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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9411906 No.9411906[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I often worry that my next shitpost will be the one that kills /jp/ once and for all.

But I can't stop myself.

>> No.9411913

Keep posting anon.

Finish the job.

>> No.9411921
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You should worry. Listen to your King, take it easy, don't think, make shitposts.

>> No.9411956

Don't. Just don't shitpost.
Make relevant and constructive replies, and be excellent.
Try making /jp/ a better place, by being a better poster.

>> No.9411997

/jp/ deserves death now.

>> No.9412101

That's just trying to stop house from burning by pissing on it.

>> No.9412135

That's not the point. Sure, it does little to nothing, but you're doing your part in making /jp/ better.
Like a pretentious faggot would tell you, every drop in the ocean helps.

>> No.9412977
File: 62 KB, 514x387, furan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ne vous inquiétez pas tant, mon cher. Tout comme la façon dont vous ne pouvez pas réparer ce qui n'est pas brisé, vous ne pouvez pas briser ce qui est déjà rompu.

Il n'est pas nécessaire pour désespoir.

>> No.9413003

I told my self that I would stop shitposting last week, then I thought, why should I? Even if I contribute, I would be just contributing to a board full of /v/irgins who have nothing to do with otaku culture.

>> No.9413006

That's bad, because I hope that my next shitpost will the one that will finally end this hell.

>> No.9413013
File: 86 KB, 400x388, suigin_visits_france.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anatawa wa wot m8?

>> No.9413023

What is the fucking point?Contribute to who, for what?
I'd rather see this shit crumble and explode.

>> No.9413027
File: 78 KB, 641x868, e17d77edc990f501403aa00e3620dc8247091b0a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ is already dead

>> No.9413037

Not really, this comiket will determine that. If it's full of drama and elitist crap then I am outie.

>> No.9413041
File: 9 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel.

>> No.9413042

That's some surprenante google translate, mon frère.

>> No.9413046
File: 197 KB, 999x1000, marisagetout_huayi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>elitist crap
Go back to whatever forum you came from.

>> No.9413047

See ya. I'm not going to let "thank you" threadshitters and off-boarders into the threads.

>> No.9413062

Funny since this board consists of off-boarders shitting everywhere.

>> No.9413085

Thanks you board police.

>> No.9413095

Being elitist for the sake of being elitist is retarded. What's the word I am looking for? Oh right, tryhards.
I don't give a shit about thank you threads, I am just concerned about the drama. And you aren't protecting anything, this board is already garbage.

>> No.9413114

/jp/ doesn't really improve itself during Comikets, uploads will be slow and painful like always, drama will be rampant and then a couple months later everything will just pop up magically at the usual doujin blogs and file hosting directories.

December comiket is even worse.

>> No.9413124

I'm referring to off-boarders not "off-boarders".

>> No.9413126

>/jp/ doesn't really improve itself during Comikets

If anything, it gets worse

>> No.9413131

Is there any hope for this place?

>> No.9413135

This summer will be the worst yet.
There wont even be a touhou game coming out.

>> No.9413138

Has anyone considered writing a script to spam moot's inbox with emails about deleting /jp/?

>> No.9413139

A swift death instead of slowly and shamefully crawling to hell

>> No.9413144

But Tasofro has still to make an announcement next week. There's hope.

>> No.9413148

Nope. /r9k/ shit overshadows actual otaku culture. I still don't know what the board police is doing, guess they are out of duty.

>> No.9413154

Maybe they're adding in Nitori and Wriggle.

>> No.9413150

If I knew how to wirte scripts I'd do it

>> No.9413151

Hopefully it's for Grief Syndrome.

>> No.9413189

But it doesn't, can't fix what ain't broken.
Like a pretentiour faggot would tell you, >>>/a/.

>> No.9413231

Let him be delusional, he'll save /jp/ by shitting on it so others won't come near it.
