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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9392124 No.9392124 [Reply] [Original]

>little brother uses real life name for skype internet name
>tells me he has to give a real name to be on a team

>> No.9392131

Who are you quoting?

>> No.9392136

/jp/ - some 13 y/o fag's fb blog post

>> No.9392141

my little brother

>> No.9392156

>post is about not using real names
you sound like an angry "fb" user.

>> No.9392157

I don't know whether you meant to post this on /jp/ or whether you're simply one of the countless cross-board shitposters from /v/ who was on the wrong tab.

I don't like either one.

>> No.9392161


Who are you quoting?
