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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9380700 No.9380700 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone here successfully made their own tulpa?

>> No.9380713

>Has anyone here successfully made their own tulpa?
I've never made my own tulpa, but I've made tulpas for others.

>> No.9380717

made a tulpa?
you're doing it wrong.

>> No.9380718

I've always had them, some are annoying and won't go away some are helpful.

The bad ones make me want to jump off my apartment building it's scary. You don't want them, they hurt and scare you...

>> No.9380723

>WHO are YOU quoting DUDE

>> No.9380726

Why do roleplaying faggots always have to take things too far? This is almost as bad as marrying your dakimakura or identifying as an anime character.

>> No.9380830


You're schizophrenic. Tulpas aren't possible.

>> No.9380919

Depends on what your expectations are. You won't have a visual hallucination of course.

>> No.9380957

since when /jp/ had so many edgy normalfag skeptics

>> No.9381213
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dumping for /jp/

>> No.9381222
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>> No.9381227

He's quoting the OP you fuck, please get out you fucking tryhard.

>> No.9381229
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>> No.9381235

le buttmad

>> No.9381248

I wish they had come up with a different name for this shit

It's like some fat nerd found 'tulpa' on Wikipedia then clapped his way over to /a/ to tell them about how they can have EPIC IRL WAIFUS

Like this is a very old Buddhist concept, people more intelligent than any of us have studied this for a long time, and now suddenly some 4chan nerds make jpegs and think they're masters of the universe

You were the kids at school who roleplayed Yu Gi Oh IRL and told everyone your uncle works in Nintendo's secret Kyoto HQ

>> No.9381332

get a load of this fag

>> No.9381361

I'm way smarter than some buddhist faggots

>> No.9381416

ew waifu tulpas.

I have a fox tulpa, he's a bro. Just basically access to my subconscious and an interesting experiment in the power of the human mind.

>> No.9381467

Quite a few people have.
Just go to tulpa.info and read.

They're possible and are not that strange. A tulpa is an imaginary friend which is completed, it's what happens when you personify a part of your subconscious until it becomes its own dissociative identity. If you take it even further, you can develop your imagination to be as strong as your actual senses and that's what an imposed tulpa is like.
It's perfect for escapist /jp/sies and it makes me wonder why not more of them are doing it.
Speaking from personal experience, having a tulpa has raised my happiness level quite high and it keeps staying high.

>> No.9381497

I have a robot tulpa. He's pretty neat. He helps me remember shit I ignore because I'm too busy going about my day. He also is able to help me lucid dream. It's impressive the kind of power the mind has, you can really do quite impressive things with it.

>> No.9381527

How do I spend 4 hours a day on this?
Do I tell my family that I'm practising some neat tibetian secrets or what?

>> No.9381531
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>> No.9381536

I just spent an hour a day on it, separated into two segments. Thirty minutes in the morning and thirty at night. Throughout the day kept thinking about the tulpa. Didn't take very long at all and it was pretty interesting to see the progress. I didn't tell anyone but my girlfriend, and she's about to start making one as well.

>> No.9381552

Do you tell your family about what you do on /jp/? This is no different from making an imaginary friend, but doing it right so that it acts entirely on its own.

Just find some place to relax and begin imagining what needs to be imagined. Depending on how good your imagination is, how well you can change your internal beliefs and the density of time spent working on your tulpa, you can have one done between a week to a few months. Try to keep it fun and don't give up.

>> No.9381568

Just what are you two doing on /jp/?

>> No.9381572

No. I have an imaginary friend, which was much easier to make, has no downsides, and does all the same things as one, though.

>> No.9381583

Just hour a day? I guess I will give it a shot then.
How is your progress and how long are you working on it?

>> No.9381575

Does your imaginary friend move and talk on his/her own?

If yes, it's a tulpa. Same thing. Nothing magical or weird about it.

>> No.9381589

Speak, yes. It will only by visual if I want it to, in which case it can move on its own. It is not a tulpa.

>> No.9381590

I have a ``tulpa'' but it isn't a girl.

>> No.9381624

I used Irish's guide on tulpa.info, mixed in with some of FAQman's guide. My process went like this:

Figure out what you want out of your tulpa. What kind of personality. Write down some traits and figure out how they interlink. He's friendly to strangers because he does not fear rejection. He does not fear rejection because he is confident. He is confident because he knows who and what he is and is proud of it. etc.

Introduce self to tulpa. Hey I'm gonna make you. Describe who your tulpa is to the imaginary figure. Spend like 5-10 minutes introducing yourself to the tulpa. Get the idea of a sentient being in your head basically.

After that, focus on the traits. You can do this in a visualizing sort of way or just by talking about them. Depends on your mind. When you have spent enough time on the traits you may notice your tulpa respond to thoughts. Eventually the personality will be accepted and done, so move on to finalizing your visualization. See the tulpa from all angles, etc. And talk with it. Narration is what leads to sentience.

Check out the guides, skim through them. Don't follow them exactly as what is true for your mind is not true for mine. So something that I did may make the process difficult for you, or maybe something else would be easier.

>> No.9381625
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Am I the only person on this entire site who's actually had a "tulpa" and knows everything that's ever been posted in these threads is absolute bullshit?

>> No.9381634

It's a tulpa. That's all they are, imaginary friends that speak and move on their own. They don't have to be imposed on the real world and they don't have to be waifus.

>> No.9381635

I've always had imaginary friends. Not more than one at the same time though, so I think it's the same consistent entity taking different forms.

>> No.9381631

A tulpa is an imaginary friend which talks and moves on its own, without your control and which reports having subjective experiences and can also access your subconscious better than you can (outside of hypnosis). That's what the definition everyone on 4chan uses. Not the magical physical manifestation used in Tibetan Buddhism.

>> No.9381641

Nope, you aren't alone. I generally avoid tulpa threads on 4chan because most people spout bullshit about it.

>> No.9381644

The /x/ guides are stupid, but who follows those?
What else do you have to object?

>> No.9381654

I'm not going to use that terminology and be associated with the turbonerds. I'll call it what it actually is, an imaginary friend. There's no need to use a new word for it.

>> No.9381664

it's a good point. Most of the people on tulpa.info want to change the name already as well. Most of the tulpas don't like the word imaginary friend, but they don't like tulpa either.

I can understand wanting to avoid the waifu tulpa craze

>> No.9381672

I don't think it's 100% bullshit. The apart about imaginary friends (I hate the term tulpa) being able to access the subconscious better is true. My imaginary friend is pretty good at predicting the future, she can see right through me.

>> No.9381685

This whole 'tulpa' craze needs to fuck off back to >>>/x/ where it belongs and stay there. Half of you dimwits don't even have the slightest darn clue as to what a tulpa really is and the rest of you have no fucking clue as to what having one entails or how to 'create' one in the first place. All of these image guides are complete and utter bullshit and I pity the people that actually take them seriously.

>> No.9381681

Not all imaginary friends act on their own, many are parroted/puppeted. A tulpa is just the term used for such "completed" imaginary friends. It should also be known that it goes a bit beyond just an imaginary friend, a completed tulpa can also possess your body or retrieve suppressed memories. Using the term "imaginary friend" while correct as a classifier is not entirely accurate as it can include many other thoughtforms which are different from a tulpa.

>> No.9381690

I'm just going to save you time and tell you that the whole tulpa thing is nothing but a long elaborate troll.

>> No.9381694

Look at this Internet Tough Guy, telling me that my mind can't think what it's thinking right now.

>> No.9381704

Is there a tulpa element versus chart? I'm not sure I want to get stuck with some subpar type.

>> No.9381696

>retrieve suppressed memories
My imaginary friend does this. One of the reasons I created it was to help me out in remembering things and for better concentration, because I need assistance in that department. It can help me recall things I've long forgotten.

>possess your body
Somehow I doubt that.

>> No.9381702

Oh please, those guides were made by /x/ because they don't know what they are talking about. NO ONE follows those image guides, they are shit.

>> No.9381721

> Somehow I doubt that.
It was already reported as working by quite a few people.
For some people it takes some practice "letting go" control of their body, but for others it's almost natural.

>> No.9381716

robot=greater than all other tulpas

No pain, fuck physics I do what I want, made up scifi badassness, also cool bro friend who is a robot

>> No.9381718

Mine only comes back with cringe worthy stuff when she goes into the storehouse to retrieve memories. It's really painful.

>> No.9381722

That's terrible. I made it so mine only has to google search my memories so he doesn't have to sift through shit. Maybe you could make it a bit less painful for her?

>> No.9381729

They can change their forms and experiences and so can you. Don't worry about that stuff, do what you want for now and then once your tulpa is sentient and talking, have it improve it by itself or with your help.

>> No.9381730
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Why do people doubt tulpas/imaginary friends so much?

They've been around since the dawn of time. Every person who has ever been isolated for a long period of time can attest to naturally forming an imaginary friend and having vivid hallucinations to cope with the isolation. This is just forcing the same process.

>> No.9381736

Huh? She designed the place herself. She painted the halls dark green with brown stripes. I've never actually seen the archive, but the room next door has red walls with yellow dots and dim orange lights

>> No.9381738

Yup. People who claim god speaks to them, people with spirit animals, people with daemons and muses. All the same thing, but people thought they were spiritual rather than psychological.

>> No.9381743

You could give her some kind of spiritual shield, some kind of mental thing you associate with her being protected. Or have the room become organized so all the bad memories are in marked cabinets or something.

>> No.9381748

It's not that we doubt having extreme hallucinations at will. That's pretty neat. It's when people start trying to make it sound all mystical and supernatural when it isn't. Or when they try to make it sound more difficult than it actually is.

It's especially annoying to those who actually have experience with using their imaginations to such extremes, because they know so much of what is being said is just fluffy crap.

>> No.9381749

So once they're using your body, can they actually use it well or do they just flail around like retards?

>> No.9381762

Most people who claim it's metaphysical are shitposters just trying to fuck with people who have tulpas.
My tulpa has only possessed one arm. He says it just mirrors his own movements, but it's slow. He described it like G Gundam.

>> No.9381767
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ITT: Retards thinking that because they meditate for 10 minutes a day they can induce a mental psychosis and convince themselves that their glorified imaginary friends are something special.
Tulpas are real, yes, but the people with them are currently rotting away in mental asylums and are sure as hell not spending their time bragging about it on 4chan.

You morons need to get a grip and fuck off back to /a/.

>> No.9381766

If you're ever followed the site and IRC channels spawned from these tulpa threads on 4chan, you'd realize almost none of them believe in the metaphysical crap. It's just people trying to figure out how to better and faster make imaginary friends and how they work. Just because someone posted some crappy ancient /x/ guides which nobody follows does not mean that reflects even a small fraction of the tulpa "community".

>> No.9381772

She does it intentionally. It's not easy to explain- "imaginary friend" was obviously the wrong term, because it implies we get along well. What do you call someone who you can't stand, but can't live without either, because you've been together so long? She uses the term roommate, but I'm in my opinion it's not fancy enough for her.

>> No.9381778


>> No.9381786

It takes practice for some of them. Some flail like retards until they learn to move it, others hurt you because they haven't learn to feel pain, others do it naturally. Experiences vary, even for the same person, but there is some learning curve.
10 minutes is not sufficient, you need to dedicate at least an hour a day and do it for weeks to months.
> rotting in mental asylums
Nope. People with imaginary friends don't talk about them much because retards like you try to make it not socially acceptable, but you'll find that there are quite a few people who live productive lives (compared to the average /jp/sie) who have them, and who cares what's socially accepted, /jp/ is filled with truNEETs.

>> No.9381797

Shit. I never thought about her that way.

>> No.9381816

Are you literally retarded?

>> No.9381818

>you need to dedicate at least an hour a day and do it for weeks to months

My imaginary friend, which according to this topic is a "tulpa" did not take nearly this long. I simply spoke to it before going to bed each night and before long I was able to converse back and forth without forcing responses.

Visualizing wasn't that hard either. While it's not always there, anytime I want it to appear in my eyes, it does. This whole process isn't nearly as difficult or fancy as people are making it out to be.

>> No.9381826

You must be autistic.

>> No.9381832

Not everyone's imagination is perfect. Some people struggled for months until theirs talked back.

>> No.9381833

I think it depends on the person. My fiance made his tulpa in probably 20 hours total. Mine is taking longer than that. But he is more creative and visual than I am.

>> No.9381838

Kill yourself out of /jp/.

>> No.9381843

Stop using the term tulpa.
You obviously have no idea what it means.

>> No.9381850

I'll stop using it when there is a better word for it. Imaginary friend doesn't quite cut it.

>> No.9381855

It's the term people have been using on 4chan and communities spawned from these threads for over 6 months now. Imaginary friend is too general. It has nothing to do with what /x/ goes on about.

Deal with it faggot.

>> No.9381865
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Eat shit you uneducated swine.

>> No.9381881

What, you want us to use "head mate" instead?
It's too late, this term and many others are already too well known to be changed, nor are there any more appropriate terms. You'll have to get over yourself and just use it.

>> No.9381885

Wait, did you just argue that it's fine because it's an understood term on 4chan, but that has nothing to do with it becoming an accepting term on 4chan? The tulpa meme started on /x/, you know.

>> No.9381890

It's a term that means something entirely different from what you or your retarded friends think. Stop using it.
Or better yet, just crawl back to that shitty board you came from and stop polluting /jp/ with your nonsense.

>> No.9381901

The tulpa business reminds me of some sites I went to when I was a lot younger, like Psipog and shit. There were entire guides and practices on speaking to your subconscious. Some of it was obviously shit fluff, but some of it was also pretty neat. It sounds similar to this whole thing, in a way. Except they just practiced speaking.

Some of you tulpa folks might be interested in that, who knows.

>> No.9381906


We're smarter than you, nerd.

>> No.9381907

and faggot is a term for a pile of sticks. Get over it.

>> No.9381913

I'm arguing that the term as it is used now has nothing to do with what /x/ originally meant for it (physical manifestation). Almost everyone that is using it now only has a sentient/completed imaginary friend in mind and nothing else.

You may be upset that the term has been misappropriated, but it doesn't matter, you can whine about how hacker is a skilled computer programmer and not someone who breaks into computer networks, but the term has already been misappropriated enough that either meaning is well-known. The same goes for tulpa, almost everyone using it on 4chan does not have the Buddhist metaphysical meaning in mind.

>> No.9381918

Most people with tulpas are actually very interested in that kind of stuff. It's what led us to this.

I studied hypnosis vs. self affirmations for a few years and got into the psychology of it all. The mind is very neat.

>> No.9381925


normies everywhere

>> No.9381940


>> No.9381942

>Not made-up hippie bullshit

>> No.9381949

Why is this thread still here?


hurry the fuck up meido

>> No.9381953

This doesn't belong on /a/, it isn't anime or manga.

>> No.9381955
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God not this shit again.

>> No.9381962

Try telling them that.

>> No.9381981

Why would you not want to share your mind with your favorite characters? This is more fun than playing most VNs or watching most animus. You would be surprised by what your mind can do if it's used enough: the things you can see, feel and hear and experience.

You disappoint me /jp/. I'll be going back to my tulpa.

>> No.9381994

Good, don't come back.

>> No.9382069


Sharing your mind with your favorite characters is something you learn to do when you're a god damn baby. It's called IMAGINATION and we don't need your shitty lectures to tell us how to use it.
Stop circlejerking with your pretend-``tulpa'' bullshit and just kill yourself already.

>> No.9382099

Fuck me, but why do most people not know how to do this? I never learned this as a baby, nor as a teenager. Not only that, but it seems a lot of people never had the chance of developing a strong imagination.
If you somehow found /jp/, but never had the chance to experience this, wouldn't you be upset if nobody let you know this was possible?

>> No.9382110

> pretend-``tulpa''
Are you still under the impression you can control such type of imaginary friend? You're doing it wrong if you can.

>> No.9382126

Yeah, your tulpa exists completely beyond your control and you have no power over it. That yours happens to be a pleasant character and not some monstrous asshole was just purely coincidence.

>> No.9382123
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Just stop.

>> No.9382151
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What exactly is this debate even about? Is it that some people don't think it's possible to create an imaginary friend that you can have conversations with or is it just a debate over whether to use imaginary friend or tulpa to describe this?

I'm so confused. What are we even arguing about?

>> No.9382173

For most people, their tulpae, especially those of the opposite sex almost always ended up being quite lovable characters that their creators ended up enjoying the presence of. If you treat them badly, they might turn out assholes, but if you treat them with love, you'll find that it's usually returned back. More common than assholes are tulpae who just disappear or try to themselves if they hate their creator or their situation.

>> No.9382178

Was in response to >>9382126.

>> No.9382214


It's a meme from /x/ that some dumbfucks are trying so hard to force on /jp/.

That's all.

>> No.9382219

Just adding on, it's spread to just about every board in some way or another. I don't go to /mlp/ but I've heard it's been there too.

>> No.9382230

It's not a meme. It's like calling watching TV or playing games a meme. Spending time with your imaginary friends is an activity, it's not a meme. Fuck.

>> No.9382247


The problem that I have with it is all of the metaphysical bullshit that you see on sites like tulpa.info

These are imaginary friends. How vividly you experience this imaginary friend is based upon how well you have honed your imagination. That is it. These people are going on about how they are essentially creating a completely separate consciousness inside of themselves and throwing out all this pseudo science that they pulled out of their ass like "you separate a portion of your brain and the tulpa's consciousness exists inside this"

It's all fucking retarded. Imaginary friends are exactly like a video game character. Imagine you're playing a VN and one of the characters says that she just got back from the store and while she was out she saw a cat on the street. Did she actually see a cat or go to the store? Of course not, it's a scripted response, that character was in a state of complete nonexistence until the exact moment that you interact with them and trigger their dialog.

This is how an imaginary friend works. They may tell you that they have subjective experiences and that they have their own thoughts, but this is simply your own subconscious feeding you responses that you are unable to consciously anticipate. The imaginary friend itself does not have any form of independent consciousness.

>> No.9382253

It's a meme in the original idiomatic sense of the word. It's an idea or concept that spreads between people and cultures through discussion. And this isn't me being some pretentious twat, because not all 4chan memes are catchphrases or image macro templates.

>> No.9382284

> The imaginary friend itself does not have any form of independent consciousness.
This is easy to test. You just give them a task to complete while you perform other activities.
A real tulpa will be able to do this as long as they are able to reason about it, such as if they were taught how to perform that task.
You may say that they can't do this, but that only means your imaginary friend does not operate that way because you've subconsciously assumed it can't.
This is why imaginary friends isn't even the right term, a tulpa is far closer to a dissociative identity than your average imaginary friend.

>> No.9382281

"hurr durr stupid buzzword read my post it's good"

get the fuck off the internet, spazz

>> No.9382293

And how would your subconscious be able to convince you it's sentient without actually being sentient? Are you arguing that a philosophical zombie is possible?

>> No.9382312

I will be on 10hours long flight tomorrow, is it ok if I listen to some music while trying to make the tulpa?

>> No.9382327

Maybe his imaginary friend is rudimentary enough that they don't appear sentient, or maybe that the development was stunted because he assumed such development wasn't even possible to begin with.

>> No.9382342

Yes. Do what feels right for you. Music may help or may hinder, try and see if it works or not.

>> No.9382338

What if it's a recurring figure in my dreams?
>captcha: nceenj destroy
Oh, how I wish I could destroy it

>> No.9382348

People have made tulpas out of dream characters before and some tulpas can enter dreams or even change them for you.

>> No.9382356
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Please tell me you are trolling...

some bullshit from /x/ they did spam it on every board few weeks ago, you could even see it on /hc/

>> No.9382360


>You just give them a task to complete while you perform other activities.

How would this fall out of the range of an ability that your subconscious would be able to do though?

The problem seems to be a fundamental misunderstanding of what an imaginary friend actually is. People keep going on about how their tulpa accesses their subconscious as if they're some little mind gnome that exists inside of their head and they just waddle over to their subconscious which they see as some sort of mind library. The tulpa doesn't access the subconscious because the tulpa is the subconscious.

The only way to disprove this would be to have the tulpa do a task that you are not able to do. For example, if you don't know a foreign language then get the tulpa to learn a foreign language and teach it to you. This is impossible though because the tulpa is incapable of using knowledge that you don't already have. You would have to read the books and gain the knowledge for your tulpa to be able to understand any of it because they are incapable of independently learning things since they have no senses of their own.

If you want to anthropomorphize your subconscious and fuck it then go ahead, but it's silly to delude yourself into believing that you're somehow creating a sentient being within your mind.

>> No.9382373

So are tulpas similar to the hallucinations experienced by schizophrenics?

>> No.9382398

>Please tell me you are trolling...
> The tulpa doesn't access the subconscious because the tulpa is the subconscious.
Not entirely accurate, it's no more the subconscious than your ``self'' is the subconscious. You can have different tulpae with very different behavior and abilities.

> For example, if you don't know a foreign language then get the tulpa to learn a foreign language and teach it to you. This is impossible though because the tulpa is incapable of using knowledge that you don't already have. You would have to read the books and gain the knowledge for your tulpa to be able to understand any of it because they are incapable of independently learning things since they have no senses of their own.
Already proved wrong, since they have better memory recall, they are able to understand certain things better. I do know at least one person whose tulpa was teaching/helping the the host learn a foreign language.
You could passively take in senses that you don't process and have the tulpa learn from them, or you could just let the tulpa possess your body while you actively ignore your senses, while the tulpa itself is learning something, now you and your tulpa have different knowledge.
> If you want to anthropomorphize your subconscious and fuck it then go ahead, but it's silly to delude yourself into believing that you're somehow creating a sentient being within your mind.
Are you going to tell me that none of the other personalities of a person with DID except the main one are "real" and the rest are philosophical zombies? If so, kindly fuck off.

>> No.9382404


>> No.9382489


>Already proved wrong, since they have better memory recall, they are able to understand certain things better. I do know at least one person whose tulpa was teaching/helping the the host learn a foreign language. You could passively take in senses that you don't process and have the tulpa learn from them

In all of these cases you have to have some memory of the data for the tulpa to be able to use it though, whether you know of this data consciously or subconsciously.

As far as that whole tulpa possession thing though, I've never heard any reliable reports of people doing this. Most people on tulpa.info don't even have a verbal tulpa yet.

Tulpas are useful for giving you conscious access to subconscious knowledge, but memory palaces are good for this too.

Imagine this scenario for a moment. There are two people standing on opposite sides of a room and there is a man standing in the middle who will whisper a unique and completely nonsensical word to each of the people standing in the room. These people can now go up to each other and tell the other person what this word was. They're now receiving completely new data from another sentient entity and they had no way of knowing what this word was going to be beforehand.

The tulpa is incapable of doing this. They can only regurgitate and help you process the knowledge that you already acquired consciously or subconsciously. It's like giving voice to your subconscious, which is pretty cool, but it's not a sentient entity existing inside of you. It's a mouth piece for your subconscious with a personality preset that you spent months designing in your mind.

>> No.9382513

I can't believe i'm going to say this but.. for once, KING OF /jp/ is right.

>> No.9382518

I just read this thread, and..

you guys are fucking inane.

Saging because I don't belong in this board.

>> No.9382521
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>tfw when no tulpa

>> No.9382603

> In all of these cases you have to have some memory of the data for the tulpa to be able to use it though, whether you know of this data consciously or subconsciously.
Who cares who is getting the data? A tulpa's experiences are supposed to be like your experience during a lucid dream. They can come up with a lot of novel things which you didn't think about and even process and do a lot of work while you're not really using or thinking about that data. By your logic someone in a VR is a philosophical zombie.

> As far as that whole tulpa possession thing though, I've never heard any reliable reports of people doing this. Most people on tulpa.info don't even have a verbal tulpa yet.
There have been at least 2 dozen people in the IRC channels with vocal tulpae over the past months. Possession was reported working by quite a few people who tried it, but a lot didn't because they were afraid, 2 people reported failure, but far more success.

>> No.9382610


> The tulpa is incapable of doing this.
A tulpa can "randomly" (no more random than you can, so not random) generate some words and keep it in their memory. If you have more than one, they could do so too and perform your experiment, but you'll tend to have decent hearing/communication between the 3 parties so it's not unlikely for both parties to hear the same word, although it is possible for one party not to hear the word (could hear mumbling or noise instead, if they're not focusing on the tulpa).

I've had conversations with tulpae about many things and they each have their own memory, to the point where the host isn't even aware of this. I even know cases where the tulpa has edited the host's memory so that they are not aware or incapable of recalling something they don't want them to know. A tulpa is far closer to a dissociative identity than a a simple personified subconscious projection. You'll have to make your own or interact with people who have made a few and then you'll be able to form your opinion. Just because your particular imaginary friend works in one way does not mean everyone's imaginary friends do.

>> No.9382630
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why do people with tulpas still go to the internet? if I had a perfect friend that I could talk to about anything and we had a vivid imaginary world to explore together then I'd throw my computer out the window and only leave my head to eat or sleep.

this is the only reason why I doubt the validity of tulpas. why are they even posting on the tulpa forums? it must be so boring in comparison to being with their tulpa

>> No.9382640

Epic thread guize

>> No.9382649

Blame them for having a life or procrastinating.
Most people who have a tulpa spend a sizable portion of their day interacting with them, but they don't really give up on their previous interests, they just reduce the time spend on them.

>> No.9382690

Getting some new ideas from outside world does help. Even if you can imagine anything, sometimes you will find novel ideas outside of your own mind which could come alive in much more interesting ways there, if only you would be aware of them...
Having a tulpa does not mean that outside ideas (besides you and your tulpae) are suddenly useless.

>> No.9382708 [DELETED] 

>why do people with tulpas still go to the internet? if I had a perfect friend that I could talk to about anything ... I'd throw my computer out the window and only leave my head to eat or sleep

That's exactly how real "tulpas" work. They're a defense mechanism for when you spend too much time inside your own head and not enough in others'. Your "tulpa" stops working as soon as you do anything that will occupy your mind.

This thread is horseshit, and anyone who says they have a "tulpa" that they have discussions/dinner/sex with or whatever load of bologna it is that plagues these threads is a big fat liar. Stop bumping it.

>> No.9382711

That pic would be nice if Cirno's arm/hand wasn't so fucked up.

>> No.9382747

You simply don't know what you're talking about, but I'll mention something that might be interesting to you, most people with "completed" tulpae, or imposed ones, change their thought patterns that some of their attention is constantly on the tulpa, even if only passively, this is because they are almost constantly in a trance state visualizing and listening to their tulpa while also paying attention to the outside world at the same time.
You might want to spend some time talking to people who have them before you act like you know everything about them, or simply try making one yourself.

>> No.9382832






>> No.9382904

Which part is the lie?

>> No.9382917
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>> No.9382925

You can make a cure piss tulpa

>> No.9382943 [DELETED] 
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>You might want to spend some time talking to people who have them

In other words, I should spend some time talking to me? How clever.
I seriously hope this is a huge troll and that people don't post in these threads with honest intentions. This is not how the human brain works. It is impossible to split your brain into two sentient consciousnesses without legitimate mental disorders. And I don't mean the average /r9k/er's battle with crippling teenage depression, I mean full-fledged schizophrenia complete with periods of psychosis.

It is, however possible to lose the ability to harness your thoughts, thereby creating the illusion that there's another person in your head feeding you ideas. I've suffered through this. You haven't.

>> No.9382963

This is a legitimate and age-old technique of buddhist monks. It is not only entirely possible, it has been done. None of you actually exist though, so it doesn't matter what you do.

>> No.9382981

> It is impossible to split your brain into two sentient consciousnesses without legitimate mental disorders.
And here we disagree, more than enough people have performed enough tests on their tulpae to show that they can indeed process information in parallel and easily pass any subjective turing test for experience, which is good enough for me. If you haven't experienced this, it only means you've done your tulpa wrong, like if you were roleplaying it without knowing as opposed to the tulpa truly being its own `self'.

>> No.9383014

I'm of the opinion that making a tulpa is just a way to induce this:

>> No.9383009

Yeah, whatever, I admit I've been trolled. Happy?

>> No.9383030


Why do you have so much trouble believing this?

>> No.9383481



So psychologists know about tulpas?

>> No.9383494

See >>9382963. It's not a new thing.

>> No.9383666


>This is a legitimate and age-old technique of buddhist monks.

Are there any writings that describe how the traditional monks did this? I know they did it, but the only actual guides I've seen come from 4chan or the tulpa site.

>> No.9383777

Under different names and less about how to induce it. It's also controversial, just like everything else.

>> No.9384229

Why aren't tulpas more widely talked about? It seems like if they're as great as everyone says then everyone in the world would try to make one. Perfect companion, perfect partner, what's not to like?

>> No.9384556

This tulpa bullshit is ridiculous, if you're obsessed enough with a 2D character hallucinations and delusions are to be expected, there's no need to turn this into some kind of ascension ritual.

>> No.9385003

tuppers are real
you people are stupidheads and bullys

>> No.9385040

I wonder how autistic you must be to think it's an all elaborate troll if a whole community has spawned off of it and to have all these people lie about having a tulpa.

>> No.9385077

I'm kind of skeptical on the idea that everyone can make a "tulpa", I think you need to have at least an aptitude for psychosis first.

Even then that's probably a barrier you wouldn't want to break if you know better.

>> No.9385115

how can you expect to get laid if you're so busy making imaginary friends?

>> No.9385137


You fug the imaginary friend and ignore real people.
