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9381085 No.9381085 [Reply] [Original]

stop taking those pills /jp/

theyyre not good for your health !

>> No.9381113

you too

>> No.9381153

I don't know. They've made me feel rather content with life, but then again they've also increased my suicidal tendencies quit a bit.

I have no idea how that works.

>> No.9381164

which one of them?

>> No.9381173

From what I understand, that's actually pretty common for anti-depressants. You should take that up with your psychiatrist so that you can get put on something else.

>> No.9381185

so anti-depressants makes you feel more suicidal? aren't they supposed to fix that

>> No.9381193

The drugs aren't meant to fix anything, only keep you in check and keep you paying for more.

>> No.9381196

I've been on several meds already and this is the only one that has worked so far. I don't want to go through the process again.

>> No.9381199

They won't fix anything, they just make you feel sluggish all the time, and have horrid side effects.

>> No.9381220

What is the fucking point then?
Why would I pay to feel like shit if I can do that for free?

>> No.9381240


>> No.9381280

Anti depresents are a scam, dexamphetamine on the other hand is really good.

>> No.9381285

Because people ensure you do and threatens you with mental hospital.
Nobody's asking if you want to.
