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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 146 KB, 800x401, i-rRBNbj5-XL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9380115 No.9380115 [Reply] [Original]

I hope you fuckers don't do this.

>> No.9380117 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 500x500, 2 (17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dress up?
i dont

>> No.9380118

>not a pedophile
damn right, I don't do that

>> No.9380127

Seriously why would you discriminate against loli?

>> No.9380130

We already had this and the other OP was kind enough to delete the thread after objection.

>> No.9380132

Implying it wasn't the janitor.
Implying no fewer than two people were upset to see it go.

>> No.9380137

You could have made your point without resorting to the "implying" gimmick

>> No.9380143


Did you see it happen?
I'm pretty sure it wasn't the janitor as had he posted the "I'll delete..." there would have been objection from the OP.
Furthermore the deletion occurred within three minutes of that post so it would be rather coincidental.

>> No.9380149


>> No.9380156

I could have, I just chose not to.

> Did you see it happen?

Kind of. Some other threads were deleted around the same time (including my own, which is why I noticed), so I think it's a fair bet it was the janitor. We were getting into a good discussion too, which is why people expressed annoyance in that bike thread afterwards. If OP deleted it, he has the most dickish timing.

>> No.9380155
File: 77 KB, 278x373, blank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If he's an adult then why is he playing a video game? Honestly I have zero respect for "gamers" over the age of 18. Read a book or something you fucking infant.

The occasional arcade/puzzle game is fine though, because they test your wits and don't suck you into a fantasy world.

>> No.9380159


>> No.9380160

What kind of adult plays video games?

>> No.9380167
File: 217 KB, 488x516, Alex Nofun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9380168


Someone declared that they would delete it, they were either masquerading as OP or they were OP.
Tellingly there was no objection, it can be assumed then that they were OP.

It would be good if we could have a repeat instance here.

>> No.9380162

Can you guys see the penis in the background?


>> No.9380172
File: 141 KB, 552x493, 17-Saten.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If no adult plays video games, then why is there adult only video games?

>> No.9380177

Your post makes very little sense.

>> No.9380178

Books/arcade/puzzle games are very fun. But If you're playing j/wrpgs, modern fps, etc., you are indeed mentally stunted to a certain degree.

>> No.9380182


>> No.9380183


Video games were made for adults.

>> No.9380187


Books and puzzle games are boring.

STGs however are for mature adults, and amazing.

>> No.9380194

Immature adults. I realize that a good percentage of this board revels in its immaturity, which is fine, but it's the delusion that gets to me; video games are by and large a low-intelligence activity for low-intelligence people.

STGs fall under the umbrella of arcade gaming. You qualify as an ignoramus anyway though due to your opinions on books and puzzles.

>> No.9380197

You can artificially up the age limit of anything, but the irony is that it appeals to fewer adults.

Add tits and swearing to a game or TV show, teenagers and young adults will love it. But nobody in their forties cares about Shoot 'n' Fuck 7 as much as people care about Super Mario Bros. If anything, upping the age limit like this just makes it seem more juvenile.

I've yet to see a game where nudity, swearing, or excessive violence has been a real part of the game and not just shoehorned in or added because it sells. At least film has a few good examples.

Basically, games are "for" children and they always should be. That doesn't mean they have to be dumbed down and simplistic, nor does it mean that adults can't play them.

>> No.9380199

I enjoy books, puzzle games, etc. but I also love STGs and JRPGs. Why you so hateful?

>> No.9380210

I thought he meant eroge.

>> No.9380218

How did this become an attack on gaming?

shitposting mornings

>> No.9380213
File: 47 KB, 448x360, 1301061101214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT, people who call video games low-minded garbage but still watch moe shit

Go back to writing your novellas and composing your symphonies.

>> No.9380215

Eroge are for kids too.

>> No.9380222

>Go back to writing your novellas and composing your symphonies.

That's the best you can come up with? That's your excellent, oh-so-informed parody of "deep" taste? And yet you don't stop to consider some of us watch moe cartoons and play porn games ironically? I think you'd better go back to /v/, and come back when you're capable of intelligent thought.

>> No.9380231
File: 20 KB, 320x320, cirno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The troll is strong in this one.

>> No.9380227
File: 13 KB, 150x150, fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't watch moe shit. I watch maybe one anime series every 6 months or so. Last one was Mawaru Penguindrum. I post on /jp/ because it has the best non-artificial imageboard culture and you are mostly cool people.

>> No.9380240

>Doing things "ironically"
That's just an excuse to indulge in things that you fear will cause people to think you have shit taste.
I eat at McDonalds but it's okay because I do it "ironically."

>> No.9380253

le aspergers face

>> No.9380255

No shit? Hey guys, look at this expert, he has it all figured out.

>> No.9380256
File: 52 KB, 528x384, 1336680720735393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


come on, now, do it properly.

>> No.9380258


epic reaction image /b/rother

>> No.9380260

Are you using the word "ironically" ironically? Those scare quotes seem to imply you consider it beneath you, yet you're using it anyway.

>> No.9380261

epic reaction image /b/ro/

>> No.9380262
File: 137 KB, 800x401, 217505988_tymKz-L-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf maynn they used to be cool

>> No.9380264

That's an image macro, retard.

>> No.9380266

I only like lolis ironically, that doesn't make me paedo.

>> No.9380269
File: 113 KB, 480x480, 1342064705388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just playing around, you didn't need to call me a retard

>> No.9380267

Almost, but not quite. It still makes you a pedophile, but only ironically so.

>> No.9380270


>> No.9380272


I'll correct him.



Epic image macro /b/ro

>> No.9380276

Repost shit from /a/ and /v/, you mean? Damn right we don't, only some outsider retard would do that.

>> No.9380274

Sorry man, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. We cool?

P.S. Epic reaction image, retard.

>> No.9380281


I see I see, how ironic.

>> No.9380284


epic reaction image only applies to crossboarder images.

P.S. you don't have to be a jerk, asshole

>> No.9380292

Don't call me a jerk, asshole.

>> No.9380294
File: 317 KB, 128x146, 1336697555660509.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah, the joys of causing a shitstorm with one image from spurdoland. Ebin :DDD

>> No.9380297

Dont call me a asshole, jerk

>> No.9380298


>> No.9380299


By the way, I'm a girl.

>> No.9380308

back to the tutorial islands ``please''

>> No.9380341
File: 28 KB, 300x335, sad horo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Ylilauta down for you too? I don't know what to do. It's pretty much the only board I browse these days. /jp/ is the next best thing, but eh.

>> No.9380352

Stop this
