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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9381629 No.9381629 [Reply] [Original]

I'm plagued by nightmares every time I sleep. It goes from being ridiculed to horrible torture and dismemberment. The fear I experience is extraordinary, the pills I take against anxiety don't seem to work while I'm sleeping.

Dreams used to be a save haven where I could enjoy light-hearted fantasies and feel happy. Now I'm afraid of falling asleep.

It's getting too much. It's almost as if my subconsciousness tries to get me to kill myself.

I tried everything by now. Thinking happy thoughts, listening to my favorite music, staying awake longer than usual etc. Nothing works. I think I'm fucked.

Dream thread. I hope it's going better for you guys.

>> No.9381647
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Search help

>> No.9381643

>I hope it's going better for you guys.
nope, ptsd makes sure of that

>> No.9381652
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I.. I could hold your hand while you sleep if you want me to o-onii-chan

>> No.9381662

I get these weird nightmares where I'm taking a shit and lots of people barge into the restroom and watch me take a shit. I have similar
nightmares at least 5 times a week, and I always wake up all sweaty.

>> No.9381666

Today I was hunted by people whose faces I couldn't see, they were wielding guns and I was in some sort of farm like place, I woke up in sweat and tears like I do most nights. The night before last involved spiders but I can't remember anything apart from that now. My dreams were made to haunt me and make sure I wouldn't be allowed to enjoy sleeping, I must suffer both awake and asleep.

>> No.9381679

Today I dreamed that I was going to kill myself with a submachinegun but then my best friend got in the way and I ended up killing him instead.

>> No.9381688
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Tried everything? What about lucid dreaming? That solves 99% of nightmares.

>> No.9381691

How can you guys take it? I sleep most of the time, as a relief from depression. If it wasn't for that I would probably kill myself.

>> No.9381703

/jp/, I know it seems stupid but /jp/ is my shelter from sleep and from depression. Sometimes when I'm on here and I'm replying to threads or even just lurking, I can forget about everything. I do hate sleep, but I stay up till I pretty much pass out and I'm forced into sleep. From then on in it's just whatever is thrown at me and I can't control it, I just wake up as I do usually, clean myself up a bit and come on /jp/.

>> No.9381731

By now I'm so stressed out by just thinking about sleep/dreaming, it makes me want to puke. I doubt I can reach a relaxed state that would allow lucid dreaming.
But I will try. Thanks.

>> No.9381739

>How can you guys take it?
I just try and avoid sleep, it just makes me more depressed

>> No.9381757

I'm actually afraid to go to sleep here in a few minutes because I witnessed someone having a fairly violent seizure.
I'm hoping I don't dream anything tonight,

>> No.9381768

You may try weed before going to sleep.

>> No.9381837

I keep having these stupid dreams about high school. Even now, more
than 10 years later. I think my mind is craving social interaction and high school was the last time I had any.
I don't even enjoy these dreams but my mind seems to think they're the best thing ever. Like it's the most interesting thing that happened in
my life. Which is probably true but still...

>> No.9381864

Last night I dreamt I was at the vets, and they had a self-service euthanasia machine. It looked like an airport baggage scanner. You put your unwanted animal in one side of the machine, then it would pass into the centre of it, inside it which it'd bombard it with an instantly lethal level of radiation. Then the corpse came out the other side. For some reason I was killing deer and hamsters with it.

Which is weird because in real life I've never hurt anything and just want to make everything happy.

>> No.9381877

This is very common for people who haven't socialised much since school.

>> No.9381891
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Hi Anon.I hope you will feel better soon. I once felt like you, but I no longer do and so I am sure that you also have the capability to overcome this.

>> No.9381898

What an amazing post.

>> No.9381911
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Dreams are a natural brainstorming, memory-enhancing and overall a natural early-warning system. Be more secure in your everyday life and quit watching so many zombie movies or war documentaries or whatever it is that you've been watching so much of that it's fucking your mind up. You drugged-up psycho.

>> No.9381920

I've stopped dreaming, at the very least the projections are not memorable to me anymore. A couple of times a month I might wake and wonder if what I dreamed was real or fake (it's usually mundane, like my most recent dream that my sink was repaired)... I hope you get better OP.

>> No.9381934

So if I don't do any of that and still have nightmares, what then?

>> No.9381939

A tip to you OP would be to not eat 6 or so hours before going to sleep. Try and go to bed hungry.

>> No.9381951

My dreams are boring. It's always the same thing. Semi-memories of a 3D girlfriend I had ~4 years ago. I guess you could call them happy
dreams, if it wasn't for the fact that she broke my heart and that my life pretty much ended back then.
Trying to get over her, 3dpg etc, but it isn't that easy for shut-in like me who doesn't know how he ended up in a relationship anyway.

>> No.9381958

It's not about being relaxed, all you need is to become aware that you're in a dream. That is really all you need. All you need to make the nightmares go away, is to become aware, even if it'll only be a moment, before you get swept away by dreams.

You may need willpower to manipulate it like a god, but that's not your goal.

If you become aware for moment, you eliminate all of your standard nightmares and terrors.

>> No.9381963

>Semi-memories of a 3D girlfriend I had ~4 years ago.

pls go

>> No.9381971

*3dpd but it's not like I need to tell you that.

>> No.9382000
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You shouldn't condemn those who stray from the righteous path. In the end they all pay for their foolishness, one way or another.

>> No.9382045

Whatever. Quit obsessing on thoughts of dismembering wildlife and/or hamsters and/or yourself or what the fuck ever. Dreams are drawn from your waking experience or thought process. It's as simple as that. No gore? Then no dreaming about gore. Because where else would your dreaming mind supposedly get its inspiration, the astral plane or some new age shit? Ufo's? Go fuck yourself.

Supposedly unable to stop mulling on gore?
Then you're simply unwilling.

Have a miserable day.

>> No.9382111

You should calm down and be kind.

>> No.9382191

Up youuurrrs~

>> No.9382231

>You drugged-up psycho.

I'll try.

OP here. The guy you're replying to is not me. He likely has some different nightmares.

And I don't think that you can just stop watching gore and will stop having dreams about it. I myself haven't watched anything that would inspire my mind to create such fantasies, yet it still does. The images I see are probably really unrealistic, but they still manage to scare me.

>> No.9382246

Don't reply to the troll please.

>> No.9382313

obvious troll promoting /b/ silliness such as new-age "lucid dreaming" (as though that doesn't happen to everybody pretty regularly since you dream right after you fall asleep and before you wake up, when you're half-asleep)

Not that this was an honest thread in the first place or anything. OP's just another /b/tard in here RPing as a pill-popping escapist "truNEET"

>> No.9382333

I once dreamed that two hot girls had a threesome with me but I spaghetti'd everywhere and they were laughing too hard to continue

then later (in the dream) I found out that it was secretly recorded and I became internet famous

>> No.9382387
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Technically I can lucid dream, but usually I get too excited, and wake up. Sometimes it's actually good if I want to wake up. Just walk in the "loading" and I'm already on the previous map: reality.

Also, I'm still haunted by the darkness. Seriously, the likes of Mio and Zessica are fearless knights compared to me, when I encounter darkness in my dreams, and even in reality. Maybe it's a passive personality of myself, which is associated with my right brain, and only active during dreams (When I started learning to write with my left hand, suddenly I got better with some stuff in my dreams, that's why I think this).

Pic realted, the hag. Met "him" quite a few times already.

On another note: I noticed, that my dreams always happen in the same, let's say, island. I visit the same places again, and again, hell I even know what to do and where to go. What do you guys think about that? Is it possible, that we have our own dreamworld, based on our experiences?

>> No.9382422

Why would I want to roleplay "a pill-popping escapist truNEET"? It's not much fun living as one, so I doubt roleplaying one would be much better.
If I wanted to troll /jp/ then I would simply create pedo thread #134578 with 300+ replies.

>> No.9384041

It's getting late. Why isn't dream thread on front page? We should discuss incoming dreams.

>> No.9384087

My dreams are awesome it has tits, guns, zombies and sometimes I realise I'm dreaming so I can do even more.

>> No.9384092

Turn your dreams into movies, you will get rich

>> No.9384100

Everytime I happen to have a lucid dream, I find I can never change anything inside my dream. Try doing some kind of super power in real life. You squint your eyes trying for laser vision or something. It's exactly the same in my dreams. I really don't know how to do that kind of stuff, or if you even can. I usually end up giving up and flowing along with whatever was happening before I realized I was asleep, and I soon drift back off into subconsciousness. I don't have any memories of the outside world either for some reason, which is a pain.

>> No.9384135

Dont take pills, they are bad for you OP
