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File: 9 KB, 629x378, STOP IT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9382006 No.9382006[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9382007

But it's totally ironic!

>> No.9382012


>> No.9382013
File: 75 KB, 483x720, saten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9382014

Oh shit is that a " instead of ''

>> No.9382040

Summer comes around and you fags bitch about anything you don't understand, or get it ``completely wrong".

` is the opening quote character.
' is the closing quote character.
For double quotes, you can use " or `` and ''.
This is part of the ASCII standard. The ASCII standard has been superseded by Unicode, and ‘, ’, “ and ” are what you're supposed to be using. But those are awkward, so most people fall back on ``the old ways''--you do this even if you don't realize it.

As always, some examples from people better than you:


Now lurk more or go away.

>> No.9382052

''I am a faggot``

>> No.9382047
File: 791 KB, 800x1141, 8390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Send me nice emails ``kudasai''!


>> No.9382057


>> No.9382058

Nobody actually cares this much about what quotation marks people use.

>> No.9382072

Autists do.

It's no different to proper spelling and grammar, really. If I speled lik tihs, people would call me out on it.

And, as with spelling and grammar, being incorrect on purpose doesn't make you funny or any less wrong.

>> No.9382063

“These are only awkward if you're too autistic to use an IME.” - Kurt Cobain

>> No.9382078

ur mum

>> No.9383137

make me ``faggot"

>> No.9383157

what a "hilarious" thread

i'm about to add `` to my filter

>> No.9384013


Same here. Not because it's wrong or something, but everyone who does it seems to be a notorious cunt.

>> No.9384854

somebody's jimjams sound rustled

>> No.9384864

I wonder if they use that shit even for google searches or in programming. It would be hilarious to see them wondering why it doesn't work.

>> No.9384868

``I've been using these since I first saw someone use them. They are really cute and give your post great character.''

- Me, 2012

Also I think it's great people are using " instead of '' because they don't know what the fuck they're doing.

>> No.9384879


>> No.9384883

`` and '' are built on a QWERTY keyboard to be at the sides of all your letters.

Quotes go around your letters.

It's correct.

>> No.9384884




Don't see much of a difference

>> No.9384886

So now I know what " and `` are used for but what about ´´?

>> No.9384888

Deal with it or get out, ``please.''

>> No.9384894

del 2.0

>> No.9384903

``Suck'' my ``cock'', ``dude''.

>> No.9384905

those are two apostrophes one after another, be proud of using them as quotation marks instead of quotation marks.

>> No.9384910

                        -Me, right now, 2012
