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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 126 KB, 600x332, mcdonalds-family-dinner-box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9386139 No.9386139[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the fattest you have ever fatted, /jp/?
I just finished one of these, in one sitting, only finished one of the drinks though.

I've eaten mud cakes and chocolate puddings by myself before.

>> No.9386158


>> No.9386183

I've eaten a whole pizza by myself before.

>> No.9386204
File: 151 KB, 600x338, 1303436390995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mud cakes
Better step it up to superior Haitian cuisine.

>> No.9386217
File: 372 KB, 812x576, USA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forth of July. I hadn't ate anything the few days before because my meds made me too sleepy to stay awake and eat anything. I was only able to finish half

>> No.9386224

How fat are you /jp/?

>> No.9386226

I had all you can eat sushi and ate so much sushi that when I was done I went behind the restaurant and threw up.

>> No.9386229

Stop that, OP. There's no need to be so fat.

>> No.9386233

I wish there was a McDonalds nearby so I can actually eat there every once in a while

>> No.9386239

Wow, you're so fucking hardcore. A whole pizza. I wish I was as fat as you, man.

>> No.9386241

Why would you want to eat at McDonalds? Every other fast food place I've been to is far better.

>> No.9386251

How many calories in one of those, OP? Because I'm guessing it's less than 9004, which is the most I've ever fatted in a day.

Fucking thin-ass emanciNEET.

>> No.9386263

OP here, I live in Aus, our fast food options are really slim and shitty.

>> No.9386266


You are a class act.

>> No.9386267

I didn't even know they had a family dinner box. Is this new?

>> No.9386268

one time I was going to make a pizza but was too lazy to make the dough for the crust so I just ate the other ingredients with a spoon

>> No.9386282

I am a prim and proper lady.

>> No.9386281

only black people eat fast food for dnner

>> No.9386273


Where I am in Australia I could eat at a different fast food place every day of the month.

>> No.9386283
File: 35 KB, 500x333, crispy-porkbelly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just eat a lot, especially when I make food for myself. The last thing I cooked and ate was a 2lb pork belly with two baked potatoes. I made a gravy with it and it came out pretty good. I should have browned the roux a bit more and scored the meat more than I did, though. Still came out alright.

>> No.9386303

My mom got a new boyfriend, and he keeps making large dinners for me. There's always leftovers, like roast potatoes or something, so I end up eating even more because I don't like wasting food. I hope I don't get fat.

>> No.9386296

Yeah, for like a week or two.
Hungry Jacks
Taco Bill
Red Rooster

That's about all the major ones.q=

>> No.9386299

I am american and the thought of that much fatty pork disgusts me.

>> No.9386304

I ate a dick from /jp/. That was pretty fat.

>> No.9386307


Ah, you mean chain stores exclusively?
In that case you're right, you could probably add Nando's but that's a bit more expensive.

>> No.9386314

Do you hear him fucking your mom every night? Does that arouse you?

>> No.9386316

Well, yeah.

and Pizza Hut and other pizza chains.

>> No.9386324


Stop going to places like that then.
Find some good burger and kebab joints near you.

>> No.9386343

I have a feeling that post is /thread

>> No.9386344

OP's obviously an offboarder, we're all from Auschwitz here.

>> No.9386351

Really? I thought the /jp/ majority was overweight

>> No.9386365

It's both. You people always argue about it, but it's definitely both.

People who live on limited autism bux and people who are fed by their parents.

>> No.9386367

I've been told the opposite, but the truth is that we have both ends of the spectrum.

But we mostly have retards who can't put a coma in meter and end up being 170 meter tall or some bullshit.

>> No.9386373

The overweighters on spending too much money on food, not enough money on pictures of cute little 2D girls.

>> No.9386386


Why do Americans use a comma as the decimal marker?
Here the comma is used as the order of thousands separator (e.g. 12,000), although that is not required, or to separate two values.
A colon is used as the decimal marker.

>> No.9386393


>> No.9386397



>> No.9386405
File: 176 KB, 500x375, banhmi_stuspivack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here tried banh mi? I don't eat vegetables but all the vegetables look really appealing to me in a sandwich like this.

>> No.9386415


Never mind, it isn't America that does that.

>> No.9386419

17 pieces of pizza is my fattest fat.

>> No.9386423

I slicced a couple tomatoes seasoned with wine vineager, olive oil, salt and basil, ate it with a glass of cold ice water.
For dessert a slice of fresh melon.

Why can't Americans eat simple, tasty and healthy meals like this?

>> No.9386428

That kind of food wont last anyone an hour?

>> No.9386429

I had a lot of turkey lunch meat in my fridge, with no bread. So I used a hotdog bun, stuffed as much turkey as I could in there, then doused it in mustard.

Pretty good man.

>> No.9386439

Tomatoes in the US are horrid.

>> No.9386452

only place I've ever seen that was in Crazyville, PQ

>> No.9386456

Fuck you american pigs.

>> No.9386465

You can find good ones. But you'll need to go to the grocery store and actually, you know, take your time picking them out.

>> No.9386469

Yeah that sounds like Crazyville, all right.

>> No.9386470

Was it at an all you can eat buffet?
I went to one once, paid $25 and ate one piece. Then got guilty and walked out. I'm not even /fit/.

>> No.9386474

I grow my own.

>> No.9386476

This is an American board. You gaijin need to go home!

>> No.9386481


The idea with those is to not eat for two days, then expand your stomach with water the day before.

>> No.9386483

Yep. They're usually tasty and refreshing due to the jalapeno.

>> No.9386488

Alright, maybe you're right. But the only thing close by is a Jack in the Box...

>> No.9386490

Tomatoes here are usually picked far before they get the chance to ripen and are exposed to chemicals to change their color to make them look ripe. Most of the tomatoes sold here also have a mutation that allows for even ripening at the cost of flavor.

If you want good tomatoes you need to grow them yourself or steal some from someone who grows them.

>> No.9386511

I'm trying to cut out soda and I was doing such a good job until Saturday. It was my brother's birthday and we had stromboli, chocolate cake and mountain dew. Oh it was amazing, I wanted to throw up later. The next day, more mountain dew, more cake, more stromboli. Still felt sick. So I was good for the rest of today, and then today I had sooo much for lunch. Damn, school lunches. Actually, it's not their fault, it was just a really packed cafeteria and I was trying to grab whatever I could before I left for class. So... today I ended up having half a quesadilla with mystery filling, a baked potato with cheese and bacon and broccoli. Oh and 3 cookies :/ And mountain dew. I do really well when I'm not eating at school.

>> No.9386514

Today the lunch place at work didn't have anything good so I was going to get a salad but a coworker suggested we go out to the Chinese buffet. It's not a place I'd think to go, trying to lose weight and all, but I went. I stuffed my face to the point of immobilizing myself. It was really good. I was going to go for a walk after work but ended up watching TV instead. This has been a real failure of a day.

Here's one from a few weeks ago I'm still ashamed of. My brother moved back to school and left a bunch of food here. One thing he left was a package of pitas. I don't really like most things people put in pitas, so I used them to scoop peanut butter out of a jar. I washed it down with strawberry milk. By the time I was done I had eaten 4 pitas, half a jar of peanut butter, and drank about a half gallon of whole strawberry milk. I almost puked later but it was still really good.

>> No.9386527


I don't know if this is a tongue in cheek comment on the relevance of this thread or not.

>> No.9386541

I'm European and I kinda prefer 1,000,000.00 to 1.000.000,00.

It makes sense, because in language you can have many commas per sentence but only one period.

Most other measurements and numerical practices exclusive to America are retarded though.

>> No.9386552


Yeah, I prefer 9,999.9 but I wasn't sure if it was just because I was used to it.
Your language consistency point is a good one.

>> No.9386580

I prefer to eat a lot at single sittings rather than having to eat smaller meals often. At pizza buffets I usually just eat until I get sick of the taste of pizza, I think the most was going on 30 slices.

I'm a normal weight so whenever I leave I'm noticeably more swollen than I was when I came in.

>> No.9386601

I haven't had soda in a year. Even so, because I was such a big consumer of it for years, I still have temptations. Soda is just all over the place, and every time I see it, it just looks so good. I'd probably throw up at this point if I drank it, but when I see a can or bottle of it, I can recall the flavor so perfectly and just want to give up and take it.

Anyone else who doesn't drink much or any soda, do you have the same problems?

>> No.9386616

Gave up soda years ago, can't really find a craving for it since. I do have soda, maybe drink half a litre per year.

>> No.9386625


I think I need to cut back my consumption but the tap water in these flats has a metallic taste and I'm not buying bottled water.
