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9386044 No.9386044 [Reply] [Original]

The cause of your misery is not in your outer life; it is in you, as your ego. You impose limitations on yourself and then make a vain struggle to transcend them.

>> No.9386061


>> No.9386074

But the limitations we impose on ourselves and our struggle to transcend them are what give meaning to our lives.

>> No.9386080

Thanks Kohaku Freud.

>> No.9386083
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Does that mean enlightenment is the destruction of the ego, and the subsequent acceptance of futility, fatalism and hope?

>> No.9386084

thank you for posting

>> No.9386125

fuck off sluthaku

>> No.9386138

THANKS JONES (who else would post a Kohaku daily dose)

>> No.9386193

Okay, what if I just... impose a bunch little limitations that are easy to beat, and overcome these to build my confidence and morale to the point where I can overcome anything? If I do it right, I could remove limits altogether and ascend into a heightened state of being! An exponential stair climb into spiritual and mental invincibility! Fuck you, Worstroute-chan, I'm becoming a god of hope and joy, and there's nothing that can stop me!

>> No.9386216

Incorrect. The outer world itself has a direct influence on our self-limitations. If, as a mentally strong indvidual, one is able to remove these so called limitations what can they do in a hopeless situation? The forces that act around you impose the chains. Misery itself is just a product that originates from the chaos that surrounds everday life

>> No.9386240
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>> No.9387209

Yes, but not quite.
