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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9402249 No.9402249 [Reply] [Original]

>yfw you realize that old japanese people grew up in a time where japan was known for honor, persistence, ninja and samurai
>yfw old japanese people now live in an age where japan is know for stagnant video games, childrens cartoons, ladyboy pop singers, and Toyota

Im honestly surprised that every japanese person over the age of 60 hasnt committed sudoku by now.

>> No.9402254

They survived the greater shame of losing the war. This is nothing

>> No.9402257

Considering they used to be known for Pearl Harbor, siding with the Nazis, and cheap poorly-manufactured shit, I think they're doing better.

>> No.9402259

>ladyboy pop singers
Please elaborate, I only see preteen ones.
Also 80s Japan was pretty awesome, it's politically correct 2010 Japan that sucks.

>> No.9402261

What does this have to do with /jp/?

>> No.9402265

>Otaku culture
>nothing to do with stagnant video games, childrens cartoons, ladyboy pop singers, and Toyota

>> No.9402267

You're right, it doesn't.

>> No.9402274

Times change. So do people. Those who grow up in adversity will be more admirable than those who grow up in affluence, but unless you want to nuke it again, those days are over.

Mitsubishi for life, right?

>> No.9402277

I'm sure the old Japanese people are happy people don't ask them if they know Karate and Kung Fu any more.

>> No.9402281

I don't think anybody above the age of sixty is a retarded /v/-denizen who gives a shit about the distinction between "stagnant" and "non-stagnant" video games.

>> No.9402283

Old japs are wasting their retirement money gambling on Pachinko parlors complaining about the youth.

Ninjas didn't exist and Samurai were government soldiers.

>> No.9402287

>Ninjas didn't exist

Just shows how amazing they are even today.

>> No.9402341
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>> No.9402389

They were known for getting nuked and sucking American dicks then, and they still do now.
Nothing new.

>> No.9402393

Except now they nuked themselves.

>> No.9402398

funny how the japs and other foreign countries own most of america's shit, though

>> No.9402404

as far as Japan goes we trade them a base and military presence. In return we get a launching point and advanced position in the Pacific.

>> No.9402411

America owns their government and country, so not a big deal.

>> No.9402430
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Where the fug did OP come from?
>Pearl Harbor
Who cares?

>> No.9402431

Nothing wrong with toyota, they're reliable, safe and affordable.

>> No.9402468

Japan probably cares because it didn't do what they intended it to do. Instead of being a knockout blow it was a wakeup call.

>> No.9402480

I agree I have no respect for a nation that sit idly by and let western imperialists forbid them from having a military. Where has Japanese nationalist pride gone?

>> No.9402557
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they do have a army its just called self defense force
Also its pretty nice for them to be protected by america
I doubt there is a enough retarded country who would go attack Japan cause of that.

>> No.9402571

>hasnt committed sudoku
this gave it up
the rest was pretty plausible imo

>> No.9404447

But there are no old people on 4chan
Every one of us sympathizes with the latter, especially on /jp/

>> No.9404458


>> No.9404466
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>where has Japanese nationalist pride gone?

Nationalism is a bad thing, which also leads to imperialism, which is also a bad thing. >>9402557 is right, America provides for the defense and care of Japan in international affairs, there's nothing wrong with the current state that Japan is in regards to their military and commonwealth.

>> No.9404469

I saw someone claiming to be 30 once!

>> No.9404480

Hey, I'm 31, but I'm not the oldest guy here.

>> No.9404481

I'm 31. I'd hardly consider that ``old'', though.

>> No.9404489

I'm 18, I have a few more years to go until I can start considering myself pitiful for browsing this board.

>> No.9404495

in a few years browsing 4chan will become as normal as browsing any other internet forum.

>> No.9404499

It already is.

>> No.9404505

What's funny is that first generation otaku have either reached or passed middle age now. There are no "old schoolers" in Japan because the entirety of that country now exists in a post WWII paradigm.

I would say it disappeared after two atomic bombings and post-war nuclear testing. There's no point in resisting after you realize that you cannot win.

/b/ has reached this point long ago. It's only a matter of time before other boards are consumed by the terrible sea of normals.
