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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9395690 No.9395690 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/, what can I expect from this?

>> No.9395729

An on topic thread with potential for good conversation gets no replies, but this >>9395701 does?


>> No.9395731

You can expect a warm welcome from /vg/ when you ask your question there.

>> No.9395746

/jp/ is for untranslated visual novels. Translated visual novels go on /vg/.

>> No.9395742

This is a visual novel. /vg/ is for video game generals. Not visual Novel Generals.

>> No.9395749


I do recommend it though, but some of the main characters actions kinda annoyed me.

>> No.9395750

>/jp/ is for untranslated visual novels
No it isn't. I don't want to say you're a newfag, but it's showing.

>> No.9395751

It's fairly good, even though I don't like slice-of-life-with unrealistic-society setting, I somewhat like it.

>> No.9395756

Yeah, sure buddy.

>> No.9395757

No they don't get the fuck out of /jp/.

Only western visual novels go there, not translated one you idiot.

>> No.9395759
File: 173 KB, 500x500, 1334251775307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Katawa Shoujo - The best the medium has to offer, if you have played it dont bother about the rest
FSN - All the heroines are sluts!
Tsukihime - Twilight lite
Umineko - Newfags first Sound Novel.
PW - FSN ripoff.
ignanock - furry disney shit
Saya no Uta - really really average
Kazoku Keikaku - "The powerlevel is over 9000", CENSORSHIP
Phantom - DVD FORMAT
Sharin no Kuni - Overrated and pretentious shit hurr durr I purposely act as if I hurt my legs, I smoke drugs NO I DONT just trolling
Kikokugai - Kill Bill the VN
Hanachirasu - Kill Bill the VN except you are playing on the side that is being hunted by the revenger
Ever17 - Archimedes and physics class
Cross Channel - pantsu jokes everywhere
YMK - hipster drug is so cool vn
Swan Song - autism the vn
kira kira - k-on the vn
wanko - furry shit
Muramasa - Mecha shit ver. A
Gekkou - furry shit
3days - Higurashi meets Naruto
11eyes - lol Bleach lol slut
Baldr Sky - Mecha shit ver. B
Little Busters, Air, Kanon - KEY AIDS
Planetarian - chobits the vn
G-senjou no Maou - lol retarded coincidence plot twist with 75% shitty heroines and fake incest
Clannad - lol lets collect dragonballs and revive my waifu
Stein's;Gate - pretentious sci-fi mumbojumbo shit
Chaos;Head - more like head full of plot holes
Sharnoth - copypasta shit is copypasta is copypasta
YU-NO - shit art
Sumaga - meta shit with shit protagonist
999 - Saw the VN
Muv Luv - I rather watch ESPN for real lacross or Iron chef
Muv Luv Alternative - Quantum physics and mechanics class
Sengoku Rance - glorified rape
Symphonic Rain - wannabe rhythm game
Utawarerumono: shitty srpg with furry shit
Kara no Shoujo - Babby's first grimdark, prostitution, gore (SO REAL DEAL XD)
Monmosu Quest - boring rape my face when I purposely lose rpg with monster sex organs gimmick
Kamidori - Atelier with porn
A profile - slut slut slut

>> No.9395760

Why are you saging my thread if my thread belongs here?

>> No.9395766

You can expect to want to read the fandisc after you're done.

>> No.9395767


>> No.9395769

Sage is something that is commonly misused. By understanding when to use it properly, you can avoid a lot of insults and negative responses.

How do I use it?
Simply fill the e-mail field with "sage", and nothing else.

When should I use it?
Whenever you are posting something to a thread that will have no gain of the thread being bumped to the top of the board. For example, you are posting information not directly related to the thread, but has relevence. Very old threads should be "sage'd" at all times possible, unless there is an utter need for them to get bumped up.

When shouldn't I use it?
Whenever you are posting something in the thread that needs the attention of the entire board. Maybe you are the OP posting a update, or "ageing" a still young thread that was pushed down by recent flurry of traffic in other threads.

Sage is not a insult.
Contrary to popular belief, sage should never be considered as a rude gesture or insult. In fact, someone writing insults or trolls to the thread and posting with sage are doing a good thing, since their useless post won't be brought to the attention of the rest of the board. The idea of sage being an insult came from /b/, where filling up a thread with enough posts would get it removed. However, threads on /jp/ take hundreds of posts before they are closed, so the effect doesn't work here.

>> No.9395775

>This is the appropriate board for the discussion of Japanese visual and light novels. Western visual novels should be posted to /vg/, and translated visual novels are fine on either board.

>> No.9395777

I was saging my reply because it was replying to and idiot not actually conributing to the thread.


I'm also
>>9395749 and I didn't sage then.

>> No.9395779

Stop redirecting and discuss the fucking game.

>> No.9395784

"Meta", "bitching", "trolling", "shitposting", "fakeposting" and "spamming" are all above "on-topic discussion" in the /jp/ hierarchy.

>> No.9395782

There's a reason people from other boards asking about translated VNs are redirected to /vg/'s VN general. If we don't, we get posts like >>9395760 and dolts like you who decide to stay here.

>> No.9395788

"What can I expect from this" threads are fucking retarded.
Reminds me of the classic "I want to wach these two anime, which one should I wach FIRST?".

Why do people post hat sort of crap is a mystery to me.
Just use an anime screencap if you want to clog the frontpage with threads.

>> No.9395789

Neo-/jp/, Neo-/jp, what will we do without Neo-/jp/?

>> No.9395791

This. If OP had bothered to lurk, he'd have found the VN general thread. Of course we shouldn't condense everything into general threads, but this is a prime example of where someone should have learned /jp/ isn't just the first page and condensed their fucking threads.

>> No.9395792

While some descriptions are funny, I hope you guys can do a better job for novels such as A Profile or SnU, they're kinda disappoiting to be honest.

>> No.9395793

Why am I getting all these unnecessary replies? I just want to know about the game from people who played it.

>> No.9395797

Because the same perma butthurt faggot who started that other huge meta is perma butthurt and is a faggot.

Ignore him. Or try the VN general.

>> No.9395796

Just claim you were trolling before it's too late. You don't understand how Aspergian /jp/ is. You risk catching an ASD simply by being ITT.

>> No.9395795

But I've been here for longer than when that rule was even implemented... ;_;

Also /jp/ isn't your secret club. And if it is your doing a shit job of maintaining it.

>> No.9395800

Because the word "we" to refer to everyone who can read this board is exclusive to "neo-/jp/."

>> No.9395799

Because one of the members of the board police is from /v/ and he hates everything. Just delete the thread.

>> No.9395802

I have no problem with people from other boards, but if you can _tell_ they're from other boards, they don't deserve the time of day. This might sound unfair, but if you can't lurk for so much as ten minutes to try and fit in, you're not worth helping.

>> No.9395804

Worst description is Yu-no, even if it sort of works as far as lowly trolling goes.

>> No.9395809

I did lurk for more than 10 minutes, and as I lurked, no where did I get the feeling or hint that making a thread about a VN I'm nterested in would anger people.

>> No.9395807

Moot should get rid of sage and make hiding threads a built in functionality.

People here are trolling, if not please report, hide and move on.

>> No.9395810

And here he is again, posting again, pretending this place is a hivemind. Oh Neo-/jp/, Neo/jp, what will we do without Neo-/jp?

>> No.9395823
File: 488 KB, 727x800, 1320327318664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point you should actually go to /vg/ OP.
You'd get better conversation at least and the thread would be more on topic.

>> No.9395821

>I did lurk for more than 10 minutes

But we're talking weeks, kid. If you don't have that sort of dedication, you don't deserve /jp/.

>> No.9395824

You're right, it's as if nobody knows how to make fun of it.
Come on jaypee, use your imagination and describe those titles better.

>> No.9395839

Try the VN general: >>9392080

And don't listen to that perma frustrated /v/-crusading manchild, you can tell him by his kiddy-like writing syle and his ESL level of English. He is spamming every thread.

>> No.9395841

My intentions only were to get information on this VN, nothing more. I want to say I don't have that kind of time, but I don't want to offend anyone. I really don't though. If you guys want people to follow your rituals and rules, why isn't there a sticky with the proper /jp/ etiquette?

>> No.9395843

Where did I say /jp/ was a hivemind? With such poor reading comprehension, it's a wonder you can even respond.

>> No.9395850

>what can I expect from this?

boring piece of overrated shit.

>> No.9395849

Not that anon, but your language and prolific use of "we" implies a hivemind mentality.
/jp/ doesn't have that.

>> No.9395855

"Prolific?" I used it twice. He even uses it in >>9395810.
>what will we do without Neo-/jp?

>> No.9395851

/jp/ is a makeshift catch-all board for non-/a/,
People have grown more elitist, and no one has ever figured out what exactly is /jp/-related. We couldn't agree on a uniform etiquette.

>> No.9395853

Is this nigger seriously calling Sharin no Kuni off topic?

>> No.9395857

And there he goes, strikes again, Neo-/jp/ saves the day. And later he goes on /v/ and tells the tales of how the soldier defended his favorite place.

>> No.9395862


Alright. Thank you, I guess you saved me from having to play through something bad. If this thread gets no more replies I will delete it.

>> No.9395869

>>9395841 My intentions only were to get information on this VN
It's good, play it.

Since you've probably read the game's summary on vndb, you know it's not about latin-speaking vampires, or pro-wrestling lesbians. Nobody needs to describe it more for you, unless you're asking to get spoiled to HELL and back.

>> No.9395864

Look, I'm just trying to help you understand.
If you don't get it, I don't know what else to do.
I tried. I'm sorry.

>> No.9395867

One of the better visual novels that has received a translation. The main twist will make you shit yourself. Also, I wouldn't suggest bothering with the fandisc since it's main story is just a rehash of the original and the After Routes are just boring stuff with ero.

Also, don't bother with the dipshits that say "/jp/ is untranslated only sikrit krub xD", those anons are the ones that probably just started studying Japanese and thus feel a huge e-peen superiority.
I too know Jap but can't understand for shit why people feel so arrogant about it.

>> No.9395870

Fuck off with your /v/ bullshit, seriously dude. What happened? Did you get denied from making an off-topic JRPG General or something? Why are you spamming every thread with this crap?

>> No.9395883

I thought /jp/ liked Akabei Soft since they're also jissing over Aerial.

>> No.9395882

Victory was given but Neo-/jp/ isn't satisfied. He will hunt down every last opposer. Oh Neo-/jp/, Neo-/jp, I worry of your health. Can you still become a moderator if you tire yourself with such useless activites?

>> No.9395886

Keep singing that "Neo-/jp/" refrain until you get the last word, /v/-kun.

>> No.9395898

>no one has ever figured out what exactly is /jp/-related
Moot has already stated /jp/ is for japanese and translated visual and light novels
and /vg/ is for english and translated visual and light novels

What's for hard to understand about this?

>> No.9395894

And another solider joins in the battle, even though the battle is already over. Oh Neo-/jp/, Neo-/jp/, do you even know what you are doing?

>> No.9395907

We like Japanese media.

>> No.9395904

>There's a reason people from other boards asking about translated VNs are redirected to /vg/'s VN general.

>> No.9395915

And it seems like it's over. He saved the day, expect a report on this in his 3rd favorite place, /v/ of-course, where else will he stay?

>> No.9395918

Protip for you OP
You posted some old shit from like 3years back.
You arent gonna get meaningful replies from the people here.
Just go to /vg/ where you can find people similar to yourself where they can still jerk off to old shits from the dinosaur age.
Also why the fuck are you wasting your time asking, VNs are so short that by they time you waste all your time here begging for spoilers, you would have finish sachi route by now.

>> No.9395919

>and /vg/ is for english

>and translated visual and light novels
He never said anything of the sort, you fucking liar.

>> No.9395926

what is pw

>> No.9395927

Are you the same guy who spammed quotes ironically a couple of days ago? You also sound exactly like the kid who keeps forcing gust jrpg threads.
You have the same writing style and the same lack of reading comprehension.

No offense of course.

>> No.9395930

I'm not even from /v/, but oh well. Keep that tin-foil hat on tight, conspiracy anon.

>> No.9395933


>> No.9395944
File: 336 KB, 1111x963, neojps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't about me soldiers, I just tell the tales of the battles. Keep on fighting the good fight, comrades.

>> No.9395949

You get to fuck male seiba.
Better play it quick.

>> No.9395951

This answers my question.

Your kind will never get any respect from anybody.

>> No.9395953

Given the description: Princess Waltz.

A Lun Lun masterpiece.

>> No.9395953,1 [INTERNAL] 

Thread successfully derailed.
