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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9384509 No.9384509 [Reply] [Original]

What's your talent /jp/?

>> No.9384514

Shitposting anime and video games.

>> No.9384515

Large cock

>> No.9384518

I'm not good at anything

>> No.9384524

I'm good at art, computers, and I can cum on the ceiling.

>> No.9384529

I'm talented at offering slowness.

>> No.9384543

I masturbate 10+ times a day.

>> No.9384549

Omega ultra handsome

>> No.9384555

crushing beer cans with my forehead

>> No.9384557
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>> No.9384569

I can go to any board I'm unfamiliar with and post frequently without being discovered as a newbie.

>> No.9384570

Unwavering courage and never ending hatred for armies.

>> No.9384575

I can talk english like a chinese or malaysian person because I've played MMO ever since I'm 11.

>> No.9384601

i play guitar, two pieces on the keyboard
i do traditional and digital art, i speak 3 languages

i sing, i (used to) dance, i did webdesign in the past
i beatbox, i make mods for games(if that counts)

>> No.9384603

stealing shump strategies from top Japanese players and producing a dumbed-down replication of them.

>> No.9384614


also i can do 6 different accents

doesnt matter though because im still a massive lonely faggot on top of all this

>> No.9384636

Bullet Hell.

>> No.9384646

Actually, I'm not sure if I have a talent for it or if I'm just in love with it.

>> No.9384668

Ability to the extent of waking up at the desired time.

If Renko is a GPS, I'm a chronometer.

>> No.9384670

I've always had a thing for writing.

>> No.9384688

I'm a very quick learner. I am also pretty good at memorization. I'm a fluent speaker of English, too, but I guess the same goes for everyone else here.

>> No.9384714

Drawing and composing music. I guess writing too, if that can be called a talent.

>> No.9384730

Being a complete waste of space.

I can do a lot so-so, but nothing worth giving a shit about.

>> No.9384757

Some would say i can draw well.

>> No.9384766 [DELETED] 
File: 203 KB, 781x1023, close_encounters_by_worldofli3s-d4cl0q4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoops forgot picture

>> No.9384767

Being a good friend with /jp/ :)

>> No.9384776

Why do you draw such scary things? I don't want to look at stuff like that.

>> No.9384785

This thread reminds me that I have absolutely no talents whatsoever.

>> No.9384788

Running away.

>> No.9384792 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 407x448, sammich_for_you_by_worldofli3s-d4ex0fb[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I draw cute stuff also.

>> No.9384806

supposedly singing, but i don't do it anymore...

>> No.9384809

You are officially the darkest and edgiest person on /jp/.

>> No.9384822

Fuck off.

>> No.9384829


>> No.9384832

As dark and edgy as a table in the night.

>> No.9384834

Draw Chen. With her long red nails

>> No.9384852

>>9384822 is not >>9384792>>9384766 by the way, but you were probably the same guy from yesterday who was pissing off that guy by calling him edgy.

>> No.9384915

This is the first time I've seen that drawing. I guess it's unanimous - he's edgy as fuck.

He even deleted his image. Somebody needs to get this guy a sheathe.

>> No.9384923

stalking little girls and rape

>> No.9384926

I'm good at encouraging people.

Conversely I'm also good at bullying people.

>> No.9384945

I play the violin.

>> No.9384959

I'm the biggest bully on /jp/, nerd.

>> No.9384990

I think bullies have an important role to play on this board. By bullying annoying people we can scare away the weak, and the stubborn strong ones will want to prove us wrong and improve themselves in the process.

>> No.9385006

You make a good point. I'll be sure to do my best when bullying others.

>> No.9385012

i was talking about some one else from yesterday who was making fun of some other guy for being a sadist, not becasue of the same drawing.

>> No.9385064

I've never met someone as bitter as me, so I guess that's the only thing I'm good at.

>> No.9385312

I haven't left my house in 15 years.

>> No.9385324

Memory dump. Last week's lesson is out the door just like that!

>> No.9385335

I hope none of you actually think you have a talent. I mean, really? Don't delude yourselves.

>> No.9385344

hidoi~ anon-san!

>> No.9385373

I'm good at making up talents.

>> No.9385380
File: 94 KB, 300x250, Hanten Shiranui.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you this guy?

>> No.9385391

Talent in deluding ourselves sounds good

>> No.9385395

My only notable talent is being so much of a gargantuan faggot that even the most tolerant person will end up disgusted and/or enraged after spending a few hours in my company.

>> No.9385398

I'm good with industrial machinery

>> No.9385458

Oh! I'm good at that too!

>> No.9385579

I can fake and lie very well, although I don't enjoy it. I can sing. I'm good at analysis of academic things. I can be funny.

In other words, I can turn into a normalfag at will. Kind of a superpower.

>> No.9385643

I can write well without any college education. I can also philosophy. I'm extremely well-rounded when playing MMOs too, but I specialize in tanks and healers anyway.

>> No.9385670

it's my talent. give it back.

>> No.9385785

I can do that too, see? i lied to you. No wait i didnt

>> No.9385825

I'm a master at cramming, I don't think there's an exam I couldn't pass given all the course material and a day or so to learn it. Makes university pretty great, I can stay in my room all day and ignore lectures.

>> No.9386807

I dry edge for 5-7 hour sessions every 48 hours.

I take a 5 minuet break every 45 min to deflate and get up to walk

I used to be able to do 12 hours with no break

>> No.9386811

I'm an expert at blogging about my life.

>> No.9386822

How was your day yesterday?

>> No.9386834

Singing and drawing

>> No.9386838

and also dubs

>> No.9386845

I don't think it is an exaggeration to say I am the greatest man in the world.

>> No.9386848

Hating society

>> No.9386877

It was... like.. I dunno, I guess I did some stuff...

>> No.9386879
File: 78 KB, 1366x768, monkeybrain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the brain of a chimp. Memory better than most people I guess.
Nothing too serious, just me being better than you.

>> No.9386890

still being able to enjoy /jp/ when it supposedly went to shit, if it ever did

>> No.9386896

I have no talents. I can not draw, sing, write, program, or compose. I've never contributed anything to society and the only thing I've contributed to the internet is a few image macros.

>> No.9386914

My talents are stealth, close combat, intimidation(passive), animal communication, enhanced night perception, enhanced criticals.
I also like to draw.

>> No.9386923

this its hillarious when you really think about what you are doing..

>> No.9388547
File: 203 KB, 781x1023, 1342493177528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dood why did you delete your sweet pic?

I will repost it for you,

>> No.9388552
File: 75 KB, 540x543, 1342115623571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can suk myy own dick man shit kool

>> No.9388553

I'm the second most boring person in the world.

>> No.9388560

My talent is being the most useless, pathetic being on this planet. Something which shouldn't have been born but somehow was. I'm just awful at everything and I think that's a talent.

>> No.9388574

I'm a white, European male, purely bred through generations of Anglo-Saxon Caucasians.

I'll probably never procreate, but humanity needs me alive.

>> No.9388581

>but humanity needs me alive.

No, we definitely don't, please don't pass on your genes and don't interact with others. You're clearly not in a position where you deserve to pass on your genes if you're on /jp/ and you should definitely just kill yourself or spend the rest of your life here not interacting with others in real life.

>> No.9388593
File: 483 KB, 1536x1536, 1324716220502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's your talent /jp/?
Being the greatest gloryhole queen on this board.

>> No.9388972

You misunderstand. I'm not racist, and I certainly don't think my race or heritage is any better or worse than anybody else's.

I meant in a more scientific way. If they send out some space ark to colonize other planets, they're going to want people of all races and creeds. Or if white Europeans die out (as they're slowly starting to) there may be some effort to keep us going, as there probably will be soon with the Japanese.

>> No.9390445

10/10 I saw that thread on /int/ today too :DDD
