such good escapist fiction, when the government and society actively do everything they can to stomp out individuality, creative thinking and imagination?

>> No.9416786

Google art made during the holocaust. Be amazed.

>> No.9416797


Weeaboo pls go

>> No.9416807

Thanks for he advice, but I dont know any, and I realky dont want to actively find any, incase I come off stalkerish.
Also, my speach is pretty good, but as for my reading and writing, I dont know that many kanji, maybe around the 1200 mark, since I dont read or have to write often, and apparently 1200, is like, 13-14yr old lvl kanji recognition, im not sure I could get a jlpt certificate :\

>> No.9416798

``We don't give a shit about Japan, we just like their media.''
--Tryhard /jp/er, weeaboo in denial

>> No.9416803
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JIDF detected

>> No.9416808


``Fucking /jp/, apparently they're the JAPAN board but when I made an epic Japan thread they saged it : ((( all they talk about is fucking porn games : ((( WEEBOOS!!!!''
--Suave gaijin-san, best poster on /jp/ 2012

>> No.9416813

Note how this guy tried significantly harder than the poster he parodied

>> No.9416852

We should all aspire to make the most mindless posts possible.

No, that wasn't right.

we shud mak nly psts with lest ffort possible LOL XDDDDD :)

>> No.9416851

I'm Japanese. Weeaboo does not apply.
Ask online.

Oshiete Goo
Ok Wave

Any of these will do. Tons of similar questions have been asked, so you probably don't even need to write out your own question. Just google.

Also, study the fuck out of not only Kanji, but jukugo, vocab (vocab used for talking withint he family at home is not enough in Japanese society at large), etc... read newspapers, books, and so on until you've got 常用漢字 down solid. Then, move on to 人名用漢字, and readings of names and places. (ex. 神楽 is not かみらく or しんらく but かぐら) Also, make sure to not brag about life in the UK, in fact, if possible try not to talk about it much unless asked. Some people have huge inferiority complexes, and you don't want to deal with it, even though there are plenty of people that are just fine. Same goes for the English language.

>> No.9416876

I would like to challenge the premise that Japanese can't be Weeaboos. That's like saying black people can't be niggers.

>> No.9416880

You're wrong, and that's a terrible analogy

>> No.9416886

Weeaboo = Wapanese = Wannabe Japanese

Japanese are actually Japanese, not wannabe.

>> No.9416898

>I don't understand it
>terrible analogy

>> No.9416912

Unless they don't want to be Japanese, they are still weeaboos.

>> No.9416918

Wannabe =/= want to be

>wan·na·be also wan·na·bee (wn-b, wôn-) >Informal
>1. One who aspires to a role or position.
>2. One who imitates the behavior, customs, or >dress of an admired person or group.
>3. A product designed to imitate the qualities or >characteristics of something.

>> No.9416920

Black people can't be wiggers. Same for japanese.

>> No.9416922

Black people can't be wiggers, though. Guess which word "wapanese" is derived from?

>> No.9416930

>wan·na·be also wan·na·bee (wn-b, wôn-) >Informal
>1. One who aspires to a role or position.
>2. One who imitates the behavior, customs, or >dress of an admired person or group.
>3. A product designed to imitate the qualities or >characteristics of something.

Tell me that these are not true for every Japanese person aspiring to be a member of society.

>> No.9416932


>> No.9416977

quality thread

>> No.9417063


>> No.9417796

Japanese people are Japanese wannabes.

Heard it first here on /jp/

>> No.9418404

This joke is older than /jp/. You should get out more.
