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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9410125 No.9410125[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ has become too mainstream for me

see you on /bun/ space weeaboos

>> No.9410130
File: 56 KB, 500x395, hipstertumblr_lmc237RSK51qfimtdo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


is more underground fool

>> No.9410133

That board gets more than 1 post per day
that's much faster than bun

>> No.9410137

more underground like a sewage line underneath a patrician's club

>> No.9410134

No U are weeaboo

>> No.9410139

Looks shitty as fuck

>> No.9410157

So let me get this straight:

On /jp/ you can post whatever you want as long as you:

a) sage your post
b) include a touhou pic
c) no child porn

It's like a /b/-/r9k/ hybrid spliced with sage and touhou images.

>> No.9410170

>b) include a touhou pic
>c) no child porn
this is either redundant or contradictory. fix your shit.

>> No.9410173

As long as it's not an original contribution, yes.
