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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9401109 No.9401109 [Reply] [Original]

Yep, /jp/ is finally dead. It was bad in Spring 2010 but not it's just full of 16 year old /a/ and /v/ shitposters going back and forth like they own the place now. We had some good times and I will never forget them. I guess we at least have our steam groups and IRC channels.

I would like to extend a plea to moot to delete and split up /jp/. I don't think it's fair that the staff and janitors have to put up with so much insane bullshit these days (no wonder our janitors are burnt out!) and it's certainly not worth it in the long run when things will just keep getting wore.

>> No.9401116

sounds like your jimmies are rustled champ

>> No.9401121

Not really. I have been putting up with this bullshit for a long time but everyone can only take so much.

>> No.9401122

1. nice
2. epic
3. i like it!

>> No.9401127

/jp/ isn't a glorified bastion of 4chan culture anymore. All it has is shitposting, trashy /a/v/cgl/ retards who migrate here, since nobody cares about quality posting anymore and /soc/ homosexuals. Some of you may say that 2008-10 were worse, but you are wrong. Before, people on other boards actually considered /jp/ as a respected, quality board, with some high-level elite posters. Or so it was up until 2012. Today, people consider /jp/ a shitposting HQ, board of the worst quality and come here just to shitpost or spam. Otherboarders before, were scared to post/lurked before posting on /jp/ because they new they would get "owned". We had a lot of White Rens and good(or not really) /jp/ tripfriends. /jp/ also didn't have so many /a/v/cgl/ posters back then, and people actually posted with sage(which is used quite rarely now).
There are almost no good native tripfriends left ―
Sion is gay, and also probably a part of the shitposting IRC brigade(I'm talking about you, fagbutt, shit ranger, nagi, komeji etc)
Suigin joined fagbutt on /a/. He's also having a skin-change surgery
Arc was knifed by some nigger thug in ghetto
Mugen left
Jones is jew
Sudo is pig
Wth is dead
Yutanpo was kidnapped by Mossad
Liberty is too poor to pay for internet(cuz no more moonez from EU)
Hong was K.O.'d by russians during UEFA 2012
Zunbar will probably get sent to Syria soon
and many others who rest forgotten in the endless archives of /jp/...
This board isn't about to fall, it has already fallen. /jp/ can't be saved, may it be forever forgotten and deleted.

>> No.9401123

I'll email moot about deleting this shithole, many others have also done this. Doubt it will get shit done though.

>> No.9401128

If /jp/ is dead, then why can I still post?

checkmate athiests

>> No.9401130

>It wasn't bad when I first got here, it just got worse after.

Yeah kid, whatever you say. Maybe if you keep making these threads it'll get better.

>> No.9401131

>it's really hard to filter posts i don't like!

>> No.9401134

If you think that /jp/ is so bad, look at other boards.
It's pretty much worse everywhere else.

I asked myself several time wether I was getting too old for 4chan or wether this place worsened tremendously; it's obviously the later.

the problem is there's nothing to replace it.

>> No.9401135

I agree with you but I can't leave (I'm too attached). /jp/ has been in a constant state of spam for 4 weeks now (No I am not just exaggerating) and it's strange cuz it would usually have ended by now.

>> No.9401136


>I'll email moot about deleting this shithole

Why bother? How does the existence of /jp/ affect your daily life?

>> No.9401145

Brilliant idea! I guess I will start with the whole fucking board at this point since it's all offtopic shit.

>> No.9401140

Please don't misquote people to start shit. Reported for shitposting.

>> No.9401141

Nice try Jewnes. We all know you're just trying to get traffic for /bun/.

>> No.9401144

Because I care for this place.

>> No.9401143

>we at least have our steam groups and IRC channels

Yeah, you go back there.

>> No.9401148

stop liking what i dont like

>> No.9401150

How about you get out of /jp/?

>> No.9401153

Then why try to get it deleted? Why not try to make it better? You put effort forth for the things you love, not just throw them anyway when you grow sick of them.

>> No.9401154


>> No.9401155

Nice try, steam/irc shitposter.

>> No.9401158

We have some people from /v/ who are trying to make this place better but it's not really working. Who knows what goes on in their mind.

>> No.9401160

It's not going to get better dude. It peaked in 2009.

>> No.9401161

sort of off-topic, but will the faggot(s) who keep spamming "btw i'm a girl" stop it? i have a feeling it's a group of individuals that lurk on a particular IRC channel. ironic shitposting is still shitposting etc etc etc etc

>> No.9401167

btw i'm a girl

>> No.9401178


this is humor now apparently

>> No.9401171

How am I a shitposter just because I play and talk to a few people on Steam and IRC?

Are you the same guy who forces the whole "Shitposting Steam agenda" on /jp/?

>> No.9401175

You can't really make it better. The users have left already.

>> No.9401179

I guess this was him. >>9401161 and he is off of his meds again it seems.

>> No.9401180

It's not like I've been trying to do that every day for the last two years. Also this:

>> No.9401181

I'm sure there are a lot of Touhou fans that hate the fact they are stuck on /jp/ to discuss Touhou. If by "split" you mean that then yes, it's definitely a good idea.

>> No.9401185

Where to ?

Or do you mean they got everything they could out of /jp/ and don't need anything from it anymore ?

>> No.9401188

>Where to ?

If I told you you'd shitpost there too

>> No.9401189

Are you kidding? The shitty touhou threads are the only things that go unhindered around here.

And if they don't like it then they have several alternatives.

>> No.9401190

A whole board just for your Touhou/Fumo roleplaying bullshit. They should think about it.

>> No.9401192

Neither, faggots. But nothing ggod ever comes of that circlejerk, so if you afiliated with one of those, you surely are a piece of shit.

>> No.9401194

Jap boards.

>> No.9401195

Other boards mostly but all of our best have left entirely.

>> No.9401203

I don't dude and it doesn't exist like you think it does. Hurry up and take your meds before you have another breakdown and kill another pet cat or something.

>> No.9401210

xD u got me xDDD

>> No.9401208

They haven't gone anywhere. If it was true then all the people who constantly make these shitty meta-threads would be posting there as well.

>> No.9401212

It was starting to get better a few weeks ago.
Even the shitposters have lost their touch, they are hateful and legitimately retarded. It's not fun for anyone involved.

>> No.9401213

Goodnight, OP. We'll see you again tomorrow.

>> No.9401214

I have a feeling a lot of /jp/'s worst are in this thread and they are mad because somebody wants to take away their fun

>> No.9401216

I'm not who you think I am but whatever. Did my comment about irc/steam bothered you that much?

>> No.9401218

No I am just responding to your posts and criticism with a half-assed and ironic approach.

Wait, you were taking this all seriously?

>> No.9401217

I'm new but I don't shitpost and I like this place, please don't be mean with my favorite board.

>> No.9401221

Well 4chan has become shit as a whole, it's not just /jp/.

And if you're refering to /bun/ tohno, or anything of that flavor, there's about 2 people posting in them.

I guess I can't really use twitter or anything to discuss daki, figs, onaholes, touhou, VNs etc.

IRC's too much hassle to stumble upon a good channel.

>> No.9401224

We can't discuss much on this board. You can't talk about touhou forever until new content comes out, VN's now have a better discussion on /vg/ because people like to be elitist here, and LN's, unless it has an anime, it doesn't get much replies and when it's a LN that does have an anime, people just redirect to /a/. /jp/ has no use anymore. Even the people who are trying to "protect" this board don't know what goes in here. I won't mind if this board gets deleted, it doesn't serve a purpose anymore.

>> No.9401225

Don't feel too bad about it though, I do this a lot with shitty posters for fun. Like this whole thread was one big shitpost to celebrate my unbanning about 30 minutes ago.

>> No.9401226

Indeed. They just stopped having on topic conversations at one point.

>> No.9401226,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.9401226,2 [INTERNAL] 

Thread ban?

>> No.9401226,3 [INTERNAL] 

No you fucking retard I deleted it. I did get warned for the Zunbar/Janitor thing yesterday though.

>> No.9401226,4 [INTERNAL] 

The only thing I meant seriously when I made this thread was that /jp/ has been shit for years.
