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9381588 No.9381588 [Reply] [Original]

>walk into Aokigahara
>see this

wat do?

>> No.9381601
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I call down an air strike.

>> No.9381611

Kill yourself.

You went to Aokigahara.

>> No.9381616

Keep watching.

>> No.9381621

Follow her to the Witch's hidden mansion in Aokigaha because she's obviously trying to lead me there.

>> No.9381638
File: 107 KB, 605x500, 2de2a77208966a8de234471f19a0e503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cloche a shit.

>> No.9381663

I help her because I'm a gentleman.

>> No.9381724

By the way, if an entire dark forest full of hanged corpses wasn't bad enough, a few years ago some people noticed that a lot of the dead in Aokigahara probably had cash or jewelry on them. Thus began the proud Japanese tradition of Aokigahara Scavenging where people are running around the Death Forest, looking for dead guys to loot.


That's fucked up.

>> No.9381745

Offer to drink her piss.

>> No.9381935


That's a good idea


She's gonna do more than piss, are you prepared to devour her solid waste as well?

>> No.9381941

Exactly these white sort of high heeled boots are my fetish.
They're like a daring synthesis of class and purity but also add a sexy and lewd element.

>> No.9381946
File: 102 KB, 557x726, 1297407621472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She's gonna do more than piss, are you prepared to devour her solid waste as well?
My mouth is a reserved toilet for high-quality ladies such as Mir.
She may do whatever she wishes to it.
