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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9404984 No.9404984 [Reply] [Original]

Should I give up on my dream to learn Japanese, /jp/?

I have only just started, but yesterday I spent about four hours working on it and I was only able to memorize 74 of the 208 characters in the kana worksheet on memrise.

Is this pathetic? I've heard people on /jp/ saying that they learned the whole kana in only 6 hours and I'm not even 50% through the list. Does someone like me stand a chance at learning kanji?

>> No.9404986
File: 4 KB, 50x100, STIL0016.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You memorized 74?

Good job. Is this your first time learning another language?

Please keep up the good work, it's not meant to be easy!

>> No.9404996
File: 50 KB, 618x396, 1339823289537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't news. This is a fucking blog post. Please don't ever fucking use that picture again OP.

>> No.9405000

Don't say mean words.

>> No.9405007

Why would you compare yourself to unfounded claims made by random people? And even disregarding that, it doesn't matter. The entire point of self study is being able to go at your own speed.

>> No.9405010

It took me one week to learn all the Hiragana. Don't feel bad. If you really want to learn it, you will.

>> No.9405017 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 499x281, 2152436_1320914054029.92res_500_281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


74 kana in one day is very good to say the least, especially if you're just getting into it with the hiragana. There's no need to fret, the best thing is to not give up. Giving up or simply "taking a break" will ultimately lead to your failure, so keep pressing on at whatever rate you are most comfortable with! You're doing just fine, don't worry.

>> No.9405019

Wait, since when did they have 208 kana?

>> No.9405024

Just keep it up and you will get there.

What's important is that you're making progress - it's not a race against others or something. 6 Hours sounds a bit ridiculous though, especially if they were meaning 100% retention with zero mistakes.

Honestly I don't think Kanji is as bad as people make out. Even if you do find it hard to remember Kanji, daily SRS and even learning a few characters a day you will eventually learn them all.

>> No.9405025
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Friendly Reminder: Please remember to use kind alternatives when swearing on /jp/. Mean words can hurt feelings so it's best to use a friendly alternative. Here's a few fun examples to get you started, you can use fugging, fuq, or fug.

Have fun and remember to be kind to others whenever you can!

>> No.9405031

Nah, nerd.

>> No.9405033

Thats the worst 2hu.

>> No.9405039

I guess he counted in all those modifiers and other bullshit.

>> No.9405040
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>> No.9405044

That's a really poorly drawn image of Tenshi then.

>> No.9405047

only the top ones count

>> No.9405053

OP confirmed for nerd. All you need to do is know how they work and you'll be fine.

>> No.9405087

I have bad short and medium term memory, so short study sessions like that don't do much for me. However, I have a godly long term memory, so once I know something, I fucking know it. Took me a while to get the kana, but now I can easily go through them all.

Keep at it, as long as you make *some* progress, you're making progress and will get there if you persist.

>> No.9405088

Kana is the hard part. It gets much easier.

Everyone says that kanji is hard, but it really isn't. It just takes a long time. Kanji is logographic and kana is phonetic. The appearance of every kanji character directly relates to its meaning, but kana characters represent phonetic sounds which require abstract mnemonics to remember. I found it much easier to remember kanji because all you have to do is understand the connection between the appearance of the character and the meaning and then you will understand it forever.

>> No.9405114

Never give up on your dreams!

It's very rewarding to learn a second language, especially Japanese. I don't even have to go outside since Japanese translation work on microworker sites pays above minimum wage.

>> No.9405166

I hope memrise won't start making people pay because it happens every time.

>> No.9405174

>not using Anki

>> No.9405179

>fugging, fuq, or fug.

Fuck off you goddamn retard, stop trying to force your EPIC FINLAND memes

>> No.9405183

Who are you quoting?

>> No.9405193

>they learned the whole kana in only 6 hours

I find this incredibly hard to believe.
The fact that you got as far as you have to me shows you're far better at this than I am. So no, I don't think it pathetic, and yes you do 'stand a chance'.

>> No.9405204

>myself, obviously

>> No.9405200
File: 161 KB, 1141x829, 1342415081510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learned hiragana over the course of maybe 4 separate 1 hour study sessions, learned the katakana much quicker at about 2-3 hours in one day at college between classes

>> No.9405205

Who are you quoting?

>> No.9405206
File: 113 KB, 788x739, wateryourplants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anki doesn't have pretty flowers to encourage me to keep learning though. I have to practice or they will die.

>> No.9405210


yeah that's what I like about memrise, and the email reminders.

>> No.9405215


Can't you see that he is desperate for some water? Water him! Right now!

>> No.9405217

That's kinda cute

On a related note I'm starting again with Kanji after I didn't review for a month.

I hope I can stick to it this time.

>> No.9405220

>not meant to be easy
Are you saying language was created for the purpose of challenge?

>> No.9405221
File: 5 KB, 80x80, xyph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why would you compare yourself to unfounded claims made by random people?

>learned hiragana over the course of maybe 4 separate 1 hour study sessions, learned the katakana much quicker at about 2-3 hours in one day at college between classes

>> No.9405224

Oh god I haven't checked my memrise in seven months..

>> No.9405223

Why not just get real plants? Surely an actual consequence would be better if you really need motivation like that.

>> No.9405226

The people who claim to have memorised kana in 6 hours are probably lying. You've done better than me, OP.

>> No.9405234

>I've heard people on /jp/ saying that they learned the whole kana in only 6 hours
Protip: those are massive lies.

>> No.9405248

But isn't that just about all of them? I mean you don't actually have to memorise absolutely all of them since if you know one, you know the other. Anyway, that's pretty remarkable, you sound like a hard worker! Your potential is definitely on the money!

>> No.9405250

It's possible to learn the kana in a day, but you have to be on drugs. I did it with memrise in a day, non-stop the whole day without breaks, but I was on a large amount of adderall.

I don't see how it could be possible without drugs.

>> No.9405267

Does memrise have something like this for kanji too or is it just kana? I want to water plants too

>> No.9405274

Pretty sure it has decks just like Anki has

I prefer to make my own decks though, for Kanji especially.

>> No.9405276


Are there plants substitutes for these drugs?
I heard about Gingko tea once, but that may be much weaker...

>> No.9405279

they really, really aren't

not my fault you have aspergers or whatever. OP is on track to learn them all in 6 hours anyway, there aren't actually 200 kana, there's like 80-90 or something. those extras are because that specific memrise course tries to get you to learn all the dakuten and etc individually and not just learn the rules which is kind of dumb

>> No.9405298


Any kind of stimulant will work to varying degrees, but I don't really think there's any substitute that isn't either prescribed or illegal.

From my experience the main difference between weaker stimulants (types of plants, energy drinks, coffee, etc) and prescription or illegal stimulants is that the first one will keep you awake and give you energy, but the second will do the same thing but it also gives you motivation and this ability to lock onto everything you do like you're a human homing missile.

That's how it helped me learn. Under normal circumstances I would have been bored after an hour, but I couldn't pull myself away and I just was glued to practicing it over and over again for maybe 13 hours straight. It felt like the most interesting thing in the whole world.

Can you get a prescription from your doctor? If you live in the U.S then they hand it out like candy.

>> No.9405299

I think there's a flaw in your reasoning, just saying.

>> No.9405302

I think you're an idiot, just saying.

>> No.9405303

it's like an english course trying to tell a student that "don't" and "do not" are different phrases to be memorized seperately, and not just teaching them the rules of contractions

>> No.9405314


what? especially >>9405303

>> No.9405328

Do you have autism?

>> No.9405352

That's not really the same though. Those rules of contractions become obvious to you just by looking at characters. I doubt anyone is not picking up on the obvious patterns or something.

>> No.9405385


>those extras are because that specific memrise course tries to get you to learn all the dakuten and etc

Why not learn them though? They're very easy. You're either combining two of the characters you already and it makes sense and it's very easy to remember. Very simple and fun. き = Ki ゅ= Yu きゅ = Kyu

If you're learning Handakuten then just replace the first sound with a "p" sound for any recognizable character with a circle next to it. Dakuten is slightly more difficult, but it's a slight shift of the characters you already learned based on a few simple rules like s sounds become a z sound and t sounds become a d sound.

Just takes like an extra hour.

>> No.9405407

He's right, though. If you know ゆ、よ、and や、 then applying them to other characters to make characters like きゅ、きょ and きゃ is pretty much common sense; treating them like entirely separate characters when they're just two characters that you already know mashed together is just a waste of time.By all means review the rules and give them a once-over, but if you bothered learning your kana correctly in the first place then it won't take more than that once-over to familiarize yourself with them.

>> No.9405427

But dakutens *are* obvious patterns.

Ka ki ku ke ko.
Ga gi gu ge go.

Not that hard.

>> No.9405438

It doesn't take that much effort. It took me a week at an hour or two a day to learn both hiragana and katakana. Just go over them and write them a bunch of times and then review them with flash cards. Don't do it all at once because you won't be able to retain the information as well. All you really need is to learn the essential kana, then apply the dakuten and whatnot during the flash card sessions to pick up on the rules quickly.

I'm lazy as fuck, so if you can't even accomplish this, you should give up.

>> No.9405442

I think I'm losing my mind or something

I never claimed they weren't obvious patterns

I don't even know what this argument is anymore or what other people think it is

>> No.9405452

Because it's stupid.

Instead of learning that か=ka, き=ki, く=ku, け=ke, こ=ko, が=ga, ぎ=gi, ぐ=gu, げ=ke, ご=go, and treating them like they're all seperate characters, you should teach the student that か=ka, き=ki, く=ku, け=ke, こ=ko, and k゛ = g. See how much less work that is?

>> No.9405484


Eh, that's actually pretty good. Don't be impatient. The real frustrating stuff will come soon enough. Don't stop because of such trivialities.

>> No.9405591


You do learn that though? As you're looking at them a pretty clear pattern emerges within a few minutes of starting. There's no real need for teaching since you can just observe it.

>> No.9405705

That's what he was getting at. The Dakuten, Handakuten, etc. can all basically be extrapolated through common sense once you know that ゛ changes the consonant and go over what each consonant changes into.

>> No.9405884


I could get prescriptions, but I would rather not go to the doctor.

Here is what I've found so far, has you (or anyone) taken one of these? How do they compare:

- Gingko
- Methylhexanamine
- Vitamin B3
- Ephedra
- Meclofenoxate

>> No.9405968


gingko tea is WEAK.
Well, perhaps you could drink a liter...

>> No.9405994


I've tried gingko and B3 before. Pretty sure that a lot of energy drinks contain gingko too. Can't really say that they compare though.

It's a totally different feeling. Part of the reason why amphetamines or similar drugs like cocaine and meth work so well is because they give you a degree of euphoria, confidence, and this strange ability to see even the most mundane things as extremely interesting. Most stimulants just make you wide awake and alert, but that's not really good enough to motivate you to actually want to do stuff.

It's that euphoric and hyperconfident "I can wrestle a bear and conquer the world, I love everything" feeling of stimulants that makes them so great for studying. You just lock onto everything that you do and absolutely love it. Don't really get that from anything else, especially not anything that isn't prescription or illegal.

>> No.9406036
File: 349 KB, 600x600, 1326750574846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only person who had trouble with katakana?

First I spend all this time memorizing which sound goes with which character and then all of the sudden I got to remember a whole new group of characters that make the same exact sounds but look completely different.

>> No.9406043


What about Methylhexanamine, Ephedra and Meclofenoxate?

After all, not everything that is illegal has always been illegal.

>> No.9406049

Katakana sucked. They just didn't click like hiragana did. That said: exposure, exposure, exposure. Just like kanji, once you look them up enough, they will stick.

>> No.9406054

The Gods created language in order to separate man and oppress us.

The barriers of culture, language, and social conduct continue to restrain man from achieving our full potential.

The best we can do is learn other languages.

>> No.9406057

I like red vein thai kratom, it's nice and speedy, and makes repetitive boring tasks fun.

>> No.9406059

Nope; I hate those little shitcunts.

>> No.9406061


I still think a Babel Tower should be constructed

>> No.9406063 [DELETED] 



>> No.9406070

I had trouble with シツ ソン 

I generally did find Katakana a little slower to stick than Hiragana though.

My hate at the moment though is when something decides to use some silly stylized font that takes a while for me to read

>> No.9406064

I started learning Japanese seriously just over 3 years ago. Fast forward to present and I'm nearing fluency and passed my first interview in Japanese a couple of weeks ago.

You can do it OP.

>> No.9406083


handwriting is NIGHTMARE

>> No.9406086


katakana is definitely harder than hiragana because half the characters look nearly identical

>> No.9406090

Can you give a rough guess of how many words and kanji you know?

>> No.9406094


This helps A LOT.

>> No.9406098

I know 1600+ kanji and stil use Rikaichan for some katakana words. Get on my level, scrubs.

>> No.9406126

This is how I remembered them (please don't make fun of me):
1. so - I remember it because it's vertical stroke is "so" steep.
2. n - It's "n"ot steep.
3. shi - It's a little out of the way, but my head thinks "shi (she) is getting sexually penetrated horizontally". The two marks form the shaft of the penis.
4. tsu - It's not shi and it looks like a smiley face. It's also the one that is miniaturized in order to double a consonant.

Maybe that helps? I don't have any trouble with them so long as it's printed.

>> No.9406144

You need persistence.
/jp/ said I was crap too 4 years ago when I told them I was learning about 4 words a day. I kept that up and now I can play Japanese imports fine and I come here and everyone else gave up. You're running a marathon not a sprint.

>> No.9406161

>everyone else gave up

No, I didn't. You're still crap.

>> No.9406196

anyone have an efficient way to learn kanji? I fill an a4 piece of paper with one, and it takes ages to do but i never forget after that. unfortunately i am averaging 2 kanji a day, which is not ok.

>> No.9406210
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I haven't tried it myself, but it seems like some people had good experiences with ephedra. It's worth a try.


Couldn't find much on the other two.

If those don't work and you really don't like going to the doctors then there's always the silkroad though. Just loaded up tor to check though and it seems like the current price is around 2.14 bitcoins (roughly 17 dollars) for 20mg and that's ridiculous. That's good for maybe 6 hours of studying at the most.

I take 30mg a day and without any insurance it's about probably around 80 dollars a month for the 30mg bottle filled with 60 pills, so those prices are crazy.

>> No.9406217
File: 249 KB, 1024x765, XRw6t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u cant lern if ur a dum niugger, op
sry 2 saye

>> No.9406218

I fucking hate to use a /v/ meme, but

>that feel when 160 IQ

Haha learning this shit is easy.

>implying IQ means anything

>> No.9406236
File: 13 KB, 480x360, 456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take your time,its not a race.Everyone learns different.
You will probably start catching up things faster the more you put time into it.

>> No.9406244


>4 words a day

Did you study for 10 minutes a day? It's nice that you learned, but four years is a long time.

>> No.9406246 [DELETED] 

To be 16 again...

>> No.9406249

Uhh... I can read about 20,000 words, written using about 2700 kanji. I can write 1700 or so of those.

>> No.9406283

I've never realized how little kanji there are until now, compared to that vocabulary. Good job, anon!

>> No.9406280


I will try Ephedra then. Hopefully I can get it cheap.

>> No.9406289

So should I focus on learning phonetic Japanese first, or focus on both Moonspeak and Moonrunes at the same time?

Self teaching with possibly some electives in community college.

>> No.9406304
File: 86 KB, 1280x720, 1340196039982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm so smart that I don't even know what my IQ is. That's right, I'm a renegade. The teachers couldn't handle me since I was too controversial, too volatile, too dangerous and they sent me packing, but then I went home and taught myself everything at a rate faster than all of my peers.

Self-taught, motherfugger. I am the dragon, the lone wolf, the maverick, the warrior of knowledge, a shaolin walking alone down these roads of wisdom. My intellect cannot be condensed into a number on some sheet from a test that THE MAN wants me to take.

>> No.9406311

Both. Kanji complements vocabulary, so it's two for one.

>> No.9406317

Thanks you guys gave me some nice stuff to look at, been trying to learn japanese for a while, but most sites only offered it for people who already knew a bit, you guys gave me quite some stuff to work on ^__^

And stay stong OP, 74 is pretty much, try to do 74 pushups right now!
It's that much!

Never give up too soon and resent yourself later for it! The only losers in life are quitters, failers are still winners in my eyes. Keep going! Someday you might point a Japanese man on his grammar mistakes :P

>> No.9406320

get the fuck out. you could of phrased that any number of ways and you chose the retarded one.

>> No.9406323

The picture for this made me lose my shit.

All I was implying was that a higher IQ made it easier to learn a language quicker.

I'm shitposting and there's nothing you can do to stop me!

>> No.9406330

Any recommended teaching materials? Starting on Genki next week.

>> No.9406345

Don't give up, dude.
You're doing better than I would be, I can't memorise shit. I have to derive formulae in exams sometimes because my memory is that bad.

>> No.9406349

Namasensei is fun to watch, but he isn't for everyone and makes some mistakes though.
This is another great place.

>> No.9406357


Tae Kim and Kanjidamage. Also, try reading moeges with ITH. They are easy to read and you have something were you can test your skills with. It's more important than you might think. A lot of people learn the language for years and still can't use it just because they never use it. Turns out, you can't learn a language in a vacuum.

>> No.9406356

>kanpai...you bitches.

I laughed cause I'm an idiot. Subbed.

And thanks anon!

>> No.9406360

>Tae Kim
Is it just the webpage or is there a pdf somewhere?

>> No.9406365

>moeges with ITH

I'm new at this...what?

>> No.9406371


Stop using the spoiler function incorrectly

>> No.9406372


>> No.9406382

>makes some mistakes

Which is exactly why he shouldn't watch it. Bad habits are persistent. Seriously, I see no reason why anyone should watch Namasensei instead of learning it from a respectable source like Tae Kim.

>> No.9406387

What mistakes does he do?

>> No.9406396


Some really elementar grammar stuff like telling people だ is the same thing as です.

>> No.9406403

I'm not too cultured, but so far I've seen they work the same way. When do you use one instead of the other?

>> No.9406408


>a higher IQ made it easier to learn a language quicker.

Languages are easy though. Look around at all of the people in the world. There are so many idiots in the U.S alone, but almost every single one of them is fluent in English and knows how to read and write.

Just look at me, I'm a fucking moron. I'm 20 years old and don't even have a grasp of basic math, I can barely do algebra and sometimes I count with my fingers. Learning Japanese was a breeze for me though.

IQ is pretty much irrelevant when it comes to language learning. Focus is the only thing that matters at all. If you can focus and if you practice a lot then you can learn any language. How fast you learn the language itself depends on how much you're willing to practice and how focused you are because a distracted mind retains very little of what it learns.

Take some guy with an incredibly high IQ and force him to study a language for a couple hours a day and then take a complete idiot who couldn't even get through highschool, load him up on stims so he won't pick his nose or start jacking off or something, and he will happily study whatever language you put in front of him for the next dozen hours.

He will completely blow away the guy with the high IQ and learn the language years before the other guy. When it comes to language learning it has very little to do with intelligence, but everything to do with focus and time spent.

>> No.9406429
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, 1342371664981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can do it, OP. I believe in you!

>> No.9406433


They act the same way if you put them to the end of a sentence (through だ sounds more forcefull), you still have to you だ in subordinate clause even if you want to talk polite. Also, you can't use だ with か and you can't put it on i-adjectives, you can, however, use です in that situations. But that's not really important for you yet. If you insist on videos, take this: http://www.youtube.com/user/taekimjapanese?feature=results_main

I still think the written word is superior to learn stuff, but maybe that's just subjective.

>> No.9406437
File: 308 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita - 03 [C2E1C969].mkv_snapshot_21.21_[2012.07.19_15.01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disappear, bakemono!

>> No.9406440


> I count with my fingers

So do I and I have a pretty decent understanding of math. What's the problem?

>> No.9406456


Can someone change the book to SICP?

>> No.9406450

Is there anything grammar related that Tae Kim doesn't cover? Is there anywhere else I should go after him for it? Or will I be good to go, just needing kanji and vocabulary until I'm fluent?

>> No.9406451

>I still think the written word is superior to learn stuff
It is when you use kanji.
Fucking kanji. At least they make it easier, just imagine a kana only nihongo.

>> No.9406463

Does anyone know how to pronounce じゅ ?

My card says it should be jyu, but there's no sound file. Does it really sound exactly like "jew" or does it sound different? Things always sound completely different when I hear a Japanese person say it. I still can't properly make the tsu sound, I either sound like I'm about to spit or I'm saying "sue"

>> No.9406470 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 657x889, kanjifourth.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The amount of pain that would bring to my brain would be enough to crush all of my neurons into a pulp. There's a reason why kanji was created and derived, and I'm more than willing to learn without complaining.

>> No.9406478

Kana only Japanese would just be nonsense honestly.

>> No.9406484

It's pronounced "jue" as in "due" I think.

>> No.9406495

It's just pronounced ju, no y throwing the u.

>> No.9406489

What I wonder about that is the difference between "jyu" and "yu".
No IME here, sorry

>> No.9406503 [DELETED] 

Don't give up Anon ;_;

>> No.9406506
File: 58 KB, 1280x720, 1342371664990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't bully me..

>> No.9406507


Stop using the spoiler function incorrectly

>> No.9406508


How could you ever confuse the difference between jyu and yu?

>> No.9406511


じゅ sounds like "Jew" , ゆ sounds like "You".

>> No.9406515


I just can't do it for some reason. I have a limited understanding of programming and the math that I learned while doing that was surprisingly easy to understand, but when I see a worksheet of math problems or if I try to watch a math related lecture then my brain just begins to cry and my eyes glaze over.

It's something about all those numbers and those math words that sound like gibberish to.

>Take (math word) and then (math word) it while carrying over the 4, but don't forget to (math word) this so that you can solve for the (math word) and now I will draw some elaborate shapes that look confusing and I'll put some letters around it and then you do this, this, and that and here's the answer.

It's like watching an incredibly boring magician that is speaking in a language that I don't really understand.

>> No.9406514

I mean the pronuntiation.
I'm not american native, so I don't know that one either.
made you look

>> No.9406518


fuk off wif ur spoilers

>> No.9406523
File: 1.88 MB, 1562x1647, japanese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9406524

______ ___________________ the ___a___.
Made you look

>> No.9406525

>I don't know that one either.

You can read and write English but you don't know how to pronounce it? Guess I can't help you.

>> No.9406526


Go back to basics. It can be interesting, you just don't have the basis.

>> No.9406535

Yeah, that's exactly what I meant.

How could you think that jyu and yu would sound in anyway the same?

Pronunciation being ju and yu. There you go. Japanese pronunciation is ridiculously easy.

>> No.9406540


>> No.9406544



>> No.9406548

I-I've never been out of my country ;_;
Actually, it may be an innate problem. "ll" and "y" are pronounced kinda similarly in my language, but there's a difference. I can't pronounce it. It could be the same.

>> No.9406550

not bullshit. it works.

>> No.9406552


That would make sense. I did pretty much sleep through my early education. By the time I started paying attention I had no idea what they were saying.

>> No.9406556


You are a fucking idiot.

>> No.9406560

>"ll" and "y"

>> No.9406568


>> No.9406576


Using thick sticks to hunt your food in the woods also works. In reality, it's much easier to go to a supermarket.

>> No.9406597

Half of the stuff in that guide is a waste of fucking time.

>> No.9406726


Why does this guide tell you to learn grammar before kanji?

>> No.9406775


>rosetta stone


>> No.9406828
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74 a day is extraordinarily good. And I think OP knows it and he's just bragging around how awesome he is, pretending he thinks it's bad and posting Rika for cue effect.

>> No.9407008
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I'll never understand why people look at video lessons for this. Namasensei is entertaining, but it takes 10 minutes to introduce you to a handful of characters. In that time you could have familiarized yourself with maybe 20-30 characters.

This shit is simple. In the next five minutes I'll write the best guide that I've ever seen and it will only take two steps to get anyone to fluency.

Stage 1: The Blitzkrieg
KEEP MOVING AND KEEP KILLING, DON'T STOP. Disregard all that bullshit about information overload and taking breaks and all that garbage. Get anki or go to memrise or whatever. DRILL IT IN. GO. GO. GO. Don't stop until you're done. Blow kana out of the way and then start beating the shit out of kanji. Don't give an inch. Re-drill everything every single day, never take a break day, and always acquire new characters as you constantly secure your old characters. Burnout is a word invented by people who gave up. Keep drilling until your eyes are bleeding.

Stage 2: Secure the captured territories.
Re-drill your old work often so you don't forget. Now you need to learn grammar so get genki, something else, it doesn't matter. Next up is basic vocab. All this shit is simple, the war is already won. You're just mopping up now. Now start playing visual novels, expand your vocab as you go, and don't stop or you forget it all.

>> No.9407038
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sieg heil desu

>> No.9407051

It took me 5 months to learn the kana.

>> No.9407056

Think of it this way. I could learn kana all in one go, then go watch some comedy shows. Or I could learn kana slowly but at the same time get the entertainment from nama-sensei. I guess either way is good.

>> No.9407065

Holy shit I haven't felt this much motivation since I learned 200 words in a week that one time.

>> No.9407072

Woah calm down there,
that sounds an awful lot like hard work

I've been trying to avoid that my whole life

>> No.9407082

I wouldn't really recommend rushing like that with Kanji.

Most people will burn out if they try and rush ~2000 Kanji and also suffer from poor retention

>> No.9407083

I think everybody has tried that at least once (not necessarily with Japanese). When I did, I forgot half the shit I did.

>> No.9407119
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>> No.9407124
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>1)Learn 46 Hiragana and 50 Katakana. Use mnemonics. This will take 7 to 21 days.
>2) Learn 2000 2136 Kanji. This will take 100 to 365 days

How does this happen? It's from Aeuru's idiotic Japanese guide. 7-21 days to learn the kana though and AN ENTIRE YEAR for kanji? What the fuck was she doing? I'm just picturing all of these retarded weeaboos sitting around with panda hats and slowly practicing stroke order over and over again for the five characters they know.

It just doesn't seem possible that people can take this long to memorize something that should take any person three days. Do they just spend 10 minutes practicing and then pat themselves on the back and call it a day?

>> No.9407154


>> No.9407155
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This thread being on the front page is perfect.

Could a kind anon translate these for me?

First time on this board and i assumed you guys were the right people to ask to.

>> No.9407169

Stop being rude.
I've got really crappy visual memory, and learning kanji takes me a long time.

>> No.9407162


You are too arrogant. I won't help!

>> No.9407177

Hiragana and Katakana in a week at most, and that's going slowly.

Kanji? Yes, they take longer to learn properly. Especially when you delve into whatever readings and such you decide to learn. A few months for 2000 Kanji is fine, depending on what readings you learn.

>> No.9407174

sick dubs, man!! EPIC :------DDDDD

>> No.9407175

No! Something something something something!

>> No.9407183



>> No.9407189


The delight of being inserted with semen

>> No.9407201

Wrong board, kiddo

>> No.9407262


I assume you are legit.

Thanks a bunch!

>> No.9407286


Poor retention comes from not doing enough practice though, people often think that it's from some kind information overload but that's just an easy excuse for them to do even less practice than they already were.

You need to reinforce and secure the knowledge that you have gained. Say that you blitzkrieg and introduce yourself to 50 or more characters in a single day. You're going to forget them all if you stop right now and go to bed, but that's why you don't do that. You do it all over again. Practice, drill, constantly review. Everything you learn should be re-drilled dozens of times within the day of learning it and then even more times in the following days and months. There's this idea floating around that it's best to take things in small little bites and learn everything at a snail's pace and you can do that if you want, but it will take years to get any where.

I smashed that shit into my head when I was learning. I was burned out, I wasn't having fun, I wanted to do something else, but I kept smashing my head against it and I never gave it an inch because I wasn't going to let another year go by and then look back and regret that I did nothing but masturbate and settle for playing translated games.

Anyone can blitzkrieg a language, doesn't matter who you are or how intelligent you are. As long as you keep pushing and you constantly refresh your memory by re-drilling and reviewing what you've already learned then there's nothing that can stop you from learning all of this shit in a fraction of the time that it takes everybody else to learn it.

>> No.9407436


Isn't this one of the pictures from those online translation jobs? Do your own work

>> No.9407441

>It's from Aeuru's idiotic Japanese guide.

No, it's not her guide.

>> No.9407476

I heard the exact same thing said 50 times in different wording on several different sites before starting Japanese. This method didn't work and I ended up forgetting everything. Then I found out about Namasensei. It took longer to learn the kana, but I had a lot of fun with it in the process.

>> No.9407526

Namasensei is a good way to start because he can pique your interest, but for the love of christ stop once he's gone through a few sets of characters and whatever you do don't imitate his writing; it's meh-tier at best and he's already fucking drunk in the videos. Tae Kim is the best way to go as far as writing is concerned; he has worksheets you can print out.

>> No.9407528

DIfferent people, different styles. I could never learn something from a full blown retard like Namasensei. Not that anyone needs help with something trivial like kana.

>> No.9407530

Anyone can learn Japanese. We're humans and we are all capable speaking any language. We just have to take the time and learn the language. Adapt to the language. Feel the language. Get with the language.

Japanese speak Japanese because that is what they grew up with. We just so happen to grow up with English/french/german/etc.

It's not impossible nor is it difficult. It just takes time. Shit takes time mah nigga. If you rush shit and complain about not getting anywhere in 1 day of work you're rushing yourself and will never make it.

Slow the fuck down. Actually try and enjoy what your doing because you will be doing this for a few months. If you treat yourself bad on your journey through Japanese I doubt you'll make it through. Japanese kids spend 6 years learning Joyo kanji.

Take your fucking time if you want to remember this shit.

I do 10 kanji a day and this surely pays off on the long run. If I did 25-50+ kanji a day I'd start getting tired and not wanting to do this shit.

>> No.9407535

I wouldn't recommend attempting to learn a language without drugs to help you. Honestly I really I don't know how people can do it without them.

I've tried to do my reps without drugs and I'm 80% slower and not motivated at all. With drugs my mind just clicks with it and I'm learning 100-200 characters a day and retaining it all no problem.

>> No.9407554

Which drugs?

>> No.9407562

What drugs? I may order some from silkroad and try it for myself.

>> No.9407573

10 a day is a good number, when I was studying kanji I went with something similar.
Also, something I did which helped a lot when I wanted to practice is:
For every kanji you learn, write a word (in kana) that'll help you remember the kanji.
For example say you learn 待つ then you can write しょうたい.
Then when you practice you go through the list writing all kanjis down. And you're both:
Remembering the more "uncommon" reading (tai in here), and also practicing the kanji itself, AND potentially learning words.

Eventually if you feel like rushing, I found 20 a day to be my limit.
Unless you really have a lot of time to practice.
2o is a good number though, after one or two months you should be able to do something.

>> No.9407581

>-Sometimes childish, makes me question if it's accurate
>-The order you learn kanji is kind of fucked up, similar to heisig, they group them by radical and teach them like that. The bad news is that you will learn some rare kanji at first, like 姦(8) 旨(24) 昆(25) 唱(26) You know, now that I look at these, a big bunch of these ones at the beginning are ones I learned around the 1500 mark.
>Meanwhile, ones like 建, 事, 書, 高, 調 are at the 1600 mark. Thats a big problem, because those are common kanji used for simple words.

>Simply based on that last reason alone I would not recommend it. Its the same problem with Remembering the Kanji. Instead of learning in order of frequency, you learn in order of the radicals.

>This is why I recommend going in order of JLPT 4->3->2->1. 4 and 3 are basically kanji I see every day, where as kanji in 1 (that are not in 2, 3, 4) are so rare I have seen them only a few times in my life. Some of those I have still yet to see at all.

Oh god, please say that this is trolling.

>> No.9407583


>> No.9407595

Aren't websites like that almost all scams? And the rest I imagine are just honeypots. I mean shit, any place that openly advertises crack, cocaine, or meth for sale in a simple web shopping interface makes me raise an eyebrow.

>> No.9407600


>> No.9407601

an old friend of mine was disgustingly good with scientific subjects, he's probably on his way to finish CS or engineering these days, but his foreign language skills were ass. Maybe he just didn't give a fuck about learning that?

>> No.9407605

Doesn't namasensei only cover a couple hiragana? I don't understand what's so great about him. He's funny, but it takes a day or two to learn all of that. Don't really need a series on it

>> No.9407629

Please tell me the drug names.

>> No.9407632

Keep up the work. It's a long ride, but immerse yourself. Listen to all Japanese music when you study, or if you can't concentrate with music, ambient NHK radio or something playing softly.

Once you learn kana, decipher whatever kana you see anywhere. Don't know the vocab? Who cares! You are practicing kana! Do kanji the same way.

If you are serious about this, take classes. These may be filled with weeaboos who just want to be able to watch raw anime, and some will be very vocal about this (Pretend you don't care about anime or manga, the teacher will love you!), but keep at it. The US classifies Japanese as the hardest (Yes, the HARDEST. No languages compare.) to learn for English speakers, but you can do it. Plenty of people have.

Most of all, don't give up. No breaks. Take regular times to learn. I take an hour minimum before bed, and sometimes I get so immersed I take a couple more hours.

Make Japanese friends, and ask them for help. As long as you don't come off as a weeaboo NEET, you'll be fine.

Best of luck, fair anon.

>> No.9407634

>> No.9407637

Keep up the work. It's a long ride, but immerse yourself. Listen to all Japanese music when you study, or if you can't concentrate with music, ambient NHK radio or something playing softly.

Once you learn kana, decipher whatever kana you see anywhere. Don't know the vocab? Who cares! You are practicing kana! Do kanji the same way.

If you are serious about this, take classes. These may be filled with weeaboos who just want to be able to watch raw anime, and some will be very vocal about this (Pretend you don't care about anime or manga, the teacher will love you!), but keep at it. The US classifies Japanese as the hardest (Yes, the HARDEST. No languages compare.) to learn for English speakers, but you can do it. Plenty of people have.

>> No.9407641
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what a load of crock

>> No.9407675

idk if anyone has posted this yet, but ajatt is the number one method for learning japanese independently. google it! cheers and good luck :D

>> No.9407743

You're doing great OP. I managed the learn the hiragana in 1 week or so. Just take it easy and don't try to learn all at once. Remember, the faster you're trying to learn something the faster you will forget it.
For grammar try the "An introduction to japanese - syntax, grammar and language" which can be found here
For written texts in Japanese try the book "Japanese for today". For kanji learning try jisho.org and then review it with Anki. "Kanji de Manga" is fine too. Try learning the kanji by radicals starting from the most simple and making your way up. Because those complicated are just a bunch of simple put together.
For grammar words try "The dictionaries for basic, intermediate and advanced grammar" (3 books) by Seichi Makino and Michio Tsutsui.
For vocabulary everything else. Just remember to learn words in kanji (because kanji is what matters). Genki for example includes kanji in vocabulary from third lesson so when you learn the word try learning the kanji. Once you learn the kanji do the exercises in Genki/[insert book here] by writing the kanji.
Take your time and don't compare yourself with others. If you want make some short term goals or deadlines to keep yourself motivated. Say learn ten kanji in one week. Quality, not quantity matters. I believe in you.

>> No.9407763 [DELETED] 

guys, i'm done with all the kana

should i go for grammar(genki books) next or straight to kanji?

>> No.9407807


Have you tried it before? Stranger things have happened, my friend. I can attest to drugs being wonderful for language learning. I'm learning languages right now! So far I have memorized about 40 characters in the last hour and many more characters before that hour. I can see it in my head. Crystal clear, burned right into my mind's eye. The image appears before on the flashcard and BAM! I know what it is.

The connections are forming, the mind is zooming, it's so fast it's a blur. Is it going left? Is it going right? Who knows! It's flying by like a train off the tracks! Absorbing everything it sees! Zoom! Zoom! Zoom!

And now for a tale. A story from history to show you an example of the power that medicine can provide.

>In June 1986, during Namibia's war for independence from South Africa, two Namibian guerrillas were on a mission just north of the border inside Angola when they realized they were being followed. They split up. One man went north and made an easy getaway. The other began running south and made a less easy but far more drug-fueled and entertaining getaway.

>His trail was picked up by South African Special Forces trackers who began chasing after him in Casspir armored personnel carriers. Despite the fact that the trackers had vehicles with engines, and he was just a dude with legs, he actually managed to increase the distance between himself and the people tracking him.

>> No.9407816



>When faced with a man who could outrun automobiles, the trackers upped the ante and called some helicopters, but that didn't work either, somehow. It's like they were chasing some kind of unstoppable half man/half god.

>The South Africans following his tracks found no evidence that he ever stopped to sleep. What they did find, however, was a bunch of used syringes. See, it wasn't adrenaline or fear that allowed this uncatchable guerrilla to get away; it was good old-fashioned methamphetamines. The drugs were so effective in keeping his run toward safety going that the trackers actually found spots where he had collapsed from exhaustion, then gotten back up and started running again. This went on for five days. Finally, the Special Forces tracked his path to a road and the trail went dead. The South Africans gave up the chase, probably out of pure respect.

That was a man who ran 230 miles without a single break. What is some Japanese studying in comparison to such a thing?

>> No.9407824

What drugs?

>> No.9407849


Me or the African man? The African fellow in the tale was on methamphetamine, but I am currently on quite a sizable dosage of amphetamines. Not nearly as powerful, but much safer though and legal. Won't make your teeth rot like meth will, might make your toes a little chilly though. Remember to wear socks and have plenty of water cause you'll be real thirsty!

>> No.9407918


Also, beware the temptations of the dance. If you decide to go down the road of the study pills then they will make you enjoy music so much that you just may not be able to resist the urge to dance.

I was studying Japanese for several hours straight, much was learned, but then a good song appeared on my playlist. The spirit of dance overcame me and I could not resist. Even now I dance, my head nods and my body sways around cheerfully to the tune of the song as I type this post, but I should be doing more reps. Very tempting, hard to resist.

>> No.9408190
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>> No.9408823
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>> No.9409195

No, you should not stop.

If something's wrong with how you're learning (not just languages, but in general), the problem is primarily your attitude, and in secondarily the method used.

>> No.9411731
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/v/irgin here, sorry if it's been answered already
How long would it take me to be able to read moonrunes fluently in videogames?
I think people ITT are saying couple of hours?

>> No.9412214

I just picked up Genki again. I reached lesson 7, but I found the practice sections to be difficult without the answer keys. I have the answer key now so now I'm repeating the previous chapters since I forgot some stuff.

If you want to learn Japanese, Genki is great, but remember to get the practice book and the answer key too.

>> No.9412225

3 days if you only learn kana. If the game uses kanji it'll take a few years.

>> No.9412245


>> No.9412254

I already now about 900 kanji but I still confuse some kana. I wonder what is wrong with me.

>> No.9412257

do you know the japanese/chinese readings too?

>> No.9412312

Yes. I can read a lot of sentences easily, but if they are too many kana together I start feeling nervous and usually mispronounce it. Usually I'm aware that I made a mistake right after I mispronounce, but it's really annoying, make me feel like a retard.
