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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 645 KB, 1508x767, 2012-07-16_00-00-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9377574 No.9377574 [Reply] [Original]

>Organizers: 170,000 protestors at Tokyo anti-nuke rally. People are spilling out of main square.

is there anything we could do at our house to contribute to this? I want a nuclear free Japan too

>> No.9377581

People like you make me sick.

What alternative energy source are they going to use to nuclear? Probably one that causes more deaths and more harm to the environment.

>> No.9377595

Until we discover fission why not keep up the fusion, and work on containment systems that aren't fucking fail and can withstand a tsunami?

Yeah good job fags.

>> No.9377615

You mixed up fission and fusion.

>> No.9377620

What's the point of protesting? It's not like you can whine away your radiation poisoning and deformed children.

>> No.9377625

What is their proposed alternative? Electricity generated by animes?

>> No.9377631

That's what my mom said.

>> No.9377633

is there anyway to protest the protest? i want nuclear power to continue to be used in japan, if only so that other nations won't try to adopt such a retarded idea

>> No.9377637

This is silly. One meltdown and people get scared and shut the rest down...It's like they don't even bother researching it.

>> No.9377640

What have nuclear plants got to do with nukes?
That's like saying "Stop using civilian aircrafts, WAR JETS KILL PEOPLE YOU KNOW".
Damned FUD.

>> No.9377651

so are all of you saying that 170k people are wrong? this is one of many protest in the past few weeks since it went back online

>> No.9377655

I would stand up against 170k people if I knew I was right.

>> No.9377658
File: 427 KB, 1560x1040, okuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nuclear weapons?
fission nuclear power?
Fusion Nuclear power

>> No.9377664
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>is there anything we could do at our house to contribute to this?

fucking lol

>> No.9377669


doing that in some countries will get you killed

>> No.9377670

>Fusion Nuclear power
I take it you skipped all of your science classes at high school?

>> No.9377675

Very much this. If Germany or Japan manages to set a precedent it will be only a matter of time before the uninformed unify under their color of choice (green, was it?) and demand an end to minimally impactive civil energy generation.

>> No.9377678
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fuck that shit, we need to nuke those gooks again


>> No.9377688
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>> No.9377695
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i know what it is bitch

>> No.9377697

There's no need to push threads off the cliff into complete idiocy just because they weren't very good to begin with.

>> No.9377725

>Get rid of nuclear plant
>Replace it with ????

Your options are as follows
5.5 coal plants.
12 hydroplants(Don't forget to decimate the local fish populations while you're at it!)
20 million wind turbines
5 billion solar panels

Wow suddenly nuclear plants look incredibly efficient and people look like reactionary morons!

>> No.9377714


>> No.9377715

Then you should be aware that controlled nuclear fusion in the planet earth hasn't been achieved yet.

>> No.9377719 [DELETED] 

what a bunch of assholes. i really wish that more police around the world would beat them (Occupy Wall Street, Egypt) for causing such civil disruptions.

Also lol at removing nuclear energy. every nation in the world that isn't some shithole backwater pig farm uses it.

>> No.9377733

Controlled? Yes.
Sustained? No.

>> No.9377744

There's a little thing called outsourcing your nuclear power. What this mean is you build a bunch of shitty nuclear reactors in some third world country (korea maybe) and you pull the power over to your own country. EZ fix

>> No.9377748


This. There was a set up in the UK that suspended the plasma away from the walls of the reactor with a magnetic field if I remember correctly.

>> No.9377753
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These things prevent the construction of newer, more efficient, and most importantly more safer nuclear power plants. With new plants we can safely decommission the old ones that are more prone to safety hazards and build new ones that are almost foolproof.

But with protests and public resentment, new plants are caught up in red tape which only forces countries to continue using and straining old and dangerous plants because that's all they can use. This sets countries up for nuclear disasters like the one that already happened. Do you think energy comes from thin air? How will they supply over 100 million modern people with power if they get rid off all the nuclear power plants? Inefficient green energy? Don't be ridiculous. They would have to build a ton of coal plants that would only cause more pollution in general and more damage than the meltdowns themselves.

>> No.9377752

>As of July 2010, the largest experiment by means of magnetic confinement has been the Joint European Torus (JET). In 1997, JET produced a peak of 16.1 megawatts (21,600 hp) of fusion power (65% of input power), with fusion power of over 10 MW (13,000 hp) sustained for over 0.5 sec.
Producing less energy than the input, and for half a second. I do admit it did happen, though.

>> No.9377755

xD if everyone else is suporing it it has to be right XDDDDDD

Are you aware the explicit purpose the majority of these people serve for the "protest" is to occupy space and make noise? I assure you over half of these paltry folk in attendance have vaguely conflated nuclear weaponry and civil energy generation and have promptly decided to oppose this horrifying conception. This is a dialogue relevant only within professional spheres and the various concerted academic efforts attempting to address it.

>> No.9377760
File: 362 KB, 1024x768, 1337630353240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eye love nuclear fusion


>> No.9377769

Sure, let's give this foreign country complete control over the production of this key area of our country's infrastructure. What could possibly go wrong? Gee, I don't know, coup d'état, terrorism, bad weather, conspiracies?

>> No.9377774

Sorry, I was thinking of finland.

>> No.9377780


>> No.9377788

>Implying He should come to /v/
/v/ is filled with weeaboo bullshit too. Come with me to /int/ and we can make fun of gooks and spics in the anglo thread.

>> No.9377789

You don't deserve her love. You are unclean.

>> No.9377792
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mee too wwww

>> No.9377799
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Nice to see that /jp/ is pro-nuclear power.

>> No.9377805
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>> No.9377815
File: 26 KB, 480x360, AmericanEagle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what country uses nuclear power? France.
Do you want Japan to become a cowardly nation that won't defend freedom in its time of need?

>> No.9377824


Haha good luck with building an undersea wire that could support that much. In order to match Japan's current nuclear output, you'd need to make an undersea cable that transmit eight times as much energy as the current best one. Nevermind that oversea electrical transmission is incredibly wasteful because it has be converted twice.

I'm sure the average nip won't mind the 30% jump in prices.

>> No.9377831


Oh American eagle, you have a strange view of the world.

>> No.9377835
File: 1.83 MB, 1600x1600, okuu☢ CAUTION ☢ .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats NUclear fission


>> No.9377924
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Non-American pinko detected.

The USA is the world's largest supplier of commercial Nuclear Power. This, along with the fact that we invented it, makes it the most American power source in existence.
You know who hates nuclear power? Nazis, that's who. Germany is currently trying to decommission all their nuclear power plants and Italy has already banned it. And just look at the protests in Japan.
The Axis is obviously anti-nuclear power and is trying to undermine clean and freedom-loving energy.

>> No.9377926

Don't forget those commie Greeks.

>> No.9377927

Where's the risk if even a stupid crow can handle nuclear fission? Maybe these people should play Touhou once in a while.

>> No.9377928
File: 115 KB, 659x713, 1334907666166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ should organize a pro-nuke rally, with Sun Worship of Gnosis ~ Nuclear Fusion playing at obscenely loud noises in the background www

>> No.9377936

Have we found something to do with nuclear waste yet?

>> No.9377941

What a bunch of retards. Nuke's the perfect way to go out.

>> No.9377960
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Bury it deep underground or below the sea where no one will ever find it.

What could go wrong, right?

>> No.9377991

or use it as antimatter's fuel

>> No.9378028

I really hope this hysteria dies down. Nuclear is the best energy source we have at the moment and it's shit like this that prevents better, safer plants from being constructed.

>> No.9378059
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Nothing that completely eliminates it; storing it in air-tight containers in secluded and uninhabited mountains is more than enough. Perhaps with enough research and pro-nuclear sentiment, we could find ways to properly and completely dispose of it.

But you probably know little about nuclear waste and what it really is. Not only is it hardly an issue whatsoever, but newer and properly maintained nuclear power plants hardly give off any, if any at all.
The worst part is that coal power plants spew more radioactive pollutants into the environment than nuclear power plants do.

>mfw people don't even know what real nuclear waste is
>mfw people think the large steam towers give off pollution
>mfw people at school think that nuclear waste is glowing green sludge like in The Simpsons

>> No.9378084
File: 10 KB, 717x427, gloriousnippon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Since when have you been corrupted by liberals, American Eagle?

Everyone knows a REAL superpower needs to have nuclear weapons, not shitty nuclear power plants that only make your OWN country vulnerable to crippling attacks on your energy sources.

Japan needs to fuck Article 9 and get itself a real military.

>> No.9378105

I really hope this hysteria dies down. Genocide is the best way to cleanse populations we have at the moment and it's shit like this that prevents better, more efficient genocides from being caused.
What I'm getting at is that YOU'RE HITLER.

>> No.9378103

Why are people so retarded as to not see how Nuclear Power is the most efficient energy source we have?

Makes me wonder if we'll ever see Thorium-fueled Nuclear Reactors.

>> No.9378148

I never realized /jp/ was populated by hardcore right wingers.

>> No.9378161
File: 1.69 MB, 5000x3497, okuu CRAZY FACE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is an okuu thread

>> No.9378182
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Hitler ran scientists out of his country that escaped to the Greatest Country on Earth and would later go on to discover the true wonders of nuclear power and grant the USA with the gifts of its radiance that shrine red, white, and blue. Obviously he hated nuclear power like he hated freedom.
So no, sir, it is YOU THAT IS HITLER!

>> No.9378178


I'm pro-socialism and still believe Nuclear Energy is the best energy source. Efficient, clean and much less death than any other energy source. Truly, it's the energy source of the educated masses.

>> No.9378205
File: 304 KB, 1500x1875, 1338419069347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


okuu = represents nuclear power
orin = represents japan, with nuclear power's comforting arms around it

official flag of the imperial nipponese fourth reich wwww

>> No.9378216
File: 450 KB, 744x1104, 1315522228684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9378220

Most people just want to be a part of something, but they don't actually care about what it is. Perhaps it's a consequence of the "internet age", where an overabundance of information leads to a lethargic populace too lazy to seek out relevant information.

People are still preaching the magic of recycling, I'm still getting shit for using paper, and the North American youth think that "Occupy Wall Street" is a real movement. Counterculture is dead.

My nigga.

>> No.9378231
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>> No.9378233
File: 490 KB, 500x646, tumblr_l63wyzK23l1qzd0dqo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of you faggots who think nuclear energy is inherently evil look up thorium reactors you fucking sperglords.

>yfw you realize how retarded you are

>> No.9378235

I'm a left-winger and I'm pro-nuclear. I don't see what this has got to do with that. Of course solar energy or things like it would be better, but it's not feasible in the near future. Hydroelectric and nuclear are the best production-ready energy plants right now.

>> No.9378283
File: 1.56 MB, 1280x1401, Okuu understands the importance of trigger discipline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being pro-nuclear energy isn't something that only hardcore right wingers do.
I bet you think that only hardcore right wingers support the right to bear arms as well.

>> No.9378293

Currently russia has start developing their ship nuclear powered conversion technology to residential usage. I think it's much more safer approach to use this technology rather than the conventional method.

>> No.9378414

inb4 deletion

>> No.9378543
File: 47 KB, 480x284, 1312261034035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how the outsiders in this thread think /jp/ is pro-nuclear, when in reality it's just pro-Utsuho.

Okuu Culture represent!

>> No.9378922
File: 418 KB, 600x530, 28637417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thread.

>> No.9380516
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>> No.9380530

So, Okuu thread ?

Worst 2hu.

>> No.9380551


would fuck okuu

>> No.9380584
File: 1.71 MB, 1300x1855, 1342449998973s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 hours in mspaint

>> No.9380677

You got that one in a resolution that doesn't suck?
