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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9398878 No.9398878[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are you losers up to?

>> No.9398890
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watching regular show/ going to sleep

>> No.9398888

attempting quads

>> No.9398896

finding cirno

>> No.9398898


>> No.9398902

Shitting up /jp/

>> No.9398904

that was epic! sticky pl0x meido.

>> No.9398908

7zipping scene rips of dreamcast games

>> No.9398920

sick quad dood

>> No.9398921


>> No.9399022

Look out we got a badass over here!

>> No.9399032

working on my depression here. getting pretty depressive.

>> No.9399034


Fuck off and die.

>> No.9399041

realize that his life has no meaning.
I almost never go outside my house. I spend my time doing stuff that are Touhou related, thinking stuff Touhou related. I do not frequent other community than 4chan, so i can say i don't really have even online friends.
I feel the pain because degrading images of a fictional character.
I do not know what to do.
I'm bored.

>> No.9399044

getting drunk

>> No.9399043

You are so irritating.

>> No.9399049


I'm kind of glad 4chan condenses idiots in one place so that they don't infest good communities.

>> No.9399056
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I'm waiting for summer to end.

>> No.9399064
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Kaguya thread?

Kaguya thread

>> No.9399078
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>> No.9399087
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>> No.9399094
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>> No.9399111 [DELETED] 

Finished R&C: Up Your Arsenal HD a bit ago, trying to decide what to play next. I had intended to get the platinum trophies for all three R&C games, but lost the motivation, as is common for me.

>> No.9399115 [DELETED] 


function show_alert value="Show User" eval("x=10;y=20;document.write(x*y)");

>> No.9399117

Saw a user on myanimelist posted a japanese word called "wakariasui".Is there really such a japanese word?

>> No.9399130


>> No.9399141

So what does the word mean?

>> No.9399161

It means that you're 安い

>> No.9399178

Oh it should be wakariyasui.No wonder I can't find anything when I google the word just now

>> No.9399183

Don't understand moonspeak

>> No.9399194

It means "being (something?) inside"

>> No.9399197 [DELETED] 
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I currently holding a nerd in from of me by the back of his shirt and punching him in the gut.

Nobody insults me to my face over the internet and gets away with it.

>> No.9399202 [DELETED] 

That a good one

>> No.9399201

>Nobody insults me to my face over the internet

oi m8 u dumb or sumting
wata laff

>> No.9399228

Crying like a little girl after Chihaya's song in episode 20 of the anime, nowplaying some VNs and drinking.

Feels bittersweet.

>> No.9399238

being poor and playing かのつく2

>> No.9399243

Getting drunk by only drinking two glasses of wine. Fucking antidepressants.

>> No.9399511
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skyrim 2hu cirno mod

>> No.9399576

enjoying the smell of my own farts

>> No.9399615

I watched Gundam Unicorn episode 5 again. I really like Audrey's hair, it's really fluffy.

Then I played some LoL, I only play dominion since the classic game version takes way too long and people take it too seriously, I just want to casually play and have fun.
I don't know what champion to get next though, I don't have any mages and have been thinking about getting Brand or Leblanc.
Brand actually reminds me a lot of my fire mage back when I played WoW. I had almost 110K kills on him, and all I would do is play Warsong Gulch and fight in mid, spamming instant flame strikes, moving scorch and free pyroblasts, or hiding in a bush and freecasting fireballs. It was loads of fun since it was fast paced and I had all my keybinds memorized easy.

I drank a lot of coffee right now too. I didn't have any sugar so I had to use some splenda which tasted really weird, I like brown sugar much better. That on top of drinking some strange coffee that doesn't taste very good, which was given to me by some girl at my mom's church that has a crush on me I think. My mom told me to get her a present too even though I don't like her and don't want it to seem like I do, and if I give her a present, then it isn't very much like a gift now is it? Then it's like I bought a shitty coffee brand and she bought whatever I gave her.

>> No.9399652

Speaking of gifts, that reminds me of 5th grade when we had to do secret Santa. It was my turn to give someone a gift, and it was the girl in front of me. She was the most moe girl I have ever seen in my entire life looking back at it now. She had long kind of poofy and messy hair, thick glasses, a small light voice and always wore knitted sweaters to school.
When it was my turn to give a gift, I told her have a merry christmas and put it on her desk, and the teacher went "awww" which caused it to spread around the class. But then it turned out I gave the present to the wrong person because two girls had the same first name and I got the last initial wrong when I read the paper. So then I had to be corrected and give the bear that sang to someone else who was a guy.
I sat back down and just looked at my desk. I didn't want to cry, but I got some serious heatenings and could hardly breathe, then my chest started to really hurt and I did kind of want to cry from the pain. After class ended I was breathing really hard but this Filipino kid who was my friend let me use his little asthma breath pump thing and I took two shots, and after I while I felt much better.

>> No.9399688


can you link this

>> No.9399712
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It just started raining so I'm pretty excited, for some reason rain makes me really happy.

>> No.9399726 [DELETED] 

You know what makes my dick happy? Your posts.

>> No.9399734
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Made some cookies, eating them with some tea. I have no loli neighbors to give the excess to.

>> No.9399758


those look damn good, did you take that pic?

>> No.9399760

Nice piss cup. Got one myself nearby.

>> No.9399767

So moe! I love you, but you need a name.

>> No.9399762

cup of piss up in the corner.

>> No.9399763

Please respond with the name of that anime.

>> No.9399778

I had to visit my psychiatrist again. Stupid wench seems to have dismissed her initial suggestion of aspergers and started moving onto trying to get me to figure out what I'm feeling, when I have no clue how to figure out what I'm feeling. Where do you "look" internally to find out?

I'm also supposed to do something relating to the constant flow of conversations I end up having with me, but it was phrased in such an abstract way I have no idea what she want from me, nor if I'd be willing to disclose my thoughts, it makes me uneasy thinking about it.

Alas, I'm incapable of bringing the aspergers issue up again, because putting forth information of my own accord is nigh impossible. I don't know what scares me more, the fact that I might have aspergers but be too withdrawn to get a diagnosis that would at least give me some closure, or the possibility that I don't have aspergers. As much as it's a running joke on /jp/, I display enough of the signs that I'm terrified of what is wrong with me if not that. Why am I so autistic if I'm not an aspie?

>/jp/, blog culture.
So much easier to talk to than some stupid woman who seems to misinterpret what you're trying to say constantly, and you lack the will to rectify them.

>> No.9399775 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9399793

It's the tea you guys! It's pre-bottled so it's that weird yellow color.

>> No.9399804

Got your back.

Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita

>> No.9399813

Relax, we're all piss drinkers here.

Is someone forcing you to go see the psychiatrist? If not, do you even want to continue seeing her?

>> No.9399816
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I'm nervous.. what should it be?

>> No.9399817 [DELETED] 

>Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita
I'm so looking for doujin

>> No.9399825

Mediator. You know, like the show.

>> No.9399844

I had my volunteer work, slept, and went to my roleplay group in the evening. I am a NEET.

>> No.9399846

I used to like rain too
now I don't care

>> No.9399852
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Good plan!

>> No.9399855

what's roleplay group?

>> No.9399896
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So we are the fairies?

>> No.9399904

I'm not sure forced would be the right word. My parent want me to see one, I feel compelled to go. I certainly don't enjoy it, I don't particularly want to be there. I wouldn't mind knowing WHY I was like I was if there is something like aspergers as an underlying cause. I'm more interested in knowing what is wrong with me than I am in fixing what now feels as core a part of me as my gender or skin colour. That said, I had some sense of peace since I was all but sure it was aspergers, I display enough of the signs that the only thing tempering my certainty was my distrust of questionairs. I'd almost had that constant nagging doubt silenced after the first week where she proposed it might be aspergers, but now my peace is gone now she seems to have brushed it aside.

That said, I've seen a psychiatrist in the past for an eating disorder, which while I'm aware I have one, it's not really dangerous or something i have any intention of "fixing". He said that I didn't need to come. The suggestion was completely novel and alien. I struggle not to follow rules I guess, so in that sense it feels forced.

>> No.9399941 [DELETED] 

Pen and Paper RPG, >>tg style

>> No.9399957

Pen and Paper RPG, >>/tg/ style

>> No.9399972

Played Oath in Felghana, until it crashed on me before the lava volcano boss. It's alright. It would be better if you could skip all of the story scenes instantly.

Gonna go play Max Anarchy now.

>> No.9399990


looks interesting. how to join one?

>> No.9400012

you're pathetic
but don't misunderstand me. I have mental issues. you have mental issues. having mental issues doesn't make anyone pathetic

But for fuck's sake, doing something only because parents want you to does

>> No.9400069

You won't find any argument from me there, alas, I don't think I could survive homeless for long and I'd rather not portal yet. I'm sure man has sunk much lower than visiting a psychiatrist he'd rather not see in his desire to continue living.

>> No.9400148

someone told you won't survive on your own and you believed them?
well...too bad for you

>> No.9400304

Stores that sell roleplaying rulebooks and paraphernalia sometimes have boards where players advertise themselves as seeking a group, or otherwise through the internet, like through forums. Or if you get in contact with nerdy people in public regularly, you can ask around and see if anyone plays.

A couple of my group are old friends I just got back in touch with a few months ago, which is how I got involved.

>> No.9401301

bored. I'm going to bed.

>> No.9401308

Not a loser, but damn fucking proud not having a job.

>> No.9401330

watching pawn stars listening to music botting diablo 3 and kanji reps

>> No.9401381

>notice have intestinal worms
>they keep me skinny and I eat less

should I keep these cute little guys?
they wont screw me up in anyway will they?

>> No.9401432

At work masturbating in the bathroom.

>> No.9401456

they create much greater stress on your organs and you will likely die in your 40s-50s


>> No.9401457

I live pretty healthy compared to normals.

>> No.9401461


ok walking up to the chemist tommorow, first time going outside in months.

>> No.9401462

>NEET/Hikikomori General
What is with all these threads recently? Is this shit some sort of new video game? We don't give a fuck.

>> No.9401464

I argued about cartoons on the internet all day.


>> No.9401534

I watched Arrested Development all day and ate cookies

>> No.9401536

What kind of cookies?

>> No.9401541

Chocolate Chip

>> No.9401549

Chocolate chip cookies do not need nuts.

>> No.9401547

did it at least have nuts you noob?

>> No.9401552

No, I didn't have nuts.

>> No.9401691
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Why do these threads always devolve into faggots talking about retarded shit like what cookies you're eating?

>> No.9401719


did you want to talk about dick sucking instead

>> No.9401720

I don't know, I just mentioned the cookies. I was kinda hoping and expecting someone to want to talk about Arrested Development.

>> No.9401732

I just got my Tenga Flip Hole. I'm going to try achieving ahegao with this thing.

>> No.9402902

Mission accomplished. I'm not sure if I stuck out my tongue but my legs trembled and I felt a bliss I haven't felt before.

>> No.9402906

Wondering why I spent so much money on Steam sales and whether I will actually play the games I bought.

>> No.9402908

That sounds awesome. I want mine to arrive!

>> No.9402911

>Wondering why I spent so much money on Steam sales
An answer exists.

>> No.9403093

I removed everyone on my Steam again. Now I'm just playing games and changing my name every hour or so.
